A Striped Tail Chapter 13: A Long Night

Story by Foxern on SoFurry

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Oh hey, there's sex in this chapter. Well, I have been saying that there was going to be some the whole time, so it shouldn't be a surprise. I will admit it's been a while since I've written a sex scene outside of an rp.Note: This chapter is pretty hot and heavy, but that's not the stories main focus.

The room was almost exactly as he had remembered. Down to every little detail, even the Patrician sat in the same spot, with the same posture, with the same pen, with what looked like the same amount of papers. The only thing that had changed in the room was there was now a couch at one side of the room. "It is quite late, Mr. Ozymandias. I do hope-" he stopped as he actually saw Jace.

It was one thing to hear about something and a completely different thing to see it with ones own eyes. "Forgive my late night intrusion," he said as he moved slowly to the couch, fatigue was catching up to him. "And if you don't mind, I'm going to drop most of my act." He flopped onto the couch, finding it very comfortable.

"I see your day has been rougher than reported." The jackal did not move from his spot, staring at Jace.

"Quite..." he mumbled and then sighed. It was no time to sleep. "Lady Cersa is quite determined to kill me at this point."

"I would assume that she dislikes you quite a lot," he said as he returned to the paperwork that was in front of him.

"She has sent her hunters into the city after me. A tough bunch." Jace watched his every action.

"Yet it would seem you are tougher." Apparently he was well aware of the news.

"Barely. They have resorted to using quite a lot of illegal paraphernalia."

"That is nothing new in this city," he replied calmly.

"Even gredanes?"

The pen stopped. Slowly his eyes lifted from the paper, locking onto Jace. "Are you quite certain?"

"If I had been slower to react, I would be a smudge on the street of Dead End, rather than the lion."

The Patrician sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "That is the extent she is willing to go to kill you, it would seem. This complicates matters even further." Once again he looked at Jace. "Are you alright?"

Jace realized in that moment that that had been the first time today he had been asked if he was alright. It made him feel oddly at ease. "I honestly don't know. After the meeting tomorrow, I would like to see a doctor."


"I want them to see that I can take abuse without backing down," he said as he rubbed his shoulder.

"An interesting way to show your strength..."

"More than strength. I want them to see that it does not bother me." He stared up at the ceiling, or rather he stared through it.

"Interesting. I believe that will make quite the impact... Though it begs to question why you sought shelter at the Palace while being hunted..."

"I finished what I needed to do, so there is nothing more outside of the Palace for me at this moment." He looked over at the Patrician. For some odd reason...it felt like he knew this jackal quite well. "All that is left is the meeting."

"So you have found your assistants?" He turned his eyes down, returning to his paperwork.

Jace shifted a bit, getting more comfortable on the couch. "I have. Do you know them?"

He lifted a piece of paper that had been off to the side and read, "Stella: assassin, age twenty, albino fruitbat, born in Auser, recently graduated but received top marks. Jersa: thief, age twenty-seven, ferret, born in Has-Haven, one of Vimmara's best thieves. I assume you have only recently found your wizard, as I have not received any information."

"I don't have a wizard," Jace said, and the Patrician looked at him out of the corner of his eye. "I was informed that none of my assistants needed to be specifically what was requested. Just a person who fulfills the roll."

"This is true. The roll must be fulfilled by a magic user. Other than wizards, that leaves the Sorcerer's Guild, or the Magus guild."

"I was also informed that they do not have to belong to a guild."

He frowned at Jace. "While that is also true, the guilds will not be happy with a non-guild member." His eyes returned to his paperwork.

"I care very little about what the guilds will be happy with. That is not my responsibility. I am merely a mediator."

There was a pause before the Patrician nodded. "That seems to be the case when concerning you. Is there anything else?"


There was a moment where he allowed the Patrician to get through a few more lines. The paperwork was probably very important. Eventually, when realizing Jace was not going to continue without prodding, he spoke, "Which is?"

"I would like you to outlaw witch hunts."

Once again the pen froze mid stroke. "Outlaw...witch hunts."

"Correct. I would like for you to make it illegal to hunt witches based on the sole fact that they are witches," he said as he slowly got up.

"May I ask why?"

"Because..." he said as he made his way over to the door. "If you do not, this meeting is going to get quite exciting." He opened the door, "Lily, would you please come in?"

The little opossum in the royal purple dress walked into the room, bowing to the Patrician. "G-good evening, Patrician."

"This is Lily. Age thirteen. Opossum. Born in Has-Haven. Witch," he said calmly as he walked towards the desk, Lily walking at his side, clutching her broomstick as though her life depended on it.

"You...have chosen a witch..." He put his pen down, pinching the brim of his nose again. "Once again you do something that catches even I off guard."

"It is a simple request," Jace said, placing his hand on Lily's unscarred shoulder.

"Not as simple as you would make it sound. The Magus guild will throw an absolute fit if I simply ban the hunting of witches."

Lily blinked, staring up at Jace. "Witch hunting?"

"It's what happened to your mother," he said softly.

But it was quite obvious the Patrician had heard, because his eyes opened and he stared at the little girl. She shifted uncomfortably under his gaze. "You have backed me into quite a corner, Mr. Ozymandias. Using a child to guilt me..."

"That was not my intent, though it is the consequences of our actions, Dear Patrician. Lily?"

"Yes!" she squeaked, staring up at him.

"I know he's scary, but would you show him your fire brand?" She looked up at him confused, and he gestured to her shoulder. She stared at him and then suddenly realized what he was talking about. She nodded a few times and cautiously walked around the desk.

"Fire brand..." he heard the Patrician mutter as he watched Lily. She turned around, and pulled down the shoulder of her dress slightly, showing the black scar.

He stared at it. Jace could practically see the gears turning in his head. "It is a simple request," he said again.

"I cannot simply-"

"They did that to a child, Patrician," Jace interrupted, almost glaring at the jackal behind the desk. "A. Child." The Patrician looked him up and down. "You know as well as I that a fire brand is not something you do on accident."

Lily shifted uncomfortably before pulling back up the shoulder of her dress. The dress was a bit big on her. "Uhm..." She looked at the Patrician, who was staring at her shoulder again, deep in thought. "Dear Patrician?" she said softly.

His eyes moved to look at her face. "Yes?"

She flinched at his word. "I...uhm..." She shifted uncomfortably again under his gaze. "Am I...bad?" she asked softly, staring at him with her bright green eyes.

Jace could practically see the Patrician cave as he leaned back into his chair, glaring at Jace. "You are a very manipulative man."

"I just don't want to see someone be hunted simply because of what they are," he said dryly. Lily slunk around the desk, trying to get back to Jace. "I know all too well what that feels like."

The Patrician sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Fine. It will take time, but I will inform the Magus Guild that the hunting of witches without proper reason is no longer allowed."

He bowed slightly. "Thank you. I owe you quite a lot."

"And yet...I feel as though there is more..."

Jace gave him a slight smile. "Just a few more requests."


Jace awoke to the weight of something on top of him. He forced his eyes open, unsure of how long he had even been asleep, but he was quite sure that it was not enough and it was dark. Slowly he reached off to the side to locate his pocket watch but his hand was clasped before it got far. "I was promised a kiss..." he heard softly above him.

"Stella?" he mumbled, rubbing the sleep from his eyes so that he could see the bat above him. On top of him. Straddling him. "Am I not allowed to sleep?"

"You promised..." she said softly, staring at him through half lidded eyes.

He reached up and gently placed his hand upon her cheek. "Yes...I did." He swallowed, his heart suddenly racing as his brain tried to chase the grogginess from his mind.

"I want it now," she said as she leaned slightly onto his hand.

His fingers slid slowly around her head, getting lost in her long white hair. All he could see was her hair curtained around him, and that expression on her face... He had seen that expression a few times. After a few drinks. After talking about who he was. After a few compliments. He pulled her down, pressing his mouth against hers.

She melted over him, laying her body atop his. This was the moment that she wanted. This was everything she wanted. She wanted it and all of it's sloppy nature as she tried to follow his lead. Her inexperience was almost painful, but she didn't want it to end.

But it did end, quite abruptly as he pulled her head back, gasping in pain. His hand want to his lip. "Owch..." he muttered.

"I'm sorry," she said gasping for breath.

"I thought you were a fruit bat," he said softly, rubbing the cut on his lip.

"I-I am! I just...I...I'm sorry..." She looked off to the side. "This is...my second time...okay?"

He looked at her before placing his hand on her cheek again. "Jersa stole your first kiss?"

She nodded, unable to form words out of sheer embarrassment.

"Well that's just bad form. Though I'm surprised someone as beautiful as you went so long without a kiss..." He rubbed her cheek softly with his thumb. He could feel the heat of the blush on her face.

"I...I was saving it..." she muttered, still unable to look at him.

His face had gotten a bit red as well. "You...were saving it?" She nodded. He paused, "For me?" She nodded again. "Oh Stella..."

She turned to him. "I know it's dumb, okay? I know it's childish and stupid. Thinking that someone like me would ever have a chance with you. My family isn't well off enough for me to even get near you. But I thought if I became cool or something, you would-"

He interrupted her by pulling her down and kissing her again. This time it was brief before he gently pulled her away. "And yet, here you are. Alone with me...in my bed." Even in the dim light he could see her turning red. "Straddling me."

"I...I just..." She shifted a bit, rubbing against him. "I just want you...so badly...and so when-" she jolted slightly as he placed his hand on her hip.

Even he froze. "I...Stella...are you naked?"

"I...want to give you everything..." She wrapped her arms around him as she pressed her face into his chest. In the dim moonlight that trickled in through the window he saw the white body that laid atop him. "E-even...if I don't feel...like I'm worthy..."

"Stella..." He gently put his arms around her, holding her gently. Now that he was more awake his body was alerting him to quite a lot of things. The large soft breasts pressed into his chest. The intense grinding motion she was making against him. And, most importantly, it alerted him to exactly what she was grinding against, and that his body had already taken appropriate steps in preparation.

"It's why...Jersa and I came to an agreement..." She moved up, more into a straddling position as she let him gaze at her body in the moonlight. "We can't make you choose. Because whoever you choose...we'd end up fighting till only one of us was left...and then you'd hate whoever lived..." She ran her hands down his chest and he placed his hands on her hips in return. "And I like Jersa...quite a lot..." She was undoing the buttons of his shirt. "She makes me feel things that I feel for you..."

He swallowed as he watched her, unsure of what exactly to say. This was quite the odd confession in the midst of their current situation. "So you...like Jersa?"

She nodded as she pushed open his shirt. "I...think she likes me, too..." She closed her eyes, her grinding coming to a halt as she shuddered against him. "F-ffuck..." she mumbled.

"You're...pretty sensitive, Stella," he said softly as he ran his hands up her sides.

"I...I can't help it...you make me feel so...tingly..." She licked her lips, her hands moving further down to undo his pants. "I want you first," she said quite firmly. "She stole my first kiss away from you...but my first time belongs to you..."

He slid his hands over her breasts, causing her fingers to fumble as she gasped. "Jeez...Stella...what do you expect me to say to something like that?" He grasped her breasts gently, unable to actually hold one in one hand, not even if he used both hands...how did someone with a figure like hers become an assassin?

She was panting softly in response to his touch. "It d-doesn't matter what you say...I just...mph..." She closed her eyes, trying desperately not to moan as he squeezed her breasts.

"There's no need to rush, Stella," he said softly as he teased her nipples with his thumbs. "I'm not going anywhere..."

"I'm impatient..." she said softly, placing her hands over his. "I have waited for this for...so long..."

"Well..." He slid his hands down her stomach and around to her hips. "Then let's really get started."

"I...uhm..." she shifted a bit, looking down at him. "I..."

"Oh, now you're nervous?" he said with a chuckle. He reached down and finished undoing his pants, his hands brushing her inner thighs. He could feel the heat of her and his pants felt wet.

"A...a bit..." she said as she watched his hands intently.

"Are you going to help, or just watch?" he said with a smirk.

She was silent, staring down at his crotch.

He paused, looking at her. "Stella?"

"Hm?" She seemed completely focused on the bulge of his undergarment.

"Stella," he said again, chuckling softly. "Gods, girl. I'm not even undressed and you've locked up already?"

"Mmnngg..." She made little noises, wiggling against him.

Apparently she was far more nervous than she let on. She was also preventing him from actually taking off his pants. He shifted a bit beneath her, which caused her to squeak in surprise. "Gonna be a long night if I can't even take off my pants," he said softly. He watched her for a few more seconds, wondering what was going through her mind.

She was panting and grinding against him intently, making quite the mess on his pants and undergarment. The only noises she could manage were moans and pants.

He slid his hand slowly under the brim of his undergarment, gauging her reaction. Her eyes darted to his hand and back to the bulge. With a smirk, he pushed them down, very slowly, until he revealed the tip of what he had hidden. Her eyes went wide as she stared. "I'm guessing you've never seen a cock before?"

"Nnn...no..." she murmured, unable to take her eyes off of it. "Not in person...

That actually kind of caught him off guard...even he had seen a cock that was not his own. Then again, he had lost his virginity quite a few years ago. His thoughts were interrupted as she pulled down his pants and undergarments, showing his fully engorged member which she touches gingerly. "Whoa. There's a spark of confidence," he says with a soft chuckle.

"It's...large..." she muttered as her fingers move tentatively up and down the shaft. They moved over the tip and pull away slowly. "Precum?" she questioned, more to the air than to him. "Q-quite a bit of it...and this...at the base..." Her hands moved downward, rubbing at the swollen base.

"I'm a canine, Stella... That's my knot," he says as he chuckled. "And...yes...it...uhm...drools when I'm aroused. Again, a canine thing..."

"I made you this aroused?" she asked softly, gently grasping the shaft and stroking him.

"W-well of course...how could I not be?" He smiled at her as he watched. It was obvious she had had no 'hands on' experience, but at least had studied something about the subject. "A beautiful naked woman is on top of me."

Her eyes went wide, her face bright red. "Mmnng..." She pressed the large shaft in her hands against herself, grinding her slit against it.

"F-fuck..." He bit his lip as he watched her rub herself against him, it was a bit shocking to him at how hot and wet she was. Jace had had his fair share of encounters...but this was something else entirely. She looked so out of it, her face shifting in pleasure. All the while panting and moaning softly. Her eyes were closed tight, lost in her own pleasure. He grasped her hips, which snapped her attention down to him as if remembering that he was there. "Hi there," he said softly, smiling up at her. "Having fun?"

She nodded vaguely. "I-I don't want to stop..." She pressed him harder against herself as she picked up the speed of her grinding.

He rubbed her hips. "I'm not going to make you stop, Stella. But I think you've lubed me up enough."

"Hm?" She tilted her head to the side.

He chuckled, probably a bit too hard from the glare that she gives him. "Are you planning to just rub against me all night?" he says with a smirk at her.

She stared at him for a few seconds, and then suddenly realized what he meant and shook her head side to side vigorously. "N-no. I...I just...it feels good...I...kinda forgot what I was doing..."

Again he chuckles, squeezing her hips. "I'm not complaining...you make such lovely expressions."

Her face somehow turned even redder and she tilted her head forward, hiding behind her hair. "D-don't say that..."

"And you make such interesting noises..."

She put her head down against his chest. "Shush...no more talking..."

"Oh yeah? And what are you going to do if I don't?"

She glared up at him through her hair. "Shush."

Once again he couldn't help but laugh softly at her. "Oh Stella...it looks like Jersa isn't the only one who can be cute." He slid his hand around her hip and grasped her by her behind.

She jerked up with a gasp. "H-hey!"

"What?" he said with a smirk. "You're taking too long, and I'm feeling grabby."

"Nnff." She shifted a bit, not used to having anyone touch her in such a way and still have their hand remain attached. "Okay...alright...so...I just..." She shifted a bit, moving him around underneath herself as she tried to aim.

"Take you're time," he said softly.

"Says mister grabby hands," she scoffed as she lowered herself down, the tip of his cock pressed firmly against her slit. He rested his hands on her hips, letting her do the work herself. With quite an abrupt gasp he was suddenly inside her.

All he could register was heat, like she was on fire. Her chest heaved as she closed her eyes, lowering herself ever lower. "Mnf....ugh...owch..."

"Are you alright?" he asked softly.

"Y-yes...it...hurts...a bit. N-not as much as I th-thought it would..." She continued her slow decent.

It was like torture. It was everything he could do to not thrust. He wasn't sure how long he would be able to hold back. She was clenching so much...and he could feel her hot juices oozing down his shaft. "Nng..." The slowness was driving him crazy.

She suddenly stopped, placing her hands onto his chest. "F-fuck...I...I don't think I can...get anymore...in..." she panted.

His hands moved up and down her hips. "It's alright. It's your first time."

"Nng...but...I want it all..." she said softly. She pushed down more but he saw her wince. "Th-the knot is too big..."

"It's not even swollen yet," he said with a chuckle as he gripped her hips.

"I-it gets b-bigger?" She squirmed slightly in his grasp, moaning loudly as the motion caused him to move inside her.

"Mhm...but we'll start off nice and slow." He shifted his hips up and down slowly, bumping it against her repeatedly.

"O-ohh goooods," she moaned, gripping the floof of his chest fur.

He closed his eyes, getting into a slow and steady rhythm. It was so hard to keep such a slow pace...an agonizingly slow pace. He ached to thrust...to grip her...to pound her. "Ffff...ffuck..."

She pressed her mouth up against his, her hips grinding down against him as she started to get into the motions. Every other thrust more exaggerated than the last until finally there was a soft 'pop' feeling as she took all of him within her. Her hips clenched around him as she broke from the kiss. "Fuck!" she practically screamed, shaking against him.

The clenching was proving to be too much for his restraint. And now he was fully inside her. Every inch of him engulfed in heat. "Mngf...fuck...Stella..." Her face rubbed against his neck. He could feel her hot breath over his shoulder. Suddenly he felt the sharp pain as her teeth pressed into his shoulder. "Nng!" He winced, but her teeth didn't break skin. "St-Stella-"

Her hips jerked upwards, before slamming back down. He felt her grip tighten before she made the motion again, nearly pulling him out before ramming it all the way back inside. She continued the motion ferociously, getting lost in her pleasure once more. Her teeth gently pricking his shoulder as she stifled her moans and soft grunts.

"Oh fuck..." he panted, thrusting his hips to match her pace. His hands still gripped her sides, encouraging her to increase her pace. Her tongue lashed across the side of his neck as her nibbling moved upwards. Now he was starting to lose himself as well. It had been so long since he'd received pleasure like this...nothing he could think of even came close to this. "I...fuck...Stell-" she bit a bit harder. "Ah- w-wait...Stella..."

The thrusting came to an immediate halt as she jolted upwards again, mouth hanging open. He had tried to warn her, but it was too late now. He held her down on his lap, his hips still trying to thrust, but quite fruitlessly. "C-c...hot...heat..." Her legs shook, barely able to keep herself upright as he poured everything he had deep inside her.

But it wasn't just the heat of his cum that had caused the reaction. It was the swelling of his knot. "D-damn...ung..." He panted heavily, firmly locked inside her. This was...quite a new experience for him. He had never been tied...then again he had never had sex without some manner of protection. He closed his eyes as he tried to catch his breath.

"C-c...c...cum..." she managed. "Inside..." she said breathlessly.

"S-sorry..." he said softly as he rubbed her hips. "I...I tried to warn you...ngf...fuck..."

She fell onto him, resting her head against his chest. Her body was shaking slightly with spasms every few seconds. "N...no..." She licked her lips, trying to get them to form words. "I...I...I wanted it...in me..." She slowly slid her arms around him. "All of it...mine..."

Jace put his arms around her, holding her rather tightly. "You want me that bad?"

"I love you that much..." she whispered.

He felt her go limp as she fell asleep. It was hard to beat the kind of sleep you get after something like that...and Jace let himself fall asleep as well.