F(R)AT - Part One

Story by The Rhys on SoFurry

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Rhys made it through rush week and is finally starting the pledge process for Kappa Lambda Phi - but things get strange when the pledge master gives the new pledges an odd task...

Image used in icon by Basch (http://www.furaffinity.net/user/basch) and can be found here: https://www.sofurry.com/view/1337368!


Rhys furrowed his brow at what he saw in front of him. The six-foot-tall, muscle laden lion stood at attention with his compatriots, fellow pledges, as their pledge master set down three full milk jugs before them, a gallon each. The dim light of the frat house basement made it hard for Rhys to discern the reaction of his pledge brothers to the challenge that would soon befall them. To his left, a jet-black wolf sporting a grey collared shirt and dark jeans tilted his head in confusion - Rhys recalled his name to be Justin. Peering to his right, Rhys caught the gaze of one of his fellow English classmates, a pudgy, orange and white furred fox named Kevin, wearing only an ill-fitting t-shirt and shorts. Rhys scoffed to himself, taken aback more so by the canine's pedestrian appeal, though he did not know what to make of the fact that Kevin was licking his lips. Anyone beyond the two were hard to make out, though Rhys knew his roommate and fellow football player Evan, a fine black and white husky, was in the room with him, along with five more pledge brothers whom he hadn't had a chance to get acquainted with. Rhys adjusted his football jacket and the collar of his button-up shirt beneath, trying his best to keep calm.

Stepping into the light, Pledge Master Donovan, a rather slender, yet imposing Dalmatian, threw his gaze across the lineup. After taking in the crowd, Donovan cleared his through and began to speak, bringing the pledge brothers to attention. "You're all here because you want to be members of Kappa Lambda Phi," Donovan said, his voice seeming to echo throughout the dingy basement as he began pacing. "You think you're leaders," he glared at a large grizzly bear to Rhys' left, moving down the line. "Or gentlemen," he continued, passing by Justin. The Dalmatian came to a halt in front of Rhys, looking down the rest of the line rather than at the lion, "Or that you're all-star athletes," Donovan hissed. "Or maybe you're just stupid," shouted the Dalmatian as he moved towards Kevin, who was twiddling his thumbs anxiously. Donovan placed a claw under the fox's chin, lifting it up to bring him eye to eye, and lowered his voice to a gentler tone. "You nervous?"

"Mmmhm" Kevin replied with a gulp. "Don't worry, I was nervous my first time too," the Dalmatian cackled, patting Kevin's cheek.

Pledge Master Donovan moved back into the shadow, standing behind the table bearing the three milk jugs. "Well, right now, you're nothing. But here's your first chance to change that." Donovan leaned across the table, his face illuminated by the dim, flickering light above. "Tonight, three of you will prove your commitment to this fraternity and your devotion to your pledge brothers." Donovan tapped his nails rhythmically across the cap of the middle jug. "Now, who will that be?" The Dalmatians' tail swayed rapidly in the air behind him as he waited for a response but received none. "And by the way, whoever drinks the most gets my bid."

A hand flew into the air from Rhys's left as a Hyena with fur spotted with dessert tones stepped into the light. He was of an average build, though smaller than Rhys, and seemed confident, grinning madly. Donovan beckoned the canine forward, positioning him in front of a jug. "Who else?" The Dalmatian waited a moment and frowned before pointing to Kevin. "You, get up here."

The fox obeyed, walking up to the jug on the far right, his tail waving wildly in anticipation. He looked back at the line as Rhys and Justin stared in confusion, though he was relieved that it was too dark to see him blushing.

"Don't test my patients, you hear me?" Donovan blared. "Yes, Pledge Master Donovan," the pledge brothers replied. "What was that?" "YES, PLEDGE MASTER DONOVAN," the group shouted back.

The brothers looked to one another, but none moved into the light. Rhys looked to the right, spotting the face of his roommate Evan staring back at him. "Go," the Husky mouthed. Rhys sighed, looking once more to his left and right, and moved into the light.

"Good," said Donovan, pointing to the last jug in the middle. The Dalmatian uncapped each jug, pushing them towards the pledge brothers turned contestants. "Now, let's see who'll get the bid." The Dalmatian grinned and stepped back, seemingly signaling the competition's start. Rhys looked back, swearing under his breath as Evan laughed silently to himself. He knew he was going to regret this, but still, he was bigger than both the Hyena and the Fox. The lion looked down at the jug with new determination. He could get that bid.

Rhys put the gallon jug to his lips and started chugging. The milk was sweet, cold, and based on the taste, he could tell it was whole milk. The lion rolled his eyes, thinking about the extra effort it will take to burn this off at the gym the next morning.

Rhys drank in large gulps, the milk streaming down his throat with no problem. Rhys, standing at two hundred pounds of pure muscle, knew that though this would be uncomfortable, it wouldn't be an issue. He could surely finish a gallon, though he doubted his competition could.

After a solid two minutes of drinking, nearly at the halfway point, Rhys glanced to his right and immediately knew he was wrong. Kevin, though smaller in stature, was not to be trifled with when it came to food. The softer vulpine had dashed through the jug, emptying it nearly a quarter more than the larger lion had, and at the cost of only a bit of his belly peeking under his already tight shirt. Rhys groaned as he saw this and began to pick up the pace, finding discomfort in his slowly bloating abdomen.

Looking to his left, Rhys nearly chocked laughing. The Hyena, once so confident, was sputtering as he tried to down the milk. Though only a quarter of the way through, he already seemed to be slowing down, a slight bump showing through his skin-tight muscle shirt.

Before Rhys could peer down at his own form, a massive burp jostled him from his train of thought. Kevin had already finished the jug, sporting a slightly plumper midsection and a grin. Rhys frowned, ready to accept his loss, when Donovan pulled out yet another jug, uncapped it, and handed it to Kevin, who got back on his extraordinarily fast pace. The Hyena next to Rhys looked on in confusion as well, only having finished half of his jug. Pledge Master Donovan raised an eyebrow at the pair, "I didn't say who could do it fastest, I said who drink the most."

Rhys groaned, pushing the jug back to his lips and finishing off his gallon, slamming it onto the table. Some pledge brothers behind him cheered, while others, like Evan merely looked on in confusion at what appeared to be an obscenely unorthodox hazing ritual.

The lion didn't have time to think about how full he already was before the next jug was placed before him. He grunted, shook his head, and took another glance at Kevin, who was making speedy headway into his second jug. "He's smaller than me," Rhys muttered to himself before lifting his new jug to his lips.

The lion had only just begun his second round when yet another massive belch rang out beside him, this time from his left. Without stopping, Rhys looked over to the once proud Hyena who had now plopped to the floor on his side, groaning as he cradled his aching stomach. The jug before him was only slightly over half empty, but the Hyena seemed to already be at his limits and beyond, never having experienced such a large intake. His belly was firm and bloated, forcing his shirt up and revealing his tan, spotted fur and navel. In a moment's notice, Donovan strolled over to the canine and slapped his belly, forcing out yet another resounding belch. The pledge class laughed, never having seen someone, especially one as athletically inclined as the Hyena, so full. The Hyena closed his eyes, rubbing over his belly and licking his lips. He was out.

Kevin was not paying attention, he merely kept drinking, reaching the half-way point on his second jug seemingly faster than on his first. Rhys frowned as the fox's shirt continued to ride up his belly, sticking to his chest as his gut stuck out like a slowly inflating balloon. Yet, Rhys noted in confusion, Kevin's tail was still oddly wagging in enjoyment. The lion kept going.

It was only a minute more before Rhys needed to distract himself once more from the task at hand. Tilting his head behind him, Rhys's eyes met Justin's. The wolf wasn't laughing or teasing, though the lion had not yet checked himself for a frame of reference, but rather, he stared at Rhys's stomach, causing the lion to finally take a look at himself.

Again, Rhys nearly sputtered. Though his vision was obscured by the milk jug, he could see his newly forming ball-gut of a belly, round and firm, and placing great strain on the buttons of his shirt. Between each button, his cream-colored belly fur poked out, teasing what he knew would soon come. Rhys groaned, the full weight of the competition finally hitting him. He was more bloated than he had ever been, his stomach area oscillating between an angry, pinching pain and a subtle numbness as he pressed on well beyond his limits. The milk tasted much stronger now, sweeter, thicker, fatter. The bubble of the lion's self-imposed ignorance had finally burst, but the challenge was still on, and somehow, Kevin was far ahead.

Evan looked on in awe as his roommate swelled. His remaining opponent may have been even bigger, but the husky had never expected such an odd combination of indulgence and willpower from Rhys. Evan could only stare at the lion's growing gut from an angle, waiting for a tear or a button to pop. He wanted a button to pop. The confused canine merely blushed as these strange desires overwhelmed him - there was nothing more he could do.

When Rhys looked back, Kevin had started on his third jug. Rhys tried to forget the number, but it remained stuck in his head, banging against his conscious as it begged him to stop. He could not.

Enamored by the prize ahead of him, the lion chugged the last of his second gallon, gasping and breathing heavily as he finished. He was having trouble breathing, his stomach, expanded beyond belief, seemingly pressed against his lungs. This discomfort didn't last long as a pop, then two, then three, relaxed the pressure on his growing frame. The lion's belly spilled outward, solid and heavy, yet so weighed down that it seemed to sag somewhat in its own right. Rhys groaned, running his claws against his egregiously taut stomach. The pleasure from the slight pressure made the lion purr, though only loud enough for Kevin and Donovan's ears. Evan blushed as his growing arousal pressed warmly against his leg.

Kevin didn't look over. He was too focused on his goal, too numb to how much his body was growing. It didn't make him nervous, the fox knew he had a fast metabolism, though this was much more than he had ever eaten before. The fox closed his eyes and continued on, concentrating on the joys that would await him when he became a brother as he rubbed his belly with a free paw. The pleasure was new and exciting, emanating from a place and experience he had never expected. This, being full, stuffed beyond belief, was making him aroused. The fox continued on, embracing his newfound pleasure as he chugged faster and faster, a warm blush spreading across his face.

Donovan seemingly didn't care much for the lion's now exposed belly. Grinning, he placed a third jug before the lion, uncapping it with a flick of his claws.

Rhys stared at the jug for a moment. He was full. Beyond full. The belly that he groped with his own two paws seemed almost alien for a moment, but the cream-colored fur was none other than his own. He prodded it, poked it, explored its firm form and basket-ball like size. It wasn't soft, not at all, and with a push slightly firmer than intended, he let out a massive belch that caused his pledge brothers behind him to chuckle. Rhys smiled. The lion wiped a dribble of milk from his muzzle, though several more drops had landed in his red mane. He licked the disparate drops off of his paws, finding his last bit of determination, and picked up the jug.

Kevin was already a quarter of the way through his third jug, the button of his pants having flown off during Rhys's moment of indulgence with his own belly, and the zipper down, revealing strained, white underwear. His belly was like a beach-ball, once soft, it had filled out more and more as he continued to chug the milk. Still, a slight softness remained across his body, sticking to his sides, cheeks, and partially exposed chest. His white-furred belly in the open air, he lovingly rubbed it with one paw as Donovan watched with intent, taking in every detail of the thickening vulpine.

Throwing away inhibition, Rhys closed his eyes and chugged faster than he ever had, both his belly and lungs screaming at him for rest. The lion's stomach began to bulge out even more, discharging the button from his pants and revealing his light-blue briefs. The lion didn't blush, he was too focused on winning. Having caught up to a quarter down, Rhys took a free paw to rub his belly in the same manner as Kevin, feeling a familiar stir beneath his boxers as what was once pain emanating from his belly had been twisted into a strange form of pleasure. Though his arousal was embarrassing, his pledge brothers and Donovan kept their gaze on his expanding gut rather than his briefs.

Rhys took one last look at Kevin. The fox was almost done with his jug. Rhys was approaching the halfway mark. Donovan, seeing the lion's renewed vigor, leaned over the table, giving Rhys's belly a powerful smack. Rhys's eyes went wide as he gulped down another stream of milk.

Then, he passed out.

The lion, wearing only his trademark blue briefs, stared at himself in the mirror. "How did you get me home?" Rhys asked as he scanned over his body. He was confused. His abs weren't

there anymore. Though he could feel the muscles when he pressed his paw against his stomach, they were obscured by a new layer of fat that protruded two inches from his waist. It wasn't very round, but it was certainly visible, and certainly soft.

"Justin and I carried you back," Evan said, dressing himself in nothing but sweatpants before sitting on the edge of the bed behind the lion, "but damn man, you're already heavy when you're not drinking two and a half gallons of milk."

"And I just passed out?" The lion moved his paws upward. Even his chest was feeling slightly softer.

Evan nodded, "I would too if I drank that much. That's like three day's worth of calories in five minutes!"

Rhys moved his paws to his sides, squeezing his new, slight love handles. "I didn't think I'd gain this much weight..." Rhys turned around, gesturing towards his softer, mostly nude body.

"Yeah, it's strange." Evan shifted his legs together, attempting to hide his growing arousal at his roommate's softer form. "B-but hey, you can always work it off, that's only like, two days at the gym, max."

Rhys sighed, placed a paw on his belly, and nodded.

"It's not like this will happen again, right?"