Good Enough/Crossroads Chapter 8

Story by ragewolver on SoFurry

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#9 of Crossroads

Remember to check out my collaborator, Lupine Catastrophe and his works. The artwork was done by Siek and he's an amazing artist!

Good Enough--Crossroads--Chapter Eight--A Date?

Friday night found Chance stared at the number he'd saved in his phone on Monday; he still had yet to dial it or text it or anything. But Zack had given it to him to use and so he should, but what was there to say? He gazed at the rectangular device in his grip and he debated with himself whether or not to use it.

Downstairs, he heard a peal of laughter from his father and stepmother. They were watching some cheesy comedy that Chance had no interest in seeing. He had even less interest in spending time with his father--the week had passed by in much the same fashion with very few words exchanged between them. Chance could tell his father was still irritable and probably would be for a little while.

A surge of defiance welled in him at the sound of David's laughter and, finally he dialed the number and sent a short text message: Hey, Zack, it's Charlie. How are you?

Chance waited for a second, setting the phone off to the side as he started to get a bit more excited, a bit more nervous. The seconds seemed to extend somehow and he wasn't sure how long he'd waited when he got a reply.

Hey Charlie. I'm good. You?

Doing good. Just kind of relaxing right now. What're you up to?

Chance waited patiently, nervous and excited.

Not much of anything.

I'm looking forward to tomorrow. Can't wait!

What? You're still coming over? What about your dad? Thought he didn't want you around me?

My stepmom will bring me.

Oh! Awesome. Cool.

Are we still good for tomorrow?

Yeah, no prob. Looking forward to it.

Chance blushed and smiled as he typed back: Me too.

Chance swallowed thickly; somehow in the back of his mind, he realized his father would be furious if he knew. He leaned backward on his bed, staring up at the ceiling. His head turned slightly to look at the framed picture on his bedside table. He picked it up and looked at it carefully; the photograph was old, showing himself and his parents. His eyes focused intently on his mother's visage and he grinned.

You'd tell me to go, wouldn't you?

"How'd you convince Dad to let me go?" Chance asked the next day as Michelle turned a corner, getting closer to the Bailey house. Michelle looked over with a smile; Chance had been silent throughout most of the ride and she seemed genuinely glad that he had spoken to her without prompting.

"Don't worry about it," Michelle answered. "I'll handle your father. Just make sure you keep it our little secret."

Chance nodded. He smiled at her. "Thanks, Michelle. But why're you helping me?"

"Do I need a reason?"

"Most people would."

She shrugged absently as the GPS alerted them to their arrival. She pulled up in front of the house and put the car in park. "Chance, I just wanted to be nice. I don't need a reason for it. I know we've had some issues in the past but maybe we can work past them. Besides, I think your father's being a bit unreasonable."

"Thanks... I appreciate it."

"You're welcome. And I think your friend's waiting."

Chance looked over; Zack had opened the front door and was waiting patiently. Chance thanked her once more and stepped out, walking up to the jackal with a jovial stride.

"Hey, ready to get started?" Zack asked.

"Yep! Ready whenever you are!"

Chance let out a powerful shout as he struck the punching bag, ignoring the weird feeling ringing through his arm as he did so. Zack let out a mirthful laugh as the punching bag shook feebly, leaving Chance feeling slightly embarrassed at the weak punch. They had finished the main part of their workout and Zack had offered him a swing on the bag (which left Chance's paw throbbing).

"It hardly moved," Chance griped with a chuckle. "That was so pathetic!"

"Nah, you just need to give it more 'umph'!" Zack encouraged, adjusting his own glove. He gave two quick punches to the bag, causing it to swing much more, the chains holding it up rattling audibly through the garage. Zack gripped it to stop its swaying. "Here, try again."

Chance punched once more; the bag scarcely moved at all. Chance laughed heartily with Zack. Part of Chance regretted asking about the punching bag, but the laughter in this moment had made this worth it.

"Come on, pup, put some muscle behind it!" Zack said, grabbing at Chance. Chance let out a yip of surprise as he was put into a headlock. "You wanna be buff like me, right?"

"Hey, get off!" Chance snorted, pushing against Zack meekly. "That's not fair." You really are pretty buff.

"Are you two almost done?" an irritable voice asked. They paused and looked up; Seth was standing in the doorway, scowling with his arms crossed.

"We're just finishing up, we won't be long," Zack answered, letting Chance go. "I've gotta take Seth to his friend's house after we shower. You can come along if you want."

"Sure," Chance answered, picking up his water bottle. He took a quick swig as he stared to make his way inside. "I'll be back in a bit."

"Take your time," Zack answered, motioning to his brother. "Come in, Seth."

Seth stepped into the garage, brushing past Chance as he walked by. Chance hesitated for a moment as they passed. Does he not like me? Chance wondered when he saw the look on Seth's face.

The car ride to Seth's friend's place was awkward and silent at best. Seth was determinedly quiet as he surfed on his phone and Chance had contented himself with merely watching the buildings and landscapes go by as Zack drove in silence.

Chance wasn't sure how long they'd been on the road when Seth spoke up in a monotonous, annoyed voice. "So, um, what's your name again? Charlie?"

Chance jumped in surprise and glanced into the backseat. He considered for a moment rejecting the name, but instead said, "Yeah, Charlie's fine."

"Okay." There was another pause and Chance waited patiently for Seth to speak again. "So do you do art as well? Like Zack?"

Chance nodded eagerly. "Yeah, I like to draw mostly."

"Cool," Seth said dismissively. "So, where did you two meet?"

"At the school art club," Chance answered.

"Oh." Seth somehow sounded more uncomfortable. "So is that just a gay thing or--"

"Seth!" Zack barked suddenly, making them both jump, "if I ever hear you say something like that again--"

"What?!" Seth scoffed. "I'm just curious! I was told gay people do things like art and you--"

Chance had stopped listening, his face burning with embarrassment as he sank lower in his seat. Art was gay? Since when? And who said something like that? And clearly Zack was furious, his yelling resonating in the car.

"Apologise! NOW!" Zack ordered.

"Sorry," Seth said lowly without sounding very sorry at all.

When they arrived at Seth's friend's house, Seth was eager to get out of the car. He had only opened the door when Zack spoke once again, still angry and agitated. "Seth, you and I are going to have a serious talk later."

"Yeah, whatever," Seth said, no less irritable than he had been throughout the entire drive here. He hurried up to the front door and entered the house without bothering to knock or ring the doorbell.

"You okay?" Zack asked Chance.

Chance straightened slightly and stared out the window. Zack had started to drive away. "I'm fine," Chance said hurriedly. "Is he always like that?"

"No. Well, yes... He just made an assumption, that's all. He didn't mean anything by it, I promise."

"I hope so," Chance grumbled. He wasn't sure why Seth's words had bothered him so much.

"Hey, my brother, Tristan--you remember him right?"


"He's having a play next Saturday at seven. I was wondering if maybe you wanted to come. I think he'd like it if you were there. He likes you a lot."

Chance grinned. Do you like me a lot? "Of course. I'd love to come."

"Cool. It's a date."

"Like a real date?" Chance asked excitedly. At once, he wanted to take the words back. His mind was racing with fear and he sank lower into his seat, his ears drooping and his skin burning. Laugh. Make a joke. Act like you're not serious. Something! He's going to think you're weird. Or creepy. Or--

"If you want," Zack offered.

Chance's heartbeat began to race as he quickly returned his attention to the window. The rest of the ride back to the Bailey household was passed in silent, but the awkwardness from before had gone. Now, Chance could feel nothing but joy and excitement and the dopey grin on his face.

"I know that look," Michelle said in a teasing way as Chance got into the car. She pulled away from the Bailey house and Chance waved happily at Zack and his parents as the car turned a corner and the jackals were out of sight. "Did he ask you out?"

Chance blushed and looked downward, still grinning. "Maybe."

"Well, congrats, Chance," Michelle said encouragingly. "I'm so happy for you. I know what it's like to get asked out by a handsome canine." She let out a small swoon. "Makes your heart flutter, doesn't it?"

"It really does," Chance admitted. "Just hope I don't screw up."

"You won't. Be yourself, be confident, and make sure you keep a condom in your--"

"Please stop," Chance said. "I don't want to have this conversation with you."

"Would you rather have it with your father?" Chance hesitated. "I'd rather have it with my mom. No offense, but it's just really uncomfortable to talk about it with you."

"I understand. She'll probably give you the same advice though," Michelle remarked. "But still, congrats. And don't worry, I won't tell your father."


Sunday night was more noisy than Chance was used to, though it wasn't an unwelcome departure from normality. Michelle had invited the Dentons over for dinner and cooked an extravagant meal. The kitchen table was noticeably too small for all six of them so Chance and Sylvia ate in the living room, talking happily as they ate the five-star dinner, which Chance had noted tasted better than any of Michelle's meals to date. Beside him, Sylvia flitted gently through his sketchbook, looking at his artwork with intrigue and amazement.

"These are new," she noted, reading the dates that Chance habitually put in corner of each sketch. "And you did this one this morning?"

Chance leaned over; yes, this sketch had been done really rapidly before church. "Yeah. I think I've gotten better at drawing faces and stuff."

"You really have," she said. "These are really good. Ever thought of making a comic?"

Chance snorted with a small laugh. "No. I can't write a story."

"It's an art form that few people can master," Sylvia said. "I can."

"No, you can't," Chance chortled.

"You know I can," she giggled, jabbing him playfully in the arm. "You've read some of my poems and stuff. Like my story, Broken Arm."

"That was barely three pages long."

"It was a short story."

"With a hole in the plot I could drive a truck through," Chance teased.

She rolled her eyes, still smiling as she turned the page again. Her expression fell as she analyzed the drawing carefully. "Chance, are you friends with Zack Bailey?"

"Yeah, he's pretty cool," Chance answered calmly. His eyes narrowed as he looked over. She had stopped on yet another portrait of the jackal.

"You draw him a lot. If you're not careful, someone might think you've got a crush on him."

"I don't," Chance said reflexively and rapidly. Yes, you do; you dreamt about him last night. "We're just buddies. Friends."

"Okay. Do you have a girlfriend?" Sylvia wondered.

"No," Chance answered.

"Well, would you change your mind if I asked you out?" she offered nervously. She fiddled absentmindedly with her hair. "I mean, there's a movie coming out next weekend and I figured maybe you and I could go see it together. We can go as friends if you don't want to call it a date."

"Sorry," Chance said, feeling genuinely sorry. "I can't. I've already got plans."

"What plans?" interrupted a commanding voice. The adults had come into the living room and David was looking down at his son with curiosity.

"I'm going out next Saturday," Chance explained, looking away. "I got invited to go hang out with someone."

"Who's this 'someone'?" David questioned. "A new girlfriend?"

No, it's a boyfriend. "Kind of," Chance murmured shyly.

"What's her name?" Derek asked, curious. "Is she cute?"

"Yeah," Chance murmured apprehensively. He stood with his half-eaten plate. "I'll be in my room. I've got homework to finish."

"Hold it, Chance," David ordered. "What's her name?"

"Zoe," Chance lied. Stop! Stop now! You're about to do something you'll regret!

"Zoe..." David prompted.

"Adustus," Chance hurriedly said. You're digging your grave. Just shut the fuck up!

David seemed hesitant but Derek said, "Congratulations, little pup. Takes courage it ask out a pretty lady. Hope you two hit it off."

"Thanks," Chance murmured sadly. I'm in deep sludge...