Gold Dust

Story by Final_Furry on SoFurry

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#2 of Transformations

For the most powerful Lion in the world, there was one thing that he could not have: a restful night's sleep.

Emperor Hector Ix the first, was by all accounts a kindhearted ruler. But he was possessed with an unnatural obsession for all things shiny beneath the earth. He collected the silver, platinum and golden roots of the mountains and guarded these treasures more closely than any of his cubs or wife. Under the watch of a hydra carved from solid diamond resting on the headboard, behind curtains of golden fleece, the Emperor tossed and turned in his sleep. Tormented by the same recurring dream that visited him almost every night.

Beneath his twitching eyelids, thieves climbed in through his balcony window. They were dressed up like colorful flamboyant jesters and made no attempt at stealth as they trampled over the furniture or knocked down vases expensive enough to buy any village as they moved to surround his bed. They would point at his sleeping form and roar with laughter, some doubling over and slapping their knees in delight at how helpless he was while others tossed their heads back at unnatural angles to send thundering bellows of joy into the ceiling.

Once they had their giggles, one would reach down and take the large key around the Emperor's neck, snapping the delicate silver chain as they tore it off of him. The key was the only thing capable of opening the giant solid steel doors of the royal vault, too heavy to move except by the clockwork machinery within them.

Dancing down the hallways with demonic abandon, the theives would make their way into the bowels of the castle to where the vault was located. Without mercy, they would fondle his gold coins and trinkets with greasy fingers. Bloodshot eyes stared straight through his virginal diamonds and cracked, chapped lips kissed his statues, slobbering all over golden bosoms and silver cocks.

Before the dream thieves could further molest his treasures, the Emperor would awaken out of sheer horror and scream out like a woman at the height of labor. He catapulted himself out of bed with a full body spasm, soaked with adrenaline sweat. Throwing open his chamber doors with a crash heard around the castle, he would run full tilt down to the vault. Sleep he would only be able to find curled up on his piles of gold on such nights.

The Emperor had made this little spectacle such a routine event that none of the night guards paid any mind to it. They had learned not to bother him down in his vault while he was in one of his moods.

Seelie moved briskly down the corridor. The Wolven woman filled out the maid's outfit rather nicely with her blonde hair tied back in the headscarf she wore. Dark eyes flashed past the torchlight. Nothing unusual, just a doe-eyed member of the cleaning staff with a very large knife. The light in the vault glared off of the contents. Buttersteel. Armok's Cheese. Gold! more of it than she ever imagined was in the world. Shelves went floor to ceiling, laden with golden chests encrusted with precious gems, tapestries embroidered with platinum and statues of various figures or the magical winged and serpentine creatures lurking somewhere beyond the mountains.

Seelie waited between the shelves and clutched the dagger until a shrill noise echoed in the silence. A coin falling to the marble tiles. She moved briskly and silently toward the noise until he came into view. Emperor Ix stood before a giant dragon's head rendered in his favorite buttery metal, of course. It could have been a fireplace, but the open mouth was instead filled with gold coins sprinkled with multicolored gems.

Luck was on her side- his back was turned. The Emperor stretched his arms wide and the rich red robe he wore crumpled to the ground. He was not huge but surely in shape and appealingly close to muscular. He arched himself forward and began to pump his cock in front of the gold. His tail raised up with excitement, uncovering his ass and revealing a set of low hanging, heavy nuts swaying between his legs. They were weighed down somewhat by a golden ring stretching the testicles lower.

Yikes..what a weirdo!

Seelie moved out from where she crouched behind a statue. As she drew closer, so did the Emperor. He arched his body forward as he splashed the gold pile with thick streams of cum. He fell forward in orgasmic ecstasy onto the pile, burying his arms in the coins with a vulgar groan of pleasure. As he thrashed about, he buried his head, spent and about to fall asleep. But one of the coins fell out of the dragon statue's mouth and rolled across the marble tiles to Seelie's foot. She caught it between her fingers before it could fall and perhaps draw his attention. As soon as she touched the coin, all hell broke loose.

The air around her roiled with a strange energy which made itself known whipping through her fur as a strong wind. The headscarf was blown from her head and her golden hair flew wild. She didn't know what was taking place, but already knew what happened. A screw-up. Fatal in her line of work.

When reality at last put itself back together from the bubbling bending chaos of light, she stood frozen. Her vision was no longer filled with gold or valuables. It was instead a ring of crumpled cloth, having fallen away from her shrinking and now naked body. To her reeling mind, a dragon soared high above her as two suns burned in the sky. After a moment the harsh reality clarified itself. It was really the angry glare of Emperor Ix beyond his protruding erect cock.

Before Seelie could react, his hand enveloped her. Arms pinned to her sides with her breasts hanging over his thumb, she struggled in vain against the Lion's grip.

"Ah, thank goodness for my security system," He said smugly, "This is why it pays to know a warlock or two. If you're shrunk down you can't carry much of my gold away now can you!"

Her eyes widened. Perhaps not all was lost after all. If she were to play the part of a petty theif...well, it could spare her from the gallows at least. Then again, this was the royal vault...yeah probably not. But he sealed it when she heard him nudge the knife with a toe. She hung her head and went slack in his hand. To her surprise though, her head was not bitten off immediately.

"So it was murder on your mind?"

She lifted her gaze toward the giant visage. There was little point in lying.

"I am a blade for hire. That's what I was paid to do,"

To her surprise, he only chuckled and shook his head.

"If I had a penny for every assassin that tried to kill me, I'd need another vault. That bitter old gold digging bag of an ex just can't leave me be! She severely needs to find a hobby,"

Seelie gasped when he prodded her breasts with a finger, sliding it across them. He gently rocked her back and forth, amused by the swaying of her large chest.

"I'd rather not send such a beauty off to rot away in prison somewhere. Especially over this petty domestic dispute. I've got a far better idea.."

Seelie didn't like where this was going, and liked it less as she was carried over to a lavish table where a number of goblets and kettles were laid out. He removed the lid of a short, squat pot that stood out quite far among the goldenware. It was made of mere copper, although polished to a mirror quality.

It was filled with what looked like molten gold though it didn't appear to be hot. In fact, the Emperor actually dipped a finger in it. Whatever the substance was, it clung to his finger and hardened into something that looked like metal foil. He sucked the gold flakes off his finger and licked his lips.

"This is an interesting concoction my alchemist has come up with. When I pass away, I shall be the most expensive mummy ever seen. Don't fear, it won't harm you,"

Seelie shouted on the way down and then with a plunk, the gooey substance muffled her voice, squeezing in around her naked body as struggling to swim only sank her further.

Ix grinned as he admired the tiny nude Wolf figurine on the table. A perfect golden layer of foil held the assassin in place. It was flexible, allowing movement though not of her own accord.

With a mirthful chuckle, he posed her arms above her head and back down, balanced her on one leg and then moved her hands to cup her breasts. With a slight nudge at the hips, she bent down with legs spread to display the indent that marked her pussy. Perfect!

Her muffled voice could be heard cursing at him. In addition to its flexibility, the material allowed air to pass through fortunately enough. It was perfectly humane, he reasoned. Incredibly degrading, but humane all the same.

But as he stared at the statuette, he felt a familiar stirring just like he felt any time he caught sight of a valuable gold-forged item. His cock rose with the same power and fury as a thunderbird taking to the air. Bracing himself on the table, he began to stroke the stiff erection to the golden goddess.

When he climaxed, his aim was true. Seelie was absolutely soaked with his seed, oozing over the head and frozen face. Sopping down the large breasts and dripping off the ledge they formed.

Next he pulled her body straight and then bent it over at the waist until her head was between her knees. He positioned her tail straight up in an S-shape. This pose brought an even more bone rattling orgasm and another coating of semen.

Finally, he balanced her upside down standing on her hands and spread the legs straight out to either side. The imperial balls were thoroughly drained by the time he was done playing with her. He carried her through to the very rear sector of the vault. Tucked into an alcove between a couple pillars, there was a glass case affixed to the wall.

Seelie was left in her golden cocoon inside the case, the various muffled curses and threats she levelled at him far beyond hearing by any but herself.

Strangely enough, the Emperor was able to sleep the rest of the night without any dream thieves threatening him.

The Emperor's eyes peeled open in the dark of his bedchambers. No panic, no fear. He rose and casually threw on his night robe and made his way down to the vault. He went to the glass case and removed the figurine of the Wolf, cradling it as he walked to a table. He stood and pondered to himself as he looked at it and ran fingers through his ghostly white mane.

"Now let's see...carry the four...oh, she's certainly perished,"

It had been forty years since that night he had caught the assassin in the vault. The P'orcish horde had invaded his lands the very next morning and a long campaign had taken his mind far from the golden Wolf girl where she lay locked away in his vault. He picked the figurine up and shook it. Something rattled inside like pebbles.

Carefully, he pinched and peeled away a bit of the foil at one of the feet. He shook out a small gout of dust. He continued pouring out the remains of the Wolf, forming a small pile of golden dust along with tiny silvery bone fragments. It looked like the alchemist's mixture thoroughly transformed the subject down to the bone with enough time.

Hector grimaced. What do do about this?

Seelie had long ago rotted away and all that was left was the hollow shell in her shape. A shell with huge, perky breasts and a nice ass. The Emperor felt his pulse quickening and his cock stiffening. How depraved would it be to jerk off on the dead likeness of someone he killed in front of their remains?

The Emperor tore his robes apart to make way for his painfully stiff cock.

Two plate-clad guards watched from afar as their Emperor squatted and assaulted his cock with wild gyrations that rocked the table he was on top of. They turned away and left the Emperor to his activities.

"Looks like the old stud's still got it. Good for him,"

The gold dust that Seelie had become would eventually be melted down into a collector's coin, which his golden figurine stood upon back in its shelf. The golden Wolfess, an obscure but beautiful piece of Ix's collection.