Mesozoic Park (Part 4)

Story by nitro_wolf on SoFurry

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#5 of Mesozoic Park

I went to tell Gena about my plans. "I got two things to tell you" I said "First, is that I'm going to be building a duck pond for dino-ducks. I've already decided on mergansers, they have little tooth-like projections in their bills and they like to eat fish"

Gena listened and thought for a moment "They might act like little Spinosaurus"

"I never thought of that, but it'll be pretty interesting to see what they like to do" I replied before going on to tell her about my big plan "And secondly, I've been talking to my investors and we have a small team of geneticist coming here to try and extract dinosaur DNA and maybe clone Dinosaurs"

Gena smiled, jumping a little "Wow" She said "Is that why you wanted all those amber samples?"

I gave a little nod, heading for the door "I'm going to try to get my hands on the construction crews little excavator to work on the duck pond, you best stay back here for now"

I headed out to where a construction crew was building a new exhibit, they just finished pouring cement, so I walked up and patted on the side of the excavator. "You guys done with this?"

An otter wearing a hard hat turned to face me, he stepped over and handed me the keys and a hard hat.

"Thanks" I replied as I climbed into the excavator and drove away.

I got to the end of the path and was only just able to squeeze through the trees and get to the stream. The stream was narrow, maybe 5 or 6 feet across and a foot or two deep.

Mergansers being diving ducks, I would have to make the main body of the stream deeper as well as wider with some shallow spots and a beach for the dino-ducks in case they like it differently than normal ducks.

I dug all around the new pond for the chicken wire and chain link fence. I waited to check the water level and upon deciding it was deep enough, I drove back to where the new enclosure was being built.

Returning to my room, I found Gena getting ready to head out to see what was taking me so long. "Hey, what kept you?"

"Oh, I was finishing the pond... When the mud settles, you can come see it" I replied.

She nodded in response, going over to sit on my bed. I went on my laptop and dug around for a little bit before finding the eggs I wanted. I was on the order page when something struck me "The eggs, they have had a surprisingly high hatch rate" I said to Gena.

"Thats strange, usually a fair few will be duds or die in incubation" she replied.

I thought for a moment "I'll have the geneticists look into it, maybe it's a side affect of the modifications we made"


I went on to take a shower and get ready for bed.

The next morning, we where out the door about five minutes ahead of schedule "It's nice to not have to rush around because your late" I said.

Gena nodded with a little smile before sneezing "A little dusty here today she stated.

"Yeah" I said "when the grass grows in better it wont be so bad"

We relaxed on the bench next to the Mesozoic Park sigh until the boat pulled up. We stood and I whispered "Old man says Welcome to Jurassic Park... Jurassic Park theme plays and we get sued for copyright" it took a second for Gena to get the joke and she laughed.

The crowd walked up to us. "Welcome to Mesozoic Park, I'm Jake, creator and owner of this one of a kind establishment. You are our first tour group of the day, so you get a tour with me and Gena"

After the tour, we went to work on the duck pond. When we got there, Gena almost jumped in "theirs a fish in there, what kind do you think it is?"

I thought before replying "I'm not sure what it is, but it must be able to live in fresh and salt water, seeing how small of an island this is"

We worked on the enclosure, getting the posts and chain link fence in place.

"Tomorrow, I'll put the chicken wire and cement in" I stated before asking "The fish you saw, do you think it could swim through the chain link fence holes?"

Gena nodded "I'm pretty cure it's small enough to"

We walked back to the little mobile home we have been staying in. It's since undergone renovations, it's not very mobile now.

"Tomorrows a holiday, we are closed tomorrow" I stated.

Gena smiled and with that, another day passed.