End Of Our Worlds? Not today Chapter 11

Story by DiceVolti on SoFurry

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#11 of EOOW? NT

Mickey lands gently in an empty place near the forest and gently let Minnie stand up on her feet.

"This is amazing. I almost can't feel my legs anymore." Minnie says, shaking a little bit, getting her balance back. "Must be amazing to fly around all the time and time saving."

"Well, I haven't traveled by flying yet. I just got those wings very recently and I just got to learn how to fly with Yen Sid just before coming here. The training was intense though but it's so worth it. It feels good to fly and soar above lands that would take days to cross by foot. Anyway, let's practice a bit. I'll show some spells and then we should practice a bit. Mage versus Gunner; that will be really interesting."

Mickey summons a classic lightning ball with his right hand and brings it close to Minnie who recoils slightly.

"Don't worry, I will not let it hurt you." Mickey reassures her. "Just look at it."

"It looks interesting and I like the noise. It's like a thousand birds tweeting at the same time. Chaotic but harmonic at the same time." Minnie arms her guns and smiles "Up for some sparring? Don't worry, they are raining bullets, it won't kill."

"Spare time it is, I'll go easy hehehe, safety first." Mickey drops his coat almost giving Minnie a nosebleed. "Come on, let's do this."

The duo spares for about two hours, learning each other's tactics, strengths and weaknesses in the process. At the end of their sparing moment, the both settle down before traveling back to camp.

"Hey Mickey, I have a question? Since you trained very closely with Yen Sid, do you know anything about the gate? I mean, someone with so much knowledge like Yen Sid must have spoke or talked to you about this. If it's private, it's fine." Minnie asks shyly.

"We talked about that gate the day I woke up from that crystal which is only like two days ago you know. I still process everything that happened while I was sleeping and information keeps coming. I have a few ideas on how to close the gate the question is, will I be able to do it? Am I good enough for this? Nobody asked me to close it of course but Yen Sid told me that I can close it." Mickey kicks a little stone around, a bit in frustration.

Minnie walks up to Mickey and grabs his face with her hands and looks straight in his eyes.

"You have been trained by a master in the magic realm. I want to say THE master in the magic realm. Do you even realize how big this is? Some says you are as powerful as him."

"Power in itself is good enough but what about my wisdom? What makes Yen Sid powerful is his wisdom. I may be as powerful as him but I'm far from his level of wisdom." Mickey blurts out instantly.

"And that is completely ok. I don't see any issues with that. The thing is, it's not about the wisdom you don't have or know but it's about what you are doing with the wisdom you currently have. Keep holding on to that." Minnie smiles. "You are just lost and confused, you missed so much stuff and you are trying to catch up on the lost time. Don't."

"I...I'll do my best. Thank you for that. It feels good to hear that."

"No problem. We should get back to camp, the others must be looking for us and we will soon eat."

"Right." Mickey grabs her again and takes off.

Back at camp...

"Where are they? We looked everywhere for them and they are nowhere." Donald wonders out loud.

"Good question. I don't know where they could have gone to. They are not in Minnie's tent, not at the mage's or gunner's training ground. The only thing I can think about is out of the camp. They probably went out of camp." Daisy answers.

"Well, hopefully they are not getting themselves in trouble." Sylvia comments.

"I wouldn't worry about that. I trust my brother and I'm sure I can trust Minnie as well." Oswald says, laidback.

"But they have to come now, we are about to eat but Minnie never misses food. When it's time to eat, she is right on time." Daisy wonders out loud. "Let's head to the dining tent, they will join us there..."

"Talking about the devils." Sylvia interrupts and points to the sky towards Mickey and Minnie.

The whole group watches as Mickey lands softly on the ground in a cloud of dust thanks to his wings. He let Minnie go and stretches calmly.

"Right on time." Minnie hops happily to the groups with Mickey right behind her. "So? How was it?"

"Good, it was great to train with someone new. A friend of a friend is even better. I showed him a few tricks and he did showed me new things. We kind of became great friends." Daisy gives a light, playful punch to Donald's shoulder. Clearly something is happening right there.

"We shared a lot of knowledge. Goofy helped me quite a lot in writing my book. So much stuffs I have yet to explore and discover." Sylvia's beams with joy as she hugs Goofy.

"It is fun to see what you discovered Sylvia." Goofy comments "I'm so curious about your book though. You have a lot of things in it."

"Before I forget, Yen Sid wants to see you Mickey. He arrived and went to check the gate while you were gone and he notices a few things he wants to share with you asap. He is still at the gate and is waiting for you right now." Oswald informs his brother.

"Alright, I'll go now then. ASAP for him is urgent."

"Do you want us to save some food for you?" Ortensia asks

"Yes please. Thank you." Mickey gently smiles before expanding his wings and slowly lifts himself off.

"Do you even know where the gate is?" Daisy questions.

"I can feel it from here and it's not far at all. See you guys later." The mouse says before taking off.

As the group walks off to the dining room/tent, Donald mutters "I damn hope that it's not a damn bad news."

"Me too." a young teenage boy with silver hair with bangs, pale skin, bright blue-green eyes, and a muscular build says right behind them.