Under the Ice 8 (Zootopia Fanfic)

Story by NeonPinkFeline on SoFurry

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#12 of Fanfic

Zootopia is (C) Disney.

Char not seen in the film are (C) their respective owners.

Zootopia is pushed to the breaking point. A full on terrorist attack, and now it looks as if the city might fall. Jillian is forced to make a choice between avenging Carl or protecting innocent mammals like she wanted too in the beginning. She knows in her heart what she must do. And making the choice is easy. The hard part, will be living with what she might have to do in the meantime.

It had been over a week since Jillian murdered the lioness. She was planning her next hit when Kevin walked into her apartment. He had a bag of food with him again, and set it on the coffee table within her reach. Jillian was aware that he was trying to take care of her in Carl's place. He was concerned for her, and sacrificing his free time to make certain she was well fed and taking her medication. As she was looking over the files, Kevin sat on the sofa beside her and turned on the TV. Instantly both were assaulted by the sudden blaring of news reports. The Savanna district ZPD were trying to contain another incident. Night Howler was being used, this time in a public swimming pool. There were over three dozen children affected, as well as a dozen adults. Jillian watched as the police tried to bring down a large mammal safely. Her eyes narrowed as she watched, understanding that the group was just by standers in this war.

It was a war for the city, and the civilians were just unlucky enough to get in the cross fire. The wolfess reached for the bag, bringing out a salad and opening the lid. As she began to eat, she saw a poor giraffe run from the scene. Crazed from the feral drug, it ran right into traffic. She whined when several cars impacted its legs, sending it toppling to the ground in a heap. Kevin looked over at her a moment, before looking back at the TV. Then he leaned in and pointed. "There. That guy. The cheetah. That guy is with Sahara Family. I know him well enough. He was one of our contacts before this mess started. He went into hiding when this incident began. I bet you a week's pay he knew what was gonna happen," the bear said softly. He was baring his teeth some. Jillian flipped open her files on the table, searching for the one Kevin pointed out.

"Devin Clawhauser... Related to Benjamin, the receptionist at the ZPD city center office. No connection between them otherwise. Looks like his younger brother wanted nothing to do with the criminal activities of his older siblings. He became a police officer, and got hooked on sweets right after. Devin there is rather athletic, and in deep with the family. He was a go between for communications with other families. He also stood out like a sore thumb on jobs. I bet he was supposed to just come along and make sure the job actually happened. Didn't plan on getting hit with the stuff. Releasing it into the pool was rather smart. Filtration system would clean it out after a bit, but anyone in the pool would be affected. And with so many kids in there..." Jillian continued to eat, letting the conversation trail off as she watched the happenings. She was aware that the situation was nasty, and that killing Devin was going to have serious issues since his younger brother was a cop.

Brandon was watching the news as well. He was shaking his head softly, wondering just how depraved one had to be to attack a place full of children. Even he did not deny a sick child a trip to the nearest city for medical treatment, and he certainly did not deny hungry ones from coming to his property to fish or to ask him for some of his own food. It made him question what kind of man he was. Was he a mammal or a monster? Could he spill blood? These were questions he needed to answer soon, because he had a job to do. If he could not do it, then he would get Jillian and take her somewhere safe. Then he would sell his home and move to be with her.

What the cervine did not know was that his call to James had tipped the wolf off. James had taken the liberty to speak to his father, and convinced him that the safest place was in witness protection. There was a few places within the city that they ZPD could hold him, and keep him safe. Places where the crime families did not tend to care about or look. The high rise apartments in city center were home to some of the more wealthy mammals in Zootopia. The ZPD kept a couple of those apartments open in case they needed to tuck a witness away for a while.

Once his father was safely secured in an apartment without a window, James took himself to Tundra Town. He sat at a desk with Jason and Ana. They were looking over Jillian's case file. James was pointing out bits that made no sense to him. Some of her abilities just were not possible. She shouldn't be able to walk without the crutches, and certainly not run like she could. Her physical strength alone was beyond his grasp. It was as if she did nothing but work out from the moment she left their home. She was faster, stronger, and more unpredictable than ever. Worse still was the fact that she was heavily armed, well supplied, and in good with mammals she would have never associated with in her youth.

"I just don't understand. She had to get some surgery or something. She had gland defects, weakened bones, thin muscles. All of those seem to be cured. And her attitude it almost savage. She literally has no inhibition about going to violence right from the start," he whispered. He leaned on the desk, looking at the papers on her and gritting his teeth harder. He hated the way she was now. "It's like that fight we had changed her. Made her into this monster, and she just adapted to it. She became the thing she hated most."

Jason was looking at photos of her, studying her movements. "She's giving into an awakened feral nature. It is as if her mind is opening the door between the savage and the modern. Evolution is playing backwards with her. The longer she has to fight, the more vicious and less coordinated she gets. It's almost as if she ate a night howler flower. Or she was eating small doses of it." The snow leopard looked to his partner, and the silver vixen nodded softly. They were both thinking the same thing, wondering what it was that made the wolfess so... savage. IT was then there was a thump on their desk, as the tiger that was normally driving James around set something down for them. Jason looked at it, and realized it was a medication vial. "Found this in that burned out hole under where that homeless mammal was murdered. It managed to survive the fire because it was in a corner behind some bricks."

Jason looked it over, the vial had a blue liquid in it, from what he could see that wasn't scorched by the heat of that fire. "It also had some fur stuck under the rim. DNA is still processing, but it was white fur. And the officer that remained from that night said they were attacked by a white mammal. Only one on the roster that fits that right now is your wolfess. Figured you might want to know what's in the vial too. There is a rather odd medication in it. It seems to be based on Night Howler effects, but other chemicals help prevent the mammal using it from going completely savage. But it would enhance instinct, senses, and make you really sick because it would set off a bunch of the glands in your body."

Ana took the vial from Jason and looked it over, trying to place who would use such a thing. James spoke softly, interrupting her thoughts, "Would it be enough to help a crippled wolfess walk again? Would it provide her the stuff she needed to stand up and move on her own without crutches?" Jason, Ana, and the tiger all looked down at him. He was looking up, looking right at Jason. James had figured it out. But the Tiger killed that idea, "No. Tox says this stuff is poison. It only lasts for a few hours at best, and even then when its over you likely pass out from being so sick. This is a weapon. It forces someone to be so feral they lose the ability to do anything other than just go along for the ride."

Ana was turning to her computer. "Maybe not this stuff in particular, but something similar that was tailored to work with her body. Something with the proper drugs in it to suppress the savagery, but allow the night howler flower to boost hormone production, and increase brain patterns that...." her voice trailed off as she worked, trying to find a list of all Jillian's medications that James could remember when he listed them. She was finding more modern alternatives that would work, as well as trying to find a place that would have access to all of that within the city. It was not long before she had a short list. The main hospitals in each district were the only places with the technology and budget to test, diagnose, and treat Jillian. As well, they were the only places with the facilities that could manufacture the drug they were looking at without the worry of contamination.

Ana jumped a bit as her radio went off, and there was a crackling static over it. As the other officers checked their radios, they all noticed the same thing. Signal interference that was very close, and being close meant that it was going to be something bad in a very short amount of time. James slowly reached for the revolver under his arm, as the tiger pulled his tranquilizer pistol from his holster. Jason and Ana opened their desks slowly, taking a moment to pull out their own service pistols. There was still static over the radio when the lights went out. Then the sirens outside went off, screaming a danger warning to every citizen in the city. Ana ran to the window, looking down at the street level where she saw mammals running toward buildings, trying to flee something. Then she saw the first of them. Mammals running on all fours, charging or fleeing. All she saw at first was prey, but she knew that there were predators close behind. Then the short wave radio began to speak, "All officers. This is Chief Bogo. You are ordered to begin evacuations of your districts. Try to get as many mammals out as you can. For those already in Savanna and Sahara, try to keep the mammals safe. Keep things as under control as you can. Shelter in place with the citizens, provide them protection until we can advise you further. We never trained for this sort of situation. To the officers of City Center, you are advised to secure the entrances to Sahara and Savanna as fast as you can. Lock them down, no one in. Should any officer encounter a savage mammal, they are to immediately use tranquilizer rounds. No authorized use of lethal rounds until there is no choice or a non-savage citizen is in immediate life threatening danger. You have your orders. Carry them out..." Bogo's voice had been calm, but strained. There was weight there that was eating at him.

Brandon heard the sirens as well, and looked out of his hotel room window. He couldn't see yet, but he knew those were danger warnings. As he pulled the curtain closed, the phone by his bed rang. Picking up, he listened to the hotel staff on the end explaining that there was a city wide emergency, and that all guests had to stay in their rooms until further notice. Brandon slowly hung up, before moving to his luggage. Opening his case with gear first, he began to get ready. He was going to have to go out the window. He needed to find Jillian as soon as he could.

Jillian and Kevin were watching the news, looking at the reports and areal footage of what was happening in both Savanna and Sahara. She looked at Kevin and he nodded softly. It would only be a matter of time before it spread to Tundra and the other districts. She moved to her closet, opening up all the drawers and cases. She was taking stock of her weapons, already knowing that it was better to hold out as long as possible before moving. Kevin was calling the others, asking for locations and transport abilities of everyone on call. The pair knew that they had to get somewhere safe, somewhere they could easily defend, but also easily escape if needed.

The whole city was in a race now, racing for survival. The unthinkable had happened, and now it was on the shoulders of a few individuals to protect the city from itself. The ZPD mobilized as fast as it could, trying to get the unaffected out of the danger, while still keeping those that were affected by this from tearing themselves apart. Bogo was spread thin, and he knew it was not going to end well. He stood to lose many officers, and hundreds of civilians. They had to evacuate the city, but with so many of them spread so thin, there was little more they could do other than direct mammals toward city exits. The buffalo looked out the window of his office, and let out a sigh. This was going to be the final hour of his command, for better or worse. This was the defining moment, and he had to do his duty.

Jillian looked at Kevin, before taking a deep breath. "Get me in touch with the ZPD. I need to talk to my brother. This is bigger than an vendetta or score. This is something that will drain this city dry or resources and population. And... Call the family heads with Mr. Big. We have to help. Otherwise there are innocent mammals that will not survive," she said slowly and clearly. Kevin nodded and picked up the phone on the table. As he was dialing, he watched his sister pull out her cell phone and look at it. She took a deep breath, and set it aside. As she moved to go get herself ready, she kept thinking about Brandon, and how he would feel if he could see her now.

To Be Continued...