StarFox Meta

Story by Xephresneyon on SoFurry

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#1 of StarFox Meta

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StarFox Meta

Arc 1: Prologue

A shadow of a head topped with cannid ears can be seen over an old couch in the glow of a large square holograph depicting a very bored looking feline in a blue suit behind a large wooden desk, "Good evening, I'm Lew Henderson and you're watching Corneria's LNN." . As the feline leans over his desk the camera shifts over to fit in a new image, one of a brown planet that has a massive chunk missing from its side with a label that reads 'Venom'. Lew begins again "Tonight we have the pleasure of meeting with Cornerias head reasercher and engineer, Doctor Beltino Toad", the image changes to that of a dark green frog wearing a brown suit and bright red tie, "Ah, hello, but I must say I'm sorry, I may not have much time, something urgent has come up so I'll only be able to answer a few questions." Beltino immediately answers "Oh..then in that case, what can you tell us about venom and that strange weapon Andross made on the surface?" "Yes I definitely can answer those questions! Venom, in its current state, is a geographic mess as most of its crust is now floating in orbit around the planet or flying into deep space, We have a team currently working on making calculations to see if any of the chunks will impact any inhabited planets, so far everyone is safe." "Yes and that's due to the machine team StarFox destroyed. right?" "Correct. However, it is what the machine did that astounds me and my team." "And what did it do Mr. Beltino?" "It tunneled through space, as the footage from StarFox's recordings seem to indicate, we've all seen them by now, but.." Beltino pauses as if to collect his words "But its the machines destruction that worries me. A machine like that not being safely deactivated may have had more consequences than just the resulting destruction of planet Venom." "What kind of consequences Mr. Beltino?" "Well-FZZT- the hologram disappears in a flash causing the cannid to through his hands up "Ughhh." the cannid slaps his hands against his knees in annoyance and stands up, marching to his right "SIPPPY THE PROJECTOR BROKE AGAIN!" the now visible red fox shouts down a hall "WHAT DO YOU THINK I CAN DO ABOUT IT ALL THE SPARE LIGHT EMITTERS ARE BEING USED IN YOUR ARWINGS G-DIFFUSER FOX!" shouts a high pitched voice back at the fox. -Bwip-bwip Fox looks down at a screen on his wrist "WELL MABYE NOW WE CAN BUY SOME NEW ONES, WE GOT A NEW JOB. AND FROM THE GENERAL NO LESS! I'LL SEE YOU ON THE BRIDGE SLIPPY, GET THE OTHERS, YEAH" leaving no time for the unseen partner to respond Fox runs off to an elevator in the opposite direction he was shouting at. Upon reaching the his chosen elevator Fox thinks to himself "And here I thought i was going to die of boredom."

alright so prologue done expect the chapter to come out in a few weeks, if you spot any errors or have any suggestions to edit in I'll try and do them as soon as possible. Also if you read my home page there's more info.