Chapter VII: In The Dragon's Lair, Pt 1

Story by Seres North on SoFurry

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#7 of The Dragon & The Lady

Of all the things I written, this series seems to ...

Of all the things I written, this series seems to have evolved the most. It started out with little actual plot, but it's gradually evolved into a 'proper story'. Also, I changed the series title after chapter four because it no longer reflected the ethos of the series.

I'm still not totally sure where this series is going. For now, I'm content to let the storyline develop in a more "organic" way. Ironically, it was probably the long hiatus between chapters three and four that caused me to rethink my approach. I'm much happier with Annette and Balthazar in the newer chapters- I find them to be far more believable now.


**Chapter VII:

"In The Dragon's Lair, Part 1"**

For the most part, Annette was free to come and go as she pleased. The dragon Balthazar, her master, trusted her and knew that she wouldn't try to run away. Further more, the established presence of a dragon kept unwelcome visitors away from the lair.

Annette was content in her life with the dragon. In spite of the tragic events that had brought her to this point in her life, the young woman had no regrets... As long as she remained at Balthazar's side, then she was happy. Annette had fallen in love with him, and wanted nothing more than to be with him. However, she realized that he couldn't be around all the time. During one of his trips away, she had encountered a particularly interesting individual...

Annette stopped sweeping the sleeping chamber and smiled to herself as she pictured the attractive flower spirit. The eccentric Rose Maiden always had a strange air of serenity about her. But she could also be flirty and bold in her actions as well- something that she had proven when two women had first met. Annette blushed, recalling her rather heated first encounter with Rosetta.

She's never been with another woman before then, but she took to her like it was second nature. The young woman wondered if there was any sort of deeper implication to how effortlessly she had seemingly fallen in love with her... She guessed that it was more likely that is was Rosetta, herself, that she had fallen for. Though, she guessed that it would be hard not to be utterly captivated by someone as beautiful and ethereal as the Rose Maiden.

Annette sighed, recalling the other (more surreal) denizen of the liar she'd encountered... The water spirit Rezza was a bit much for her to handle (in more ways than one). So she was rather grateful that her encounter with Rezza wasn't going to be a regular occurrence- she simply didn't have the stamina for it! As far as Annette was concerned, Balthazar and Rosetta were more than enough for her.

She finished sweeping and set the broom aside before leaving the sleeping quarters. After all, there were limits to Annette's stamina... And her regular trysts with Balthazar and Rosette were taxing enough (though, in a good way). Despite the fact that Rezza was supposedly hibernating, Annette had decided to totally avoid the grotto- just to be certain.


The key turning point in their relationship occurred when Annette's confessed her true feelings to Balthazar. She'd always felt a strong connection with the dragon- from the moment she first saw him, she felt odd stirrings of emotions that she couldn't yet put into words.

As time went on, she began to realize that she was in love with him... Yet, the realization disturbed her deeply. By all logical reasoning, it was totally unfathomable that she could develop such feelings for the dragon. After all, the difference between them was like a yawning gulf- her being human and him being a dragon. But perhaps the biggest barrier was her own fear...

At the time, she was so scared of rejection that she tried to keep her feelings for him bottled up and go about her business. Of course, Balthazar was far to clever and observant to miss the obvious signs of unease in the young woman. Eventually, he pressed her to speak up. Annette felt as if she was backed into a corner by her own emotions. In the end, she caved in and confessed...

Yet, when she'd finally told him the truth... he'd accepted her. Then of course, there was the matter of what happened from there. Annette had never been intimate with anyone, so Balthazar was truly her first- in every sense of the word. She'd ventured into their relationship with no idea of what do... driven on by a basic longing.

Over time, she grew accustomed to him and her body was able to handle his girth. It was thanks to him that she learned what her body was capable of feeling and the sort of pleasures she could impart on her new lover. As she gained experience, she gradually grew bolder and learned how to tease the pleasure from his body, as well as how far she could push him before giving him release!


Annette had more or less been the instigator this time... She marveled at the sight before her- the dragon's member was hot and slick in her small hands. The blond smiled nervously as she began to gently caress the stiff organ- moving her palm up and down along the length of his shaft. His member began to glisten as pre-cum trickled down it.

Her heart raced as she continued moving her hands up and down along the length of his member. Her hands quickly became slick to the touch as she continued working his shaft. She leaned in and flicked her small tongue against the warm underside, then slowly ran it up along the length of his member- eliciting pleasured moans from the dragon.

She'd long ago realized that she couldn't take very much of him into her mouth, but he seemed pleased enough when she slipped the head of his large member into her warm mouth and diligently nursed it. She had quickly learned what he liked, so she had little trouble as she sucked at the head while also stroking the shaft with her hands.

For his part, the dragon quickly realized that his prehensile tail could be put to good use! The cute little pleasured whimpers that escaped the blond's lips told him so- as did the telltale shudder that would run through her as she arched her back. With expert skill, he teased the delicate outer lips before effortlessly slipping inside her passage. She cried out around his member as he thrust into her.

This was all foreplay of course, a prelude to the 'main event'...

As his tail delved inside her, she continued to nurse the head of his cock while running her slicked hand along his length. Moments later, Balthazar roared and bucked his hips into her mouth. Annette cried out, her inner walls clamping down around his tail and soaking it in her juices as she came. Even as she orgasmed, she could feel his member pulsing in her hands.

Annette braced herself as her mouth was filled with his hot seed. The blond eventually pulled back- his cum dribbling down her chin and onto her breasts as she struggled to swallow it. She gasped for breath- savoring the slightly coppery taste of his seed. The young woman's whole body was flushed a light pink color and she almost glistened in the dull firelight of the room.

After several moments, the dragon urged her onto her back. Annette took the hint and laid down across the fur-covered floor. She flashed a small smile before spreading her legs for him. The dragon quickly descended. He placed his hands on her knees and lowered his head between her thighs. Annette cried out as his long tongue teased her entrance.

The dragon smiled to himself and guided the head of his cock towards her, quickly parting the slick folds. Both of them were damp and slick from their efforts, so Balthazar had little trouble sliding into her. The woman cried out as his member filled her- his shaft only went in about half way, but that was enough for the two of them. A moment later, after she'd fully adjusted to him, she gave Balthazar a nod that he knew all too well.

Annette chewed her bottom lip as the dragon began slowly thrusting into her. She could only take about half of his length. Balthazar knew the limits of her human body and knew how far he could go without harming her. Even so, there was an inherent roughness in the motions, but she'd grown accustomed to it- quickly finding pleasure in the coupling.

Balthazar had also become aware of another factor... She was almost unbearably tight! Even slick from arousal, her passage gripped his member for all it was worth as he moved- enveloping his shaft in her warmth as he slid in and out of her. Gauging the mood, the red dragon slowly began increasing both the speed and rhythm of his thrusts. Annette's eyes went wide for a moment and a small cry escaped her lips before she fell back- moaning faintly with each thrust.

Her full breast began to move in sync with each powerful thrust. Balthazar easily lifted her small frame- careful not her mar her supple flesh. Almost instinctively, Annette wrapped her arms around his long neck to steady herself as he continued thrusting inside her. She began muttering his name, even as the dragon delved to the very limits of her tight passage.

Suddenly, Annette felt a familiar surge of pleasure run through her and through her head back. She cried out as her whole body went rigid for a split secant. Balthazar gasped as he felt her inner walls clamp down around his length as she came. He let out a low growl as he climaxed- filling her with his seed.

The blond went slack and had to cling to him, a shiver running through her as she held on. Annette was hot and sweaty and her long blond her stuck to her skin messily. She smiled to herself as she held onto him, murmuring his name softly...


Annette gasped as the sudden deluge of cool water cascaded down on her!

Rosetta watched the young woman, her dreamy half-lidded eyes arching as he rosy lips curved into a smile. The Rose Woman quickly set about washing Annette's hair, lifting up the long golden locks up to wash away the sweat and grime. The young smiled as she took turns washing her arms. The blond's hair was soon worked to a nice lather as the flower spirit scrubbed it.

"You know, I'm really impressed by how well you've adjusted to life here." Rosetta remarked as she worked her fingers into the mess of blond hair- diligently scrubbing the roots with her fingers. "You're so much more open-minded than most humans I've encountered over the years." She added with a smile.

Annette smirked at the other woman's words. The two of them were in one of the multiple bathing rooms in the lair- this one sporting chilled water. "Really...? I never really gave it much thought." She began. "I mean, Balthazar took me in... he took me in, sees to my needs and keeps me safe- far safer than one of my own kind might have. What else could I ever hope for?" She added with a smile as she paused to wash her face.

Rosetta bound up Annette's hair into a makeshift bun. "That's just what I mean." She began as she started washing the woman's back. "Most people would be terrified to go anywhere near a dragon's lair- let alone live in one!" She continued with a smile as she soaped up the smooth flesh of the woman's back. "But here you are, living with a being that can fly through the air and breath fire... and mingling with spirits, like myself."

Annette gingerly rose to her feet- with a bit of help from Rosetta to make sure she didn't slip. The water sloshed around the the young woman's ankles. She was was reasonably tall for a human woman- standing about 5'6". She guessed that the taller, rose-haired woman behind her must have been about 5'9" tall (not counting her hair).

Annette gave a small smile. "It's like I said, I'm happy here... I have a home- a place where I can feel safe and protected, where I can sleep without fear." She began in a wistful tone. "Balthazar has shown me so much kindness... He takes care of me, makes sure I never want for anything, and asks for nothing in return..." She finished with a warm smile.

Rosetta crossed her arms and smiled- nodding as she listen to the woman's glowing praise for her dragon benefactor. "And of course... He's quite open when it comes to expressing his love- both emotionally and physically." She added, grinning as Annette's eyes went wide and her face turned a dark shade of red.

(- End of Chapter VII -)

This chapter takes place in the present time, so it continues on from where the story left off after chapter four. I'm sorry this took so long, but I was having trouble with writers block and it took a while to work out where I was going with this.

I enjoyed writing this chapter a lot, as I was able to explore the characters in some detail. I also think this chapter contained one of my best written sex scenes! Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this and will be kind enough to give me some feedback about what you thought about it.

-Seres North