Life in a Nuclear Apocalypse (1/4)

Story by Apachy on SoFurry

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#10 of Misc Stories

Just a small series I've been wanting to get around to doing in some form or fashion, especially since I've been getting into Bethesda games again (I pray the upcoming games are good).

This story is implemented with a Skip feature. Use CTRL + f and search for %%%% to immediately skip to the beginning of any sexual content within the story.

Rose leaped to the side behind a couch, the rotting wooden barricade she was taking cover behind turning to splinters under a frenzy of bullets. She dug into her pocket as pressed herself against the couch, pulling out a half loaded revolver clip while her other hand shook out the empty one in her revolver to fall onto the cracked street.

The dragon began to load the spare clip when the whirring started up again, forcing her to roll out of the incoming fire as the couch suffered the same fate as her previous cover, but also left her completely exposed. She slammed the clip in place as she got a look at the target in front of her.

Resting atop a stack of uneven pallets and wood, a crudely made turret standing on a tripod whirred as the dragoness came into its view, its three smoking barrels beginning to spin up again as Rose took aim for one of its legs. The shot rang out, the smoking gun in her hand kicking hard as the bullet tore through the air followed by the flimsy support the turret stood on. The bar buckled as the shot broke through it like paper, knocking the turret on its side and turning the barrel skyward and knocking it off its crate with a few bullets firing into the air as it fell.

Rose sighed, leaning against the shredded remains of the couch as the turret's barrel tilted away from her, beeping loudly as it tried to turn towards the ground in its primitive programming. She reached into one of her leg pouches, pulling out a small cardboard box half full of golden yellow bullets while her other hand took out the almost-depleted clip to refill. Keeping her eyes on the battle-scarred surroundings around her for any more surprises, Rose began cycling in the rounds into the clip with precise and trained speed, her hand a blur as the bullets slid in place before she snapped the clip back into the gun and cocked it once more.

Several dozen raiders laid in pools of their own blood, over bloody barricades, and against splintered wooden poles. The street was eerily silent, save for the beeping turret as it bashed its chassis against the ancient concrete and the pounding of Rose's racing heart in her head. The raiders had set themselves up right in the middle of the road on one side of a bridge, sticking up any unlucky caravans that came from Diamond City. Rose finished reloading a spare clip in one of her pockets, grabbing the strap to her pipe rifle to begin the process with its magazine as well, producing another, much larger box from the depths of her other leg pouch.

Backtracking a bit, she scooped up her discarded clip and stuffed it in her pocket for the time being, the beeping and grinding of the turret agitating her to no end while she finished refilling the rifle's magazine. Slapping the magazine back in place and slinging the rifle over her shoulder again, the dragoness glanced around until she found a sturdy looking bit of rebar, scooping it out of the still-gripping hands of a dead raider.

Stepping up to the turret, Rose lifted the heavy metal club over her head and swung down with all her strength, the crunch of metal breaking the relative quiet as she beat the side of the turret's chassis into scrap. Tossing the makeshift cudgel aside, Rose flexed her claws a moment before making a shovel shape and plunging her hand into the half-destroyed side of the machine. Her hand dug through the tenderized metal with ease; beginning to root through the insides of the machine until she hooked her hand under the opening she made and wrenched the metal apart to let her see just what she was looking for. Crudely welded against a metal pole at the center of the chassis was a circuit board, several in fact, each poorly homemade and beginning to rust. The dragoness tore each of the circuits out without mercy, the turret's beeping fading as its programming was ripped from it.

Tossing the circuits into her pack, Rose heard a hiss from behind her and turned around with revolver drawn. She eyed her surroundings, darting from one body to the next for a target. From behind a bullet ridden plywood wall, a raider with a barbed bat rushed at the dragoness with a guttural war cry as he hiked his weapon over his head to bash hers in.

Before she could turn her revolver in his direction, a hazy blur leapt from the side and brought the raider down, his bat flying from his hands in shock. Rose sighed with relief, turning away as the invisible being tore at the raider's neck, his screams fading with a few wet gurgles. Turning back, the dragoness slid her revolver into her hip holster as the blob let go of the dead raider and seemed to turn towards her.

"What were you doing when I was fighting the turret, Magellan? You could have at least knocked it over for me" She asked coyly, setting a hand on her hip. Magellan hissed as his body slowly became opaque.

Although she was used to his appearance by now, Magellan was an... oddity, even in as crazy a world as the one they were in. The creature was an odd hybrid between a rattlesnake and some kind of dog, although Rose had her bets set on a coyote given where she had found him. His snake head was covered in dark, hazy brown and black scales that all the way down his back to his equally snake-like tail, breaking up his light grey fur that covered the rest of his body.

Two thin fangs stuck out from its jaw at all times, save for when he retracted them, and dripped blood onto the ground as the nightstalker's slitted yellow eyes glaring at the dragoness with an ever menacing look, or at least it would have been menacing had its two pointed dog ears not stuck up like a pair of antennas as its rattling tail wagged behind it.

"That's not a good enough excuse, I could have died!" Rose exclaimed in a rather over dramatic tone. Magellan's ears drooped along with his tail, getting a low laugh from the dragon as she patted him on the head. "You did fine." She stated reassuringly.

"Now, we should get looting before anyone else comes to join the party." She continued, standing up to begin rifling through one of the dead raider's pockets. Magellan nodded, fading out of view as he began to stalk the camp for any other threats he may have missed. Against her warning, Rose took her time pocketing the raider's gear, finding a few decent guns she scooped up and slid into her pack, one hand always on her hip just in case.

The two regrouped as she wrapped a rope around the ruined turret she brutalized. The nightstalker eyed it skeptically as she looped the rope and slung the hunk of metal over her shoulder. Despite being already weighed down by the bulky pack and the assortment of metal armor strapped to her body, Rose seemed to carry the added weight of the broken turret without much trouble, her hand waving for Magellan to follow as she stepped over a body.

Magellan was quick to follow her as she lead the way down the broken road on their way back home, fading into nothingness as he stalked alongside her. Given how little conversation the hybrid animal made as he eyed the surrounding with his ever watchful gaze, Rose gave herself the time to ponder the world before the war, eyes flicking between the dead twigs called trees that surrounded the road, warily stepping around the dead husk of one that lied on their side of the road. She'd seen some that sported leaves, but from what she had gleaned during her travels, they were all far cry's to the true beauty that had once coated the world.

Her daydreaming came to an end as she and Magellan reached their home: the Red Rocket gas station. Several scrapped together turrets sat at the edges of the roofs, both building and station alike, each dented or damaged in some way from how the dragoness had likely... "acquired" them from their previous owners.

Magellan padded forward, inciting one of the turrets to immediately whip around and point at the walking blob as he slowly revealed himself. A loud mechanical click rang out as a red light popped on beside the turret's main gun, making Magellan's head snap downward to see a shiny red dot at his feet. The turret moved the dot, and Magellan bolted after it as the red light began to scurry across the ground, the nightstalker in hot pursuit while Rose chuckled happily to herself. It may have been a bit wasteful, but when she and the animal had little to do, it was a great deal of entertainment for her, and endless fun for the hybrid himself.

With Magellan chasing after his round, glowing target at a speed Rose could barely track, let alone follow, the dragoness walked inside the trance to their home. A small bell rang as she pushed open the rusty door, reminding her that she had forgotten to buy some paint to spruce up the dirty-looking door. The inside of the shop-front was dirty and disheveled when Rose had first found the place, but now it had become a sort of haven from the dreary wasteland outside.

The entrance room still had the old tile the building had come with, but past through an empty doorway was the start of a well maintained shag carpet Rose had invested a hefty amount of caps into acquiring, given how even a couple squares of carpet of the same color was already a not-so-common commodity. Rose dropped the turret beside the door for now, the strain on her arm lifted graciously, having had its strength worn down during the walk.

Dim light bulbs hung from the ceiling, flickering on to cast a low white glow as soon as the dragoness flicked the lightswitch she'd wired them to. Two shelves sat by the old counter that the dragon had kept inside the lanky room for the time being, each loaded with several disassembled weapons and scraps of part's she didn't have the time to get to just yet. Leaving the door ajar for Magellan when he was done playing, Rose headed through the doorway behind the counter into her living room slash kitchen. A rounded red couch hugged the right wall past a metal door that lead into the dragon's workshop, and across from it was a square television, the case dusty and cracked yet very functional thanks to Rose's love of repairing pre-war junk. It didn't get any "channels" or whatever they were called, but she did manage to hardwire the glorified terminal to serve as a monitor for a couple camera's she found some time ago.

Scooping up the remote she knew was by the inside of the arm rest, the dragoness turned the TV on and switched through a few of the cameras, where she found Magellan chasing the red dot energetically, his movements swift and precise as he bounced between tires and hopped over rocks after his prey. She smiled, flipping between the other cameras to make sure all was clear before shutting the television off and tossed the remote back onto the couch as she headed into her workshop.

What had once been a garage was Rose's world of tinkering and modifying every scrap of loot she got whenever she returned from her scavenging trips. The garage door was sealed shut with enough metal plates welded on it to the point that it could likely withstand the ordinance of a fatman or two. The brick walls were covered in hanging parts and tools, wires and scrap metal alike seemingly tossed around the room unkempt and without reason. Rose dumped her pack on a nearby workbench, and turned to look at her pride and joy that stood at the center of the room: a partially completed suit of power armor.

She had found it in the husk of a building back in Concord, half crushed under a crashed vertibird that had touched down on the roof. It was still missing both arms and a leg, but the frame and the parts that she had found so far were in good condition. Sadly the intricacies for making the parts herself eluded her for now, slapping on extra additions to kit out the parts she did have was right up her alley.

The suit of futuristic armor was kept straight by two sets of heavy steel chains looped around the shoulders that suspended the frame just slightly off the ground, arms spread wide. Rose had the joy of adding another addition she'd been meaning to give a try. She unzipped her pack and dug around for a bit, procuring what she was looking for as she pulled out a half-broken scope, the rail mount bent and broken in several spots.

Grabbing an electric screwdriver from her tool kit that hung by the backpack, Rose began removed the broken mount and tossed it into a nearby barrel, the metal clanking loudly as it bounced against the other scraps already inside. She left the scope on the table for the moment while she quickly moved over to the power armor and removed the helmet and right arm.

Magellan pushed open the front door, panting heavily with his thin black tongue flopping out of his mouth tiredly. He smacked the door closed behind him with his tail, hearing Rose fiddling in her workshop again. Brushing past the dead turret his master had dumped by the door, Magellan padded into the living room, rattling his tail as he passed by the open door to the garage to let the dragoness know he was back. The nightstalker hopped onto the arm of the couch followed by the center cushion, where he flopped down and rolled onto his back tiredly. Thankfully Rose had made him stop so she could clean his face and paws of any blood, so maybe she would waive his enjoyment of the finer comfort the couch offered for a while.

"Hey, mind dragging in the turret while your lazing about?" Rose asked from the other room, the whirring of her screwdriver following as she waited for his reply. Magellan answered with a mixed noise between a bark and a hiss, rolling to stuff his face between the crack of the cushion and the couch's back.

She knew exactly what his answer meant, and sighed as she got up from her rolling stool. The request may as well been asked to a super mutant after the snake dog had finished playing outside. Walking through the rooms to the entrance, Rose grabbed the turret by the barrel and lifted it onto her shoulder as she walked back to her workshop, giving the nightstalker a stern glare as he wiggled on the comfy couch, smiling smugly as best he could.

"You can sleep on the couch if you love it so much." she stated loudly, stopping to watch his mouth open to produce a sad whine. Shaking her head, Rose carried the turret into the garage and hoisted it onto the table next to the disassembled scope. She grabbed a welder from the wall behind the workbench, having already set several parts in place on the helmet from the scope.

It took quite a few hours of work before she had a final product she was happy with, the wiring of the aiming system set on the inside of the helmet's faceplate proving the most tricky when she had to scrap her old board and solder a new one from the ones she stole from the turret.

She had the gun part of the turret mounted to the underside of the arm, a belt of rounds feeding it from a pack she would have to strap to the torso just to keep it out of the way. She had yet to rewrite the code she needed to get the prototype targeting system at least functional. She wiped a few beads of sweat with the back of her hand over her brow, smiling pridefully at the new addition as she grabbed a rag to clean her hands, heading into the living room as she did.

Magellan was sound asleep, chest rising and falling slowly as parts of his body shifted in and out of view randomly then back again. His gentle hisses were an adorable addition to the snoozing animal, tempting Rose to pick him up like a baby and carry him to bed. But she knew better than to do anything of the like, given how the first time she did he screamed and bit her on the arm. Thankfully he was rather young and his venomous bite wasn't nearly as strong at the time as it was now, but it was certainly a lesson she didn't intend to relearn that lesson anytime soon.

Magellan rolled over in his sleep onto his back, legs splaying to see that he was enjoying whatever dream he was having a great deal, given his black and knotted snake dong swelling from his sheath

"Horndog." Rose muttered with a roll of her eyes. She had the fleeting idea to give the snoozing scaly dog a quick handjob, but her muscles were already aching from the day's activities, and sleep was calling to her from the other room. Leaving Magellan to enjoy his dream, she headed across the living room to another doorway, this one occupied by a red wooden door. Unlocking it with a key set on the top of the frame, Rose pushed the door open and walked into her bedroom. A king-sized bed stood against the opposite wall, a patchy blanket draped over top with a couple pillows underneath.

Rose began to get ready for bed, shucking her pieces of armor one by one and setting each piece on atop a dresser beside the door. Underneath the layers of metal armor she sported was her vault suit, a bright blue and yellow jumper switched together from years of damage the dragon had fought to undo. On the back was the number 88 in big golden numbers, the very vault her parents had been born in, and in turn, her.

Making a mental note to visit the vault sometime and say hello to the overseer, she unzipped the suit carefully, her ample breasts jiggling free from the tight outfit. The relief she felt was almost palpable as she pulled her legs out of the suit, letting it sag to the ground before she balled it up and tossed it beside her armor.

Leaving her thin pair of panties on, the dragoness rolled onto the bed lazily, not even bothering to lift the blanket to lay under. Not to her surprise, Magellan stepped into the room as she pulled a pillow under her head, his tail rattling slowly to signal his arrival.

"You're supposed to be on the couch." Rose muttered, turning her head to look at him. Magellan gave a gentle hiss in reply, sitting his head on the edge of the bed and flicking his tongue at her. "If you just came in for sex, you'd better be ready to work for it." She stated with a soft sigh, eyes half-lidded as she looked at the animal.


Magellan eyed her panties as she hooked a clawed finger under the fabric and pulled them down, moving onto her back and spreading her thighs an inch to emphasize her point as the cloth slipped onto the bed. He climbed onto the bed, tail rattling a little louder as he tasted the air with his tongue. The air was laden with her clear arousal, making his member surge with vigor as he closed in towards the source, ducking his head under her bent leg.

He slid his tongue across her scaly sex, making Rose coo happily and incite the hybrid to bury his snout between her legs and begin to lap at her harder and faster, the taste of her sweet nectar a mere dive of his tongue away. Magellan did just that, giving the dragoness a second's warning as he bunched his tongue at the entrance to her passage and speared in with a single strong thrust.

Rose's moans reached a sudden pitch with the penetration, shifting to a long, satisfied sigh as he began to thrust his tongue into her rhythmically. Her legs rose up to give him better access to her assets, feet planting on the nightstalker's back with her clawed toes pressing dangerously against his fur slash scale hide.

"Ah... Alright, that's enough of that." Rose moaned after a few minutes of the canine's tongue fucking. Magellan barked happily, his tonguing beginning to tire as he slid it out with a string of fem cum spilling free. Sliding between her legs and hooking his forelegs around her waist, Magellan humped at the dragoness's pussy with excitement, nailing his mark on the second go and making her coo loudly. His tail rattled as it wagged happily behind him, thumping against Rose's thigh as he slowly thrusted into her. Rose squeezed around him, relief overwhelming her tired body as his inches speared her wonderfully.

Magellan spited his spliced instincts for a change of pace, keeping his movements slow to draw out his master's symphonic moans. Her tunnel was soft and inviting, sucking him in further as her walls fanned the flames of pleasure deep within him. He stuck to that pace for what felt like seconds to the creature, keeping himself at bay to let the dragoness enjoy herself until she piped up.

"Alright Mag, -Ah! You can speed things up, I know what your trying to do." She stated between heated breaths and moans, mouth slightly ajar as she panted with need. Given his master's permission, Magellan yipped happily and thrusted harder into her pussy, his knot grounding against her lips.

"D-Don't knot my again like last time!" Rose stammered in realisation, the words completely lost to him as he began to rut her like a bitch prime in heat. His hips moved faster and faster, pounding the dragoness into a fit of heavy moans, her toes beginning to dig into the bed until she forced them up so she didn't destroy the mattress.

She came hard not a moment later, arms wrapping around the nightstalker as a gout of her hazy nectar shot out from around his member and filled her with a tingling warmth. His master satisfied, Magellan thrusted with all his strength into the female beneath him, his knot beating her sex into submission as her outer lips finally yielded to his demands. Hissing loudly, Magellan sunk his knot into her soaked pussy and shifted to a series of shorter thrusts, Rose huffing and groaning in the back of her throat as the knot locked his cock in place within her.

His stamina was admirable, but worn away as the enveloping heat and velvety walls tipped him over the edge. His hissing reached a height as he came inside of Rose, flooding her tunnel with his seed, cock gorging to fill every inch of her he could. He pressed his slit to her groin as his back legs stretched out, panting with lust from his agape mouth.

Rose looked at him sternly, annoyed he hadn't listened to her, but began petting his head while his orgasm spewed his cum into her. Magellan mewled happily, laying belly-to-belly with the dragoness and leaning his head into her kind touch.

"You're a knucklehead." She berated softly, kissing him on the snout before laying her head down onto her pillow and shutting her eyes. Sleep wasn't hard for her to find, listening to Magellan's gentle hissing and the slow rattling of his tail.

When she woke up, Magellan was still laying overtop of her, his bulky weight pressing her into the bed as she blinked the sleep from her vision.

"Hey, can you get off?" She asked blearily, getting utterly no indication from the half-invisible nightstalker. She hooked an arm under his belly, and began to slide him over to the spot on the bed beside her, a tugging sensation coming from her crotch as she slowly moved him. With a wet pop, his knot finally came free from her, uncorking a river of seed and feminine juices that had been bottled up inside her. Rose grunted as the nightstalker finally slid off her, still fading in and out of visibility in his deep sleep. She clambered out of bed shakily, wondering why in the world nightstalker knots had to last so goddamn long as she surveyed the mess Magellan had left for her to clean up.

Thankfully she had known better than to just have any old blanket with a horny animal haunting her bedtime. The mess from their sex didn't cling to the blanket beneath despite being made of cloth, simply shifting into the deeper wrinkles where she and the hybrid had ruffled it up. Reaching under the bed, Rose pulled out a towel and began to wipe up the mess, silently thanking the pre-war geeks who thought a liquid-resistant spray was a necessity to make in bulk.

Once the mess was completely cleaned up, Rose took the dirty towel into the living room and tossed it towards the sink on the far end of the room, landing it in the right side almost perfectly. Seated beside the counter that the sink was set in was a somewhat clean yellow mini fridge, which she opened to pull out a nice cold Nuka Cola, twisting the cap off with a nice hiss of fizz and took a swig of the sweet soda. Taking both her drink and it's metal cap into her workshop, the dragon tossed the thin piece of metal onto the table and grabbed a wooden mallet. She flattened it with a single quick swing of the tool and slid it into a pouch in her nearby backpack, a small counter just above the flap ticking up one as she turned the knob a hair.

Magellan woke up to the sound of Rose's hammer hitting the workbench, his body flashing opaque before he went fully invisible, eyes darting around for a threat of any kind. Rose was gone, as was the mess she most likely made when she awoke before him. He hopped off the bed silently, peeking around the corner to see his master was already in her workshop and fiddling with her pack. He took a few glances around to make sure all was well before slowly uncloaking, catching the dragon's attention.

"Morning scaly butt, I think its time I put you on a diet that isn't grummy raiders, 'cause you're heavy as shit." She commented with a fair amount of snark behind her words. Magellan raised his head with pride, taking her words as a compliment to his ferocity and strength more than anything, padding over to her. She patted him on the head when he was close enough, rubbing his chin with the other as he pushed into her palm joyfully.

"We should head back to the city and get our pay. Maybe even some brahmin steak to celebrate." Rose thought aloud, watching the nightstalker's eyes brighten as his tail began to wag hard, rattling loudly as her words excited him. She turned to the suit of power armor with longing, tempted to hop in and just take it for a spin, even if just for a bit, but the missing components forced her to push the desire aside.

For Now.

Magellan followed Rose as she walked back to her room and begins to dress, zipping up the jumpsuit and strapping on the metal plates of armor overtop. She double checked every clip and magazine in her pouches to make sure she wasn't getting into a fight even slightly unprepared. She doubled back to her workshop to grab her spare backpack, given how she had left the other packed with junk. Clicking off the lights at the front door, she and Magellan set out on the road for Diamond City to collect what they were owed, the latter shimmering in the sunlight as he began to cloak, eyes alert and ready for anything.

To Be Continued...