Rondo of Sin: Chapter 4

Story by RaineDiam on SoFurry

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#4 of Rondo of Sin

Chapter 4


Renamon paced in the DATS central building in the east block of Digicentral with anger in her eyes. She was forced to wait in the lobby while they hauled Rukan off like some sort of criminal. Her body was covered in cuts and bruises and she had a limp to her gait but that didn't stop her pacing at all. The Angemon told her that the director would be down to see her soon but it was hard to tell how long ago that was. When someone she cared about was in danger time seemed to drag on to eternity.

It didn't actually take long for the man to step out of the elevator but to Renamon it felt like hours. To her surprise he was human. He looked young, about Rukan's age, and Japanese. It took her a few moments to process everything before it finally hit her. The man in the white and blue dress uniform was someone she knew.

"Takeshi? How in the world did you get here," said Renamon absolutely baffled at how this was even possible.

The man lifted a hand with a weak smile before he spoke, "I'm sorry about what happened with Rukan. It's all a very long and tiring story and don't worry. The officer that brought him in is currently being reprimanded for his overzealous behavior. We have Rukan under surveillance while the doctors work on fixing him up. You both look like you've been through hell."

Renamon frowned shaking her head, "he was injured badly? I want to see him!"

"You will. We need to make sure you are okay as well. I'll take you to the medical bay where we can make sure everything is alright," Replied Taka softly as he gestured his hand to the elevator. And he began to walk with her. Stepping into the elevator Taka spoke, "Millie please take us to the medical bay."

"Absolutely Director. Welcome guest," Replied a robotic voice from the speaker in the top of the elevator. The doors closed and Renamon folded her arms across her chest. The scowl hadn't left her face.

"Millie this is Rena. She is a Demihumon. She is the one that helped lead the Vaccine Rebellion to victory ten thousand digital years ago," Said Taka with a bit of a smile.

"Oh I am sorry Madam Rena. The greatest of respect for you then. We are deeply sorry for what has befallen your companion," Replied the computer though Renamon didn't seem terribly impressed.

"Ten thousand years is a long time Taka. How are you still young," Asked Renamon with a frown as they continued their elevator ride.

Taka looked up and chuckled, "It's only been ten years in the real world. I age just as fast here as I would there... Though it does wear on your. No human was ever meant to live as long as I have. Time sometimes gets confusing. Though I've made great improvements in my technology here with Datamon. A great deal of my memories are stored in the Millennium Computer Complex. We just call him Millie."

Renamon looked confused as the doors opened and they stepped out into the white and sterile environment of the DATS Medical Bay. All sorts of vaccine based Digimon rushed about working hard to save officers and other bystanders. Labs were set up all over as Renamon could see Rukan was a floor down through the windows. Doctors were busy working on his wounds as she spoke, "He's going to be alright?"

Taka nodded, "We have a problem but I would rather talk about it with the two of you conscious. I'm sure your escape to this world has a bit to do with it. We know what happened in New York and that Rukan was playing there. It doesn't take much to put two and two together. Needless to say everyone's on edge over this."

"Why I couldn't imagine why... It's happening again Taka? How is it possible? SkullRenamon was destroyed," Said Renamon as Taka put a hand on her arm and shook his head slowly.

"We'll talk about it later. We need to get you some attention. You're still bleeding," Said Takeshi softly as he started to guide her to one of the medical suites. He motioned her to the bed before he sat himself down next to her looking over her wounds curiously, "You've been through quite the battle. I don't remember anyone this messed up since the Battle of Digicentral... You should see the monument in the center of the city when you get out of here."

"I don't care about any monuments... and when did you become a doctor," Asked Renamon as Taka stood up and walked to the counter covered with small devices.

Picking one of the devices up he chuckled softly, "You learn a lot in 10,000 years Rena. This will work on reconfiguring your data right but well... you and Rukan that's a bit of a problem..."

"Because we are Demihumon," Asked Renamon as he pressed the device to one of her wounds and she yelped jumping slightly as it sent a jolt through her system. Some of her wounds began to close but it only seemed to work halfway. She looked at Taka with a deep frown all her fur standing on end, "Warn me before you do something like that!"

Taka chuckled a bit before looking over her wounds again and he tapped the skin below his ear as he spoke, "Datamon download as much information on wound treatment and infection prevention to my neural cortex. Oh and say hi to Rena. She's back." He smiled slightly as only he heard the reply and for a moment he went very still before he stood up again and walked to the counter pulling out various wound cleaning materials as well as gauze.

"He says hi by the way," said Taka with a big smile before he sat down again, "This will sting by the way."

Renamon looked a little confused as she hissed when he placed an betadine filled cotton swab on her cheek though she spoke softly still, "Why do you have these things around? I mean I can understand if you get hurt but... well... It's not like there are other organics around."

Taka shook his head as he continued to work over her form catching every little scrape with the brown fluid, "There had been a lot of visitors actually. Most of them only here for a few days. Rukan and Michi aren't the only tamers out there you know. They come from all over the real world. Just last week we had one here for two days. Usually we just send them on their way but occasionally they can be a great help."

"So these people come here and then just go back home," Asked Renamon curiously as Taka began to wrap gauze around her wounds on her arms and legs.

Taka nodded slowly before looking up, "Most of the time yes. There are still a few out there that have been drafted as members of the Digital Accidents and Tactics Squad. DATS for short. They are out in the wilds trying to keep the peace. Mostly we keep out hands out of there but lately... well things are getting worse."

Renamon nodded slowly before getting to her feet still with a slight limp in her gait, "Let me guess... someone out there calling themselves Wrath is wreaking havoc and they are the one responsible for the attack on the real world as well..."

The Director nodded slowly, "Something like that."

The two turned to the door and walked out of the room so they could both look down on Rukan as they reset the bones in his arm and were carefully putting the arm in a sling. Taka put a hand on Renamon's shoulder as he gave a weak smile, "I wish it could have been under better circumstances but it is good to see you two again... Now for the bad news."

Renamon nodded slowly as she looked to Taka then through the glass at Rukan. She didn't say anything but made it clear she was listening as she gave another nod.

"There a group of rebels in the outer wilds calling themselves the Legion of Sin. They claim that Wrath is their leader. Right now we only know that their leaders have named themselves after the seven deadly Sins though Wrath and Lust have never been seen," Said Taka softly with a frown.

"Narwith has been working hard on this case. We haven't seen him in a few months now and we worry that perhaps something terrible has befallen him. In my eyes you and Rukan are the best chance at getting him back now. You will be fully recovered before you go of course," Said Taka frowning a bit deeper. It was strange seeing this much strain on someone that looked so young. His mental age was beginning to show as he spoke. This whole conflict was wearing on him, making him tired.

Renamon turned to look into Taka's eyes as she spoke, "So you send me and Rukan to ensure the public here doesn't panic and when we get the job done his name will be cleared. I understand your plan."

Rukan awoke slowly opening his eyes as his whole body ached. He grit his teeth trying hard to sit up but it took some time for his body to actually respond to his will. Looking about he found himself in a dim room that for the moment was spinning. He held the sides of his head and closed his eyes taking a few deep breaths before opening them again to see the room was stable again.

Next to the bed and draped over his leg was a sleeping Renamon and in the far corner he saw a sleeping human in a chair. His eyes went wide as memories started flooding back to the surface. He smiled slightly happy to see finally that Taka had been safe and well here in the digital world all along. He lay back in the bed gritting his teeth as he closed his eyes and he felt Renamon stir.

She moved up to his torso and whispered softly, "I know you're awake..."

"I know you know," Said Rukan with a slight smile. The familiar broad mouth smile seemed to be gone from the man. His actions seemed almost bitter lately.

Renamon opened her eyes and leaned up to softly kiss Rukan's cheek as she whispered, "Taka told me everything. There is a group causing trouble out in the wild parts of the world that claim Wrath is their leader. Once we are healed up we are going to head out there and take care of the problem... renew people's faith in us."

"I figured it was something like that," Said Rukan as he slowly opened his eyes and looked up into Renamon's own. He lay there silent for some time before frowning a bit and looking away, "You must be so angry with me..."

Renamon lifted a brow before she put a paw on the Renomon's cheek and guided him back to looking up at her, "I'm not angry."

"Renamon it's true. Women just... They don't click," Said Rukan softly as he closed his eyes.

Rena sighed softly closing her eyes before leaning down and kissing Rukan's forehead gently. Her heart ached as she spoke, "Then what does that make us?"

Rukan shook his head slowly as he spoke, "I made a promise and I keep my promises. I do love you Renamon. Love has nothing to do with attractiveness. Well I suppose at first it does but after a while you get past all that and see the real person behind the mask they show others. You act as if you are impossibly cold and emotionless but we are too close to hide these things from one another."

Rukan slowly reached up and pressed his hand to her chest feeling her heartbeat as he smiled a bit wider, "I know you hurt and I know it's my fault. I'm sorry to have put you through all of this Rena. We should have stayed here ten years ago..."

"It's been ten thousand years here. No one blames you for anything. I know things will be difficult between us but Rukan I would follow you to the ends of the earth," Replied Renamon wrapping her arms around his form.

Rukan grit his teeth slightly but he already noticed he was healing up rather well and quickly at that. He smiled up at Renamon before putting his thee fingered hand on her cheek and speaking, "I doubt we will ever be going back to that place again Renamon. You and I both know we don't belong there. This is our home."

"And it's in danger again..."

"Then we save it again..."

Renamon smiled a bit at their exchange before she slipped herself up on the cot holding her tamer close. Rukan closed his eyes resting his chin on her shoulder before the two drifted off to sleep. It was then that Taka opened his eyes and smiled a bit more with a whisper, "I think I'm beginning to understand why those two are so different. Why they are able to do the impossible.."

The morning came and with it to Renamon and Rukan's surprise, a healed body. The two of them were a little sore but that was to be expected. Rukan tested his elbow and quirked a brow when it didn't hurt at all. The two shifted slightly on the cot curious as to how a blanket had been thrown over the two of them.

"Rukan and Rena report to the command center for a briefing. We have your first mission ready," Said Taka over the loudspeaker as a pair of X-Vmon entered their room and motioned for the two of them to exit.

The pair of yellow vulpine demihumon stood themselves up and followed the DATS officers out of the room and into the elevator. The four were quiet for the whole ride not really sure what to make of each other. Rukan was bitter over the arrest and the officers were nervous as they knew the monster that lie in wait inside Rukan.

Trust of Demihumon was at an all time low after it was revealed that SkullRenamon herself was one. With only two still alive everyone was nervous that something terrible would happen again should they be allowed free reign.

The doors to the elevator opened revealing a room full of monitors and digimon working at terminals that monitored the entire digital world. Taka smiled seeing his old friends and gave a wave pointing them to a table where a holographic projection of the known digital world was spinning.

Tamer and companion made their way to the table quickly even as Taka started to speak, "It's good to see you two are well. We knew Demihumon had radical healing abilities but you two continue to amaze us. Perhaps when this is all over you will let us test a few things."

"Lets just get to the problem. I'll think about it when this is all over Taka," Said Rukan softly as he looked to the map.

"Right... Well then here's the situation. The Legion of Sin has taken over five outlying colonies. There is little known about them as a whole but their leaders have been seen a few times by our scouts," Said Taka softly as the map changed and showed five digimon.

Rukan nodded slowly as he looked at them and felt something inside stirr. He didn't let it show on the surface but Renamon looked at him a bit concerned. Rukan leaned down to get a closer look before speaking, "These are my targets I'm assuming?"

"You are correct. Pride, a Lucemon Chaos Mode that has taken over the settlement near Michico's Rest. Envy, a Leviamon that has taken over the settlement on the western ocean shore. Sloth, A belphemon that has taken a liking to the eastern wilds. Greed, He's a Barbamon that has taken over the southern desert. Finally we have Gluttony, his last appearance was in the lush jungles of the south east," Said Taka as he pointed each of them out to Rukan and his companion.

Rukan frowned as he rubbed his chin, "That's a lot for just one mission. You're trying to keep me away for a while..."

"Well... yes. People are nervous with you being around. We need to control this panic state or we will have riots on our hands. You always liked it out there more anyway," Replied Taka softly.

Rukan frowned a bit deeper, "You're turning me into your personal assassin Taka. Who knows if these people are like me? Maybe they can master their sin and go back to being normal again. I'm not going to just give up on them and let me make one thing very clear. I'm doing this for this world. Not for you or anyone else."

Taka frowned a bit and nodded, "I understand. I can't really do anything to change your mind Rukan. I know I am asking a lot of you after what happened but I know you will do the right thing. You always did in the end. I'll upload all the data we can to your D infinity. It will help guide you through the world and to the target you want to take care of."

"They are people Taka! Sick people that need help! Don't refer to them as targets," Shouted Renamon with a scowl. She crossed her arms across her chest before nodding to Rukan. The two of them turned and started to walk away.

"Narwith is out there somewhere as well Rukan. He was last heard from in the Jungle. The Weregarurumon village is there as well. I'd suggest you start there," Said Taka as the two vulpine demihumon walked into the elevator and told it to take them to the entrance of the building.

When the doors closed Rukan clenched his fists and frowned a bit deeper, "Who the hell does he think he is calling them targets. He thinks he can just use me to take care of the problems that came up while he was here?"

"I'm sure that wasn't his intention Rukan. I think perhaps he believes he is doing you a favor. Here you will be an outcast but out there you will be free to do what you want the way you want to do it," Replied Renamon softly putting her paws over his own and smiling at him gently.

Rukan looked up frowning a bit more, "We're gonna take his advice and look for Narwith. It would be good to see him again and we can't leave a friend in danger. We head to the jungle."

Rena nodded and kissed Rukan's cheek, "wherever you go I'll follow."