Red River Tales: The Middle Kingdoms (Skyrim Mod Project)

Story by MusicalShark on SoFurry

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#1 of Red River Tales

Ideas for Red River Tales: The Middle Kingdoms - A Skyrim Mod

Red River Tales: The Middle Kingdoms is a massive Skyrim project by myself.

To start: the mod size. Not file size for a PC, but the size of the landmass.

In the base game, the land of Skyrim is only about 19 square miles. Very, very small. The Middle Kingdoms plans on being at the very least 5 times the size. This may require its own installer, but that will be determined in the future.

So far, the plan for the mod is to add an entire new worldspace to Skyrim, full of places to explore, people to meet, and mysteries to uncover. There will be compatibility with different mods, of which I have some planned, that will be listed in this document.


Red River Tales is a series of scripts and writings I have been working on based in an alternate version of Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. The map in the mod will only be of the Middle Kingdoms, but future expansion ideas will allow travel to the Eastern Kingdoms (Russia), the Southern Isles (Italy, Malta, and Sicily), and the Old East (Northern Africa and part of the Middle East). Armor, weapons, and clothing will be designed around the fashion and technology of the 1400s, most likely 1415-1440.


Currently, there are about 30 unique towns planned, but only a few with names:

Alinor, "The Red City"

Einhour, "The Watchman's Eye"

"The Old Village"

Neusau, "The Monastery Town" (based off of the real town of Sasau)

Rovberg, "Refugee's Rest"

Haugnir, "The Old Capitol"


Main characters and a small bit of info about them:

Adrian van der Rössel - Lord of Alinor.

Jasamyne the Curious - Lady of Alinor.

Aron Ranogov - Lord of Sav'nor.

Gustavo de Melini - Lord of Vilon.

Jori, Wolf of the North (spirit) - King of the Northmen

Kauna - Ancient entity of the Carpathian


Areas of the map, separated by mountain ranges and forests and are different worldspaces (ones that are planned so far):

The Southern Hold - Beginning area. Alinor, Einhour, Red River end.

The Carpathian Forest - Ancient, dense forest made up of massive trees. Home to eldritch monsters and mystical beings.

The Hold of Plenty - Large area along the Western Coast.


Unique creatures to Red River Tales:

Kauna - An ancient, immortal (and invincible) entity.

Wapithi - Massive, 36-foot-tall beings that can be found in the Carpathian Forest. Made of nature (tree bark, bone, flesh, etc). Peaceful, wise, and very hard to kill.

Yotuni (yo-toon-ee) - Smaller cousins to the Wapithi, but far deadlier. After the Northmen left the Carpathian, the Yotuni became the defenders of the Carpathian Forest. Quick hunters, they travel in pairs. Similar to Mihail's "Old Gods of the Hunt."

Madhurdreki - One of the 24 Gifts of the Forest. Can be given to the player by one of the 24 Runic Guardians.

Runic Guardians - 24 impossibly strong warriors that wield weapons of immense power. Named after the Eldar Futhark runes (Ex. Othala, wielder of Gungnir, or Thurisaz, wielder of Mjolnir)

Hopefully, I can get started on the city layouts fairly soon. Alinor is my main focus, as it will be the first city the player will encounter. The Carpathian is the entry area, where the player meets Kauna and a Wapiti (that I am still trying to name), who will guide you to the edge of the Forest, to Alinor. From there, the player will have the freedom to explore or play through the main quest line (hoping to be between 10-30 hours total). Leveled lists will be heavily edited. Anything above Steel Plate armor cannot be found - anywhere. At all.

As this is getting long, I will continue the next entry with the mods I have planned for compatibility!