Wind of Change: Chapter 28

Story by seraphor12 on SoFurry

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#28 of Wind of Change

Ancient Allies

While Amhyr was dealing with the problems in Adonis III, our heroes in the Wind of Change_continued their travel to the center of the galaxy, now with _St. Vincent backing them. The ships decided that their best course of travel would be to travel together, especially after the two-year gap that cost them time to finish the whole mission early, extending their mission time. While morale was high, it was apparent that the pressure of saving the galaxy now rested in their hands.

The crew of Wind of Change, given how small their ship was, often docked beside St. Vincent and travelled together in FTL. With the same speed, and the same direction, they did not rip the connecting tunnel, made specifically for docking ships to travel together. As St. Vincent was easily ten times bigger than Wind of Change, they usually allowed the smaller ship to dock inside their empty docking bay, and letting the crew help with the situation.

The people from the smaller ship helped with morale, given that half of them were war heroes, though they also helped with other functions, like piloting course and becoming relief crew for the main crew. They basically became the crew of St. Vincent as much as they were the crew of their own ship.

Morale of the ship had been low ever since they came out of the dimensional tear, only to realize they had skipped two years of their time. The universe was chaotic due to the past happening again. Terra's human population started to dwindle as the Praxis Effect awakened dormant werewolf gene, and the Federation was thrown into disarray with so many ancient wars happening at the same time. It was as if an apocalyptic end was happening, only it wasn't just on one planet.

It was made worse when they passed sector Z25, the final relay gate to take them to sector Z20, before they continued their travel for at least two more months before they could reach the center of the galaxy. Even then, they did not know if the center of the galaxy held their answer. All they knew were 'speculations' and 'theories', in addition to information given by a fifth dimensional being who was cryptic in its own way, with only one person could hear it. Many of the crew left St. Vincent, though not many were essentials and many others were not the original crew of 500, plus Wind of Change.

And so, they travelled in FTL, towards sector Z0, the very center of the galaxy, risking their lives for an unknown purpose.

Contemplating the facts, Dairyu sat in the recreational lounge, drinking liquor while watching the lines that form the FTL travel. He wished he could see stars, but he knew time was of the essence, and they would travel on until they needed to stop to let the FTL drive cool down and then travel with impulse speed. The Orient felt more at home inside his own ship, one that he had been living in for ten years or more.

He was still concerned on how to deal with Seiryu, given that he was not only a living ghost, but was also a Solid, a term now used to indicate a ghost that could be killed. While it seemed like a disadvantage, a Solid had all their capabilities when they were still alive, and also could act like a true sentient being instead of being just a soul. Seiryu had also done that, and apparently for the best. He was not a compulsive and violent draconian as much as he was when he was still alive. He slowly became close with Capisa out of their shared interest, despite of his slight xenophobic attitude. Everyone still did not like the way he talked and the way he acted, but in conclusion, he was a better person than when he was first given the mutagen to turn him into a Warrior.

Dairyu was still thinking about Seiryu when the draconian himself came into the lounge and started to order a synthesized beer from a replicator. He then noticed Dairyu, lounging and watching the FTL stream. The draconian then sat beside him on an available chair then, without asking, took Dairyu's glass and took a sip, before he felt disgusted and put the drink down.

"A Laguna Ria?" said Seiryu. "You still drink this shit?"

"It's not my fault for not having a good beer tongue," said Dairyu while drinking his cocktail. "How about you? That replicated stuff is cheap taste."

"No one seemed to have beer in this time and era, so a replicator is my best bet. But, I'm quite surprised. For a synthesized beer, this shit tastes like the real deal."

"It has been twenty years, Seiryu, of course replicators are already more advanced. But for me, a cocktail made from genuine thing and made by the lovely bartender there is enough."

"Yeah...for a dead person, that is."

Both laughed and then sipped their beverages again. After that, they went silent, before Seiryu started talking.

"You still have doubts, are you, with my mother?"

"Doubts? I love her like my own being. Yes, I know we aren't married, but she is not an unfaithful one."

"She isn't," said Seiryu short. "And she's ready to move on. Will you, though?"

"I..." Dairyu couldn't answer.

"How hard is it to let me go, Ryu? I am already dead, and you've endured hardships for changing to a better Orient. Why am I still in your mind?"

"Because you're here, a ghost," said Dairyu. "And more than that, a Solid. I know you are dead, but I...also know that you're alive, and that makes me feel conflicted. I know that when this is all over, you will be dead again, but I know your life isn't complete yet."

"How? I don't have any connection, or even friends. I was a fucking punk and still am. The Federation had branded me as a maniac. A lunatic."

"No, they're not!"

"I can see it in their eyes! These people, the young ones who did not live during the galactic wars, only heard about stories of my atrocities, and your rebellion from the Terran Empire. Then you proved the Terrans that you are not beyond redeemable, and you won their hearts, and caused the weak Empire to crumble. Me? I'm just a sociopathic asshole who was apparently recorded in history pads as someone who was responsible for a bunch of massacres that I did not commit! I know I will be branded as such for my own shits, and I'm glad to be away from all that, so why can't you let me go? Do you have something towards me?"

"I can't let you go...because I am still blaming myself for what happened back then."

"I told you so many times already. That's my decision!"

"Yes, but...why can I let you go?"

"Something's latching you to that guilt, Dairyu. Is it Yuki? Is it my mother?"

"A miracle," said Dairyu, which made Seiryu silent. "A miracle...that you would be fully resurrected and live out your life normally."

"Are you fucking delusional? That is not happening! From the historical facts I read about myself, I think I'm better off dead than alive. No one will see a monster or even get nightmares of the Crimson Rain walking the corridor with blood of his enemies flowing with him. I want to die as Seiryu Agashina."

"Then live and convince them that you're not the same Orient that die young because of his eagerness and overconfidence!" exclaimed Dairyu, losing his nerve. "If you just stayed with me and listened to what I said, you would not be the poster boy for the Terran Empire! You would not be demonized after the war, and you would not be remembered as a monster! What's wrong with you, Seiryu? Why did the mutagen turned you into that person? Is that your true personality when you're not a sickly child waiting for his turn to be called? Is that what it is?"

"That mutagen program is a fucking mistake! Me, and you, are fucking mistakes! If they had the procedure that created the New Warriors, we might not be like this! We are relics of a past that needs to be forgotten!" Seiryu then sighed, and calmed down. "'re right. I may...have a hidden desire for malice. That is why..."

"You must finish this, or wait a miracle. I don't want the name 'Seiryu Agashina', or the bearers of your family's name, to be tarnished. Prove that the Crimson Rain is redeemable, even after death."

"But how?" asked Seiryu. "How am I supposed to prove that?"

Just then, the PA speaker called the 'essential bridge crew', meaning both Dairyu and Seiryu. They both bolted up and walked towards the door, into the elevator, and directly to the bridge, where Lunera, Atho, and Pritchard had been waiting for them.

"What's the matter, captain?" asked Dairyu.

"See for yourself," said Pritchard while pointing towards the monitor.

Dairyu and Seiryu looked at the monitor and was left stunned. The monitor showed a fleet of spaceships, all apparently old model and ancient. The Saurian crew knew this was a fleet of their Saurian saucers, given how 'primitive' it looked despite of it being quite high tech.

Then, a surprise came to them in the form of warning from nearby ships.

"I've read ship signatures," said Capisa, who was manning the helm. "On screen."

A second monitor then showed them another spectacle and surprise, this time from a group of unknown fleets of ships. This revelation, however, surprised the Aqura, including Capisa.

"By Leviathan's scales!" exclaimed one of them. "Those are warpships!"


"Early FTL-capable spaceships," said Capisa. "I saw one in the museum. Most of them were already two hundred years old. Judging by their position in this sector...I think they belong in an exploration fleet that went missing back then. We declared them all deceased."

"Well, now you can be sure," said Dairyu. "There's no way a two hundred years old fleet would be space-worthy, let alone having their original crews alive. If they are there, then they are dead. How's the Saurian fleet?"

"We are not sure," said a Saurian crew member. "Their ship model is not in our database. They could be from the Lost Histories."

"I see...can their ship be hailed?" asked Lunera.

"Our ships are capable of subspace communication, but it is very old and quite a hassle to use," said Capisa. "I'm not sure how to use one, given that they are all in the museum."

"We don't even know how to talk to our ships," said the Saurian. "We know our technology is quite advanced thousands of years ago, but we're not sure if the fleet came from that era, or older."

"So, the only way to know their intention is to wait for them to talk to us? Well, make it so. Make sure the Translator is working if they are talking to us with their own language."

"Provided they don't end up shooting each other," said Dairyu. He then walked towards Capisa and said, "Do you know the expedition's history well, Capisa?"

"No, unfortunately," said Capisa. "Like I said. They disappeared."

"Yes, everyone knows that. Do you know their exploits, or their history, or..."?

"Do I look like a historian to you?"

"Whoa! I'm just asking. Don't get all cranky on me."

"Sorry, it's just...I'm not used to helming a giant spaceship before."

"Oh,'re more accustomed to smaller crafts. Isn't being a helmsman needs license, though?"

"I'm a Mako agent, remember? And besides, I don't need to do much. Most of the navigational system is autopilot, courtesy of a decade of advancement. I'm just nervous. The lives of 500 and more people is in my hands."

"If I'm in your position, I'd be nervous too. Heck, I think the primary crew is also nervous. But you can also fight when things go bad, so keep on going. We will survive this."

"Yeah. Oh, and I just remembered something. From the database, the fleet leader was not just one person, but two."


"You'll see them soon enough, after they have hailed..."

"Hello, there!" said a voice. "I never felt more relieved to meet someone to understand my words, they understand?"

"Keep talking and wait, Palesa. They might listen."

"We heard you, fleet leaders," said Capisa. "My name is Capisa S'Hor. I'm the ship's helmsman. How do you get our frequency?"

"After tries on different frequencies," said a male voice. "Well...we tried one to the Saurians, but they don't seem to understand a word we said. Not surprising, given how we don't know their language."

Dairyu turned to Capisa, who said, "There was no Universal Translator two hundred years ago. We are the only one who can communicate to both fleet."

Just as he said that, a signal was received from the Saurian fleet. They opened communication to find a Saurian on screen.

"Unknown spacecrafts, do not interfere with our operation. You are travelling within the battle zone. Turn around. We cannot guarantee your safety."

"Identify yourselves first," said Pritchard.

"I am Fleet Captain Selis Astak," said the Saurian. "Identify yourself."

"I am Commander Pritchard Belford of St. Vincent. I request permission to fly through the battle zone..."

"A...human? On a spaceship? And do I see other Terrans there?" said Selis, surprised. Apparently, the screen monitor was two-way.

"Yes, I am," replied Pritchard.

"But that is impossible! There is no way you are on a spaceship, let alone piloting it. Your planet is still primitive, and your people are barely even together."

"There is a lot to explain, both to you and the Aquran fleet..."

"Aquran fleet? The one in front of us is an Aquran fleet? Last I checked, they aren't even capable of building a satellite! What in the world is going on? Are you playing tricks on me, unknown ship?"

"We are not, and I assure you, this is a lot easier to explain if you stand down and let a representative to visit our ship. The Aqura, too. We will talk about this, so stand down. I repeat, stand down."

The Saurian seemed to discuss the whole situation with his own people. The Aqura fleet, also on screen, discussed it among themselves. After a while of tense moments, the Aquran twin fleet captains walked to the screen, with one of them saying, "We agree to your terms, St. Vincent."

"We as well," said Selis. "Where will the meeting take place?"

"On my ship, the St. Vincent. It's the only way to communicate between you two."

Both nodded and end communication. Lunera turned towards Pritchard and said, "Do you think it is wise for both to be on the same ship? They are most likely Solids."

"You have a suggestion?"

"How about the Wind of Change?"

Dairyu scoffed. "Good luck convincing them to talk inside my ship. They'll love it there. Anyway, those Saurian ships...they look a lot like a pyramid."

"It's not surprising, sir," said a Saurian crew member. "We have evidence that they once settled on Terra many years ago, and gave rise to the race of Lizard people. But...I thought it's common knowledge?"

"Maybe for the young people. I stopped my history education a long time ago," said Dairyu. "But yeah. I guess they do seem related to each other. Only your people look more like dinosaurs than not."

After confirming that both fleet's captains were to meet with Pritchard, Lunera, Dairyu, and Atho, they readied a reception room for both to come. Apparently, for goodwill purposes, the captains were the one coming instead of a representative, especially since it was for the crew's best purpose. Of course, what they were going to hear would be both disturbing and surprising for them.

It always started with the last moment they remembered, with each remembered one fatal encounter that could not have yield survivors. The Aquran twins remembered their ship being attacked and their ships destroyed, while Selis remembered being in the middle of a war, though in the Saurian's case, it was vague given the situation.

"Basically, the three of you are dead," said Dairyu. "You are all ghosts now."

"Ghosts?" asked Selis, surprised. "We are no longer body and soul?"

"Just souls, but then...would you mind?"

Selis felt his hand was pricked by Lunera's claw, and it drew blood. This surprised him and the Aqura twins.

"I'm flesh and blood?"

"You are...what we called 'Solids'. Basically, you are no longer ghosts, but fully resurrected, except that you're already dead once. Those who were killed while being a Solid would not leave any body trace, for your body is in a different place."

"Well, if that's the case, I just hope my body's not being violated in any ways," said Palesa, before his twin brother said, "Oi!"

"What, Kalesa?"

"Be serious! This is important!"

"What can we do? We are already dead. Of course, we miss our chance serving Leviathan, but at least we can continue our exploration, right?"

"Leviathan might appreciate that optimism, but we are resurrected! If we go back into the Abyss, we won't even see His court! We'll be thrown into total darkness!"

Palesa shuddered. "O-oi, bro. Don't scare me like that."

"Then focus. These Terrans are kind enough to tell us what's wrong."

"Actually, you three are the reasonable ones," said Pritchard. "Most other Solids we tried to negotiate with were either too stubborn to finish the fight or outright refused our help. Some did not even care. We're glad to know that it is not impossible to negotiate."

"What are we, savages?" said Selis. "I know you live in an era of peace, but we also have courtesy during wars. It's an inevitable civil war, and we regretted blowing up our brethren. Aside from that, we realize that we are also the most primitive one of all of you."

"But nevertheless, the earliest known space travelers," said Pritchard. "So...I guess this is it?"

"Yeah, though it feels weird to know that we are not alive, yet alive," said Palesa. "I've got a lot of questions, now that the future is here, towards the Aqura. Wanna come and talk to 'em, Kal?"

"Suit yourself. I want to know how this ship works," said Kalesa. "It's clearly a marriage of so many technologies, and is clearly adapted to many space-faring races."

"I'll relay the results of this meeting to my fleet," said Selis. "And...I need to talk to that Sslatha."

"Sslatha?" Dairyu realized what he meant, and said, "Oh, if you're referring to's a long story..."

Dairyu asked the others to leave them alone, which they did. After making sure that no one would hear about it, he said, "The short version of it is...he's my slave."

"Oh?" said Selis. "Huh, it explains a lot. I guess Saurians of your time do sell slaves to other races, too."

"His situation is a bit of a weird thing, actually. He was a pirate's prisoner and crew, so by your law, he's a criminal. He ran away, hid on a frontier planet, then I caught him. I made him my crew, but then, at the same time, my slave, so..."

"I'm more interested on how a tribal-minded serpent race could be a space-faring criminal turned slave," said Selis. "Did something happen to him? I don't really care if he's a slave or not. He's with you, so it's fine by me. I just want to know why he became a slave in the first place. Sslathas are not known to be social, and some tribes are downright hostile."

"I'm...not quite sure about that. You need to ask Xsatuki himself."

"I guess that will do. Oh, and why did you seal this room?"

"Slavery is a very sensitive topic among the Federation people, though they cannot enforce the law given how Saurians and Aldoons regarded it as an ancient culture that cannot be abolished no matter what."

"Your Federation is kind of weak to not enforce that."

"You're alright with that? The abolishment of slavery?"

"I'm fine either way. It's just...following the whims of one or two races is not worth it. Things can change, like when our planet became one planetary government after years of tension and war threatened to destroy our home planet. Your Federation can make it better by change. I know it's hard, but then...who knows?"

"I guess even ancient laws can't stay forever, huh?"

"It's ancient for a reason. Time changes, and so do people. Just don't force it, or you might have another war on your hand. Judging by your armor, you are an experienced soldier yourself. It's never going back for you, too, huh? I can see it in your eyes."

Dairyu hesitated to reply about it, one which Selis sympathized with.

"Were you drafted?" said Dairyu, trying to steer the discussion away.

"Voluntary," said Selis short. "Rose up to the rank of commander in 12 years. Might go and be an admiral, but I hate desk jobs. Besides, I'm still 44, young in Saurian standard."

"And quite young in current standards. I got a friend aged 255, and he is still doing well."

"255! Is he immortal? But, I won't gonna complain about things. I've my share of life. I intend to enjoy my second wind, however short that is."

"You better be," said Dairyu. "Some others do not have that chance.... to one of our Saurian crews. They are very eager to hear from you."

Selis nodded, but then he also noticed Dairyu's solemn expression. The Saurian knew that look, and he silently acknowledged it before opening the door, leaving Dairyu alone in that room.

The captains of the two fleets from different eras then informed their crew of St. Vincent's intentions. Everyone from both fleets were glad that there was nothing to be worried about, and even invited the crews from the lone ship to dine in Palesa and Kalesa's main ship, the Sha'kren. It was their biggest ship, essentially an Aquran dreadnought, yet apparently not used for warfare. Instead, it was a generation ship, with at least three stages of life present in it. Of course, only the senior crews and select high-ranking officers were required to attend their ballroom, while the rest enjoyed themselves in some sort of short leave away from any planet.

The Sha'kren was better described as a cruise ship than an exploration vessel. The interior was just like a city of its own, with its own day and night cycle, business, and law enforcement. As expected, there were no obvious criminal elements in the 'city', except troublemakers that were put in prisons (the Aqura felt that forced reeducation was unnatural and 'immoral', which, fortunately, held on for hundreds of years to come). The ship itself was big enough to apparently fit two cities, and the whole ship had a population of at least two thousand Aqura.

Kalesa explained to Capisa, who confided to him, that Sha'kren was intentionally not 'submerged' as they used it as a main first contact ship, so it wouldn't do them good if it was submerged. Other ships, however, was submerged, as they were more military and scientific. Thus, only Sha'kren_was a civilian ship. Capisa, in turn, told them that, given the construction of relay gates for faster travel between sectors, made a generation ship like the _Sha'kren redundant, although he hesitated to tell Kalesa, who apparently valued peace, that the ship of Sha'kren's size were used as dreadnoughts.

After they finished their dinners, they returned to their own ships, except the crew of Wind of Change. They were invited to Culax, Silas's command ship. Unlike the other ships, it was smaller and was more akin to a scout ship, but unlike the Wind of Change, it still held 200 or so crews.

Of course, despite of generally peaceful workplace, the crew, especially Rose, were uncomfortable with the fact that most of the crews were slaves from many Saurian sub-races. The Saurians were more akin to 'space opera' or 'space fantasy' crew, with apparent anachronisms in their part. While not wearing a space suit, the Saurians wore a more or less tribal clothing, with the decorations indicated their standings. A commander like Selis wore a full tribal adornment with feathers and precious metal and jewels, along with body paint that indicated his rank. Being a raptor, he had both natural feathers and colorful headdress, like a chief. Only Scyllas wore traditional clothing that looked tribal enough, at least in a modern sense.

Those under a commander rank wore less regalia and some had no body paint. It went on for a while until the slaves. The slaves wore nothing except a simple garment and they mostly wore bands to indicate their status. Of course, this did not seem to make a difference, given that they acted as equals, except, as Selis explained, in situations where subordinates were encouraged to speak up. Slaves had no such privilege, so many of them were of the lowest ranks, where speaking up was not possible.

Rose did not like the fact that slavery in space age was still rampant, despite of knowing that it was a Saurian thing. She opted to stay in the Wind of Change after a while, not liking the fact that it was an essential thing. By the end, only Dairyu, Seiryu, and Capisa went with Selis on a tour, until they returned to the hangar bay.

The four of them sat near the ship while Xsatuki cooked some food. Seiryu wanted to fetch a drink, but was discouraged by Dairyu. Selis, however, had no constraint and smoked in front of them.

"I guess it did not went on as well as I expected," said Selis while exhaling some smoke. "That furry mammalian..."

"She's a werewolf."

"Yes, a werewolf. She doesn't seem to like us."

"Unlike us, she abhorred slavery, but she can't do anything about it, that's why she's so angry," said Dairyu. "Don't worry. Unless something happened, she won't interfere. Rose's a very progressive person, so I don't blame her."

"I don't blame her, either. Personally, I feel this way of life is sad. A Saurian being owned by the other? It just feels wrong. I know that a counter-argument would be that they are criminals, debtors, enemies, or such, though none of them exist on this ship. They were hatched in it...and I pity them."

"Wanna act about it?"

"I'll try. It won't be a popular cause, but I hope I can do so, if my time is enough. Anyway...I gotta say something to you."


"I noticed that you are on a journey, too, and that journey took a while to finish. May I ask what is your final objective?"

"To sort out...this."

"Oh, I see," said Selis. "I guess that's a fair cause, isn't it? We are unnatural, and to set the balance right, we need to go, right?"

Dairyu nodded.

"I am alright with that, personally," said Selis, looking towards the floor. "I am already content that our civilization still has a future, even after a majority of our history records got wiped out by a cataclysmic disaster. I am not sure about the Aqura, though?"

"They'll understand," said Capisa. "The twins knew their time was over. In our belief, if we are resurrected, we will be denied a place in the Abyss Lord's castle, and be plunged in an infinite darkness. That's why we don't do clones or mind transfer surgery. They believed that Leviathan himself kicked them out back to the 'surface'."

Selis chuckled. "Quite funny fellows, they are. But anyway..."

The Saurian stood up. "How about if we become allies and see this through?"

"That's a good idea, but...we need to talk about it with the twins."

"I think it's better that way. How about if we seal that this small ship of yours?"

They travelled to space after talking with the twins. They agreed and used a shuttle to travel to the Wind of Change, along with Pritchard and Lunera. They all convened on the ship, and discussed the matter. Everyone agreed to see this through, and they sealed their deal on the Wind of Change.

The Saurian fleets oversaw protection in sector Z0 given their superior weapons. The Aquran fleets, following their original protocol, became a chronicler, as they helped with the collection of data for the Federation, helping them immensely. After everything was done, they relayed this finding to the ships, to great acclaim of all ships.

Before they all leave, Selis noticed the Wind of Change, and said, "I like the name. Wind of Change. It's fitting, given her role in causing this union."

"I don't really care much about it. Seiryu made the suggestion for it," said Dairyu.

"And it serves its name well," said Seiryu. "She's a fine girl, and she will see everything through, until the end."

"Well said," said Selis. "Do you know what our ship's name, Culax, means? Xsatuki can explain."

Everyone turned towards the Viper, who said, "Culax have many meanings. In my language, it means 'Dreamer'. In their language, it means..."

"Hope," said Selis with a smile. "It will serve its purpose, as a hope for the future of this universe. How about St. Vincent?"

"It's the name of an ancient monk, during time when religion is in most our life," said Pritchard. "He was a healer whose tranquil presence changed people's life, and his soul was allegedly so pure that his body will not rot, though it is impossible to be certain of that anymore. It's our ship's name since it was a hospital ship, but now, I guess being able to create miracles will do for her."

Then they all turned towards Palesa and Kalesa, on their ship's name.

"Well, it's nothing special, really. Sha'kren is our mother's maiden name," said Palesa. "But we chose that name so we know that our mother is always with us through the journey."

"I agree on that. So...onwards unto the end?"

"Onwards," said Dairyu, followed by everyone in Wind of Change.

And so, their journey continued, with St. Vincent no longer alone. They travelled towards sector Z0, to see things end and, depending on their success, would see themselves be annihilated, or live on to see an uncertain future.