Silver's Introduction

Story by GoldenBirdo on SoFurry

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This is just a short introduction of Silver, my main roleplay character.

Silver is a beautiful fox-avian Hewan. She has beautiful silver fur, golden eyes and a shiny bronze nose, different than most canines who's noses are usually black. Her paw pads are golden and her claws silver and shiny. Her legs are golden with bronze paws. Most of the feathers on the wings that sit on her back are bronze, but there is a bit of gold mixed in here and there.

She sounds beautiful, doesn't she? I know you're thinking she's probably not on the inside, but she is. She may have difficulty showing so, but she tries to be nice.

Silver was currently flicking through TV channels, her shiny bronze claws pressing the same button time after time. She eventually settled on watching one of Metta's shows. This Hewan was a Snow/Amur leopard hybrid. This little kitty has black fur with purple star shaped patterns. She knew Metta well, she occasionally showed up on his show.

She had some things to do today, mostly some shopping, but that was about it. She could ask one of her workers to do it, but she needed to get out of the house.

She yawned and stretched out, standing up. She needed to get dressed. She showered first though.

After her shower, she got dressed and headed out to shop. She had some stuff to buy.