First Day, First Time

Story by Dakgnol on SoFurry

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#1 of Beat

A re-upload from my FurAffinity page and a test for SoFurry's formatting. The composition isn't the greatest compared to my later works but people seem to like it regardless.

Beat leaned his head on the bus window, enjoying the cool glass as he suffered the late summer heat wave in the rickety vehicle. The skunk looked down at the pamphlet he already read several times out of boredom, an overly decorated wad of paper from the local college he was to start classes at the following week. It detailed the several square mile campus, rows of frat houses, and, of course, the prominent football team that ate up nearly half of the document's content. In his hands were a few more documents, including some hastily filled-out paperwork, his class schedule for the semester and a class guide for following semesters, and a name tag spelling his name: Maxwell Grayhart, a name he gladly discards for his own given name Beat. The fact that he had to wear this tag for the "New Student Experience" week already had him in a bad mood.

Beat was a sort of disappointment child among his wealthy family. He was the result of one of his mother's drunken nights out with her friends, a sort of once-a-month stress relief among her peers, where she got a little too tanked and got knocked up by some scummy hyena only looking to bury his bone. Miraculously, his mother and not-by-blood father kept their marriage together and it even became stronger, with both parents working together to keep eachother happy. However, Beat was a stain on this newly rectified relationship, a living reminder of his mother's brief bout of irresponsibility. If his parents weren't avid Christians, he probably wouldn't even been born. His father was negligent, only being a part of his life to discipline and drill the proper etiquette of his economic class into his unwanted son, because no one bearing his family's name will be a delinquent and bring shame to the Grayharts. Beat was forced into private schools and was given tutelage from prominent teachers, but that didn't stop Beat from disappointing his father. Beat struggled in high school, his hyena half leaving his skunk resemblance alone, except for the freckle-like spots on his nose instead of the characteristic stripe and the rows of sharp teeth in his maw, but wracking his brain with the slow processing power of a stereotypical 'yeen and the personality to match. He passed, but his scores were too low to permit entry to the preferred colleges his father sent Beat's older siblings to.

His mother wasn't too keen on Beat either, feeling more shame than her husband when looking at Beat, causing her to be entirely negligent. Beat's bitch sister Alexa would constantly remind him of how he nearly split the family apart and would torment him to satiate her egotistical needs. The only person who would treat him like a person and actually love him was his brother, Stephen, a rather handsome and well-built skunk his parents would dote on constantly. It was thanks to Stephen that Beat was allowed to go to a non-ivy league school instead of being forced through the system into a university that Beat would never be able to handle. Stephen also talked his father into allowing him to live on campus, something Beat desperately wanted as it meant he could live out from under his father's thumb.

The bus stopped in front of an imposing building labelled as the administrative center, and Beat hastily departed the vehicle, glad to actually stand after an hour or so of travel on the hard seats; a direct route would have only taken a half hour at most, but multiple stops and the lunch rush clogging the roads extended the trip. Holding the required papers in hand, his nametag donned just before he arrived, a duffle bag of clothing and supplies over one shoulder and his electric guitar and portable amp, second-hand items his older brother got him for his 16th birthday and his only real source of entertainment, over the other, he walked into the building, was handed a small campus map and his room key, and made his way to his room. Despite his attire consisting of a punkish gettup of a tight dark-grey wife beater, baggy shorts, a studded collar and wristband, and ear piercings, his nametag displaying his family's renowned name got him respect from other students and staff that Beat always found uncomfortable. Beat stepped into his new room, glad to be away from prying eyes, only to be face to face with a muscular grey wolf who first stared blank-eyed at the skunk, his eyes going down to his nametag, and a grin appearing on his lips.

"No way you're a Grayhart" the wolf sneered, not out of malice but playful banter. He stood before the skunk, standing a head taller, and poked Beat's nametag. "When I saw that name appearing on the room registry, I thought I'd be stuck with some stuck-up rich boy, and here I some wannabe street thug shows up."

Beat was flustered, lips turning into a grimace. "The name's Beat. Don't ya dare call me that!" he spat, grabbing his nametag and throwing it on the only empty desk in the room as if to accentuate his point. "Not my choice that I have that name." Beat roughly sat on his premade bed, dropping his things next to it, and huffing at nothing in particular.

"Easy easy!" The wolf held his hands up as to offer peace, grinning all the while. "It was just a joke. Honestly, when I saw your profile pic, I didn't really believe you to be a brat or anything. Just trying to break the ice is all." The wolf pulled his office chair within sight of Beat and sat down. "I'm Adam by the way. I'm a second year here, studying electrical engineering. My old roomie dropped out last year. Kinda messy, but what do you expect from a 'yeen, right? I hope that a rich boy such as yourself might be a bit more organized." Adam smiled, hoping that the skunk would catch the banter.

Beat grinned, showing off his toothy smile so iconic to the canine species. "Sorry, but yer outta luck. I got some of them in me and let me tell ya, if I weren't a minimalist, this place would be wrecked already." Beat went back to his passive frown, the grin merely a joke, and stared at Adam. "But seriously though, it bothers me when ya talk about me being rich and all that. Just think of it as a name only. Or don't think of it at all. That's even better. Just call me Beat." Beat got off his bed and started putting away his things. Adam watched him for a bit before going back to his computer.

After a bit, Beat sat at his desk and droned away at his school issued laptop, filling out the remainder of the requisite college forms. Adam peered over his screen at Beat; the desks were placed facing eachother to act as a sort of median for the room. "So..." Adam started. "I know it's a touchy subject, but if you're a Grayhart (Beat shot him a glare that Adam ignored), why don't you act the part? You look more at home on the streets instead of a mansion. No offense, but you look nothing like a Grayhart."

"That's the point." Beat replied, no longer glaring but still slightly annoyed. "Why would I want to share a name with a piece of shit father who sees me as just a disappointment?"

"Oooo, daddy issu~ue~es!" Adam sung. Beat huffed and looked away. "Well, I'm not going to pry any further. That's territory I don't wanna step in, but it definitely explains why you can talk like trash but still have the bratty face of a high school drama queen." He laughed, reached over the screens and patted Beat's head, and got up.

"Ya know, yer kind of an asshole" Beat pouted. Adam shook his head and shrugged before heading toward the door. "Where ya goin'? Done makin' fun of me?"

"Yeah, yeah, I've had my fill. But yeah, I have practice to get to. See ya." Adam walked out the door. Of course he's a jock, Beat thought.

A few hours passed with Beat finishing his paperwork and strumming a bit on his guitar. A light breeze filtered through his screen window as he played away. He was putting away his instrument when his phone buzzed. Hey, it's Adam. I forgot some files in my drawer and I need them pronto. Can you bring them to the locker room for me? I'll promise not to poke fun at you anymore. ;). Beat sighed and pawed through Adam's drawers, finding the documents in question and headed out. The sun was still reasonably high in the sky but it was much cooler than earlier. Maybe the heat wave was finally over? Using the campus map and a couple of other students who were unnecessarily star-struck by his nametag, Beat found the sports center and made his way to the locker room. He wasn't even close to the door when he heard the commotion of the sports team inside. He sighed, braced himself, and entered. As he expected, the half-naked football team littered the room, apparently done with a communal shower and dressing in their street clothes. Beat blushed, nearly invisible under his dark fur but unfortunately easy to see through the white spots on his nose, turning them into a pale pink, as he maneuvered through the gaggle of playful athletes. A few noticed him but didn't pay him any mind, causing Beat to suspect that Adam must of told them about the incoming company. Beat kept his gaze away from the half to fully nude bodies on display and attempted to avoid contact, but despite his care, he bumped into the nude wolf he was looking for. Beat's mind went blank for a second as he realized what happened and allowed his eyes to wander across the player's body before making eye contact. Adam wasn't oblivious to the sightseeing and stood straight with a grin, almost posing for the bewildered skunk.

"Uh, um..." Beat stammered, trying to remember what he was doing." He averted his gaze, blushing harder, and pushed the papers into Adam. "Here ya go" he murmured.

Adam patted his head, a gesture not unlike the one earlier but much more unnerving given the situation. "Thanks. Coach gave me quite the lecture about turning these in late." Beat looked back at Adam, but couldn't wrangle his eyes away from the wolf's impressive body. Adam grinned even more, showing impressive rows of pearly white carnivorous teeth. "So, you like what you see?"

"Uh, yeah... I mean no! I mean... I should go..." Beat stuttered, awkwardly backing up and nearly tripping over a bench behind him. Adam chuckled and watched the skunk hustle his way out of the room before dressing himself. So the little rich boy's a faggot. This is gonna be fun.

For the next half hour, Beat stared at his computer screen, his mind wandering and unable to shut out the embarrassment of his locker room fiasco. The door opened and Adam walked in, immediately grinning at the sight of the skunk attempting to ignore him. He sauntered over behind Beat and put his hands on his shoulders, casing Beat to jump. "So, my little roomie from a renowned rich and Christian family likes boys and apparently has the hots for me. Hmmm, what to do" Adam sneered.

"I- I do not!" Beat stuttered, his blush returning full force. He attempted to say more, but Adam lightly clamped his muzzle shut.

"You do too~oo~oo" the wolf sung. He brought his mouth close to Beat's ear. "And let me tell you what: I'm bi, and single, and so happen to like the more muskier species."

Beat shook his face free and turned to face Adam, which promptly backed up a few steps to give him room. "Well I. Don't. Care. Also, what happened to ya not makin' fun of me anymore?" the skunk steamed.

Adam bent down and pushed his nose against Beat's. "I'm not making fun of you. I'm hitting on you. And I'll tell you another thing: I especially love the bitchy types." The wolf backed up and savored Beat's confusion-fueled grimace. Before he could snap, Adam said "So, what's gonna happen is we're going down to the dining hall together, eat to our heart's content, and hit up the local cinema for a nice movie. How's that sound?"

Beat paused, overwhelmed by how forward the wolf was with pushing a date on him, and could only give a meek "okay" before being dragged out of the room by his hand. They arrived at the dining hall in silence, Beat too embarrassed to speak and Adam simply enjoying the cooling weather. They briefly separated to fill their plates at the buffet-style cafeteria before making their way to an empty two-person table. It took Adam a bit to break Beat out of his newly-formed shell but they eventually had a pleasant conversation. Adam spoke about where he was from (a little town an hour or so away), his aspirations about getting into a good company while joking about using Beat to get into his father's electronics business, and other things such as his interests and whatnot. Beat talked a bit about his love for music and the punk style he's adopted, assuring Adam that he has no intention of "going street" thanks to his father's relentless drilling, and how he'd rather be at a small-time job simply enjoying life than being forced into a path of higher education and stress-inducing responsibilities. After dinner, they made their way to the movies and chose some blockbuster hit that recently came out. Partway through, Adam grabbed and held Beat's hand, who at first tried to ignore it but eventually gave in and enjoyed the contact.

It was about 9pm before they stepped into their room, Adam simply collapsing into his chair and Beat awkwardly standing in the middle of the room with his hands behind his back. Adam shot him a look and raised an eyebrow, and Beat replied "So... what now?"

The wolf smirked and beckoned Beat over, who obeyed and stood before him. "What now, hmm?" Adam rhetorically asked. He grabbed Beat and pulled him into his lap. The skunk squeaked and made a poor attempt to escape before settling into the larger creatures lap. Adam assaulted Beat with a kiss, fist a small peck on the lips before invading his maw with his tongue. Beat weakly resisted, pushing back, but Adam completely subdued his resistance. Beat moaned, unable to control himself, and allowed the wolf to have his way. Adams hands were tied with supporting Beat, but Beat's hands were free to roam the wolf's muscular body, feeling his chiseled abs and solid pecs but unable to go any further south due to the skunk's timid behavior. Adam noticed his apprehension and after what seemed like hours, he cut the kiss off, leaving the skunk gasping. "Virgin, huh?" he asked. Beat looked away, face growing a red easily noticeable under his black fur. Adam chuckled. "You know, you don't have to be afraid. Explore. No one's judging you" he whispered, his tone gentle and encouraging. Beat looked up, his eyes giving away his inexperience and uncertainty as well as a hint of lust. His hands, clutched at his chest, slowly made their way south and making contact with an obvious bulge tenting the canine's jeans. Beat grinned a toothy hyena grin as he felt the wolf, his own erection getting uncomfortable in his shorts.

Adam purred at the touch, not really from the contact but more to encourage the small mustelid. Predictably, Beat's kneading got harder, eliciting more moans from to wolf. Keeping one arm around Beat to support and hold him, Adam snaked his other to the button on the skunk's shorts. Using a well practiced hand, he easily undid the fastener and slowly pulled down his shorts and boxers, exposing Beat's pink manhood fully erect and free of its sheath. He then quickly grabbed it and rubbed this thumb up and down the shaft, freeing a torrent of moans from the skunk. Beat clamped down on Adam's genitals, unable to control his body from the onslaught of sensations invading his slow mind, eliciting a grunt from the wolf's throat. Adam brought him to the edge, but before Beat could have his release, he let go. Beat's eyes snapped open, silently asking why he stopped, before Adam lifted him and brought him to his bed. He laid the skunk down and quickly tore off his clothes, leaving the mustelid naked with his member shamelessly standing straight up. The wolf gazed at the nude being before him, enjoying the sight of what he correctly guessed to be a twink, before quickly disrobing himself. Beat only had a quick moment to view the wolf before Adam climbed over him. He stole another kiss before flipping Beat over. He grabbed the skunks luxurious tail with one hand and pulled it out of the way and used his other hand to elevate his bottom, causing his cheeks to spread and expose his pink pucker. What he did next surprised Beat; he stuck his nose into the his ass crack, took a large whiff of that unmistakable skunk scent, and assaulted his hole with his tongue. Beat's eyes shot open with sensations that he had never thought he would experience.

"A-are ya seriously e~ea~ating my ass? A skunk's a-" Beat shuddered as Adam's tongue invaded his anus, slobbering his internal walls with copious amounts of saliva. His long muscle eventually found the sweet spot, and after a telling moan and shudder, he assaulted that spot, causing Beat to go into a frenzy of moans and gasps, his penis letting loose globs of pre onto the bed. Adam eventually pulled his tongue back, giving that pucker a goodbye kiss, before flipping the skunk onto his back, lifting his legs out of the way for the next activity.

Between those slim legs, Adam smiled at Beat. "Yes, I did eat your ass. I like a musk I can taste." Before Beat could reply, the canine shoved a finger into the well-lubricated hole, causing the skunk to convulse. "Normally, this is the part where I stick my dick in you, but seeing as how it's your first time, I don't think my spit will cut it." Adam reached to his nightstand and pulled a small bottle of lube from its drawer. He removed his finger, covered it with a generous amount of the substance, and sent it back home inside the skunk, twisting and churning it to the skunk's pleasure while simultaneously preparing the orifice for penetration. He removed his finger, applied a healthy coating of lube to his throbbing penis desperate for attention, and carefully aligned his tip to the skunk's entrance. Beat grimaced as Adam pushed forward, slowly burying his bone into that virgin tailhole and eventually bumping his knot into his anal ring. Adam gave Beat a minute to adjust, understandably not used to something so thick inside what was originally just an exit, before slowly pumping his member into the skunk. Beat moaned at each push, thankful that the lube's cooling feel mitigated the pain.

"Faster..." Beat moaned, and Adam delivered, increasing his speed and leaving the skunk nearly screaming in pleasure. At each thrust, his knot pushed into Beat's hole, slowly opening it further and further. Adam felt a familiar tingle in his loins and chose to focus on working his knot in. His pumps became irregular and desperate as he worked that unyielding hole open, causing immense pain and pleasure to Beat who gladly accepted it all in a torrent of yelps and moans. At last, Adam's knot punched through, startling a shriek from Beat. The pressure from the engorged gland on his insides and prostate caused Beat's twice edged loins to erupt into a fountain of semen, coating his belly and chest in the white liquid. The involuntary clenching of his anus forced Adam into his own orgasm, blasting the skunk's insides full of wolf spunk. After what seemed like an eternity of bliss, the two creatures entered their afterglow. Adam pulled out, unplugging that gaping orifice and allowing a short stream of semen to flow out of the abused tail hole. They shared kisses and messy hugs before Beat passed out in Adam's arms. The wolf chucked, got up and used a towel to clean up what he could before pulling Beat and himself under the covers. He clicked the lamp off before following Beat into unconsciousness.