The Waylaid Warriors

Story by zakfett92 on SoFurry

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Hello, everyone. Hard to believe it's been over a year since my last upload. Even so, I like to think I've improved much since my first story. Here, you'll find my longest and most ambitious story to date. I had originally planned to have this ready for MILF month, but I found myself having to choose between doing a story fast or doing a story well. Obviously, I'm gonna choose the later every time. Anyway, I'm hoping you'll like this latest story, and please comment to tell me what you think. If you wish to make artwork or a comic for this story, feel free.

I'd like to point out that this story is in no way connected to my previous story "The Warrior's Welcome".

In this story, two warriors accept a challenge to win the hand of the chieftain's daughter, only to find themselves waylaid. Will they find pleasure or punishment? And for this especially long story, we're pulling double duty; twice the MILFs for twice the fun.

This story was inspired by these two pieces of artwork. All credit goes to their creators.

Now sit back and enjoy the read.

The Waylaid Warriors

The dark of night blanketed the open savannah below. The solitary trees scattered across the landscape bent against the gentle breeze, as the sound of insects filled the air. In the middle of this open land was a lake of considerable size. And standing alone along its bank was a single grass hut, a dim light permeating from its windows.

For most nights like this one, this structure served only as a dwelling for its sole occupant; but tonight it would serve as a meeting place for an unexpected guest. Trotting across the open ground, a solitary figure makes his way to the hut. On reaching the bead-curtained entrance, he halts. For a moment, he ponders going through with his objective. It takes him only a moment to consider.

I'll not lose this opportunity over petty scruples, he thought. Few would squander this chance of assuring victory, and I'll not hesitate.

Before he could announce himself, however, a voice called to him from within. "No need to wait outside, my child. Come in so I may know you better." The voice was clearly feminine, with an authority that ringed with maturity.

Steeling himself up, the visitor stepped through the curtain into the hut. The candlelight within revealed him to be a young zebra male. He was in his late teens, his muscled form standing at nearly six feet. He wore nothing but a cloth wrapped around his waist, while a spear was grasped firmly in his hand.

As his eyes glanced over the confines of the hut, he perceived a large figure reclined among sleeping furs against the opposite wall. Since there was only one candle sitting on the windowsill, he could not make out her features.

"Ah, a young member of Gabuntu's tribe, if I'm not mistaken," the woman stated. "And what may be your name?"

The zebra puffed out his chest with pride. "I am Equisoto, warrior of the Ogambi."

"Well, Equisoto, warrior of the Ogambi, come, sit beside me." She gestured to an animal pelt lying to her left.

For a moment, Equisoto was wary. Though coming here was his own idea, he found himself intimidated by this woman lying in shadow. He had heard stories of her and recognized her as a woman with influence and power; to cross her held considerable risk. Regardless, he knew he needed her help for his plan, and could not afford to be timid. Laying his spear against the wall, he stepped forward and sat on the pelt cross-legged.

"Now, tell Mama Hituba what brings you here this night," she said.

Placing his hands firmly on his knees, he began to make his case. "Being the prominent medicine woman among the local tribes, you know much about their leaders." While all the tribes had their resident healers, Hituba was recognized as the best, being responsible for the training of many initiates in the craft. Her services mainly used these days in either extreme cases or occasional ceremonial purposes. "Thus said, you know of our chief's daughter, do you not?"

"Little Shaziri?" she asked, chuckling to herself. "I should hope so; I was there to assist with her birth. I was only seventeen years then, an apprentice to the current medicine woman of the time. She was a rough birth, but I helped her and her mother pull through. When I last saw her she was just a little girl."

"Well, she's grown into quite the beautiful maiden, and in a very short time, her father will be marrying her off," said Equisoto.

"Indeed?" said Hituba. "And who is the lucky man to win such an honor?"

"Ah, now you come to it," he said. "As you might expect, there are many men in the village who desire her, and not just for her beauty. The warrior that marries her is likeliest to become the new chief once Gabuntu abdicates. And so, to thin the herd of suitors, he has proclaimed a challenge of endurance."

Once again, the medicine woman chuckled. "Gabuntu always was one for grand gestures," she said. "And what challenge has the great chief chosen?"

"A few days ago, runners ran out from the tribe in different directions, each taking with them a painted stone," the zebra explained. "After a day's journey, they had orders to place the stone in a place that would be visible. On the day of the challenge, each suitor will be made to go retrieve one of the stones. Whoever brings a stone back to the village first will become Shaziri's husband."

Though covered in shadow, Equisoto could make out Hituba rubbing her chin in contemplation. "Well, I can't imagine that would thin the herd too much; any tribesman worth his bread could make such a journey."

The warrior gave a prideful grin. "It wasn't... until I declared I would take on the challenge," he said, pounding his chest with his fist. "I'm well known among the tribe as one of the fastest runners, and have traveled over much of the surrounding land."

"And does young Shaziri look favorably on you?" asked Hituba.

"Oh yes," he answered. "She desires my victory greatly, having told me herself. And I have little fear that I will be victorious." It was here that his grin wavered. "In truth, there is only one thing that may upset our plans."

"And what would that be?" she asked.

"Not what, but who," Equisoto responded. "His name is Waylajo, an alligator. We grew up together. He's just as great a warrior as I am, and his desire for Shaziri's hand rivals my own. He alone could prove to be an obstacle."

"I see. So this 'Waylajo' is the only other warrior to accept the challenge?"

"Uh, well no," the zebra replied, not expecting the question. "There is another; a fennec fox. He is no warrior, only a mere craftsman, spending little time in the wild with weapon in hand. Besting him will be no challenge at all."

The medicine woman reached to her right for a gourd filled with drink and brought it to her lips. "This is all very interesting," she said, drawing the gourd away. "But I fail to see what this has to do with me."

Equisoto was silent a moment before responding. "The challenge will be commenced with the first light of day two days from now, and each challenger has been told which stone they're to bring back. To keep the challengers from interfering with each other's progress, they've each been designated in a different direction. It just so happens that Waylajo has been tasked with retrieving the stone that lies past this way.

"Since this is a challenge of endurance, each warrior will only be allowed a knife and a spear; no food or water except what we find on our trek. The closest source of water on his journey is the very lake your home rests upon, and he knows it. If he does not wish faint from thirst, he must stop here."

Again, Equisoto paused in his speech, allowing Hituba to digest his words. After a moment, he began again. "I cannot stress enough how much I desire to win this challenge. As such, I would do whatever is necessary to ensure my success. This is why Shaziri sent me to you; to obtain your aid."

"And what do you expect that I can do for you?" she asked. "Do you wish me to grant you some potion to aid your speed or strength?"

"No," he replied, almost insulted at the suggestion. "I've no need of such things. What I want is aid in dealing with my rival. Since he must come here to drink, he would be easy prey for you to deal with."

This time, it was Hituba's turn to feel insulted. She growled in anger where she sat. "Boy, I am a healer, in both station and nature," she snarled. "If you think I would knowingly harm anyone just so you could win-"

" Oh, no no no ," he cried, holding up his hands in defense. "You misunderstand; I don't wish you to harm him." Though he was a rival for Shaziri's love, Waylajo was still a good friend of his, and he wished him no injury. But friendship could not stand in the way of such a prize. "All I wish is for you to restrain him, or even just to delay him. Every moment he remains waylaid and otherwise occupied increases my chances of returning before him." He got on his knees and bowed low before her. "And so I humbly beg you to aid me in my challenge."

Hituba sat for a moment in silence, looking down at the warrior prostrating himself before her. As she did, she looked over his polished physique. He truly was a fine specimen of youthful manhood, even if a bit of a braggart. She found herself almost envying the chief's daughter. It had been too long since she herself had known a male's embrace.

It was then that, suddenly, she was overcome by a flash of inspiration. If this young warrior wanted her aid, she would give it. And she could satisfy some of her own desires as well.

"The idea of holding someone against their will does not sit well with me," she finally stated. Equisoto sat up and made as if to press her further, but she held up a hand for silence. "However, should any traveler come this way, I see nothing wrong with... _persuading_them to stop of their own choice."

"Does that mean..."

"Yes, I will aid you," she answered, holding out her hand.

Filled both with gratitude and surprise that he had succeeded in his purpose, the zebra clasped his hand on her forearm in accord. "Thank you, great medicine woman," he said. "I promise you shall find me grateful for your aid."

As he held her arm in his strong hand, Hituba once again found herself looking over the young warrior. His grip displayed great strength, and his face was handsome to look upon. Already his request had her scheming on how to ensnare her appointed prey; yet Equisoto's presence was enticing her to do away with patience and get greedy.

After all, she thought, why settle waiting for one warrior in two days when I can indulge myself with one right here, right now?

Clasping the zebra's own arm, Hituba pulled him forward. Becoming unbalanced, Equisoto tried to brace his fall with his free hand. His fall suddenly stopped when his hand met with something soft and warm. It was then he realized that it had landed on the medicine woman's bare belly. Looking up, he found that his face looking into hers, separated by mere inches. Though he could not make out the face in the darkness, he could still see her eyes, looking into his own with a predatory gaze.

"Now, all that's left is the subject of payment," she said, in a tone that Equisoto noticed was more honey-tongued than before. He could feel her warm breath against his face. "After all, I'm not in the habit of giving something for nothing." Her other hand reached toward him and a finger tickled playfully under his chin.

"O-o-of course," he stammered, suddenly feeling uncomfortable. "I'm sure we can work out an agreement."

"Oh, I'm sure," Hituba replied. "I like to keep choices of payment flexible." He felt more than saw her lean in close to his ear. She practically breathed her next words. "Just like my men." The licking of her lips was easy for him to hear.

Reflexively, he jumped back from his host, freeing his arm and landing on his rear. He had little time to recover, however, as he saw her sit up and begin to crawl towards him. He attempted to crawl away backwards, almost in a panic, before feeling his back bump against the wall. All the while, the medicine woman came steadily closer.

"Why so fearful, brave warrior?" she asked. "Do you not find a woman's caresses pleasing? I'm certain I can change your mind."

Having not expected such a turn of events when he first arrived, Equisoto now found himself in an unfortunate dilemma. Not only did he need Hituba's assistance with his task, but she was a figure of great respect and influence in the lands about. If he were to give her insult, even unintentionally, not only might she refuse to aid him, but his entire village may face repercussions. His words would have to be chosen carefully.

"I doubt it not, good woman," he remarked with hesitation, struggling to find an excuse to escape this situation. "But I must decline your tempting offer, for I have taken an oath to bed with none before Shaziri." Though he had done no such thing, he was still unlearned in the carnal arts and wanted no other female than the chief's daughter.

Regardless, if he had hoped to dissuade Hituba with these words, he was sadly disappointed. If anything, this only enticed her more. Ah, an untapped male, she pondered. This may be more pleasing than I thought. I wonder if his opponent is unspoiled as well.

"Hmmm, I assure you," she replied, practically on top of him now, "after me, you'd forget all about that untrained girl." Her considerable bare breasts were pressing against his chest. "Let me show you."

"But... but..." Equisoto struggled to answer. His efforts were further distracted as Hituba's hand reached beneath his loin cloth and began massaging his manhood. And to make matters worse, he could feel his body slowly beginning to succumb to her touch. If he was to escape her clutches, he needed to think fast.

"Come now, young warrior," she moaned, now having a firm grip on his member. Already she was beginning to induce it to life. "Why not give in to my passion tonight?"

"Because... because I can give you something better!" he cried.

** ** In an instant, Hituba's efforts ceased. "Oooh?" she uttered in curiosity. "Do tell, handsome."

Realizing he may have found an escape, Equisoto struggled to follow up his claim. "Yes... yes, I can give you something better. Once I marry Shaziri, I will one day be chief. And when I am, I will see to it you're showered with tribute."

For a moment, Hituba considered this offer in silence, wondering if it was worth giving up an easy carnal conquest. While she was a woman who enjoyed indulging in the art of love, she was also very calculating. After giving it some thought, she decided that, in the long run, a large tribute was worth more than a night of equine eroticism.

Besides, she thought, I need only wait two days to have my desire fulfilled.

"Very well," she answered, removing her hand from his genitals. She stood up and returned to her sleeping furs in the corner. "I want special tribute given to me every moon for ten years upon your ascension as chief."

"Yes, yes of course," Equisoto agreed. At the moment, no price was too great to escape his predicament; he would have agreed to much more if asked. He placed his fist against his chest. "I swear on my honor as a warrior."

"Then we have an accord," said Hituba. "Now return to your village and rest easy, knowing you have the aid of Mama Hituba."

Bowing to the ground one final time, the zebra stood and made to depart. On reaching the door, however, he heard the medicine woman call to him.

"And just remember, young warrior," she said, "if you wish to reconsider my offer, my hut is always open to you."

Not daring to face her again, Equisoto merely nodded his response and rushed out, much less prideful than when he had first entered. In his mind, he could not return to the village soon enough.

Such a pity, she thought, reaching once more for her drink gourd. I could have shown him real pleasure. Sipping from her gourd, she dismissed from her mind what she had lost, and planned for what she would soon gain.

Meanwhile, as one warrior wanders from his destination back to the village, another reaches his own, miles in the opposite direction. He had walked far, but like his contemporary, he burned with a driving purpose.

Walking among stalks of tall grass, the traveler could see his destination a short distance away. In the distance lay a village, illuminated by a number of fires. This village was not his own, but he had business there; the kind that only takes place in the dark of night. Regardless, he bore a lit torch, making him easily visible to anyone in the area. He preferred to have his presence announced, rather than being stabbed as a skulking enemy.

It's likely as not,_he thought, _I'll be halted by sentries before I even set foot inside.

He turned out to be right. Less than half a mile from the village, he heard a cry from among the grass. "Halt, stranger," it called. Suddenly, three warriors (a rhino, a leopard and a warthog) stood up from concealment. Of the three of them, the leopard stepped forward to address him.

"Who are you, stranger," he asked sternly, "and why do you approach our village in the dead of night?"

"I am Waylajo," replied the alligator warrior, "a warrior of Chief Gabuntu's tribe, and I come in peace. To whom do I speak?"

The leopard studied him a moment before speaking. "I am Titusu, warrior of Chief Hadon's tribe," he said. "It is some time since one of Gabuntu's people has been among us. If you speak truly, you are welcome here. But why do you come at this late hour?"

"I come because I have business with your tribe; business of a devious nature."

"You speak with a tongue of intrigue, stranger," said Titusu in interest. "Explain yourself."

"Am I right that your tribe is looking for a virgin for its fertility rites?" asked Waylajo, already knowing the answer.

"That is so," stated the leopard. "Why? Do you wish to offer yourself for them?"

"No, no," the alligator replied. "But I know how you can obtain a suitable... offering."

The rhino and warthog mumbled to each other at these words, but the leopard silenced them with a gesture. "Go on," he said.

"Two days from now," Waylajo explained, "a zebra warrior will be traveling in this direction. To reach his destination, he'll need to stop at a watering hole just south of here. When he stops to drink, lay hold of him. Once you restrain him, your healer can perform the rites."

Titusu rubbed his chin in thought. "It sounds simple enough," he finally said. "But of what interest is this warrior, or our rites, to you?"

Waylajo saw no reason to deceive them, and thus answered truthfully. "This warrior is my opponent in a challenge set by my chief. To ensure my victory, I need him kept from returning to the village."

Titusu, a man of honor, found this plot somewhat unsettling. "This does not sit well with me," he responded. "A warrior should not rely on underhanded tricks the win a challenge."

"I thought you might say that," said Waylajo, reaching to a pouch tied to his loin cloth. "In case an offering for the fertility rites wasn't enough, I brought further incentive."

Untying the pouch, the alligator tossed it to the leopard leader. Catching it, he opened it and emptied its contents into his hand. His eyes widened in shock as his palm filled with a pile of rubies. His two friends shared his bewilderment, while Waylajo simply stood patiently.

Not a bad plan, at all, he thought. And to think I have Finicko to thank, talking about all those tribal customs over games of bones. Once I win the challenge, I'll have to find a way to repay him.

"These are just the first payment," he claimed. "There may be another like it in your future. All I ask is that you get the zebra out of the way."

Titusu held one of the rubies up and examined it before turning back to the stranger. "And what do you want us to do with him once the rites are complete?" he asked. "Do you wish us to kill him?"

" No!" he cried, afraid his plot would go too far. Much like Equisoto had, Waylajo considered him a friend; even if a rival for the chief's daughter. "All I wish for is that he be waylaid as long as possible. If you harm him in any way, you can forget about the second payment."

The leopard thought long and hard on the prospect. While engaging in such plots was not in his nature, such treasures could hardly be ignored. Even a portion of these rubies would increase his standing in the tribe, and would allow him to have his pick of any female to wed. In the end, reasoning that no one would get hurt, he convinced himself to accept the deal.

"Very well, Waylajo," he answered. "We shall delay your rival by pressing him into the fertility rites, and no harm shall befall him from us. This, I, Titusu, swear." At this oath, he pounded his fist to his chest.

"Good," replied Waylajo most pleased. "Then we have an accord." He held out his arm to the leopard, who promptly clasped it in agreement.

"Will you choose to rest in our village tonight?" Titusu asked.

"Thank you, but no," said Waylajo. "I must be back to my own village before I am missed. Farewell, my fellow warriors, and good hunting."

Without any further words, the alligator turned his back on the neighboring village and made his way for home.

"Hmph," grunted the warthog. "Well, this was unexpected. Who would think our hands would fill with riches this night, and to perform such a small task?"

"Indeed," chimed the rhino. "Still, perhaps we should inform the chief about this."

"I do not think that will be necessary," said Titusu, fingering one of the rubies. "No need to tell more people than is necessary. We'll inform the medicine woman tomorrow so she may prepare and let that be that."

"Very well," replied the rhino. "Still, I hope this zebra warrior doesn't bear us much ill will for delaying him."

"Hah," laughed the warthog. "By the time Mama Pachdera is done performing the rites, he'll probably thank us for the diversion."

Hours later, the village of chief Gabuntu was overcome with slumber. Sleepy sentries stood watch over empty streets. In the chief's own master hut, the aged gazelle snored heavily in his sleeping furs, the body of his giraffe second-wife nestled beside him.

Yet, while others slept in easy peace, young Shaziri lay awake in her quarters. Staring blankly at the ceiling, her mind swirled with thoughts concerning the upcoming challenge, and its takers. She had been no stranger to the fact that several of the tribe's warriors sought her for a wife, or that most of them were more interested in her station than herself. She would have been perfectly content to let her suitors pursue her in vain. After all, she gave them no reason to believe her eye looked on them with favor.

Unfortunately, her father believed her unwedded state was beginning to breed disharmony among his warriors; as if it were her fault they were constantly clashing for her affection. In his mind, the only way to settle the matter was to marry her off and thus put an end to the squabbling. And what better way for a chief to choose his daughter's husband than with a long distance run? To say the situation made her uneasy was speaking mildly. The idea that she could be stuck in marriage to any one of several random men filled her with utter dread.

Luckily, in spite of her deplorable predicament, she did have certain circumstances working in her favor. For one thing, a large number of the suitors withdrew their suits once they were placed in competition with opponents that clearly outclassed them. This led to her having only three suitors vying for her. But what gave her the most hope was one challenger in particular.

For you see, while Shaziri had treated the courting of most of the tribesmen with indifference, there was one who her heart truly longed for. Unlike the others, he cared nothing for her status; he merely wished to make her happy. For some time now she had acknowledged her feelings for him, but was afraid of declaring her love before the tribe for fear angering more hostile members with her choice. But now that her father had announced the challenge, her love could win her in fair contest that none could dispute. Unfortunately, they both feared for his chances against his opponents, men of strong body and clever wits. After much secret discussion, it was agreed that, if their love was to prevail, they would need to resort to subtle cunning.

Her reflections were suddenly disturbed by a tapping by her window. At first believing she had imagined it, she listened as the sound repeated itself. Lifting herself from her furs, she gently walked towards the opening. On sticking her head out, her eyes looked upon a dark figure she could not make out.

"My heart," it spoke, its voice filled with tenderness. "I have come."

Her heart fluttered at the sound of these words, spoken with a voice she would know anywhere. "My love," she replied. "Oh it eases my heart to have you here. My mind is so anxious with what may come."

"Ease your mind, my heart," answered the figure, taking her trembling hands into his own. His warm hands around hers gave her tender comfort. "I come to tell you that our deception has met with success. I watched as they returned less than an hour ago."

At these words, Shaziri felt relief running through her that she had not felt for days. "Thank the gods," she whispered. "I've been in so much fear that I should marry a man I do not love. Now at least we have our chance."

"Yes, my heart. Once our plan succeeds, I shall be victorious and we can finally be together."

Placing his hands upon her cheeks, he pressed his lips to hers in a kiss. Her heart fluttering in her chest, she kissed back with equal relish. Though they wished it could last longer, they knew they couldn't linger for fear of being seen by roving sentries. As their lips parted, the gazelle looked on her lover in heartfelt admiration.

"Rest easy, my heart," he said. "Have patience and soon our hiding can cease. Do not lose faith in us."

"Never," she answered. "I shall pray to the gods for your success, and our future."

"Then, my heart, I bid you goodnight."

Backing away from the window, Shaziri could barely make out the shape of her love as it sped down the street towards his own hut. With her mind in greater ease than it had been all night, she slowly departed the windowsill and returned to her sleeping furs, certain sleep would soon find.

Little could these two imagine how their machinations would affect the futures of all concerned.

In what seemed no time at all, the day of the challenge arrived. As the first light of day began the spread over the land, every man, woman and child of the tribe began to gather at the village center. Though most of them had no personal stakes in this matter, a challenge such as this was something that always brought a community together. Amongst this crowd stood many of Shaziri's former suitors. No longer in the running, they now chose to wager which among the remaining three would win the competition.

Once it seemed the crowd had sufficiently assembled, a meerkat tribesman standing by the entry to the chief's hut brought a long horn to his lips and gave a mighty blow. The horn's blast rang throughout the streets of the village. "All hail to Chief Gabuntu!" he cried. "Let all give him fealty and praise!"

"Hail to Chief Gabuntu! Fealty and praise be his!" the crowd shouted in answer.

After a moment's silence, the beaded curtain of the entrance was parted, as Chief Gabuntu stepped forth to address his people. Though he was reaching the later years of middle age, the gazelle remained an impressive figure, marching his well-built form in confident strides. Emerging from behind him came Milona, a giraffe and his second-wife; his first wife and Shaziri's mother, Gazena, had passed away in sickness seven years before. Also emerging came Shaziri, attended by two okapi servant girls. Outbursts of claps and cheers broke out from the onlookers.

The chief stood before the tribe and raised his hands high for silence. "My people," he cried, "it is with great joy and honor that I speak before you. As you know, we are gathered here this day to witness a great competition; a competition in which the victor shall win the greatest of prizes; nothing less than the hand of my beautiful daughter."

Once more, there was much clapping and cheering, all in what they felt was honor to the chief's daughter, to which she could only smile in false appreciation. For her own part, Shaziri couldn't help feeling annoyed at being lauded as a "prize". Though she hoped that her own love would succeed in this endeavor, the competition in principal insulted her feelings as a person. Clearly she was not alone in that sentiment, as she felt her stepmother place a reassuring hand on her shoulder. Though she would never be able to view her as a mother, she was very fond of Milona, who was probably the only person who held sympathy for her plight.

Once again, the chief held up his hands for silence. "I call upon those who would accept this challenge," he began again, "step forth and declare yourselves."

For a moment all was still. Though talk of who would enter had spread around the village, the gathered crowd quivered with anticipation to see them make their official entry. They hadn't long to wait, for shortly one figure stepped out of the crowd and stood before the chief.

"I, Waylajo, accept this challenge!" he declared. Pounding his fist to his chest, he promptly took a knee and bowed his head.

This time only a few onlookers applauded, while the rest remained motionless. The chief merely smiled down on the warrior in approval. Not long after the alligator had come forward, another figure stepped out.

"I, Equisoto, accept this challenge!" the zebra cried, repeating his opponent's actions and kneeling before his chief. Both warriors gave each other a smug grin.

Again, others applauded while the rest remained still, and again the chief smiled on the challenger. At first, the people thought that all was now done and the ceremony could continue. However, there was a twinge of surprise when suddenly a third figure came forth to join the first two.

"I, Finicko, accept this challenge!" cried the figure, a fennec fox. Unlike the other two, he was somewhat shorter, and his frame bore no defined muscles as they did. He repeated the actions of his predecessors and took a knee as well.

For this challenger there was only the lightest of applauses from a few scattered viewers. While it had been spoken that Finicko had planned to accept the challenge, many had not thought he would go through with it, acknowledging the athletic superiority of his opponents. Being only a craftsman, how could he hope to win against such odds? Both warriors smirked at him, as if they thought it was some jest. Rather than smile, the chief's face was incredulous, as if he had no right to sit next to his fellow challengers. Regardless, Gabuntu merely rolled his eyes and moved on.

Once it was clear no further challengers would step forward, the chief recommenced his speech. "You know what you must do, and you know the risks," he announced. "The first one to return with their designated stone shall be declared the winner. You who have accepted this challenge go with my blessing, as well as the blessings of the tribe." He turned to Shaziri. "And now, my daughter shall bestow her blessing on each of you, that it may spur you to victory."

Though she was hesitant, Shaziri knew she could not avoid this. Stepping forward, she now stood before the three challengers. Then, one by one, she placed a gentle kiss upon their bowed forehead, speaking each time "my blessings go with you". Having done this for each one, she retreated back and rejoined her stepmother.

"Now rise, my warriors," the chief commanded, "and prepare to start." As each stood up, he signaled to the meerkat wielding the horn to make ready. Each of the challengers faced a different direction with their backs to each other. "Ready at the signal!" They set their bodies to spring as the chief raised his arm to the heavens. "One... two..." As he brought it down, the meerkat gave a blast.

Without any delay, the three challengers separated and ran in their designated direction as the crowd its greatest cheer yet. Each left the village through a different entrance with as much speed as they could muster. Already the warriors were outdistancing the fox.

As the rest of the village prepared to go about their day, Shaziri remained where she was, silently praying against all odds that the plan would not fail.

It was late in the afternoon when Waylajo began to waver. Ever since his departure from the village he had managed to maintain a good stride. But he knew his limitations and knew he must soon take a short rest. Luckily, he knew there was a small lake not much farther, where he could drink and refresh himself.

Sure enough, as he leaned against a tree, he could just begin to see one in the distance, the vapor above it discernable in the hot sun. As he approached it, he took in the surrounding area. At the northern end of the lake laid water lilies mixed among lichen, while water reeds stood tall along the fern-covered, southern shore. What sparked his curiosity the most, however, was a single hut on the opposite side, nestled in the shade of two trees.

_Hmm, I wonder who lives there,_he thought to himself.

Still, though his curiosity was piqued, he decided it wasn't worth getting distracted with. Whoever lived here, the alligator had no time to spend in casual conversation. So long as no one approached him with questions, he felt he could simply take care of his needs and move on without any fuss.

Placing his spear on the ground, the young warrior untied his belt and removed his loincloth. Standing now fully undraped, he strode to the water and dove in with a great splash. After such a long march, the water, though warm, was infinitely refreshing. When he emerged to the surface with a gasp, he found he was standing waist deep. That suited him fine, and he proceeded to clean himself, removing the sweat and grime of his journey.

All the while, he never suspected that he was being observed.

Hiding amongst the high reed stalks, Hituba looked on as Waylajo refreshed himself. Having a general idea of when he would arrive, the medicine woman had disrobed and lain in wait for his arrival. Since her bargain with Equisoto, she had conceived a plan on how best to approach the matter. Having finally seen the alligator for herself, she admitted it had been worth the wait.

Mhmm, yes, she thought, a fine example of male virility._From what she observed, he was not as muscle-bound as the zebra had been, but was certainly in fit shape. With legs like his, he was undoubtedly an excellent swimmer. _Also, his face is far more handsome. Kinder, maybe; less prideful. Already her body was aflame in erotic expectation.

Deciding she had waited long enough, she began to put her plan of temptation in motion. Gripping the washcloth beside, she slowly pushed her way through the reeds, keeping silent so as to not startle her prey. On having emerged, she posed herself in an alluring manner and addressed him.

"And who is this who comes to my lake?" she asked in a voice filled with mock surprise.

Surprised himself at hearing a voice behind him, Waylajo turned to see who had come upon him. As he cast his eyes upon them his mouth dropped in staggering shock. Standing before him was a curvy hippo woman, standing along the edge of the water reeds. From the look of her, he would guess that she was a woman in the middle stage of life. What particularly interested him was her state of dress, or rather her lack of it.

While one hand held a washcloth in front of her stomach, the other was held along her chest, holding up her considerable breasts. Though Waylajo was used to seeing many women, especially older ones, go around topless, this woman's cleavage was particularly appealing in their size and firmness. Watching as little beads of water slid down them caused his mouth to unintentionally salivate.

At a cough from his visitor, he regained his senses and quickly averted his gaze to her own eyes; brown eyes that looked on him with an indulgent kindness. Giving a slight bow, he concentrated to give an appropriate answer.

"Your pardon, good woman," he finally spoke. "I am Waylajo, warrior of Chief Gabuntu."

Having seen how the alligator had gazed upon her at first glance, Hituba could tell it would not be difficult to sway him towards her intentions. She also found it especially pleasing that she could still elicit such a response at her age.

"Welcome then, Waylajo," she replied. "All who come in peace are welcome here."

Having gotten over his earlier shock, Waylajo began to feel more comfortable. "I thank you for your welcome, good woman," he said. "To who do I have the honor of speaking?"

"You speak to Mama Hituba," answered the hippo, "prominent medicine woman of all this land." Absently, she took the cloth and began to scrub her arms.

On hearing her name, Waylajo now knew full well who his companion was. He had heard of Hituba from second-hand accounts of her healing powers, but had never actually laid eyes on her before. Having finally seen her in person, he found himself wishing she had come to the village more often. It's almost a shame, he thought, even at her age, she is pleasing to look upon.

"I have heard tales of your skills, medicine woman," he stated. "You do great credit by your craft." These were not empty words, as all acknowledged Hituba among the greatest of healers.

She gave a hearty chuckle, shyly touching her blushing cheek. "You flatter me, young warrior," she said. She then proceeded to scrub across her chest, diverting the youth's attention back to her bosom. "Though I consider myself a woman of many... skills," she added with a confidence that sounded almost steamy.

"I-I-I'm sure," Waylajo stammered. Unlike Equisoto however, whose discomfort arose from fear, Waylajo's stemmed from embarrassment; fear of looking foolish from inexperience with women such as this. As she profusely massaged each breast, the alligator felt a subtle desire to reach out to them. At the back of his mind, he was glad the water raised high enough to hide his stiffening length.

"And just what brings a warrior of Gabuntu to my lake this day?" she asked coyly, sensing his discomfiture.

"I... I'm traveling to the east," he said, finally collecting himself. "I've been tasked to retrieve something for my chief." On speaking these words, he suddenly recalled the challenge and why he was here. He had no further time to spend in conversation. "Speaking of which, esteemed healer, I should be moving on now. My chief desires my swift return."

Having no intention of letting him escape her clutches, the hippo decided to put the next part of her plan in motion. "Before you go, young warrior," she said, "may I ask you a favor?"

At first, Waylajo considered declining, not wishing to fall behind in the race. But on giving it a second thought, he decided he could probably spare the time, seeing as how Equisoto was probably being detained at this very moment. At any rate, he had no desire to be rude to his host.

"How may I be of service?" he asked.

Hituba gave him a sultry smile before turning her back to him. "Would you please be so kind as to wash my back?" she asked in turn, batting her eyes at him and holding up the washcloth.

Not expecting such a request, Waylajo was caught by surprise. For a moment he simply stood there, unable to form a coherent thought. His face turned red at the very idea of performing such a task. But, though hesitant, he was a warrior, and he would not let himself give in to fear, regardless of its source.

Striding forward, he was soon by the hippo's side. Taking the washcloth with a nervous hand, he slowly began to scrub along her back, placing his other hand on her shoulder. Once he got a rhythm going, he found himself more relaxed, being reminded of scrubbing his mother's back as a boy.

For her own part, Hituba found the scrubbing of this young man most delightful. Yet in spite of that, she knew she must move along to further ensnare him. "Mhmmm, that feels good, honey," she sighed. "Now, could you scrub a little more along my sides?"

Having lost himself to the rhythm, he moved his hands at her command, never suspecting a thing was amiss. As he continued to scrub, it elicited another sigh from her. At first, everything continued as usual. Then, as he continued, he took notice that the medicine woman had, at some point, reached to her sides and laid hold of his wrists. She held them gently so as not to hurt him, but firmly enough to prevent any withdrawal. Waylajo wondered when it had happened.

Now having a firm grasp on her prey, Hituba decided it was time to fully entice him into her trap. "And now, handsome," she whispered in a most seductive tone, "the front."

Without any warning, the hippo pulled his arms forward. On being pulled, Waylajo found himself pressed against her back. As he recovered his balance, he noticed he was now gripping something large and soft. Looking over Hituba's shoulder, his eyes widened in shock, finding she had placed his hands firmly on her cleavage.

As he held her in an unintended embrace, Hituba took his hands and proceeded to move them into massaging her breasts. This induced fondling brought a moan of pleasure to her lips. It had been far too long since a man had held her like this. "That's it," she gasped. "Wash them all over. Clean them good."

For his own part, Waylajo slowly began to surrender himself to the hippo's guidance. Though hesitant at first, he found the touch of her luscious breasts pleasurable, almost addicting. For a while, he allowed her to maneuver his hands as she wished, simply taking joy in being navigated through her blissful curves. Then, without knowing when it had happened, he suddenly became aware that her hands had left his, leaving him fondling her tits of his own accord. Rather than bring his hands to a halt, however, this knowledge encouraged him to escalate his caresses, leaning his chin against her shoulder in rapture. As he did, he became vaguely aware of a pleasurable sensation taking hold of his genitals.

In regards to this, his seductress knew full well the source of this pleasure. "Ooooo, once more you flatter me, alligator," she cooed. "It's not every male that responds to my figure as favorably as you do."

Broken from his hypnotic rhythm by her words, he took a moment to take in the world around him. Maintaining his hold on her bosom, he gazed down to discover the source for himself. As he had taken part in the massage, his member had slowly begun to stiffen. Waylajo now observed beneath the water that his hardened erection had nestled itself snuggly between the cheeks of her ass, while the tuft of her small tail brushed against his abdomen.

Realizing she had caught him off guard, Hituba chose to move the situation along once again. Holding his hands against her breasts afresh, the medicine woman began to lower and raise herself with a bend of her knees, bobbing along with the ripples of the lake. This action caused the cheeks of her considerable buttocks to run up and down along the alligator's hardened manhood.

All at once, the pleasure Waylajo had felt increased tenfold. An unbidden moan of ecstasy escaped his lips. At first, he merely stood there motionless, doing his best to comprehend the extent of the hot euphoria coursing through his body. Then, as she continued to gyrate against his sheath, he began to rock his own body forward and back, sliding along the cleft of her plump haunches.

"Oooooh, Hituba..." he moaned. "It feels... it feels..."

"Mhmmm, yes, my warrior," the hippo answered. "Give in to the rhythm."

Hearing this, Waylajo proceeded to do just that. Each starting at their own pace, the two of them soon began to move their bodies in a synchronized dance of passion, forming waves along the surface with every thrust. Taking hold of Waylajo's left hand, Hituba slowly guided it from her breast and led it down. Passing it over her firm belly, she pushed on until placing it directly against her clit. Waylajo knew instantly where his hand now rested. Deciding to be adventurous, he tickled his fingers along the entrance, causing Hituba to give a muffled shriek of delight.

"Aaaaaaah, that's it, handsome," she uttered. "Mama will show you pleasure." At this point, Hituba had lost herself to euphoria, receiving more pleasure from the last few minutes than she had for years. "No young maiden can please you as I can."

At this utterance, all actions on the part of the warrior ceased. His mind suddenly became flooded with recollections Chief Gabuntu's challenge and the fair face of Shaziri. As enticing as his current situation was, Waylajo knew he couldn't take the chance of delaying his march. Catching the medicine woman off guard by his abrupt halt, he swiftly pulled himself away from her grasp.

"My apologies, honorable Hituba," he said with a bow. "But I must return to my course."

The moment Waylajo had pulled away from her, Hituba realized she had said the wrong thing. Foolish girl, she berated herself. What on earth possessed you to mention 'young maidens'? Regardless, though this was a setback, she could still succeed in her gambit. It was obvious to her the warrior desired her, and if not for her slip of the tongue he would have been hers to claim. With just a little more persuasion, he would certainly give in to her charms.

"Come now, dear," she said, turning around to face him. She sashayed towards him, giving a most seductive smile. Within a moment she stood before him, moving her gentle hands over his chest. "Don't pretend you don't want it." One of her hands reached low to fondle his groin. "Mama knows what a man wants."

"I-I-I don't doubt it," he stuttered in discomfort. In fact, he was quite certain of it.

In all honesty, he had to admit that he found this hippo woman very attractive, in spite of her maturity; or perhaps, because_of it. It must be said, the maidens of his village certainly didn't bear such full figures as this fine example, and he doubted they were as skilled at _stoking a man's fire. But in spite of all that, he couldn't just turn away from his task in temptation; not with a possible future chieftainship as the prize. Besides, lovely Shaziri, infatuated as she was with him, was counting on him to beat Equisoto and win her hand.

"Even so," he continued, backing away from his hostess, "I'm afraid I must depart."

But Hituba was having none of that. As he continued to slowly step backwards to the shore, she merely sauntered along in pursuit, all the while never breaking her eyes from his or losing her sultry grin. "Now, now, no need to hurry, stud," she flirtatiously chastised. "Isn't there _anything_I can do to make you reconsider?"

Just as he feared that she would catch him, the young alligator felt his posterior bump against the shoreline. His freedom just behind him, he placed his hands on the grass and hoisted himself backwards onto dry land. But just as he thought he would be able to escape, the hippo finally caught up with him.

As he was about to rise to his feet, he felt strong hands lay hold on both of his ankles. Before he could try to shake them loose, he found himself tugged forward, the hands now secured on his thighs. He looked forward, only to see between his spread legs the medicine woman's face inches away from his genitals.

"I told you before," she said, "I'm a woman of many skills." He saw her lick her lips in hunger. "Let me show you."

Before Waylajo could guess her meaning, she made it perfectly clear. All at once she proceeded to run her large tongue along his privates. She began with the area just beneath his sack, slowly working her way up and over it, ending with a prolonged lick along the underside of his quickly lengthening shaft.

As he felt Hituba's oral massage, Waylajo found himself in utter ecstasy. A long disjointed moan escaped him as his hands gripped on the grass beneath him. Though he didn't realize it, the tip of his curled tail tingled with every stroke, so as to unintentionally tickle the hippo's chin. Skilled indeed, he reflected. He was certain no other woman he knew, young or old, was capable of giving this level of pleasure. Any desire to resist was slowly ebbing away from him.

This fact was easily discernable by the hippo temptress as she looked at his grinning face. One more push and he's mine, she judged. Time to give him the main course. Breaking from her phallic administrations, she returned her hands to Waylajo's ankles and slowly tugged his body back towards the water. His mind clouded in euphoria, he hardly even noticed until he was almost in.

"Don't leave me now, stud," she said seductively, having him halfway in. "It's been so long since a young warrior parted my folds." He was now fully pulled from the shore, shaky feet standing on its bottom. Hituba's face looked pleadingly into his own as she whispered. "Help me remember."

No longer having a need for words, the mature hippo leaned forward, meeting Waylajo's lips with her own. Pouring all her pent up passion into the kiss, she pressed her curvy frame against his, her luscious breasts just as soft as before. For Waylajo, it was like the bursting of a dam, allowing his growing lust to finally break free. He wrapped his arms around her neck and hungrily kissed back. There was no longer any pretense of departing. Not all the chieftain's daughters in all the land could have induced him to abandon his new lover's caresses.

Breaking the kiss for air, Hituba looked on her new lover with adoration. "Mhmmm, not bad, handsome," she stated, placing a hand to his cheek. "I knew you couldn't resist me."

"Oooooh, fair Hituba," Waylajo breathed, a primal urge sparkling in his eyes. "I want you so much. I need you now!"

"Yes, my love," she answered. Placing her hands on his shoulders, the hippo opened her legs and placed them on each side of him, cradling his frame between her thighs. His hardened manhood brushed against her slit as she whispered a solitary word into his ear. "Push."

Needing no further command, Waylajo did as told and thrust his pelvis forward. With perfect accuracy, his shaft slowly penetrated her. The moment he was inside her an electric thrill coursed through both of them, making each cry out in ecstasy. Almost by reflex, the alligator lay hold of Hituba's generous chest, squeezing it tight. Virgin that he was, Waylajo had never known such pleasure could be felt in all his life.

Enveloped as he was within her warm walls, it was everything he had not to lose himself right then and there. As a proud warrior of Gabuntu, he thought, I will not yield that easily. Steeling himself up for the long haul, he gently started to withdraw himself from Hituba's womanhood. But just as he was about to break free from her, he rammed himself deep inside her once again. This began a sequence that quickly began to pick up speed. Letting him set the pace to begin with, Hituba soon began to meet each of his thrusts with ones of her own, sending ripples along the water's surface with their erotic rhythm. With each pounding of her pudenda, the lovers moaned in wild abandon.

In spite of their efforts to prolong this state of bliss, however, it was inevitable that the end should come. As he continued to impale her, a familiar pressure was building within him; one that couldn't be held back for long.

" Aaaaaaah, Hituba ," he cried. " It's comiiiiing... ooooooh, I can't... hold it..."

"Ooooooh yes, warrior!" she howled in answer. " Cum for mama! Claim me! Make me your ooooooooown!"

That was all Waylajo needed to hear. Meeting his lips with hers once more, he circled his arms around her, firmly grabbing hold of her ass. Squeezing it heartily, he increased the speed of his frenzied thrusts as Hituba wrapped her arms around his neck. She wanted him to claim her, and he was happy to oblige.

Finally, at long last, the young warrior could no longer hold back his inner tide. Lodging himself inside his mature lover with one final drive, everything within him was let out in a wave of lust. The couple gave a collective finishing shriek of thrilled gratification as his seed filled her womb.

On reaching climax, their bodies loosened as all tension within them departed. Each of them panted as they recovered from their exertions. Having no energy left to even stand, Waylajo began to sink.

Hituba, being the first to recover, took hold of him beneath the armpits. "Now, now, stud," she said, like a chastising parent. "Mama can't have you drowning on her." Lifting him up with a strength that would have surprised him if he'd noticed, she laid him once more on the grass-covered shore.

As he lay there gasping, a drained Waylajo reflected on all that had just transpired. Well, I suppose I'm a MAN now, as well as a warrior, he thought with a smile. What a woman. I can't say this diversion wasn't worth it. And once I've had a breather, I can be on my way and still beat Equisoto.

He suddenly felt a warm hand placed on his chest. Without him realizing it, Hituba had sat down beside him. She looked down on him with admiring eyes.

"Mhmmmm, that was delightful, lover," she said, massaging his chest. Moving her hand downward, she soon found his spent manhood and took hold. To his surprise, it seemed to return to life under her gentle coaxing. "But I think there's more you can do for Mama Hituba." Removing her hand, she rose to her feet. Leaning over him, she grabbed him by his sides. "Let's continue this lesson in a more comfortable setting."

As if he weighed no more than a sack of grain, the hippo effortlessly picked him up and placed him over her shoulder, as if he were some trophy of the hunt. Perhaps to her I am, he considered. As she walked away from the lake, Waylajo could do nothing but look down and watch her plump ass sway with every step. Knowing he had no strength to offer any resistance, he resigned himself to the fact that he likely would not be leaving for some time.

Meanwhile, just as Waylajo was becoming acquainted with his soon-to-be lover, another challenger was following his own path.

Running beneath the hot afternoon sun, Equisoto had already managed to run farther than his counterpart. Being of equine heritage, he was naturally capable of traversing long distances within short periods. Even so, he still had to drink like everyone else or he would soon perish.

No need to worry, he thought. I'll be at the watering hole soon, and then I can be on my way.

It didn't take him long to find it. Through a field of tallgrass, he could see a tree, the marker for the watering hole's location. Brushing his way through the grass, he found it empty and silent. Rather than diving in to refresh, he simply cast his spear down and lay flat at the water's edge, bringing it to his mouth by cupping his hands.

As he quenched his thirst, he paused a moment, listening around him. He could've sworn he heard something, a rustling in the grass. After refraining a moment and hearing nothing, the zebra resumed his hydration.

Then, just as he was getting up, he felt a sharp sting get him in the back. He arched his back and grunted in irritation. Reaching to grab what had stung him, he pulled it out and observed a tiny crafted dart.

"Got him!" he suddenly heard from behind.

There was no mistake; he was under attack. By whom and for what reason he couldn't tell, but he wouldn't go down without a fight. Snarling in anger, he made to reach for his spear, only to find himself stumble.

"Shit, he's still going!" he heard another voice shout. "Get him again, quick!"

Before he could figure out why he was having difficulty springing to action, he felt his chest get pierced by two more darts. As he fell onto his back, the world before his eyes began to turn hazy. Shapes became disjointed and colors swirled in a kaleidoscope. Looking up at the sky, he could vaguely make out three shapes hovering over him.

"Well, that was close," one of the spoke.

"Aye, I'd have hated to forfeit on more rubies," spoke another.

"Never mind that," said the first voice. "If we hadn't been quick, he could've killed you."

"Bah, I'd have liked to see him try," replied the second.

"That's enough, you two," spoke a third voice. Equisoto thought it might have been the one that had first shouted from the grass at his first sting. "He's been given much of the drug; too much, perhaps. He'll be out of it for a while, so we better hurry and get him back before he wakes."

"Whatever you say, Titusu," the second voice said.

As his disorientation grew, he thought he felt hands lift him by his arms and legs. At this point, the world was spinning so much he couldn't tell if it was real. As his world began to fade, he could barely make out one final exchange between them.

"At any rate," the first voice spoke, "this one certainly looks like a prime candidate for it."

"Heh, yeah," the second voice chuckled. "Mama Pachdera won't be disappointed with this one."

With these words filling his ears, Equisoto's world went black.

It was some time before Equisoto began to come to his senses. As he opened his eyes, he could see it was still light out, but in another hour or so darkness would fall. Though he could now see, it took a moment to adjust his eyes, as his mind remained somewhat groggy.

"Ugh, what happened?" he asked aloud, not knowing if someone was there to hear or not.

Beginning to collect himself, he tried to raise himself up, only to find his arms restrained. What the... he questioned. Looking upward, he found he was lying on his back with arms stretched past his head, his wrists tied together behind a thin tree. Taking in his surroundings, he saw there was now no water hole, yet he was still surrounded by tall grass.

Wait a minute, he thought, beginning to recall what had transpired. I remember now; I was attacked. The bastards drugged me. And now they're going to... what? Kill me? Not likely. If they were going to do that, they wouldn't have bothered taking him away, and no tribes within this land took part in blood sacrifices and the like. What, then?

Deciding these questions could be held off for now, he tried to break free of his bonds. Unfortunately for him, it was no good. With the drugs still coursing through his system, he simply didn't have the strength to make an effective effort. Even if he had, the bonds were far to secure the tear in his position.

Regardless, disoriented as he was, he did his best to try. As he struggled, he never heard the rustling from within the grass; he never noticed the figure emerge into sight; and he never saw the appraising smile the figure gave of him.

"Well hello there, young warrior," the figure finally announced.

Startled from his efforts by this unexpected intrusion, Equisoto turned away from his bonds and looked forward. What he saw caused his eyes to widen and brought a momentary end to his struggle. Standing before him was a large elephant woman, dark grey-skinned and looking down on him with studying brown eyes. From the look of her, he could tell that she was a woman of some years. While she wore a loincloth around her waist, her massive, bare breasts rested loose on her curvy frame. Her big ears were adorned with golden earrings, while golden hoops pierced her nipples. What the zebra found most peculiar, however, were various markings along her body in white paint. Swirl symbols outlined by dots covered her shoulders, hips and stomach, while painted bars ran down her trunk and hands decorated the top of her breasts.

Her hands rested on her waist, one of her hips tilted to the side. "My, aren't you a handsome one," she asked with a smile. Even in his current state, there was something about it that Equisoto didn't trust.

"Who... who are you?" he asked. "Where am I?"

"Oh, pardon my manners," she answered, placing a hand on her chest in mock embarrassment. "I am Mama Pachdera, medicine woman of the tribe of Chief Hadon. At the moment, you're in a little spot nestled on the outskirts of our village."

"Why am I here?" he demanded. "Why am I being held prisoner?"

"There's no need to fear, mighty warrior," said Pachdera, making her way towards him. She leaned against the tree he was bound to, looming over him. "We mean you no harm. Our warriors brought you here because we require your... assistance. Once you help us, you'll be free to go your own way."

As she spoke, Equisoto found his eyes focused temporarily on her impressive cleavage, hovering directly overhead as she stood above him. Being the young, inexperienced male he was, he couldn't help but find his attention drawn to them. Once she finished speaking, however, he turned his gaze back to her face.

"If you wanted my help, why did your men attack me?" he asked incredulously. "I don't have time for this. I have to keep moving."

"All in good time, dear," she replied. "I apologize for their rough treatment, but we couldn't take the chance you'd say no. Tell me, are you familiar with the 'fertility rites'?"

For a moment, Equisoto mulled the words in his mind, trying to remember what they meant. Though he knew he had heard the term before, he found he could not recall any specifics. Not surprising; with his mind affected as it was he was lucky he was coherent enough to make conversation. At any rate, he never really made a point of educating himself in the lore of shamans.

Seeing the puzzled expression on his face, the elephant chose to continue. "To ensure prosperity, many tribes perform various ceremonies to secure the favor of the gods and nature. Among these ceremonies are a set known as the fertility rites, a ritual meant to ensure both a bountiful harvest and the safe births of new children. While many tribes, including yours, seem to have done away with these rites, ours still continues to perform it; for traditional purposes, if nothing else.

"To perform the fertility rites, a virgin is required. Once one is secured, a shaman proceeds to copulate with them while chanting the customary prayers. In this manner, the gods receive virginity in exchange for the promise of new life."

"But what has this to do with me?" Equisoto inquired, not yet realizing what was about to transpire. Mind you, if his mind weren't so muddled, even he would have put two and two together by now.

Surprised had hadn't figured it out yet, Pachdera decided to spell it out better. "Since a new virgin must be found every planting season, there are times when they're in short supply. Being a woman, it's naturally preferable that I take a man's innocence. However, if one isn't available, another woman will serve in a pinch, with the help of certain... tools. Even so, occasionally we find ourselves with neither. In such situations, we can find a willing volunteer from a neighboring tribe."

She stepped away from the tree, sashaying until she stood over his legs. "This time, our chosen offering was a little less willing than others," she continued. "A shame too; he's quite an attractive fellow. Still, I'm sure he'll come around; after all, I can be quite convincing." Once again, that smile that filled him with suspicion appeared.

"Why are you telli-" he started, but the words died on his lips.

As he watched, the elephant reached for the tie of her loincloth. Unfastening the knot, she allowed it to fall to her side and held it up in the air, presenting it to her captive before letting it fall to the ground. His attention was elsewhere, however, as he took in the sight in front of him. Bereft of covering, Equisoto was bestowed with an unobstructed view of Pachdera's pudenda. Nestled squarely between her legs, he saw that it was surrounded with a thick bush of curly black hair.

As he cast his eyes upon the medicine woman's nude form, his mind finally realized what was happening. Oh, no, he thought in panic. No, no, no! I'm the beloved of Shaziri; the envy of warriors and the desire of maidens. I can't let myself be taken this way; by a woman older than my own mother. With renewed effort, he tried once again to free himself of his bonds, as pointless as it was.

"There's no point trying to escape," she said. She walked to his side and crouched down beside him. "Until the ritual is performed, you're staying right here; so you might as well enjoy it." She ran her hand over the zebra's chiseled chest, licking her lips in anticipation. "And I'm certain you will; plenty of young men have before you."

"No, please," he begged, desperate to escape his plight. "Don't do this to me. I am meant to be with a chieftain's daughter."

"Well then, you'll know how to please her when I'm done with you," she retorted, unfazed by his pleas. Her hand moved to the outside of his loincloth and gently rubbed his crotch. "Don't try to pretend you don't want this. I can tell your body yearns for it."

As she said this, Equisoto could feel his member begin to lengthen under Pachdera's continued stimulation. "Please, don't," he pleaded once more. "You can't do this."

Ignoring his entreaties, Pachdera got on her knees and raised one of her legs over his body. This caused Equisoto to have her large backside obstruct his view, while her hands tugged upward the bottom of his covering.

"It's been so long since I've had a male, warrior," she remarked. She pulled the cloth all the way up, baring his hardened sheath to the world. "Can't you see how much I need this? Need you?"

Unable to fight her, Equisoto could only lay there as the elephant took hold of it and began to stroke up and down it with her surprisingly soft hands. Though he wished to resist, a soft moan came to his lips under her stimulation. Things only got more interesting when she got her trunk involved, coiling it around his shaft and pumping him as if he were a milk cow. As she continued to rouse his manhood, he watched as her generous ass swayed in front of him, her small tail raised in excitement. This close up, he could detect the smell of her nethers, already wet from desire. Though he tried to convince himself otherwise, this only worked to increase his arousal.

All this combined coaxing began to build up a pressure within the zebra; one he was particularly familiar with. If he didn't do something, he would soon reach the breaking point. "Oooooh, Pachdera," he moaned, in spite of his reluctance. "Please stop! I'm going to... ooooooh, I'm going to..."

The medicine woman got the message loud and clear. Unwinding her trunk, she released her hold on his member. Though it remained engorged, Equisoto began to calm as he felt the pressure begin to die. He was beginning to think he was off the hook when he looked once more on his captor. By now, Pachdera had turned herself around so she was now hovering over him, looking directly into his fearful face. Her breasts dangled over his chest, while he saw that her hairy vulva hovered above his sheath, just waiting to be impaled.

"My thanks for the warning, handsome," she said, wearing a sultry grin. "I almost lost myself there. Your phallus is quite impressive, even for an equine. But now we can get to the reason you're here."

"Please, no..." whimpered the young warrior, attempting one last plea of mercy. It fell on deaf ears.

"Don't fight it, stud," she said, in a tone meant to soothe. "Just lay back and give in to passion." Her folds were pressed against the very tip of his cock as she gave a whisper. "Let mama guide you."

Next thing Equisoto knew, the elephant was sliding down his manhood. A shuddering moan escaped her lips as she took him to the hilt. Her inner walls felt warm and tight, causing the zebra to give his own unbidden sigh of pleasure. Placing her hands on his chest for support, she soon began to ride his cock. As she ran her hands over his torso, he was vaguely aware that she had started to chant; no doubt the prayer for the fertility rites. From what he could tell, she appeared to be struggling between remembering to chant and taking in the pleasure.

Knowing it was now impossible to escape, Equisoto at first tried to just lay there and block it out. This is shameful, he thought, _I am a warrior. In mating, I should be the one in control, not be reduced to an older woman's fuck toy._In spite of his denial, he found that each rise and fall sent an unintended thrill through him. As she continued to ride him, he found his eyes once more drawn to her cleavage, bouncing against her chest with every rocking motion. Though he refused to admit it, he felt a building desire to reach out to them, his mouth starting to salivate at the sight. Without realizing it, his body had begun to lean in to the pachyderm's spirited pounding of his pelvis. In no time the two had synchronized their rocking into a passionate rhythm.

Sure enough, as the seductress and her reluctant lover continued their copulation, the dying pressure within Equisoto began to quickly build again, as well as in Pachdera. At this point, any reluctance on the young warrior's part had been pushed aside, replaced by an urgent need for release.

" Pachdera, aaaaaah..." he cried. " I can't... hold it... oooooooh, I'm gonna... "

If Pachdera heard his words, she made no sign of it. Her chanting simply increased in speed, as well as her pounding of his sheath. Finally, when her lover had reached the tip of his breaking point, she placed her hands on his shoulders and came down with a final slam. Unable to hold it back any longer, Equisoto shot his seed into his elephant captor, both of them crying out in carnal release. Having achieved satisfaction, Pachdera collapsed on top of him, as both struggled to catch their breath.

As he lay there, Equisoto was filled with embarrassment. That was humiliating, he thought chagrined. To think that I could be rendered powerless and surrender to a woman? Disgraceful. Yet, in spite of his shame at what had transpired, he couldn't hide from the fact that he had felt great pleasure under this mature elephant's caresses. Well, at least it's over now, and I can be on my way.

As he contemplated this, Pachdera tilted her head up so that her face was looking directly into his. "Mhhhhm, that was wonderful, handsome," she said, before leaning in a giving him a prolonged kiss. Her trunk twisted around to the back of his head to push him into it. After a moment, she broke it. "I told you you would enjoy it." She ran her finger in circles on his chest. "That's comforting, since I still require your... services."

At these words, Equisoto became uneasy once more. He had hoped he would be released once the ritual was over, but it appeared that she planned to make further use of him; rites or no rites. It seemed that he would be remaining a prisoner for longer than he thought. Pachdera began to rub her groin into his own, slowly stirring his discharged length back to life. Her brown eyes gazed seductively into his own.

"I'm not done with you yet," she whispered.

As Waylajo was carried into the hut of his new lover, he could tell she wasn't done with him yet. Not that I'm surprised, he thought. Living alone out here with hardly any visitors, its little wonder she's so eager for love.

He was distracted from his thoughts as he felt himself removed from Hituba's shoulder and placed gently on sleeping furs. Looking around, he saw many tools and herbs used for her work as a healer, with a surprising amount of candles. After a quick examination, he turned his sights back on the nude hippo standing before him, wearing only a smile beaming with pleasure.

"You just lay back and relax, warrior," she said in a reassuring tone. "You worked so hard before; it's only fair you get a little reward." She lowered herself to her knees, placed her hands on his thighs and leaned her face just inches away from his sheath. "Let mama take care of you."

No sooner had she said this that she once again lapped her tongue against his genitals. Each moist caress brought a sigh of bliss from his lips. This bliss only multiplied when the alligator felt her lips wrap around his manhood, devouring it until it had fully disappeared from view. He gripped the furs beneath him, trying to contain himself as she sucked him off.

Finally, a cry of ecstasy broke from him as he unleashed his load into her mouth. At first, he thought for sure she would gag and become angry with him. His fears were unfounded, however, when she not only didn't gag, but proceeded to swallow it all in one gulp. She released her hold on his flaccid member and wiped her mouth with her arm.

"Mhhhm,delicious," she cooed as she licked her lips. "I do enjoy the taste of a good man. I hope you found it as enjoyable, my warrior."

"Aaaah, that was amazing, Mama Hituba," he gasped, taking in deep breaths.

"Glad to hear it," the hippo said, smiling smugly. "But now that mama's taken care of you, it seems only fair that you return the favor." She removed herself from his crotch and laid back at the other end of the sleeping furs. She spread her legs wide open, giving Waylajo an inspiring view of her wet womanhood. "Come, lover" she added, crooking a finger towards him. "Show mama what that mouth of yours can do."

Not wanting to disappoint, Waylajo raised himself up and crawled towards her. On reaching her crotch, he took a moment to examine her labia, having never seen one this close. Aroused and inviting, he saw that it was smooth and entirely bereft of pubes. Gently taking her legs in hand, he leaned his snout forward, parting her petals with his tongue. Delving further in, his tongue was engrossed with a salty taste he hadn't expected.

On reflex, he turned to one side. This action brought a moan from the medicine woman. Taking this as a cue to experiment, Waylajo proceeded to wiggle his tongue all around inside her. He was rewarded by the sound of his lover's hysteric wails of longing at his stimulation. He was suddenly taken by surprise when her legs wrapped around his head, practically burying his face into her pussy. If it was possible to drown through oral titillation, he was fast approaching it. Unable to imagine another way to freedom, the alligator doubled down and worked her clit like never before. In no time at all, Hituba's body rocked as she gave a final orgasmic cry, nearing snapping the warrior's neck in the process.

As she came down from her high, her thighs loosened their hold and released her guest. With a gasp, Waylajo broke away from her snatch, quick to take breath. He was given little time to adjust, however, as he felt Hituba shove him backward with her feet, causing him to land on his back.

"That's enough playing around, warrior," she said, her face filled with a mixture of need and command. "I need you inside me now." She reached for a nearby gourd and sat in front of his crotch. "This should bring some new life to you." Pouring some manner of oil into her hand, she proceeded to take hold of his deflated length and massage it all over. As if by magic, it swiftly became fully erect once more. "That's it, nice and long like mama likes it." She crawled over Waylajo until she was hovering above him, her hands holding him down by his shoulders. She looked into the alligator's eyes with a seductive glare. "Now, show me how much of a warrior you are."

Without another word, Hituba's pelvis came crashing down, taking his cock into her pining pussy. Taking no time to let the feeling linger, she commenced to pound his manhood like there was no tomorrow. Taking pleasure at every thrust, Waylajo took hold of the hippo's luscious breasts and squeezed them in delight, earning him an appreciative moan from his host. Just as before, under her continued rocking, the young warrior soon began to thrust back. Starting off slow, the two soon began to pick up speed. Sure enough, a pressure that each was becoming very familiar with by now began to build.

" Ooooooh , Hituba!" Waylajo cried. " I'm gonna... oooooooh, I'm gonna cum!"

"Yes, warrior!" she wailed in turn, her head pulled back in ecstasy. " Fill mama up! Aaaaaah, give mama everything you have!"

Taking hold of her curvy backside, Waylajo brought her down for one final thrust. No longer able to contain it, the alligator once again filled the mature hippo with his hot seed, as each gave a crowning scream of climax. Both of them completely drained, they each fell upon the sleeping furs, allowing slumber to overtake them as they held each other close.

When Waylajo finally awoke, the setting sun colored the sky a crimson red. As he rose, he found Hituba sitting beside him patiently, giving him a smile of fulfillment. This was understandable, as she was feeling more satisfied than she had in quite some time.

"Morning, stud," she said. "I hope you rested well."

He smiled in turn. "Wonderfully," he replied. "I was visited by beautiful dreams, of a hippo's loving caresses."

"Ach, you flatter Hituba again," she claimed. "Come, I have dinner for you."

Waylajo could smell its delectable scent, and as he cast his eyes upon the spread, his mouth watered in hunger. "I thank you, good woman," he said.

"My pleasure," she replied, waving him off. "It's been long since I last made food for a man. Now eat up."

Starved from his exertions earlier, the alligator tucked right in with relish. Turning to his host, he found that she was just as ravenous as he was. In no time at all, the meal had been devoured.

"I thank you again for the meal," he said, bowing his head in reverance. He paused a moment, almost reluctant to say what must come next. "I have enjoyed your company this day, good woman, but it is time for me to depart."

Expecting her to insist he stay longer, he was surprised by her answer. "Yes, I know," she answered. She was sad to see this appealing youth leave her side, but she knew she couldn't keep him forever. "You have a task to complete, and have much ground to cover. You've given me much excitement this day, and I'll not keep you any further."

Both of them rose to their feet and walked towards to door. Standing at the threshold, Waylajo stood a moment in reflection. Though he knew he should be eager to leave to claim his prize, he found there was a part of him that didn't desire to leave. Even so, he must continue his journey; if for no other reason than to avoid the shame of having turned aside.

Even so, he thought, she's such an amazing and remarkable woman. I'd hate for this to be our final parting.

"Mama Hituba?" he addressed her in question.

"Yes, my warrior?"

'My warrior',_he pondered. _Somehow, that title from her seems greater than any other I could have.

"Once I've completed my task," he continued, "may I... come back to you?"

This question took Hituba by surprise. She had indulged herself with this young warrior to fulfil a bargain and to satisfy a growing desire she had held for a long time. The experience had left her extremely satisfied, and she had no doubt she had made it equally pleasurable for her lover. Even so, she had imagined that, though he had enjoyed her touch, he would turn aside from her and move on to his maidens, as young men do. The idea that he would want to return had never occurred to her.

The very thought brought a smile to her face. Well,_she thought, _if he wishes to return to my loving embrace, why should I refuse? Already her body quivered in anticipation at the thought.

"If you wish," she finally answered. She stood close to him, her face close to his as she whispered. "My hut, my heart, and my legs are always open to you."

His inner fires stoked by these words, Waylajo drew her close and pressed his lips to hers in a powerful kiss. Shocked at first, Hituba wrapped her arms around his neck as she kissed back with equal force. For a minute or so they clung to each other, before the hippo broke away with a sigh.

"Come, no more of that," she said, "or else you'll never be off." She pressed him out her beaded door into the open air. "I shall await your return." She gave him an affectionate smack on his backside before withdrawing behind the curtain.

For a moment, Waylajo considered going back inside. But, though he hated to admit it, he knew she was right; if he didn't go soon he'd never complete his journey. Returning to the far side of the lake, he gathered his belongings and made to continue his trek. Even so, he was dubious at this point that he would still beat Equisoto, being waylaid as long as he had.

Waylaid as he was, Equisoto feared that he would be unable to continue his own trek any time soon.

Though his captor had run him ragged, it appeared that she had no intention of giving him any respite. A smug grin on her face, Pachdera turned away from him and once more faced his genitals, shoving her round cheeks into his view.

"I think it's time for another taste of zebra meat," she said, spreading apart his thighs. She rubbed against his limp 'meat' with the tip of her trunk. "Come now, handsome; I know you have more stamina than that." She gave a sigh, as if in disappointment. "I suppose I'll have to rouse you up."

Getting right down to business, the elephant again coiled her trunk around his length and began to run it up and down. With every movement of her elongated sniffer, his manhood slowly rose to the occasion. As it began to harden under her incitement, chords of pleasure struck through his body, in spite of his displeasure at his situation. This mix of emotions became further unbalanced once she added her massaging tongue to the affair, running it along his shaft each time her trunk rose upward. Though he tried to hold it in, moans of delight escaped him.

All this stimulation was proving to be too much for the zebra, as he was certain he couldn't fight the eventual climax to come. He didn't have long to wait, as he could already feel it begin to build inside him. As it approached, his impassioned moans increased in volume. Any moment now he would surely release. And yet, just as Equisoto thought he could hold it back no longer, the stimulation of his manhood ceased. Slowly, the built-up tension began to dissipate. But just when he thought he was free, Pachdera recommenced her provocation. This pattern continued for some time; each time Equisoto came close to discharge, his captor would refrain from her titillating touch, only to return to it a moment later. The zebra was being held at the brink of release and it was driving him mad!

"Does the young zebra wish to cum?" he heard the elephant say. He was certain she was mocking him. "I'm skilled in the arts of love, and I could keep you like this forever if I wished. If you want it to end, you must work for it." Without warning, she pressed her wet, bushy sex against his snout, muffling any words of protest. "Now put that tongue of yours to work."

For Equisoto, this was the most degrading moment of this whole experience yet. To think she could make a proud warrior like him her prisoner and force him to perform such acts was an insult of the highest degree. For a moment, he considered refusing her out of spite. This plot was soon abandoned, however, as her continued manipulation of his manhood had already become too much to tolerate. With no other options available, he grudgingly accepted that he would have to swallow his pride and surrender to her demands.

Forcing his tongue into her waiting slit, he found it assaulted by a powerful salty flavor. Having never performed such an act before and dying to be given release, he decided to wildly beset her inner walls in a mind-boggled frenzy. He was clearly doing something right, as he heard Pachdera scream in rapturous glee. Sure enough, as his oral assault increased, so did hers. This reciprocal back and forth continued for some time, until suddenly Equisoto's face was drenched by an oncoming wave of the medicine woman's juices. As he was overcome, he finally felt his own climax burst forth, taking satisfaction both in his relief and the thought of shooting his load all over the elephant's face.

As she turned to face him again, he could see that Pachdera had indeed been sprayed. This seemed to faze her little, however, as she merely wiped it all away with her trunk. Even now, she maintained her smug, sultry smile.

"Mhhhmmm, your tongue performs well," she commented. "It's hard to believe you've remained untouched by a woman." She hovered over him as she positioned her womanhood above his sheath. "Well, allow me to help you make up for lost time. Let me show you once more what you were missing."

Needing to say no more, the elephant plunged onto his waiting manhood. This time, rather than rocking his body from a sitting position, Pachdera stretched herself out over her captive lover, hands on the ground either side of him holding her up as she shook. Each time she moaned, she brought her face close to his, her breath hitting against him. For the most part, he simply let her do as she wished, believing he was incapable of feeling any greater embarrassment. Still, the thing that continued to hold his attention the most was her enormous cleavage, swaying back and forth with each jolt. Looking into his eyes, she seemed to tell where his concentration was.

"My breasts are to your liking, yes?" she asked, already knowing the answer. "I wager you wish you could touch them. Am I correct?"

At first, Equisoto chose to remain silent, not wishing to give her any further satisfaction. This was made further difficult, as she sat up and raised them both up in her hands, rolling them around in her palms. His mouth starting to water at the sight, the zebra gave out a feeble, prolonged ".........yeeeeeeesssssssss.........".

"Well, I might consider granting your wish," Pachdera claimed. "But, before I do, I need to know just how badly you want it; want me." She hung them mere inches from his salivating face. "I need you to beg for it."

Once again, the zebra considered refusing her. In his mind, a warrior did not beg for anything. But the sight of her bosom, so close within his reach, was too tempting to resist.

"......please....." he whimpered. "Release me..... I beg you...."

She smiled in victory, taking pleasure in the thought that she had broken this prideful warrior. "Sure thing, handsome," she answered. Reaching forward with one hand, she took hold of the cord that bound him to the tree. Giving it a firm, stout pull, the cord snapped, releasing his hands.

No sooner were they free that Equisoto clasped them to the elephant's chest. The sudden squeeze brought a sigh to the elephant's lips. One sigh was followed by many as the youth brought his mouth to her nipple, suckling with great enthusiasm as he continued to knead her breasts.

"Ooooooh, that's it, handsome," she cooed. "Ooooaaaah, I'm going to..... enjoy you, oooooooh. You'll make a aaaaaaahhhh... fine new toy."

At these words, every indignation he had suffered from her hand came flooding back, breaking his mind free from the ecstasy he was engrossed in. This woman had proceeded to shame and emasculate in a powerless state and it could not be allowed to go unanswered for. A lesson needed to be taught, and a point needed to be proven.

Luckily, he now had free hands with which to do it.

Taking his former captor completely by surprise, he pushed her over and turned the tables on her. Now it was he who was above her, his hands still firmly placed on her chest. Astonished at this role reversal, the mature elephant could only look up at him in bewilderment.

" You!" he growled, his voice dripping with venom. "You dare to hold me against my will and use me as you wish? You call me your toy and think you can get away with it?! I am no one's plaything or pet, woman! I am a warrior , and I am a MAN!"

Expecting to see fear in her eyes at this turn of events, he was shocked to see that she maintained that mocking grin. "Then prove it, boy," she challenged, emphasizing the word 'boy'.

This last taunt was the last straw for Equisoto. In that moment, the chief's challenge, Shaziri's hand and everything else could go to hell for all he cared. If this woman of years wished him to prove how much a man he was, then damn it, he was gonna show her.

Lining himself to her waiting pussy, he forced himself into her with everything he had. When she cried out, at first he thought he had hurt her. But when she took hold of his shoulders, he realized what he had mistook for pain was actually pleasure. Taking this as a signal to continue, he pulled himself out to the tip and rammed himself into her once more. He continued for some time, building up a rhythm, each time bringing another wail of joy from his prisoner. As he pounded, he maintained his hold on her breasts, squeezing them with relish. He snorted in wild abandon as he felt the elephant's legs wrap around his waist.

Certain that Pachdera's time of culmination was coming, Equisoto decided repay her manipulation with some of his own. Just when it seemed she was about to reach her peak, the zebra's pounding ceased, leaving her unfulfilled. She looked questioningly into his eys, wondering what had made him stop.

"You had the nerve to make me beg ," he snarled, his eyes holding no mercy. "Now it's your turn. Now beg!"

At first, Equisoto thought the woman beneath him would refuse. She bit her lip in discomfort. Finally, he heard her murmur an answer. "......please..... fuck me....".

" Louder!" the zebra shouted, in no mood to play games.

" Fuck me!" she screamed, losing all reservation. "I beg you, TAKE ME! Plough me like a field! Give me everything you have!"

That was all Equisoto needed to hear. He now wore his own satisfied grin as he renewed his thrusts with increased vigor. His lover's hold on him tightened with every pounding of her pussy. In no time at all, the two of them once more approached the tipping point. Taking hold of her waist, the young warrior plunged into her with one hard, final lunge. Each of them wailed in ecstasy as his seed shot inside her.

Finding himself totally spent, Equisoto fell onto the curvaceous woman beneath him. As he landed on her, he felt her brush her hand through his hair. At first, he was afraid she would try to restrain him again. His fears were unwarranted, however, as she remained where she lay, her smile no longer smug, but satisfied. Though before he could stop her, she put a hand to the back of his head and brought him into a kiss; less forceful this time, but still impassioned.

"Very impressive, handsome," she said, pulling away from the kiss. "It's been so long since a real man tended my needs."

These words filled Equisoto with a restored sense of pride. Now his imprisonment had been avenged (in the most satisfying way possible) and he need no longer be filled with shame. He was no longer just a warrior; now he was a MAN.

He was distracted from these thoughts as he felt a gentle hand rub against his spent genitals. "You've more than fulfilled the demands of the rites," Pachdera continued, giving him a most seductive look. "Care to tarry awhile and go another round?"

Though the final stretch of this experience had been pleasant for him, Equisoto didn't wish to become ensnared in the medicine woman's clutches again. What's more, he had been waylaid long enough. He had a challenge to win, and after everything he'd been through, he refused to give up now.

"Tempting," he replied, not wishing to spoil the moment with the truth. "But I'm afraid I must leave you now."

Before Pachdera could do anything to hinder him, Equisoto jumped to his feet and ran away into the field of tallgrass. He no longer had any weapon on his person, but at this point he was beyond caring, willing to head out unarmed if it would speed him on his way. Spying what was likely her village to the north, he turned and made his way southwest.

As he raced away from his place of passion, he could hear Pachdera calling out to him. "You're a real man , Equisoto!" she cried, longing in her voice. "If you ever desire the embrace of a real woman again, you know where to find me! I'll be waiting!"

Not wanting to give it any further thought, Equisoto merely increased his speed, his focus solely on the aim of winning the challenge and beating Waylajo.

It was sundown of the very next day before the two rivals finally made their return approach to their village.

For each of them, the journey to obtain their colored stones had been without danger and fairly uneventful; well, aside from each of their erotic escapades, which both considered quite eventful. Regardless, they each obtained the stones with relative ease and hastily began their return trip. One thing both made sure to do was avoid the areas of their carnal encounters.

For Waylajo, he was filled with regret at having to pass Hituba's hut by. Their time together had been so enjoyably passionate, and he'd love to experience it again. But if he were sidetracked now, the gods only knew how long he'd be diverted this time. Sneaking upon her lake, he simply took enough drink to refresh himself and continued on his way. As far as the medicine woman knew, he was never there.

As for Equisoto, his thoughts on his experience were less warm. With the exception of the finale, his time with Pachdera was a period of perpetual degradation and embarrassment. Though he had to admit, the elephant certainly knew how to please a man. He was certain that he desired maidens, but there was something to be said of a woman of experience. Not wanting to be troubled by these conflicting thoughts, the zebra pushed them aside and focused on the road ahead. Luckily for him, the watering hole held no concealed ambushers this time, allowing him to drink and march on.

As each warrior approached the village from different directions, however, they both began to notice something strange. The village appeared to be lit by the light of many fires, while their ears seemed to detect the sound of music emanating from its walls. Was there some celebration taking place? Perhaps the tribe was awaiting their arrival and wished to welcome their return with great fanfare. Taking encouragement from this thought, the alligator and zebra picked up their pace, determined to be the first one to enter.

Each of them was soon disillusioned, as it appeared that no one was at either gate to greet them. Now even more curious, the two worked their way to the village center, from which they could hear all the commotion. As they walked the abandoned avenues, the two finally caught sight of one another.

"So, Waylajo," Equisoto addressed his opponent. "You managed to find your way back, did you?"

"That I did," Waylajo replied, holding up an orange stone. "And I have what I left for."

"As did I." The zebra held up his own purple stone. A knowing smile crept to his lips. "So, tell me, did you enjoy your time with Mama Hituba?"

For a moment, the alligator was shocked to hear his rival mention the hippo woman. How could he have known? Had he somehow planned for what had happened? Then, remembering his joy at the experience, he decided it didn't matter. He wasn't going to let it pass quietly, however.

"First, tell me," answered Waylajo, "did you enjoy performing the fertility rites?"

The smile quickly faded from the zebra's face at this question. All at once, everything that had occurred to him added up. His rival must have set him up. Anger began to well up inside him, remembering everything he had to endure. Then, remembering that he had essentially pulled the same trick on his opponent, he decided to let the matter drop, accepting that karma works in strange (and apparently sensual) ways.

"Let's agree to drop the matter," Equisoto stated. "So, any idea what all the commotion is about?"

"No, I'm as curious as you are," Waylajo answered. "Not to greet us, that seems certain." Suddenly, a thought occurred to him that he'd never bothered considering before. "Wait, you don't think..."

He had no need to finish his sentence, for as he spoke, the same thought entered the zebra's mind. "No, it couldn't be," Equisoto said, in a wavering tone that made it clear he wasn't so sure.

By some unspoken agreement, both youths ran together towards the center of the village. After some navigation through empty streets, they finally came to the open square, though it wasn't exactly 'open' at the moment. All around them, people were scattered throughout; feasting, dancing and making merry. And at the very center of it all was a sight that they couldn't believe yet had somehow suspected to see.

Sitting in two great chairs at the head of the feasting table, were Shaziri and Finicko, the fennec fox, and _third_challenger; the one neither of them had counted as a threat. The two of them were clothed in fine regalia; robes of bright colors and rich necklaces. At Finicko's side sat Chief Gabuntu, while opposite Shaziri was the chief's wife Milona. All together they created a blissful atmosphere; particularly as the gazelle and fox were currently engaged in a passionate kiss.

To say that the two warriors were shocked by the sight before them was a gross understatement. Never in a million years would they have expected such an outcome. Above all, the thing that vexed them the most was that, rather than appearing miserable that neither of them had won her hand, Shaziri actually appeared exceedingly happy at the outcome. Their bewilderment was quite warranted, as both of them had been told by her directly that she desired them to win, and that the only thing they had to worry about was each other. Little had they realized that they had been dupes in an orchestrated conspiracy.

For a long time now, Shaziri had known her heart belonged to Finicko, and he reciprocated her love in equal measure. But Shaziri knew her father would likely disapprove of the match, believing his daughter's hand should go to a warrior, not some craftsman of no renown. This was how the whole messy business with the challenge got started. Not knowing who else to turn to, Shaziri poured her heart out to her stepmother. Milona, sympathetic to her situation and a romantic at heart, helped the young lovers to concoct a scheme to finally be together, using Gabuntu's challenge to their advantage.

The first thing that was required was to thin out the competition, and what better way to do so than getting the tribe's finest warriors to compete. Right at the top of that list were none other than Waylajo and Equisoto. To ensure their involvement, Shaziri made a point of telling each of them she was besotted with them and wished them for a husband. Once their entry was assured, all other contenders stepped aside; except for Finicko, of course. And as her father had sworn that any competitor who won would win her hand, he could not object to their pairing. All that remained was to put the two warriors out of commission.

Being the wife of a chief, Milona knew many women of prominence within the region. This included the medicine women Hituba and Pachdera, both women known in certain circles for their sexual appetites, especially for younger men. Such women would serve as the perfect distraction for the zebra and alligator, whom said women would find most pleasing. To set their fate in motion, Shaziri whispered into Equisoto's ear about a bargain with Hituba, while Finicko casually mentioned the fertility rites to Waylajo. Once the warrior puppets were appointed to their respective schemes, all that was left was to let them cancel each other out, while Finicko had a straight road to victory.

Neither of the youths knew of this scheme, nor did they fully comprehend its extent now. In truth, they were only sure of two things: they had been played, and they had been beaten.

For one of them, they felt a surprising sense of relief at this turn of events. He had not won the hands of a chieftain's daughter, but perhaps he had won something better in the long run. Already he was planning on when he would next pay it a visit. Meanwhile, the other was filled with a great frustration. All the shame and exertion he had been made to endure had been for nothing. And now he would have to simply accept it.

As each of them mulled over their personal issues, they were finally spied by their chief, who caught sight of them in the crowd. He stood from his seat and raised his hand for silence. After a moment, the merriment died down, the crowd looking on their noble ruler.

"Waylajo, Equisoto, come forth," he addressed them, drawing all attention upon them. "Stand before me."

At first, the two warriors just stood there in silence. Though they had stood proudly amongst this same crowd the other day, they both felt somewhat sheepish now. Still, not wanting to disrespect their chief, they slowly made their way to the feasting table. On reaching it, they each kneeled and brought a fist to their chests.

"Rise, rise," the chief ordered. "Well, I must say this is a strange turn of events. I give my best wishes to two of my best warriors in a test of endurance, and who is the first to arrive back with stone in hand?" He gestured to his new son-in-law, who simply sat there pleased alongside his new bride. "Why, a craftsman, that's who. Still, my daughter seems pleased with this turn of events, so it's not a total loss. But both of you seemed so likely to win. What on earth took you two so long to return?"

For a moment, the two warriors didn't answer. Each was trying to come up with a reasonable answer to their chief's query. Then, after giving each other a quick look, they both gave the same answer.

"We were waylaid."