Kings of the Jungle

Story by Tomgungy on SoFurry

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#3 of Stories

This is a story I based off of Anothermeekone's Jungle Book fan-art. The story was imported from my Tumblr blog. Please feel free to check it out. It has something for everybody, though I specialize in stories pertaining to themes of domination and transformation. It also usually has to be homoerotic in nature.

Synopsis: After Mowgli left the jungle, Baloo and Bagheera took a turn for the worst. It's a good thing that Kaa and King Louie are around to straighten them out.

Bagheera prowled the forest floor with his newly acquired regal, terrible swagger as he reflected on recent history. So much had changed since Shere Khan's inevitable, fiery demise. Everyone in the jungle agreed that the pompous, yet powerful, fool was undone by his own pride, but it was the man cub who was credited with truly ending him. The man cub, whose name wasn't important enough to remember in the older panther's mind, had then been returned to the man village, as was originally intended. It was only sometime later that Bagheera learned that the same village had suffered complete annihilation due to an accidental and ironic fire incident.

Bagheera chuckled wryly as he thought back to how inconsolable he was at the time. He didn't eat, drink, or rest for many moons. He simply disappeared, continuing to exist in the jungle strictly as an unobserved observer in the shadows. It was in his invisibility that he was able to observe a disturbing pattern. The animals of the jungle were all upset to some degree by the loss of a great hero of their time. The man cub to perish in the fire was tragic after all. Most every animal also celebrated the passing with a feast though. With a whole village of extremely adept hunters gone with the previous self-declared king of the jungle, prey was quite suddenly in abundant supply. The prey also slept quite well at night knowing that they didn't need to fear for their lives nearly as much as they previously had. Within the span of several days animals of the jungle, prey and predator, had all but forgotten the man cub. The only exception to this was Bagheera.

The panther watched them all, and he was disgusted for quite some time. He saw them all live and drink and eat and sleep and eat and hunt and eat and eat and eat. Bagheera became particularly focused on eating. Munching, crunching, and chewing made his ears twitch in attention. Soon he was mesmerized by the notion of feeding, and he came to a conclusion that he had deprived himself of for some time. With Shere Khan and the man village gone, he was the top predator now.

All the animals came to fear Bagheera as his prowling as it took on a different goal. The panther became cold, cunning, and fearless. His infatuation with feeding grew, and with it his abominably large pride and penchant for cruelty. The elephant company that had considered him an ally was scattered due to the panther's relentless attacks. The wolf pack was divided and weak after Bagheera slayed their leader. As the ferocious feline tore through the jungle's social structure he felt more in control than ever.

Bagheera maliciously smiled as he came to the same conclusion he always did when he pondered these things: he needed no friends, only the might to do as he pleased. He cherished that usual revelation as he always did as he strutted along the jungle floor. He held his lithe, agile form in a grandiose posture, despite being made for prowling among the trees. He wanted other creatures to see him and fear him. He wanted to see the mortality registering in his inferiors' eyes.

The last thing he wanted was to hear a grating voice from above hiss, "Hello, old friend."

Bagheera turned his head to the branches above to the filth he most loathed slithering down to meet him.

"Hello, Kaa," Bagheera returned, spitting the words out as if they were poison.

Kaa continued to smile, clearly pretending not to notice Bagheera's displeasure. Kaa was quite possible the worst thorn in Bagheera's side these days. He was competition as a predator. His sinewy anatomy as a snake made him an unfruitful prey. Ultimately he just wasn't worth the trouble to kill, and on the days Bagheera reconsidered that calculation, Kaa was nowhere to be found. When Bagheera didn't want to be bothered with the snake he was everywhere to be found though, and he always coyly taunted the panther under the guise of polite ribbing.

"What bring you to this part of the jungle?" Kaa pried as he slid to the jungle floor.

"Are you saying that I have no business here, Kaa?" Bagheera snapped menacingly.

Kaa recoil before measuredly responding, "No, old friend. I merely meant that you don't normally frequent these groves."

"Is this where you slither off to when I'm hungry for diced snake then?" Bagheera taunted with a haughty smirk.

The snake continued to calmly wear that knowing smile as he answered, "Oh, no. I'm here strictly on business. Besides, I've always heard that snake meat tastes ever so vile. I venture to theorize that it's the lean eating accented by scales. What about you?"

Bagheera started a bit before he could stop himself or the snake coyly clarified, "Why would you think a snake wouldn't taste good?"

"What creature have business with you," Bagheera sneered, scrambling to regain face.

"I'm not quite sure myself," Kaa confessed thoughtfully. "I was simply to meet a person at the old ruins."

"King Louie's domain?" Bagheera asked as just a small spark of his old curiosity sprang up in his wise, old eyes. Despite himself, the old feline felt different for a moment. like before. His mind started to pick at the small mystery before him with the measured intellect he used to be known so well for, and a part of the him hoped that at provocation the mystery would blossom into yet a bigger one. Then that same unbidden part of him felt a tinge of sadness.

"Don't you mean yours?" Kaa returned with devious mirth in his eyes.

Bagheera appeared confused for a second before the previous cold glare came to his eyes. Bagheera was enraged. He was not weak! THere was no need for him to be sad or curious because he was in control! As the thought was screamed in his mind though, Bagheera found he wasn't as sure of that fact as he was moments before. He needed to prove it.

"Let's go to your meeting then," he growled as a cruel smile came to his face. "I'd hate for you to be late on my account."

Kaa merely smiled in kind.

"All right, old friend."


Baloo was rarin' to tussle. Since Mowgli left the large, lumbering bear had become quite the competitive in the physical arena. Baggy used to suggest it was because he missed all the roughhousing he used to do with Mowgli. The big bear himself often boasted that it was because he was so used to all the scrapes he got into defending Little Britches and Bagheera, and from there he used to shoehorn the conversation into a friendly brawling match with the cat.

Then the man village burned to the ground, and Bagheera got real scarce, not to mention downright nasty. Now when Baloo was in a scrappy mood he always became painfully aware of how few buddies he had to tussle with. He's reflect on how both Bagheera and Mowgli were gone though, and that'd only make him want to knock someone's block off even more! He wanted to forget that depressing nonsense, so soon the bear would become a rampaging machine of destruction that demolished the jungle and its inhabitants alike in his wake. Any creature foolish enough to cross the bear's path would be subject to what would start as a playful rumble until Baloo's blows would become harder and harder. His light-hearted laugh would become menacing, merging with maniacal. His demeanor would become more savage until the bear drew blood, at which point the opposing combatant would be left a bloodied corpse in a manner of seconds afterwards, and Baloo would walk off whistling aloofly.

Baloo hadn't come that far yet, at least he didn't think so. He'd found that the cycle of aloofness and frenzy was becoming tighter the longer it existed, leaving the light-hearted jungle bum less time to sing about the "bare necessities", so it was always a tad hard to determine when he'd start to lose his cool. It felt like it would be a fair amount of time before a needed what he called a "good brawl", but if he didn't find a tussle soon, that's exactly what he'd need.

Baloo was actually just starting to contemplate unearthing a nearby tree to stave off, and unintentionally start, the frenzy when he heard something he hadn't heard in a long time: a beat. A rhythm bounced through the air like it was on jittering wings. It swung among the branches. Baloo could practically feel it dancing in the ground. It was damned good sounding, and Baloo couldn't help but to bounce with it. He bounced, and then he stepped. He shimmied. He shuffled. What had he been doing before the music? Baloo decided it didn't matter. He needed to get more of that sound.


Bagheera was growing what lesser animals might call "anxious", but the panther knew that predators did not become anxious. He called it bored. He didn't want to be wandering around the jungle with Kaa, and for all intents and purposes, that was due to the fact that the snake bored him. The snake's subtle questioning through conversation was not unnerving. It was disinteresting. The times he would try to capture the panther's gaze from time to time was not flustering. It was unremarkable. Kaa's requests to ride coiled around around Bagheera were not mortifying. They were irksome. On the whole, this adventure caused by the jungle cat's inability to resist his old, investigative ways was proving to be entirely dull. Then the unlikely pair came to the crest of the hill they had been climbing.

Below them were the remains of King Louie's palace. Though they were ruins before, any previous grandeur they previously maintained had long been stolen by the destruction Bagheera, Baloo, and Mowgli had inflicted upon it. Looking down at the rubble, Bagheera realized that he hadn't thought on the easy-going bear in years. How was he doing these days? As if flowering from thoughts of the bear, a swell of music came from the ruins. Bagheera sighed nostalgically as he remembered how fond the bear had been of his tunes. He used to tell Bagheera to be relaxed, and Bagheera used to listen. He always found himself more at ease, comfortable with himself around Baloo.

Bagheera flinched as he chased away the thoughts, not noticing that he had somehow come to be facing Kaa or the mesmerizing colors retreating from the edges of the serpent's eyes. Nostalgia had no place in a true hunter's mind, the panther internally chided himself. Then Bagheera growled, angry at himself for his lack of control and the music for reminding him of a past long dead. The midnight black fur at the back of his neck bristled in his rage.

"There seems to be a party down there," Bagheera snarled with quiet menace, "Let's crash it."

Bagheera marched over the hill and towards the ruins. Kaa slithered behind him, smiling knowingly.


Baloo bounced towards the old ruins, and it actually took him until he saw the old so-and-so to realize he was cutting the rug in Louie's place. Man, that's wild! Damn, no wonder these were such good grooves. There were monkeys all around that swingin' king on his old stone throne. Everyone was hooting and hollering and slapping and clapping. It was a real fine jamboree, and Baloo just couldn't help but to swing with the little dudes.

"Baloo, my man!" Louie called over the hoopla. "I said, Baloo, my man, get your shakin' behind over here!"

Something about Louie's voice rang a bell in Baloo's mind. The primate king had stolen Mowgli once, hadn't he? Right from under the relaxing bear's nose? If that was true, Louie shouldn't like Baloo for taking the man cub back. Heck, Baloo shouldn't like Louie to begin with. Something about the music seemed to displace those thoughts as soon as he had them though. The dancing bear's mind became syncopated like the beat. His thoughts became weaker and weaker, and all the while the groovy tunes of the primates came from all around, continuing to drown them out. Before he knew what he was doing, Baloo's body moved of its own accord, bouncing right up to the groovy king.

"There you are," King Louie flamboyantly exclaimed with a flair of his simian hands. "I was starting to worry that you wouldn't show! What kept you?"

"I don't- I-" Baloo suddenly found that he had trouble vocalizing his thoughts. At least, that's what it felt like. Maybe he didn't have any thoughts, Baloo moronically mused as he continued to while a dumb smile creeped across his mug.

"Well, that's alright, my man!" Louie boisterously interrupted. "That's alright! We just need to get you into uniform."

Puzzlement flashed across the bear's face before a quick, swinging two-step wiped it clean again, returning it to a blissfully idiotic grin again. He knew he should care more. At least a part of him thought he should, but it was a party, right? He needed to loosen up! So he watched Louie snap his fingers, and he was brought a pile of vegetation by a spinning chimpanzee.

"I believe you know how to put these on," Louie said with a lilt.

He handed Baloo the batch and winked at the swaying bear as he did so. Baloo stupidly winked at him in return, having no idea why, before examining what he was given. It all seemed rather familiar, and then he smirked as he figured out why. These were the materials he used to make his disguise last time he was here, Baloo continued to grin like a dope as he tied the grass skirt around his waist, distributed the dead foliage across his head as hair, and applied two fourths of a coconut to his muzzle to imitate a monkey's.

"That's the way!" Louie cackled and pointed at the dumb bear before him. "That's the way you did it, you chump!"

All around him Baloo heard the snickers and jeering. The monkeys all at laughed at how the big, stupid bear wanted to be like them, and Baloo dumbly chuckled with them, far too deeply enthralled by the music to get the joke, let alone what they were laughing at, He just felt proud and honored to be accepted into their group so he didn't have to be alone anymore. They even taught him a dance they said only the monkeys could do.


Bagheera was not prepared for what he saw when he entered the ruins, He found that the monkeys had repaired, which was notable, and that they were all swinging and dancing, which was predictable. What the panther wouldn't have ever expected to see was Baloo. Not only was he amidst the hoard of mocking primates, but he himself wore a ridiculous get up which it seems was intended to make himself look like one of them. As to what the bear was doing there, the poor baffled predator couldn't make heads or tails of it. There in front of him, with a throbbing erection, was his old friend anally molesting himself with a banana while shouting a proud declaration over the raucous music.

"Good monkeys dance for King Louie! Good monkeys dance for King Louie! Good monkeys dance for King Louie!"

Bagheera's jaw nearly dropped to the floor. What the devil was this all about? Bagheera proceeded towards Baloo to find out when the prone bear noticed him.

"Hey Baggy! What are you doing here?" Baloo shouted to him with a stupid grin on his face before conversationally adding, "Great party, right?"

"What the hell are you doing, you ignorant lumox?" Bagheera shouted in return.

Without stopping, Baloo glanced down at his bobbing member before answering, "Making a monkey of myself, of course!"

This caused a new avalanche of mocking and bursts of laughter from the primates. Bagheera saw he was getting nowhere with the bear. His eyes appeared completely dazed and a waterfall of drool poured forth from his cheerily agape maw. Instead the feline turned to the stone throne of the court and proceeded towards King Louie, who was clearly pleased by Baloo's appearance as evidenced by his own erection. In fact, a majority of the crowd watching the bear seemed to be of a similar frame of mind, pleasuring themselves to his sexually perverse antics.

"What have you done to him, Louie?" Bagheera called to the king.

King Louie did not answer though. He didn't even seem to notice Bagheera, ignoring him completely. Instead his hungry eyes remained focused on Baloo as he smiled a sly, cocky smile.

"Baloo, my man," the orangutan called out to him. "Cum for your king."

Bagheera turned his head to the bear just as he loudly moaned. The bear jammed the banana into his behind as a final deep thrust soliciting another loud moan. Baloo idiotically stuck his tongue out of the side of his coconut covered mouth as his back arched up off the ground. Several large, white spurts of jism forcefully ejected from his cock while he continued to moan. Stream after stream came forth, arching with his body to thoroughly coat the his face stomach, and cock itself. Everyone watched with bated breath for one, two, three whole minutes before the bear's moans started to become sighs. His orgasm elicited fewer and smaller spurts. Baloo slowly unarched his back, and then merely sat there on top of the banana with a dumb smile on his face.

"Well done, jester," Bagheera heard Louie laugh from behind hi, though his shocked eyes never left Baloo. "Now, back to dancing."

"Yes, your majesty," Baloo happily replied as he went back to fucking himself with the banana.

Bagheera couldn't believe what he was seeing. He knew he had to stop it though. He drew closer to Baloo. Maybe he could talk him out of whatever spell he was in or at least slap him out of it. He was only a couple of paces away when Kaa slithered between the two.

"Out of my way, morsel," Bagheera growled.

Kaa then glanced around before gesturing to himself with his tail in coy mock-innocence.

"Me?" he naively questioned. "Why?"

Bagheera didn't have time for this. He started to circumvent the snake, frustratedly going around him, when the tail jutted out in front of Bagheera.

"Come now," he heard the snake chide as he continued to concernedly watch his friend depravedly debase himself. "You don't need him, right? I thought you were a predator, king of the jungle now. You shouldn't need anyone."

Bagheera turned to Kaa, enraged by the serpent's mocking defiance, only to come face to face with two eyes full of shifting, hypnotizing colors. It was then that the feelings Bagheera had been fighting against this entire time, since the accident, inconveniently cascaded into Bagheera's mind in full force. Bagheera was terrified! Kaa had held the panther's life in his coils before and he had been unable to save himself. The only reason he had been able to survive was because Mowgli had saved him, and now he was gone. By the looks of things, Baloo was gone too now. Bagheera was alone. No one could help him now. He was going to be gone.

The panther's mind entirely choked on his suffocating fears, and consequently he just continued to stare into Kaa's eyes, helpless to resist, as the snake taunted Bagheera with his false philosophy.

"You don't need anyone, right?" Kaa asked his immobilized audience. "Or was that a lie?"

Bagheera remained silent.

"Answer me," the snake demanded as he came nose to nose with Bagheera.

"I- I- Yes," Bagheera stuttered.


"Yes, it was a lie," Bagheera admitted as the colors now started to swirl in his eyes.

"Well now," Kaa chuckled as he started to wrap his coils around the panther. "You admit that you're really just helpless?"

"I'm helpless," Bagheera repeated as the fear started to fade from his face.

"There you go," Kaa cooed. "It's so relaxing to admit you're a helpless little kitty, isn't it? It makes all the fear fade away."

"I'm a helpless little kitty," Bagheera monotonously recited as he stopped trembling.

"That's right," Kaa calmingly encouraged as he continued to wrap around Bagheera.

"I'm a helpless little kitty."

His body relaxed.

"I'm a helpless little kitty."

A simple smile came to his face as the colors fully filled his eyes.

"I'm a helpless little kitty."


King Louie admired his handiwork from his throne, and Kaa was encircled around it doing the same. The panther and bear had become menaces to the jungle since they parted ways. One devastated the jungle itself while the other decimated its population. Both terrified the denizens of the region, and in their fear they sought help from the only ones that could help. Sure Louie was a possessive monarch, but he was ultimately harmless. Sure Kaa was dangerous, but not nearly as much as Bagheera and Baloo these days. So the two came to an accord. They'd keep only what they had at the time of the deal, but they'd handle one of the latest threats.

Louie was a bit of a pervert at heart, and an entertainment starved one at that. He felt he needed a court jester long before the agreement, yet despite his willing primate masses that each offered their services as the king's comedian, Louie found them capable of nothing more than the usual monkey business he was so bored of. Then he remembered Baloo and how he had danced around his palace in that riotous getup. The monkey king was very happy to have the big, sturdy bear serving his needs as a jester by day and his whore by night, and Baloo was only too happy to "be a good monkey for King Louie."

Kaa, on the other hand, was a bit of a sadist at heart. He wanted another chance at what that meddlesome man cub had interrupted him from so long ago.. He wanted to dominate the predatory feline, make Bagheera feel the humiliation he had so many times at the hands of Mowgli, so he started be having the feline tell every soul he met in the jungle that he was "a helpless little kitty". He was only too happy to as it was the truth, and Kaa got the immeasurable pleasure of seeing Bagheera become more and more comfortable with who he was for every animal that laughed in his face. Kaa grew tired with this over time though and eventually planted a new seed in the panther's mind. After finding an old statue of a panther in Louie's court, Kaa had Bagheera take watch next to it, a guard over his buffoon friend, Kaa wanted to leave him there, paralyzed and starving in hunger as so many furry mouthfuls danced nearby and fed him just enough to keep him alive. Worst of all, he wanted Bagheera to be deeply aroused by this, knowing that he deserved it for thinking he was a big strong panther when he was really a helpless little kitty.

So Louie and Kaa watched satisfactorily as both of their subjects came from Baloo raping himself on Bagheera's now ever-erect, petrified prick, and both agreed that everyone was better off from the suffering of two idiots.