Wisper's Business TOur

Story by Wisper on SoFurry

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#1 of Wisper's Moments

Greetings all and thanks for making it to this post.

This is a brief story just to introduce myself, my situation, and where I stand. Don't worry, future stories will be shorter, sweeter, and sexier,

this first one is just me getting my paws wet in the field. I got plenty of fun to come with several characters.

Sit tight and enjoy

Also, Shere Khan and other characters mentioned in the story are property of their respected worlds. I do not own them, this is just slight fan fictionish?

Wisper's Business Tour Standing outside his 3 story complex in a pressed black suit and blue tie, a young snow leopard folds his arms and taps his bare footpaw on the ground.

"Mr. Wisper, Sir!" cried a man from down the street.

Wisper glanced to his right, seeing a two tailed, shirtless, and shoeless, blue wolf with black hair and long black pants running down the street.

Wisper checks his watch on his left wrist. "You're late... Jay was it? Fortunately for you I'm understaffed at the moment."

Jay runs up to him and bends down, panting with his tongue out. "I'm sorry sir. I got stomped on by a macro earlier... And it was hard to move after a while."

When Jay looks up at Wisper, Wisper raised his eyebrow, seeing a faint glow over the wolf's snout.

"What's the matter kid? Really out of shape from running or does the under view of a paw strike your fancy?"

Jay took a step back, his face getting redder at the thought of the latter.

"Relax, no judgment here. That's what our business is all about. I'm a bit of a paw man myself."

Jay smiles and Wisper flicks his wrist, turning around to enter his building.

"Come on, let's go. Based on your resume, I'll be giving you a tour and we'll stop in my office for a brief chat to see if you qualify for any positions."

"T-thank you sir!"

Jay walks in behind the feline. Inside the main lobby of the first floor was empty. To the left a receptionist desk and to the right a common area with the latest furniture, chairs, and couches. There was an open space kitchen with cabinets, a fridge and some condiments.

"Over there will be my reception and over there is the general condiments bar and public restrooms. I'll have to hire someone to keep this place clean."

"Yes sir, what will my job be? S-should I get hired I mean?"

Wisper presses a button to get into the elevator. Once inside he presses the second floor button.

"Your only experience as far as I see is being stomped on by macro and micro paw inspector."

Jay, embarrassed, flattens his ears and steps into the elevator.

"I may consider a micro/macro division you could assist with," the cat smirked.

On the second floor Wisper steps out. It was a big empty lobby but past the general lounging area was a hallway with five doors leading down to one last door at the end of it.

"This room is a the primary work space of my business. Since we like to have clients from all around, these rooms are used to either teleport to specific places and times of people's choosing, or rooms to have private sessions with clientele."

"Can we go into them?" Jay asked.

"They're empty. Should I choose to hire you for any positions, you'll be given a tour of this area. For now, let's step into my office. It's a little more lively and my most decorated room thus far."

"I can't wait, sir," Jay said politely.

After waiting for the elevator to return, both of them stepped in. Wisper pressed the third floor button and the two waited.

"As a reminder, our business is all about pleasuring our customers specific to their kinks and desires. If there's a certain kink you're not comfortable with, you'll be sure to let me know. Correct?"

"Y-yes, right away," Jay responded.

On the third floor, the elevator opened to lavish carpeting on the ground, a few plants on the sides of the room, and some strange objects on wall mounts.

The path leading to Wisper's desk and chair as a bit of a distance, but Wisper walked regardless.

"This will be my office, where I hold personal meetings to find out the desires of my clients and whom they wish to mess with. It doesn't matter from whatever world they come from, I have a full stock."

Jay tilts his head. "A full stock sir?"

"Go have a look at the jars on the wall mounts."

"Yes sir, but what's in the jars?"

Wisper says nothing as he walks to his desk. Jay walks over to the wall and gasps loudly.

A person comically stuffed into a glared at Jay. His grin eyes and flattened fox muzzle silenced his complaining, making it hard for him to plea for help. In a jar next to the first fox, was a lion in an even bigger jar but still squished all the same. He wore a blue suit and his butt pressed out the jar, his tail wagging.

Jay read the tag on each of the jars.

"Nick and Lionhart, Zootopia," he read to himself.

He walked over to another shelf, seeing a large bear stuffed into a jar along with a lion.

"Sir... Are all these-"

"You guessed it my boy, all characters from different places."

While standing behind his desk he opens his arms, gesturing to his room.

"To the left wall are all the furs. We have starfox, Baloo, Khan, Lion-O, Tigera, and so much more."

As he calls out their names, each of the jars let out a distinguished moan, groan, or muffled complaint. Each person comically stuffed into a jar with their faces pressed against the glass or into their own bodies.

"But sir, isn't that painful?" Jay asks, slowly walking over to the right side of the wall.

"Not at all. I've access to a special form of magic that renders their bodies as soft as dough. I take my personal kinks into consideration as well."

Jay looks at the humans lodged in jars and bottles on the other side of the room. Names like Naruto, Luffy, Natsu, Inuyasha, Mowgli and so many more all jumped around in their captivity.

"You see, I make sure my customers have the best experience with our resources. So I made sure I had the majority of these characters all in stock, just to give some samples to people."

Jay continues looking at the different furs and humans in bottles. While he was distracted, Wisper snickers and looks under his desk.

Trapped under his desk and chained to the desk was a tiger in a fancy suit, glaring up at him with his maw duct tapped shut.

"Did you miss me Mr. Khan?" Wisper asked.

The lion remained quiet, glaring darkly and menacing at the snow leopard before him.

"Mr. Wisper sir?" Jay asks.

Wisper looks up from his desk. "Yes?"

"Can I use your bathroom, sir?"

Wisper shakes his head. "Out my office and to the right. Take your time and help yourself to any refreshments out there. When you're ready, come back in and we'll discuss proper business."

Jay nods and speed walks out the room.

Wisper smiles when the door closes behind Jay and sits in his chair.

"Mmpmprh," Shere Khan uttered.

"Hold on a second," Wisper takes the tap of Khan's maw and Khan shakes his head.

"I am not amused by this game," he growled lowly.

Due to the tiger's flexibility, he say up with a hunch back, his wrists and ankles cuffed to metal bars holding him down in place. Wisper looked at the vulnerable cat, snickering.

"You know Mr. Khan, I was always told in business that for one to get anywhere in life, you should learn to suck up to the boss because he always has the best connections."

Shere Khan raises an eyebrow, not following the cat's purpose for that statement.

Wisper leans back in his chair, pulling his shirt up slowly as he undoes his belt buckle, zipper, and button.

Shere Khan growled lowly, his claws extended from his hands. "Come any closer, and I can promise you, you won't be able to shed another piece of fur for as long as you live."

Wisper continued to take of his pants, exposing his orange underpants. "Making threats Mr. Khan? I thought you had more class than that." Wisper takes off his underpants, exposing his sheath with his length peaking out slowly, the more his thoughts pictured Khan's maw sucking him off.

Khan bared his teeth, keeping calm composure but thrusting his arms around, trying to get free. Khan closed his eyes and took a deep breathe. "You should know, that my threats ar-"

Jay comes into the room. "Mr. Khan, Sir? I'm back."

Wisper jumps when Jay calls for him and sits up straight. "Oh," he clears his throat loudly. "How did you find everything?"

Khan turns his head slightly to look over his shoulder, mostly perking his ear up to hear a new voice. "Excuse m-"

Just ask Khan tried to call for help, Wisper scooted his chair close to his desk. Khan turned his head quickly and his eyes widened. Without realizing it, the cock of the kitty lodged itself into his mouth firmly.

"Grmmrp!" Khan said, dumbfounded that this was actually happening.

"Now then shall we discuss business? Let me get the proper forms," Wisper said to Jay as the two tailed wolf approached him.

"GRGMGMPH!" Khan thrashed around, hitting his head under the desk. Wisper bent down to look in his drawers but gazed at Khan.

"Shut up!" Wisper said through his teeth quietly. Like autopilot, Khan voice vanished from his maw. He leaned back and took the cock out his mouth, panting.

"Get back to sucking!" Wisper ordered.

Khan aimed to bite after baring his teeth but a force beyond his control shoved his head back into Wisper's cock. His lips wrapped around the kitty's balls and he started sucking.

Shere Khan wiggled under the desk, kicking his legs as best he could. Every time he pulled his head back to stop, his lips stretched, keeping a tight seal around his new boss' balls, and snatched him back on.

"Now do it the way I like it. We'll discuss your performance later," Wisper said.

A small shiver ran up the tail's back, from his tail to his neck. "Eurrmm, gurrn, geeurtt, eeur, fuur duss!" Khan growled as his body continued sucking beyond his control.

The added growling helped tingle Wisper's privates, causing his rod to come out faster and fill up Khan's maw. For every time Khan moved his head back, his lips rubbed against the slippy member, easing it like a lube.

Wisper pulled out some paperwork from his drawer and sat back up, scooting forward. Jay say down on the chair.

"Now then," Wisper said, smiling a little with his tail swishing. "Let's get down to business."