Hypno Tapes

Story by blue_mystery_wolf on SoFurry

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Hypnotic tapes change a wolf's life.

Ashley returned home with a huge black backpack on her back. She carried a frown on her face, and looked exhausted. "I hate advanced physics!" she said aloud. Ashley was a gray wolf with long pink hair that turned to blue behind her head. She was chubby, and wore a black and white striped shirt with blue jeans, and blue shoes. She tossed her backpack onto the ground, and didn't care as it hit the floor with a dense thud.

Jeremy, an anthro fox that was a little less chubby than Ashley was, but chubbier than most, glanced over at Ashley from the recliner. He had dark hair, a bit darker than the blue highlights Ashley had. He also had a gray shirt on with red stripes, black pants, but no shoes, and just revealed his pawed feet. He wasn't one to shave much, so he had a small black beard that covered quite a bit of his neck. "Don't you think you're exaggerating? Come on, it's not that bad."

"We have to read 10 pages of one of the big huge college books, and solve the problems at the end, as well as the additional problems he's given us." Ashley said with a groan. "It's all about gravity and relativity with size and weight and...I can't even remember what else." Ashley took a seat on the second recliner, and tossed her shoes aside. "It's too stressful, I just can't take it."

"Maybe you need to find something to relax with. Relaxation techniques like meditating, you know?" Jeremy suggested with a shrug. "Or play some video games to calm yourself down. You have time."

"Time is the one thing I don't have." Ashley said with a grimace. She thought that Jeremy did have a point though, she was stressed about cleanliness around the house, about school, about money, there was so much about life that she was stressed out about, and no proper way to vent it. "I don't have the kind of time to meditate, and I don't have the money for a bunch of relaxation stuff that I don't even know if it will work or not." She took her laptop from a small table near her chair, and let out a frustrated sigh.

"There's a bunch of stuff online you can try." Jeremy commented. "You can see if any of that stuff works. I mean, it's free, so who's to say for sure, but worth a try, right?"

"Yeah..." Ashley sighed again. She took a look for relaxation techniques online, and she found fairly simple websites such as 'top ways to relax' and of course, books for sale that said they had various tips on how to calm a person. Ashley also found various videos, and she skimmed through the videos. Most of the videos were just a person talking about how to calm down in a tense situation. In some cases, she found soothing noise, which was tempting. She had heard about noises from devices such as sound machines, or a fan, help a person relax. Unfortunately most of the videos came with a sudden loud screech at the end to jump scare a person, and then when Ashley read the comments, the comments themselves said the screeching ruined the experience for them.

As she browsed, one video Ashley found had that had of only white noise playing with a dark image. She skimmed through the video, and found no such loud screeching other videos made. "Interesting." According to the many comments in the video, it seemed to work for others, and it had no such trolling. Plus it was free. "Maybe I'll just try playing this and see what happens." She saved the video on her computer and used another free website to convert the video into a sound only file. She put it into a miniature MP3 player hooked up to her laptop. "Worst case scenario is I just have to delete it if it doesn't help." She saved the sound file, and sighed. "And play it on really, really quiet, just in case."

Ashley hooked up a pair of earphones to the MP3 player and put them in her ears. She closed her eyes and listened to the white noise she had just downloaded. It reminded her of a television before HD TV's came out and one could get static. The noise sounded just like that static, and as Ashley listened to it, she smiled faintly. It was just static noise, yet it was oddly soothing.

Jeremy glanced over at Ashley, and chuckled. It looked as if she were asleep while she listened to the sound. "Going to take a shower or something after a hard day, babe?"

Ashley could very well hear Jeremy, despite the earphones. The sound was quiet enough to hear every word just fine. Ashley thought to herself that she probably should have taken a shower. A shower could probably help her relax even more, but then she'd have to get up and take the earbuds out of her ears. Showering just sounded like a lot of work to do. "I'll take one later." She said with her eyes still closed, and a dismissive wave.

"Okay then." With a chuckle, Jeremy went to the computer room to use his own desktop, and let Ashley be.

Time passed, and eventually Ashley opened her eyes, and took off her headphones. She glanced down at the time, and her eyes widened. "Ack, it's already going on 10 PM?" She had wasted the day listening to the noise, she completely skipped dinner too. It wasn't that she was sleeping the whole time, she just zoned out while the noise played on repeat.

Ashley got up and made herself a quick bite to eat in the kitchen. She didn't make anything too complex, a peanut butter jelly sandwich with some chips and a soda. When she made her sandwich, she casually tossed the butter knife into the sink, not taking a second thought to rinse it off to make it easier to clean later. She ate, drank, and then sat down at her laptop again. She wasn't sure what else to do when it was so late, so she just watched videos and played games until it was time for bed. She couldn't help but smile the whole time. She felt completely relaxed and carefree. So what if school was hard? Tomorrow was another day, and she'd pick up on physics eventually. She just needed time. At midnight, she closed her laptop, and went into the bedroom.

Jeremy had left Ashley alone the entire night. By the time midnight rolled around, he was changing out of his clothes and getting ready for bed too, just as Ashley walked in on him. "Hey babe, I'm sorry I didn't wake you, I didn't want to disturb you. You seemed so relaxed and so uh...out of it." Jeremy felt as if that was really the best way to describe how she looked. He saw her as in a state of both sleeping, and awake, but with a smile on her face.

Normally, Ashley would have been infuriated with sleeping for so long, up until the point where she had to go to bed again, but today, she just shrugged as she changed into her pajamas. "Don't worry about it." Once she was in her pink pajamas with white spots, she jumped onto the bed, and gave Jeremy a quick kiss on the cheek.

The next morning, Ashley woke up and did her morning routine. She found herself happier and more carefree about life in general, in addition to just feeling so relaxed about everything. She got undressed, she showered, and she got redressed. She then grabbed her supplies, as well as her MP3 player, and went off to class. During the drive, as well as sometimes in the classroom itself, Ashley couldn't help herself but let out the occasional belch and fart. She could keep most of it silent thankfully. She just figured she was a little gassy during the morning and afternoon was all, and that there was nothing for her to be concerned about.

When lunchtime came around, Ashley helped herself to a fast food joint that was located near the college. The college itself had a cafeteria where she normally ate, since it offered healthy food, but today she was feeling hungry. She spent a good twenty dollars on a large meal, and scarfed it all down by the time lunch was over, and she attended the rest of her classes, including her dreaded physics class. She would occasionally listen to the white noise on her MP3 player, and whenever she did, it helped her relax to get through any class, even her dreaded physics class, with a smile on her face.

In addition to the extra appetite Ashley had, she found something else. She had to use the bathroom a bit more often. It was something else she dismissed casually again. She crapped and she urinated, she was a living creature like everyone else, she just used the bathroom a bit more than everyone else. One her fairly ordinary school day was over, she drove herself home happily, and stopped once to use the bathroom again, although during that one stop, she mentally told herself she never had to stop anywhere to use the bathroom between school and home before. She figured if she just had to keep using the bathroom, maybe she'd go see the doctor about it. In either case, once she was done, she drove back home, got out of the car, and went inside to meet Jeremy.

Jeremy spent his day doing his own normal routine of getting up, going to work, and then coming home to spend the day playing some video games, along with an errand here and there. Nothing very exciting in either of their worlds that day as they lived their lives as normal. Not that it was a bad thing to be normal. By the time Ashley got home, Jeremy was there to greet her. "Hey there babe. How was today for you?"

"It went SO much better than yesterday." Ashley set down her things, and pulled out her notebook. "I kept track of what the teacher said too." She opened up her notebook and found the notes she wrote from today, but it wasn't nearly as many notes as she had yesterday. The notes she wrote today was also much sloppier compared to the ones she wrote previously. "Well, in any case, just a few assignments again. 10 more pages, and then we have to do the questions in the book itself."

"How well did your assignment go yesterday?" Jeremy asked. He recalled that she had an assignment then as well, but he never remembered her actually doing it.

Ashley gave a worried look briefly, before she casually waved her hand, and smiled some. "You know, I totally forgot about it. I'll take care of it tonight. No worries." She took her laptop, walked into the bedroom, and closed the door. She pulled out her MP3 player, and book in one hand, laptop in the other, went to work while she listened to the white noise.

Jeremy thought it unusual that Ashley wasn't worried about missing an assignment, let alone the very first assignment. She still seemed pretty normal outside of that though. "Those tapes must really be relaxing to her." He said to himself before, with a shrug, he went about his day.

The time flew by for both Ashley and Jeremy. Ashley got some study in, as well as some of her assignment, but time went by so quickly for Ashley, that by the time she had gotten only half of her assignment done, it was already incredibly late. Ashley found it a bit harder to focus than before as well, which definitely didn't help her situation. By the time dinnertime rolled around, Ashley let out a groan and put down her book. She went out to the living room with her laptop in hand. "I'm ordering pizza online for dinner." She called out. She didn't have time to make dinner, and she would feel too guilty if Jeremy cooked for her. "You want the usual on your half?"

Jeremy had cleaned up part of the house, played games, and did what he normally did with his free time when he didn't work. He hadn't considered pizza for dinner, but he definitely wouldn't say no to it. "Absolutely." He called back from the living room, watching television. "How's your schoolwork going?"

Ashley looked down at her laptop and her half written assignment on it. She was part worried, but another part of her was relaxed. The day wasn't over yet, she had time. "I'm still working on it, I'll get it done." With that, she ordered food, and went back to her studies. She wanted to get her homework done, even if another part of her just wanted to laze around all day, and how tempting that sounded. Lazing around eating and sleeping sounded so much better than trying to learn so much math that she knew wasn't going to help out her future job.

The food came far quicker than Ashley could have anticipated it. She ordered a surprisingly decent amount of food. Not just a pizza, but breadsticks, pasta, a sandwich, a hefty amount of food for two people. Ashley paused in her work when the food arrived, and ate happily at the dining room table.

Jeremy sat down on the opposite end of the dining room table. He didn't know how much food Ashley had ordered until it arrived, but once it all did, he was amazed at it all. "How much did all of this cost you?" he asked as he helped himself to a plate, and two slices of pizza.

Ashley had the entire pasta and breadsticks on her side of the table, as well as a plate that was filled with her half of the pizza. "Forty something. Why do you ask?" she said with a carefree tone. She helped herself to the slices, eating the large pizza slices in only a few bites.

"It's a bit pricier than what we normally get when we get pizza, and we don't get pizza that often." Jeremy wouldn't complain about getting pizza more often granted, but money was sometimes an issue with the pair, as was with most households.

"Oh relax Jeremy. I paid fo-urp for it." Ashley spoke with a belch, and her mouth full too. She definitely looked happy and relaxed while she ate, and she ate plenty. She didn't bother with napkins, so grease dribbled onto the top of her chest. "If I didn't have the money, I wouldn't have bought it." She added.

"Well, if you say so." Jeremy shrugged. He continued to eat with her, though normally. He ate his half of the pizza, and that was plenty to get him full.

Ashley ate her half of the pizza, and then some. Her stomach bloated up as she ate, enough to where her furry belly button stuck out from underneath her top, and her pants were getting so tight that Ashley just unbuckled her pants. She was home anyways, it didn't matter if she had her pants buttoned. She ate all of the breadsticks, as well as the pasta, a liter of soda, and finished the rest of the meal. "Mph. Just what I needed."

"It was good indeed." Jeremy said with a smirk. He noticed that Ashley had a bit of grease on her lips and chin, but he didn't say anything about it. "Guess you should be getting back to work on your assignment then, huh?"

Ashley let out a small groan. Eating the food made her so relaxed and stress free. That stress free feeling was short lived when she was reminded of her assignments. "Yeah, I guess you're right." She stood up, and walked back to the bedroom to finish her work. She figured maybe if she did her work fast enough, she'd get the rest of the night to just laze around and do whatever she wanted.

Ashley went back to the bedroom, and did her work on her laptop. She put in earphones, and played the white noise music on her MP3 player as she worked. She'd let loose farts on occasion while she typed. Her laptop, as well as her workbook, got greasy from her unwashed hands, but she didn't care. By the time she finished her assignments, it was almost midnight. Even the assignments themselves weren't done as well as Ashley could have done them. She wrote down the first answers that came to her mind, she didn't bother double checking her work.

Jeremy walked into the bedroom, and got changed into his pajamas. "You finish your schoolwork?" he knew Ashley should have been done with such work hours ago, but he had to ask, just to check.

"I just completed it." Ashley said happily. She could hear Jeremy over the white noise that constantly played in her ears. Her belly jutted out slightly, seemingly proudly on display. She closed her laptop and set it next to the bed before she stretched. "Just in time for bed." She let out a satisfied fart.

"Huh, that hard? Or just double checking your work?" Jeremy asked, curious. He knew Ashley to be more intelligent than that. He wouldn't have blamed her for just spending the night watching videos after homework, especially if her work was just that difficult to do. He just found it strange it would have taken her so long. Jeremy knew Ashley was intelligent.

"A little hard." Ashley admitted. She knew the class was going to be hard, she knew it from day one, but she didn't think it was going to be THAT challenging. "But now I can get a good night's sleep with it complete." Ashley stretched and yawned.

"Well, don't work yourself too hard." Jeremy crawled into bed, and gave her a side hug. He noticed she hadn't changed out of her clothes, nor had she showered today either. While he didn't want to bring up such hygiene issues, he thought it bizarre that she didn't take care of such things herself. She used to have to pester him to shower daily, he shouldn't have to do it to her.

"I'll be fine." Ashley gave Jeremy a kiss and a quick nuzzle before she settled on her side of the bed. "Goodnight." She added with a smile while the white noise played. She couldn't help herself but play that white noise constantly. It kept her so relaxed and happy. Whenever she heard it, she cared less about the outside world. All that mattered was relaxing. She closed her eyes, and went to sleep with a smile on her face.

Ashley dreamt of staying on her couch. She pictured her ass so big that it stretched across the entire length of the couch, with her belly bigger than a beanbag chair. The touch they had was a simple three person one, and she thought of herself right in the center. She was an absolute mess in her dream, and yet she was happy and relaxed. She dreamt that Jeremy fed her, took care of her, while Ashley just sat there. Behind her, and resting on that pile of couch, was a large pile of waste. Ashley could almost smell that waste, and she felt herself wetting that couch in her sleep. Her wolf ears flickered at the noise, her tail raised, and she smiled happily as she wet herself in her sleep.

Ashley slowly opened her eyes. She glanced briefly at the alarm clock and noticed it was 4 AM. She felt something between her legs too. She reached down, and her eyes widened. She wanted to rush out of bed, but instead she crawled out quietly, so as not to wake up Jeremy. She took the MP3 player out of her wolf ears, and made her way to the bathroom. When she got to the bathroom, she looked down at her jeans, and she was able to confirm what she felt earlier. Ashley had just wet herself. The jeans she wore to school, the ones she hadn't changed out of all day, were now wet with urine, as was her underwear. She took off her pants, underwear, and top, and took the time to take a quick shower. "It must have been the soda..." she told herself. She recalled that she rarely ate so much, let alone drank a liter of soda by herself for one meal. She blushed heavily as she showered. She'd have to clean up the bed sheets, as well as her clothes, first thing tomorrow before she went to school. She was too humiliated to tell Jeremy she did such things.

Once Ashley finished her quick shower, she grabbed a towel from the towel rack, and dried herself off. She grabbed her dirty clothes, and tossed them into the laundry basket placed just outside the bathroom. She carefully crept back into the bedroom, and got herself dressed in a plain white shirt, and pajama pants. She crawled back into bed, and grimaced as her tail felt a small moist spot where she wet herself on the bed. She still couldn't believe she had done such a thing, even if it was caused by the soda she drank earlier. What few times she had to use the bathroom when she was asleep, she would dream of needing to find a toilet, and wake up to use the bathroom. Not once when she needed to use the bathroom in her sleep did she just wet herself like she did that night. With a frown on her face, she put her earphones back on, and closed her eyes. She let the white noise take her away, and she slowly drifted off to sleep. The white noise sound she played helped her calm down over her getting over her incident quicker than normal, at the very least.

Ashley awoke a few hours earlier before Jeremy, and got herself redressed again. She grabbed her homework and the rest of her school supplies, and went back to school. As she drove to college, she couldn't get the wetting incident out of her head. Sure, she felt happy and relaxed now more than she ever had been, but she still couldn't believe what she had done. She arrived on campus, and as she went to her classroom, she found herself adjusting her shirt multiple times. The fat in her belly had just grown quite a bit, so much so that it was hard to keep her gut covered. Her pants felt tighter around her waist too. "No more ordering pizza for a while." She mumbled to herself. She thought to herself that she really did lose control that night with how much she ate.

Jeremy awoke sometime after Ashley. He glanced over at the side where she slept, and noticed she was gone. "Hope she's doing alright." He mumbled. He slept through last night's incident she had, though he couldn't help but notice that her side was a little lower than his, as if she had more weight on her side of the bed. He didn't think too much of it, and just went about his day casually.

Ashley sat in the back of the classroom while she did her studies. As she sat back there, she grimaced, and unleashed a quiet fart. While one would not have been a big deal, she released another, and another. She was farting more than a cow, and with every fart, she felt her bowels shift, as if the very next fart was going to unleash far more than just gas. She did her best to keep herself quiet, but her slightly fatter ass cheeks couldn't help but release a soft noise on occasion. While it didn't draw the attention of the teacher, it drew the attention of those around her, and made her blush underneath her fur. It was embarrassing. Sure, the white noise she played during class with one earphone helped relax her body, but as relaxed as she felt, she was still humiliated. Class felt like it lasted for an eternity.

Ashley got a lunch break, but even her lunch break felt short lived. She went to the fast food joint nearby once more, and ate four hamburgers, two milkshakes, and three large fries. She paid little attention to details about what fast food joint really looked like, just that it had food, it sated her hunger, and that's all that mattered. She scarfed down the food quickly, and went back to class with ketchup on her chin, and mustard on her chest.

Ashley did her best to get through the rest of her school day, but she couldn't focus on the teacher's words. She could read what the teacher wrote, but his words sounded little more than muffled mumbo-jumbo that almost resembled another language entirely. It was true she continued to listen to her MP3 player in one ear so she didn't hear out of one ear, but she knew that wasn't a problem yesterday. Throughout the day, she continued to let out soft farts. The more she let loose, the warmer and wetter they felt. One very gassy one in particular made her feel like she was almost going to crap herself. She did her best to hold in any future fart, but it was hard to hold back. Her ass felt so relaxed. In fact, much of her body was relaxed. She leaned against the back of the chair the entire time, and she found it hard to readjust herself.

Just as Ashley felt something incredibly warm and most almost escape her ass, she heard the bell ring to signal the end of the day. While Ashley was able to hold back something else coming out of her ass, she couldn't help but unleash something out in front. She couldn't hold herself back. She just felt herself wet her pants with no ability to control her flow. She could only watch wide eyed as her fresh pair of pants dampened between her legs with urine underneath her desk. She was thankful that she didn't drink too much before class and during lunch, but now she was worried, and humiliated. Ashley waited for the other students to leave before she left. Once everyone else was gone, she put her MP3 player into her backpack, and then she rushed out of the classroom, and right into the women's restroom.

The bathroom was fairly plain. It had white tiled walls, floor, and a white ceiling. Five stalls lined up the left side of the bathroom, while four sinks and two blow dryers were on the right. The bathroom had only one other person in it, with the stall shut and locked.

Ashley made her way into the very last stall and closed the door. She put her backpack on a small hanger on the bathroom stall door, and then she took off her pants and underwear. She grimaced at the wet marks on her pants. She almost wanted to cry as well. This was her second wetting incident, and Ashley didn't have any large drinks to try to explain why she would have wet herself. She thought she might be getting sick with something, but she was feeling fine everywhere else. If this keeps up, I'm going to have to go to the hos...the uh... Ashley thought to herself, but paused mid-thought. She was going to have to go somewhere if she continued to have wetting incidents, but the name of the place escaped her mind. The feel better place. She concluded. It didn't matter if she couldn't think of the name itself, it was the place she'd have to go if it continued. She grabbed toilet paper, and did her best to dry off her pants and underwear with it. Once the other woman in the bathroom left, she walked out of her stall without her pants, then washed, and dried her pants and underwear as best as she could. She wasn't sure if she wanted to come back to the college tomorrow. She didn't even remember the assignments she had to do tonight. She knew the teacher said them, but she didn't remember what they were. Ashley had bigger problems than assignments though. After she cleaned her pants off as best as she could, she drove off home.

Jeremy had spent part of his day at his work, and the rest of his day at home. Coincidentally, he knew it had been some time since either of them cleaned their bedsheets, so Jeremy figured it was time to wash them. As he took the blanket off, he noticed a small wet spot on Ashley's side of the bed. Curiously, his fox face tilted towards it, but he then quickly pulled back in disgust. The two had known each other long enough to become familiar with their many...smells. It didn't make the smells any better to be around, but it did make them identifiable. "She...wet the bed?" He thought it was strange. Why didn't she say anything about it? With a shrug, he picked up the sheets, and tossed them into the washer. He had enough time at home to both wash, and dry the sheets, and even put them back onto the bed, of course once he got the now clean bedsheets back on, that was just enough time for Ashley to arrive back home.

Ashley entered the house quietly. She was thankful she didn't need to use the bathroom on the way back home, but since she had wet herself before she left, she figured that was probably why. She set her stuff down and made her way to the bathroom. She was quick to throw her pants, and panties in the laundry basket. She tossed her shirt and bra inside the basket as well, and made her way to the shower.

Jeremy just left the bedroom when Ashley took off her bra. He had seen her naked before, so he didn't think of such things as seeing a naked anthro wolf as a big deal. "So uh...hi Ashley." He said with a small smile. He tried to be as casual as possible. It wasn't awkward to see her nude in front of the shower, but he remembered that damp spot that smelled so strongly of urine on Ashley's side of the bed. "I uh...did the sheets."

Ashley froze at the entryway to the bathroom. Her tail quivered as she let out a soft 'pfrt' from her ass cheeks. She didn't want to say it, but she could tell by Jeremy's face what he saw. "I..." she turned around and revealed her soft, supple large chest that went down to the middle of her chest without a bra. She showed Jeremy her widened hips, and her gray wolf body. There was a small pink slit between her legs that was her vagina, as well as the two pink nipples on her tits, but the rest of her was covered in fur. "I don't know what's going on. I thought I drank too much soda, but then I did it again in class..." she rubbed her left arm with her right one. She wasn't sure if she should hug Jeremy or cry. She felt so incredibly nervous, dirty, humiliated. She wasn't doubted Jeremy would even hug a girl that wet herself uncontrollably.

Ashley didn't have to hug Jeremy, but Jeremy gave her a hug. "Don't worry about it so much babe. You bought those tapes to help you relax, you should listen to them and just relax. Maybe you're just coming down with something, or maybe you just ate something that made your stomach really upset. Whatever happened, I don't care. I'll love and cherish you always. If it keeps going, we can go see a doctor, but even if they couldn't help you, I'd still love you anyways."

Ashley softly smiled when Jeremy hugged her. She felt a sense of relief when Jeremy said such words. She couldn't help but shed a tear, and hug back. It was just a few wetting incidents sure, but deep down, Ashley felt other things changing about her. She had been farting a lot more than she usually did, and on top of that, she swore she was getting even fatter and stupider. She knew such things should have normally been impossible, but she was worried. While she was worried, she mentally reminded herself about her relaxation sound she played now and then, and how it helped make her feel so much better. She hadn't played it recently. "Thank you." She said quietly. "I'm going to go take my shower now. Maybe a nap afterwards."

Jeremy chuckled, and gave her a kiss, muzzle to muzzle. "Sounds good to me babe. I'd love you, even if you had no control over your bowels and crapped yourself every night."

Ashley smiled as a few more tears ran down her face. "Now you're just teasing me." Ashley didn't think her situation would get THAT bad. With another small kiss, Ashley let go, and went into the bathroom. Just in case, she took a seat on the toilet, and tried to use the bathroom. Using the bathroom was a weird thing to explain for her, she just sat down and everything should have been natural, yet as she sat there and tried to relax her bowels, nothing came out. She figured maybe she was empty, and just took her shower afterwards. She made sure to wash her crotch and thighs thoroughly. When she finished her shower, she stepped out and dried herself off.

Once Ashley was done in the shower, she got herself dressed. She put on underwear, as well as a large t-shirt and pajama pants. As she dressed herself, she struggled a bit. Her white t-shirt, the largest shirt she had, just couldn't cover her belly. She could pull it down, but even then it covered just above the belly button, and that was until she let go, at which point it rode up to her large chest. Her large pajama pants also had problems getting up her fat ass. After a few minutes of trying, she gave up and let her pants ride low to expose the top of her ass, and her shirt ride high to show off her belly.

Ashley walked out to the living room to grab her MP3 player before she went into the bedroom. She put her headphones in, turned on the white noise, and laid in bed. The moment Ashley heard the white nose, her body relaxed almost immediately, and she was able to easily, and quickly, fall asleep.

Ashley's dreams were much of the same as before. She dreamt that she was sitting in a giant couch naked. She took up both of the seats with her excessively large ass, while her gut rested in front of her, and her large tits sat on her gut. Her head was tiny in comparison to the rest of her fattened body, but her face was in a hypnotic, happy daze. Her body odor strong enough that, even in her dream there were visible lines of stench, but a lot came from her unkempt backside, with plenty of rolls of fat all over her body. Her legs were spread, but her gut hid her wolf sex.

In her dream, Jeremy fed her pizzas, cakes, complete loaves of bread. He spoiled her with plenty of food, but didn't clean up after her much. She dreamt of the occasional sex between the pair, and it made her deeply aroused.

As Ashley dreamt of the pair having finished their sex, she heard her dream self say something about how one had to urinate after sex. Although such a concept applied to men, Ashley could feel herself wet herself in her dream, not even caring so much as to stand up to use the bathroom. As she wet herself, she felt herself also crap herself as well. In her dream, she watched as her tail twitched, and her waste filled the couch. She could feel the dampness of her own shit behind her. She could smell the stench, which since it came from her, she didn't mind it at all. She could feel how warm and squishy it was...

Ashley's eyes shot open and she sat up. She could feel the warmth between her legs, not just her front, but her back. While her crotch wasn't as wet as it was before, her ass was soaked with crap. She shit herself in her sleep, and it left a visible brown stain on the bed. What made it worse was that her belly and body were even larger. If she had to guess, she would have guessed 350 pounds of fat. Her weight made it hard to move quickly. She couldn't help but shout. "DAMMIT!"

Jeremy rushed into the bedroom quickly when Ashley shouted. He was quick to notice Ashley out of bed, and with a load in her pants, and a brown stain on the bed. The scent came after he saw it, but he couldn't believe it. A few wetting incidents was one thing, but a shitting incident was another. Maybe if it was a one-off deal, but now Jeremy was getting worried. "Are you feeling okay?"

Ashley had taken a shower before she took her nap. Part of her didn't want to take another shower already, but then she'd smell like her own waste if she didn't. "I don't know what's going on, but this isn't what normal animals do." Ashley took off her pants in the bedroom, and marched off to the shower. She left her brown stained underwear and pajama pants behind while a smear of shit dropped from her fat ass cheeks onto the floor, just before she slammed the bathroom door shut.

Ashley turned on the shower and ran it on as hot as she could stand it. She took off her top and bra, and stepped inside it. It was surprisingly harder to get in the shower than it normally was. Her gut was so big that it jutted out half the length of the tub, and her ass was so wide that it almost stuck out the sides of that tub. When she managed to get in successfully, she turned around and let the water wash the waste on her ass away. She swayed from side to side to get her entire ass, and while doing so, some of her shit got on the tile walls, as well as the shower curtain. She looked down at her belly while she felt the water trickle down her backside, and wondered what was wrong with her. She knew she should probably do something about her constant uncontrollable urination, as well as her defecation. She didn't even pay much attention to the amount of weight she had gained in the process. Sure, she knew her clothes weren't fitting her nearly as well as before, but she blamed that on growing older.

"What do people do when they can't control their...their..." It was on the tip of Ashley's tongue, but she couldn't quite place the name of it. She knew it was something inside of her that stored urine, but she had no idea what it was called. "...when they can't control themselves and pee?" she finished. She knew babies wore something on their behinds to help, but she had no idea what the name of what they wore even was.

Ashley finished her shower, failing to use soap or wash herself, and stepped out. She didn't scrub the waste off of her ass, she couldn't even reach a lot of spots down there now anyways. She just figured the water did the job for her. She dried herself off with a towel, at least as best as she could. As she couldn't reach spots with her hands to wash herself, she couldn't reach those same spots to dry herself off with. She walked out of the bathroom naked, and slightly dripping wet.

While Ashley was in the shower, Jeremy took it upon himself to put the clothes in the washer. Of course the scent of her waste was unpleasant, but he had partially grown used to it when living with her. Not that he had ever to deal with it directly, but sharing the same bathroom meant they would smell each other on occasion. When Jeremy noticed Ashley left the bathroom, he grimaced at her. He wasn't sure if he should ask her about seeing a doctor, but he knew if there were going to be more problems, they should be prepared. "Do you know what might be causing your stomach problems?" he asked. He noticed her weight had slowly been piling on as well, but he didn't say anything, if only because he was intelligent enough to never comment about a woman putting on weight.

Ashley shook her head. She walked into the master bedroom with Jeremy, and she grabbed a pink bra. She put it on her front, but as she tried to hook the back, the clips just wouldn't reach. "No. And I don't know why this stupid thing isn't fitting me either." She didn't try for very long before she tossed the bra onto the ground in frustration, and just put on her biggest t-shirt instead. Even her biggest t-shirt exposed her furry wolf belly.

Jeremy would have been more than happy to help her with the bra. As he watched her though, he noticed the clips were nowhere near close together. Her fat had expanded her very tit size so much that they rested against her fat gut. He had a feeling that she wasn't going to be able to put pants on over that huge ass of hers, the same ass where he noticed a brown stain between her ass cheeks that she missed. "Maybe we need to take you to the doctor." He spoke up. He didn't want to speak out for her, but her health was more important. "An occasional incident is fine, but three is really worrisome babe."

"The...doctor?" Ashley asked. It took her a moment to remember what a doctor even was. The moment she remembered, she wanted to slap her forehead. She had a thought earlier about the hospital, but it slipped her mind entirely. Even when she recalled what a doctor did, and the hospital itself, she was hesitant. It was true, she knew no animal should be going through what she went through, but she loathed the idea of getting up to leave the house. She wasn't entirely sure what the doctor would even do to her. She didn't want to get put on a diet or special pills. She just wanted to sit around, eat, and shit all day. The thought sounded absolutely heavenly. The thought of sitting on the sofa alone all the time made her wet between her legs. "I think," she said, after a moment of thought. "That I'll be fine without the doctor."

Jeremy didn't want to argue against Ashley's wishes. They were engaged to be married. They didn't control each other's lives. If Ashley didn't want to see the doctor, Jeremy wasn't going to force her to do so, or try to convince her. "What about diapers at least?" he asked, "I mean, just so you stop having...incidents in the bed."

Ashley thought about diapers. She knew very well just what those were. She hated the idea of wearing them though. She wasn't one of those people that were into adult diapers, let alone actually using them. She knew without them though, she was going to make things worse. It was one thing to fantasize about being a fat lazy slob who shit herself so carefree, it was another thing to actually do it. "I guess I can try them for one night and see how things go." She said quietly. She also had to add one more thing. "I don't really want to go out and buy them though." It would have been just humiliating to buy such giant diapers.

"I'll go buy them right now." Jeremy knew it was getting late, but there were 24 hour stores that sold such supplies. After a short pause, he realized something. "Unless you think you'd be uncomfortable wearing them." Again, he didn't want to pressure Ashley into doing something she didn't want to. If she didn't want to go out and buy them, he thought why would she even wear them? They would be incredibly difficult to hide, especially if she had to wear them in public.

Ashley let out a heavy sigh. She imagined herself walking around in a shirt and a diaper. Her pants were tight enough as is, there was no way she was going to wear pants and a diaper. At the same time, she didn't want to crap the bed again. "Maybe I'll just..." she tried to think of something, but it was difficult. Her thoughts felt cloudy. She just wanted to sit around and be lazy. "I'll just sleep on the couch I guess." Ashley shrugged, and went out to the living room. She took a seat right at the center of their three person leather couch without any pants on. The couch felt so surprisingly comfortable to her, that she just couldn't help but smile. She felt her fat ass cheeks spread outward, and her belly sag slightly downward. "Oh yeah. Just what I needed." She tilted her head back, and smiled. "Babe, can you get me my MP3 player?" she called out to Jeremy. She had totally forgotten about the white noise that helped her relax, even though she felt incredibly relaxed as is.

Jeremy was about to grab the sheets to wash them once more before he heard Ashley. "The MP3 player..." Jeremy said quietly. He glanced over at the player near the bed. He picked it up, put one earphone in his fox ear, and played the tape. Ashley had been acting so different ever since she was playing that MP3 player. He thought there might have been a connection. As he heard that white noise though, he didn't suspect anything. All he heard was static. A minute later, he turned it off, and brought it out to her. "Here you go." Jeremy figured maybe it was something else. Maybe Ashley had just caught something, and things would certainly get better.

Jeremy washed the sheets once more, as well as the clothes Ashley wore. Once her clothes were in the wash, Jeremy returned to the bathroom, and he couldn't help but notice the scent of Ashley's waste. With a frown on his face, he went about cleaning up her mess.

Ashley however, just sat on the couch with nothing but a t-shirt on while she listened to the white noise in one ear, and the television with the other. She let out a happy smile, and a soft rumbling 'pfrt' from her fattened ass cheeks. She recalled her dreams of just sitting on the couch getting fatter, and such a dream sounded absolutely heavenly. She raised her flabby thighs and put her wolf paws on the coffee table in front of her. She spread her legs slightly, and just sat there happily, and lazily.

The remainder of the night was boring for the pair. Ashley sat on the couch the entire time, asking Jeremy for food occasionally, but not once getting up. She let out belches and farts on occasion, but didn't shit or piss on the couch that night. The couch was however, developing a stench from Ashley's growing body odor. Even though Ashley had taken a shower recently, her glands were clocking into overtime as she listened to that MP3 player and watched television. By the time the bed sheets were done, Ashley smelled very ripe. She smelled not just of waste, but also of body odor.

Jeremy was reluctant to feed her while she sat on the couch the rest of the night. He could smell her as soon as he walked into the living room, and she was doing the couch no favors by sitting on it with a shit-stained ass. "How long do you think you're going to sit there Ashley?" he asked. "It's getting late. Almost time for bed."

Ashley idly stared at the television for a moment before she turned her attention to Jeremy. She wasn't sure how long she was going to stay on the couch. She could still move her flabby thighs, but her muscles to stand felt incredibly weak. She continued to listen to the white noise in one ear, and just shrugged slowly down at Jeremy. "I dunno." she said slowly. "Go to bed without me, I'll be there eventually."

Jeremy grimaced at her. He did as he was told though. He made the bed, and laid down on it. He was worried about Ashley's weight and fat. He knew he mentioned about taking her somewhere, but for some odd reason, he couldn't quite remember where. He decided not to worry about it. He'd figure it out tomorrow.

Unfortunately throughout the night, Ashley continued to change while she listened to the white noise on her MP3 player. She grew fatter, lazier, and slobbier. She shit herself on the couch, and just let her crap flood the seat behind her. Her filth a much larger amount than normal. She shit enough to flood a toilet, but she just let it sit behind her. She used to care about shitting herself, but now she just sat there idly. She drifted in and out of sleep throughout the night, and just lazed around in her own filth.

As time went on, Ashley grew worse. She never moved from the chair. She grew more and more weight, a total of 600 pounds, and even still growing. Her fat so big it went over her huge chubby thighs. She could still lift her flabby arms, but even then it was to just eat whatever Jeremy brought her. She wiggled her white tipped paws happily whenever Jeremy brought more food, and stuffed it all in her mouth. She continued pissing and crapping herself on the couch without a care in the world. She merely sat, ate, crapped, and grew. She eventually grew to love it, and want it.

Jeremy took care of her as best as he could. He still loved her, but it was hard to care for a fat furry wolf who cared none for their hygiene, or even moving out of their seat. It made the house stink terribly, but he managed to care for his new fat wolf as best as he possibly could. He had a single wetting incident after he listened to the white noise MP3 player once, but he ignored it.

As time progressed, Jeremy was getting stressed out with taking care of Ashley, so he decided to try Ashley's MP3 player and white noise for himself, just to help him relax. The night that Jeremy listened to the white noise that Ashley had been listening to, he ended up crapping the bed himself. He didn't think too much of it though, and just listened to the white noise while he cared for Ashley, unaware of what the noise would someday do to him...