Micro May: Daily Life

Story by CalexTheNeko on SoFurry

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#6 of Shrinking/Micro

So because Odin is the best werekitten owner ever he plays along with my made up little holidays. So comes Micro May, and he's agreed to use his shrink ray to leave us both in a shrunken state for the entire month. So an entire month of being tiny what's not to love? Anyway, in past events like this I've written various shrinking stories where we get shrunk to various sizes and that's the story. I wanted to try something different. If we're spending the entire month micro then eventually we're going to have to do our routine chores and normal daily life. So I wanted to write a story just about doing some normal life stuff while we happened to be really tiny.

So off screen before the story starts Odin shrunk himself to a micro and me to mega micro and we've been this way for the entire month. Today we must go on an adventure to get groceries! Calex is pretty gung ho about the thing! But Odin is a bit uncomfortable with the fact he's so wee and naked. But he's a good owner and likes to make his kitten happy.

So enjoy this brief slice of shrunken life story as we go on an adventure to get groceries!

I had a lot of fun writing this. I may go back and do one of these for AR April as well as one for Kitten June.Support me on Patreon and get free story commissions!

Micro May: Daily Life

Odin woke with a yawn as he looked down at himself. He was completely naked, but this late into the 'festivities' of the month the wolf had gotten used to that. What he was more looking for was the small orange ball of fluff that was currently curled up asleep atop his chest. The wolf slowly poked the ball of fluff with a finger.

"Calex, hey Calex?" Odin asked. "You awake?"

The orange ball of fluff uncurled into a tiny orange kitten who stretched as he awoke. The kitten was easily small enough to fit into the palm of the wolf's hand if he chose. Considering Odin was only about two inches tall that made for a very tiny Calex.

"Ugggh morning," the tiny kitten blinked the sleep from his eyes. It seemed to take a few seconds for him to wake up. "Oh! Morning!" Now that he was more awake he had more energy in his. "What kind of adventure are we gonna have today!?"

"Well I was thinking we could get cleaned up first," the tiny wolf smirked down at the tinier kitten as he quickly plucked the kitten off his chest with two fingers and held him by the scruff. "Off we go." The wolf got up and stood around. Odin was currently standing atop a pillow that was on his bed. The bed was a normal full sized bed. It was perfect for an adult wolf when he was at his normal size. At two inches tall it was a bit roomier than normal.

"Nooooooo!" The kitten protested but he didn't put up much of a fight. While kittens weren't a fan of bath time they still liked to be clean.

Odin slowly walked to the edge of the bed and looked down. It was like standing at the edge of a cliff but again he was used to it. The kitten had a habit of celebrating made up holidays. May was Micro May, and so at the kitten's insistence Odin had shrunk both of them using one of his many science rays. He had left himself roughly the size of a rodent and made the kitten even smaller to make him easier to handle. This meant for the entire month the wolf was too small to fit into any of his clothes or properly use anything around the house. However being a tinkerer and having had a month to work around he had found ways to get around. Besides it was kind of nice being shrunk under a controlled situation where nothing escalated out of control.

At the edge of the bed was an elevator Odin had constructed earlier in the month. It was made out of a paper cup, dental floss and two buttons to act as wheels. The front of the paper cup was cut open making it easy for Odin to step off the edge of the bed and into the cup. Once standing in the cup he was able to use the dental floss and buttons as a pulley system to lower the elevator down to ground level. From there it was a bit of a walk to the bathroom. He had to work his way around discarded clothes on the floor and toys a certain kitten had left laying out and make his way out of the bedroom. Luckily the wolf had enough foresight to make sure he left all the doors in the house open before he had shrunk himself so there weren't any obstacles leaving the room.

Walking through the carpeted hallway to the bathroom was still a long journey. It was just a few footsteps normally but now it was a ten minute walk. This made it awkward if either of the two woke up in the middle of the night for a bathroom emergency. The ten minute walk to the bathroom felt a lot longer when you were doing the 'Gotta Go Dance' the entire way.

The carpet ended and tile began where the bathroom started. Odin found himself standing at the base of the counter where he was at. Using the actual shower like this was out of the question. Instead sink baths were more reliable. Odin had set up a second elevator using paper cups and floss in here as well. He stepped into the cup and used the floss to pull himself up till he was atop the counter by the sink.

From here things got a little trickier. Lifting the sink lever up was the hard part. Odin had come up with a system using a comb as a lever to get it going. Lifting the come was awkward because of its length being farther than the wolf's height but it was doable. Shoving the tip of the comb under the sink handle the wolf would then push down on the comb at the very edge and the water would come on. From here things got easier. A shampoo bottle sat next to the sink tipped over onto its side. It was one of the tiny bottles you often found in hotels. It was more than enough for the month.

"Alright I'll go first," Odin put Calex down on the edge of the sink before walking to the shampoo bottle. He stuck both hands in it to get the shampoo to rub into his fur before sliding down the sink into the running water.

While the wolf bathed Calex busied himself with his own preferred method of grooming a tongue bath. He had more than enough time to finish up before the wolf climbed up the edge of the sink and now dripping wet towered over the kitten.

"Alright your turn," Odin said.

"Oh come on do I have to!?" Calex asked. "I just took a bath! Surely that's good enough for now!"

"Now now, you promised me when I agreed to celebrate this holiday you wouldn't fight me over still doing our daily routines!" Odin chided.

"I'm not fighting! I'm just saying I already got cleaned up!"

"Uh huh," the wolf bent down to pluck the kitten up. "But you still need to get cleaned properly and use shampoo."

"Dun wanna!" Calex complained.

"Really?" Odin suddenly had a sly look. "But... I thought surely someone like you would want to do this. After all, isn't this what they do in every kung fu movie ever?"

"Watchu talking about Odin?" The kitten squirmed and looked up at the wolf holding him.

"Oh you know, the part where the hero has to meditate under a waterfall to unlock their true power," Odin said with a sly smile. "At your size well... That water flow looks like an awfully big waterfall coming down doesn't it?"

"I see..." Calex narrowed his eyes and looked at the wolf then looked at the water. "Very well. I suppose it can't be helped. But! I'm not doing this because I admit needing any form of baths or showers! I'm doing it for the kung fu."

This was the 25th time the kitten had taken a shower for the kung fu this month.

"Of course, of course," Odin said. He walked over the shampoo bottle again this time just getting a finger tip's worth that he gently rubbed over the kitten. He slid down the edge of the sink again, careful to avoid dropping Calex. He held the kitten in one hand while cupping the other over him to prevent too much water from landing on him. He didn't want to wash the tiny feline away. Instead he just ensured the kitten got wet enough to take a proper shower. At times the wolf would help the kitten scrub down certain spots on his back or head to make sure the kitten was clean. After the wolf was satisfied he climbed out of the sink and sat the kitten down on the edge. He used the comb as a lever again to shut off the water. Then he dragged a giant handkerchief across the cabinet surface to dry himself and the kitten off.

"There, was that so bad?" Odin asked.

"It was the worst!" The kitten said. "But NOW is it adventure time?"

"No," Odin shook his head. "Now it's breakfast time."

"But!" The kitten started to protest then his own stomach rumbled. "Okay, maybe breakfast time is a good idea."

Odin picked Calex up and used the paper cup to get back down to the floor. From there he made the journey to the kitchen. Again the walk was several minutes long. The wolf had considered stashing some snacks in the bedroom to eliminate this morning walk before food. However upon further reflection he realized that such a stash would likely attract ants. Dealing with an ant infestation while only two inches tall was not high on his list of things he wanted to do this summer. So for that reason he resigned himself to the long walk each morning.

The kitchen was covered in dental floss and paper cup elevators. It almost looked like a giant spider's web there were so many running across the room. With cabinets and stoves and microwaves to access it made sense; a single elevator would leave most things inaccessible to someone so small. For now Odin strode over to the foot of the kitchen table and stepped into a paper cup there.

"You know," Odin spoke as he slowly used the cup and floss to carry himself up the side of the table. "Our basic morning routine is way more of an upper body workout than I prefer."

"Just think of it as a month to help you get into shape!" The kitten responded cheekily. "You know like I am!"

"I'm already in decent shape!" Odin huffed. He wasn't wrong.

"I'm just saying I could do this easily," the kitten stuck his tongue out. "But you don't seem to want me to."

"That's because you can lift a car over your head," Odin muttered. "And I don't want you snapping any of the floss. Setting all this back up would be a whole day's activity." As Odin finished talking he reached the top of the table. He quickly stepped out onto it and approached a Tupperware bin atop the table. He had to jump to reach the lid of it. He hung off the edge of the lid for a few seconds before it came loose and slid aside. Once the lid was off the wolf slid down into the container with the kitten. A single muffin was within it, or it might be more accurate to call it the remains of a muffin. They had been eating it for awhile and by this point it was mostly crumbs.

Odin picked up a handful of muffin crumbs before breaking off a small piece of it and passing it to the kitten who was now riding on his shoulder.

"Blueberry again?" Calex asked.

"Well yeah," Odin said. "You should know by now we're just buying one a week. It's the same as it's been for the last seven days."

"Well this week can we get chocolate chip instead?" The kitten asked.

"You're smaller than a chocolate chip," Odin pointed out. "You wouldn't be able to eat it!"

"I could nibble on it a bit," the kitten explained.

"Uh huh," the wolf looked doubtful. "I think I'm going to veto giving someone as hyperactive as you their weight in chocolate in the morning.

"Awww you never let me have any fun," the kitten whined.

"I've spent this entire month two inches tall and naked so you can have your fun!" The wolf gestured at his shrunken and bare body.

"And think of all the money you've saved on laundry and groceries!" The kitten pointed out.

"Yes that would be your viewpoint," the wolf rolled his eyes. "Well eat up because we're going out today."

"Ohhhh! Are we working a case?" The kitten asked.

"No, just going to the grocery store." Odin explained. "For some reason it's an all day trip now."

"Awwwww," the kitten whined disappointed. "That's not an adventure at all."

"Sure it is," Odin spoke as he finished his muffin crumbs. "When you're doing your shopping," then to finish the sentence he made his voice ridiculously hammy and over the top, "naaaaaaaaked."

"Are you poking fun at me?" Calex asked. Like the wolf Calex was without any form of clothing. However it wasn't due to being shrunken. He just never wore clothes.

"Maybe," the wolf looked to the side briefly. "Now come on let's get going." With the breakfast meal complete Odin climbed out of the Tupperware container. Putting the lid back on was relatively easy. It was bigger than him but still light weight. He slid it atop the container with ease and then climbed up on top. Odin jumped up and down a few times and the container was sealed. "Alright onward we go!"

"Oh oh oh!" The kitten jumped up and down on Odin's shoulder. "Can I drive?"

"Absolutely not," Odin said as he entered the paper cup and lowered himself to the floor. The wolf headed for the front door. There was a small cat door inside the front door of the house. A ramp assembled from notebooks and folders formed a platform going up to the door. At the bottom was a remote control car. Specifically it was a pickup truck. The remote control for the truck was sitting in the pickup bed. There was also a skateboard directly behind the truck. The skateboard was tied to the truck by what appeared to be Odin's belt. It wasn't getting used for anything else this month.

Odin walked past the remote truck and skateboard and instead to where his shoes were kept on a rack. Bending down he was able to reach underneath the shoe rack and pulled out a leather wallet. He pulled a single five dollar bill from the wallet before sliding it back underneath the shoe rack. Odin then climbed up into the pickup bed with the remote. He quickly folded up the bill to a more manageable size and slid it underneath the remote to be hidden.

"You know I feel like just walking around like this and the money right there is just asking for us to be robbed," Odin complained.

"They'd have to be pretty scummy people to try and steal the food money from a couple tinies," Calex mused out loud.

"Calex..." Odin rubbed his face. "We fight crime for a living. You already know they would."

"Well if anyone tries to do anything! I'll pop in the face!" The kitten stood up on Odin's shoulder and punched at the air.

"You really would wouldn't you?" Odin chuckled. "Well sit down for the ride. I don't have seatbelts so grab onto something!"

"Right!" Calex sat down on Odin's shoulder and grabbed two handfuls of the wolf's fur.

"Here we go!" Odin spoke as he stood behind the remote. He pushed the joystick forward with both hands as the truck jerked up the ramp and out the cat door. With that the two were on their way to the store. The store was about five miles away. Walking that far well... From Odin's perspective it'd be like trying to walk 175 miles in one day. However R/C cars had a surprising amount of power under their hood. Odin was currently speeding down the sidewalk somewhere around 20 miles per hour.

"Wow we're really booking it," Calex clung to the wolf's shoulder as he watched the giant scenery passing by.

"Honestly I can't believe I never thought of it before this year," Odin smiled. "This is way easier than walking. I didn't even have to modify the car."

It took roughly 30 minutes to get to the store. Most of this was because Odin came to a complete stop before crossing any street and made sure it was absolutely clear. Most people walking on the sidewalk could see the car moving around and avoid stepping on it or in its path. Odin didn't feel like taking a risk to see if anyone in an actual real car could see them. A few moments later they pulled up to the entrance of the grocery store. Odin brought the R/C car to idle for a few moments in front of the automatic door. Neither the wolf nor the car were big enough to trigger it. Instead he waited for someone else to approach and as soon as the door opened zoomed through.

"Alright bakery section first!" Odin spoke as he drove the car through the store to the bakery. "Ugh and here comes the part I hate."

"Awww but it's the part of shopping that's the most adventurery!" Calex protested.

"Oh sure and also the most work," Odin grumbled. He bent down into the bed of the truck and picked up a paper clip. A long string of floss was attached to it. Odin stood up and began to swing the paperclip around and around over his head. He then tossed it straight upward over the bakery counter. It landed atop it but then slid off. "Gonna be one of those days," Odin muttered as he swung the paperclip and tossed it again. It took four more attempts before he finally caught it on something atop the counter. "Up we go." The wolf grunted as he began to climb the floss like a rope. Eventually he reached the top and stood atop the counter.

A large badger woman stood on the other side of the counter. Well, she was probably only around five feet tall. To the wolf she was large.

"Oh you two little ones are back," she looked down at the Odin. She then had to squint to see Calex on his shoulder. "Still shrunken down huh?"

"Erm..." Odin blushed a bit under his fur as he instinctly covered himself. "Yes, he said."

"This way for the whole month!" Calex shouted happily.

"Well same as last week then?" The badger asked. "One muffin? Which flavor will it be?"

"Chocolate chip! Chocolate chip! Chocolate Chip!" The kitten gave a shout.

"Oh you're going to give him sugar?" The badger woman teased.

"Erm well..." The wolf considered as he looked to the kitten on his shoulder. "It doesn't seem a good idea does it?"

"Ah come on Odiiiiiiin!" Calex whined. "It's the last week of it!"

"Fiiiiine," Odin said. "One chocolate chip muffin please."

"On the skateboard as normal?" The badger asked.

"Yes please," Odin muttered.

"You know you spoil him right?" The badger produced a chocolate chip muffin and set it on skateboard that was tethered to the R/C car.

"I know," Odin said as he looked down at his feet for a moment. Then he climbed off the counter and slid down his floss rope. He tugged at it a few times and eventually the paperclip came loose and fell back down into the truck. "Okay, that's done."

"Odin you seemed a little flustered there," Calex said.

"Gee, I wonder why?" Odin asked. "Okay, next up to the deli for the week's lunch!" Odin drove the car to the deli. Again he had to use the paperclip and floss as a grappling hook and scale the counter before he could get help. "Excuse me could I get-"

"Take a number!" A gruff hippo behind the counter bellowed.

"A number?" Odin looked over to where the ticket dispenser was. It was about a foot away from him. He couldn't reach it from here, and it was four feet off the ground if he went over to it. "But there's not even a line right now!" Odin protested.

"Don't care, take a number," the hippo responded.

"But there's not even anyone else here!" Odin tried.

"Don't care, take a number," the hippo repeated.

"But look! Can't you see from my current stature that would be rather difficult? Can't you just help me?" Odin pleaded.

"Don't care, take a number," the hippo repeated again.

"But but but!" Odin started.

"Want me to punch him?" Calex asked.

"Let's not start fights with people hundreds of times our size," Odin hushed.

"I pick fights with people hundreds or even thousands of times my size all the time!" Calex protested.

"But I don't!" Odin hushed the kitten. "Alright, I'll take a number." He pulled his floss rope up onto the counter and swung the paperclip over his head. He tossed the clip at the ticket dispenser attempting to snag a ticket. It didn't work. He tossed it again. He missed it by just a couple inches.

"Oh so close," the hippo responded.

"You could be more helpful!" Odin protested.

"Yeah probably," the hippo shrugged.

"Every week with this guy," Odin muttered before tossing the paperclip again. It finally snagged the ticket. "AHA!" Odin pulled as hard as he can, the ticket came loose. The wolf pulled the ticket and paperclip back to him. "There! I got a number!" He held up the ticket that was as big as him. "Number two!

"I see..." The hippo said. "Alright then, now serving number one."

"Are you serious!?" Odin shouted.

"Sir please wait your turn," the hippo responded. "Number one! Is anyone here with the ticket number one?" Odin crossed his arms and stared upward at the hippo. "Number one! Answer now or you'll be skipped." The hippo continued as Odin tapped his foot impatiently.

"Odin, I'm thinking I might have to punch him," Calex said.

"Don't." Odin put a hand down over the kitten to make sure he didn't try to pounce for the much larger hippo.

"Very well," the hippo seemed ready to move on. "Number two!"

"Yes down here! Finally!" Odin said.

"Number two? Anyone with number two?"

"OH COME ON!" Odin gave a shout. "Right here! I've been talking to you for the last few minutes!"

"Anyone with number two?" The hippo continued. "Guess I'll just have to move on."

"RIGHT HERE!" Odin shouted.

"Oh?" The hippo acted as if he had just noticed Odin. "Oh sorry sir I didn't see you down there."

"You were literally," Odin started then stopped. "You know what, never mind. Just one slice of turkey please. And can you put it down there on that skateboard?"

"Oh I'd love to, but I don't really feel like it," the hippo said He cut one slice of turkey and set it on the counter next to Odin. "Will that be all?"

"How are you still employed here?" Odin asked.

"My charm and good looks," the hippo said.

"Uh huh," Odin growled while he hooked his paperclip onto the counter. He lowered the rope and grabbed the giant slice of turkey with one hand. Thankfully even in the plastic wrap it was thin enough for him to hold on. Still climbing down the rope with one hand proved difficult. Upon getting down he threw the turkey slice onto the skateboard and climbed into the R/C truck's bed again.

"Okay lunch and breakfast are done!" Calex said. "So guess all that's left is dinner?"

"So what do you feel like this week?" Odin asked.

"Hmmmm, how about fried chicken?" Calex suggested.

"That is tasty," Odin nodded. "But I'm not sure eating that every day of the week is healthy for a growing kitten."

"Well I'm not really growing right now," Calex said.

"Hmmm." The wolf hummed to himself. "On one hand I feel like this argument avoids the actual issue. On the other hand now that I've thought about it; I also want chicken. To the hot food section!" The wolf zoomed the car to the next section. He repeated the previous actions of using the grappling hook to climb until he got to the top of the counter.

"One chicken tender please!" Odin cried out.

"What?"A very aged turtle wearing thick glasses was working this area.

"Chicken tender please!"

"A chicken tender?" The turtle asked.

"Yes a chicken tender!" Odin repeated in a shout.

"Oh well okay I see, let me get them..." The turtle stared down at the tiny wolf and tinier cat for a few moments. "Oh it's you two again! You want chicken tenders? I'm not sure infants can handle them."

"What?" Odin stared upward. "But... what does that..."

"Didn't you say you two were stuck as infants for an entire month?" The turtle asked.

"That was last month," Odin said. "This month I'm my normal age! Just shrunken! You can see that!"

"Yes, yes I see you're a very big boy," the turtle responded. "You must be what three months now?"

"Oh my Zod," Odin rubbed his head. "This is the fourth time this month you've seen us like this!"

"You want four chicken tenders now?" The turtle asked.

"No.. Just," Odin rubbed his temples.

"Odin I'm confused," Calex muttered.

"He's old Calex," Odin explained. "Just... Try to be patient." The tiny wolf faced the turtle again. "One chicken tender! One!"

"Okay! You want that in a baby food jar?" The turtle asked.

"No! Just... One chicken tender! Just one chicken tender! Don't do anything special to it!" Odin flailed about while talking.

Eventually the turtle finally retrieved the chicken finger and even got it onto the skateboard.

"Okay, that's breakfast, lunch and dinner for the week." Odin rubbed his brow. "I think we're done, let's head to check out!" The wolf drove the car to the checkout lane of the store. Here there was a problem. He could use his paperclip grappling hook to climb up again, but there was the problem of getting the groceries up. Luckily he had a system. "You ready Calex?"

"I was born ready!" the kitten smiled.

"Somehow I suspect that is not entirely inaccurate," Odin smiled. He scooped the kitten off his shoulder and cupped him in one hand. Then he tossed the kitten as high into the air as he could.

An antelope girl was running the cashier. She had a bored look on her space but blinked in surprise when a tiny orange speck flew into her line of sight and started shouting at her.

"Hey it's us again we're ready to check out now okay thanks!" The tiny orange speck shouted before it plummeted back down to ground.

"O... Kay then," the antelope girl said sounding slightly bored. She looked over the counter to see the wolf in the R/C car and the skateboard. "Oh you two are back."

"Could you help us out?" Odin asked.

"Uggh fine I have to do everything," the antelope girl complained. She came out from behind the counter and picked up each item scanning them one by one. "Your total comes to $4.50."

"Here you go!" Odin pulled the five dollar bill out from underneath the remote and held it upward. "Um keep the change. No seriously please do, coins are hard to handle like this."

"Yeah sure whatever," the antelope said clearly not interested as she put the money away.

"Okay um, thank you," Odin muttered as he pushed on the remote to move the car again. He had to wait for another customer to enter the store to leave, but after that was on the road, or at least sidewalks again.

"Well that's over with," Odin said.

"So think we're gonna go adventure now?"

"First we gotta get home," Odin said. "We need to put the muffin in the Tupperware and the chicken and turkey in the cooler.

"Then adventure?" Calex asked.

"We'll see what time it is," Odin said. "But the commissioner said he might have a case for us. We'll see where the rest of the day takes us." With that the two continued on their way home to deposit their groceries.