The Dangers of Reading Books

Story by Ashley Natter on SoFurry

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What evil could come from reading a book?

The black cat came in one morning shortly before the library opened, looking for books on summoning rituals. I sighed and pushed my glasses up on my nose, a few weeks earlier this kind of request would have stunned me, but since taking this job on the Miskatonic University's library I had seen his type almost daily.

I searched the data base. A few relevant titles came in, all that you wanted to know about Satanism, witchcraft, and dark rituals. He smiled, this quirky petite smile that hinted at some secret I couldn't begin to understand, thanked me and left with three of the books. The others didn't have enough pictures, he said. He liked pictures.

I put him out of my mind. The University was famous for its courses in theology, so now and then you would have someone coming to ask about cannibalistic rituals or satanic orgies, just another day on the job. Still, he came back. I don't remember how long it took. A week, maybe two? But he came back and something about that little smile disturbed me.

He wasn't handsome in the classical sense. He had girlish looks, average height, and a pair of silver piercings on his ears. The kind of guy who could so easily be confused with a girl if he wore a skirt. But his eyes seemed alight with knowledge that he wasn't supposed to know, as if he expected to be found guilty of any number of transgressions at any time.

I was a pretty thing myself, even though I was a bit short for a fox, my silver fur was very well kept, and even tough I used to dress modestly, I knew how to impress. It was just that these days it seemed there was no one to impress.

The next time he came to the reference desk he asked about Fazil Adamou, he wanted his biography. Still, not really unusual. I checked the database. Just two biographies on the ancient mystic. He took them both. I felt a little strange taking him back toward the biography section, deep in the shadows of the nonfiction stacks. Maybe it was the smile.

I pulled the books and handed them to him.

"Ever read him?" he asked, tapping the cover of the top book.

I could feel myself blush as I shook my head. "Uh, no."

That smile again. Amused, knowing. "But you know who he is."

"He was a medieval demonologist, no?"

He nodded slightly. "He was the first to contact the Mistress."

Not a question, but I nodded. Then I rushed out of the stacks and back to the refuge of my desk with a muttered, "I have patrons waiting." I didn't and he knew it.

After he left, I looked him up. It's against the rules, but I needed to know. His name was Jade Downy and he was twenty-one years old. I knew the neighborhood he lived in, it wasn't far from my own house. I also knew the types of books he liked: historical biographies of questionable characters and fantasy/fiction. Harmless enough. Yet he somehow knew about the Mistress.

Everyone has nightmares.

I was lying on an altar of black stone in the middle of a dark room, the only was light coming from eight massive flames spewing from torches on each of the eight walls.

They don't really mean anything.

The metal on my wrists and feet was locked tight, the chains rasping against the stone as I tried to break free. There where shadows amidst the darkness, creatures moving just out of the light.

I shouldn't have read those books on the restricted session, what evil could have come from reading an old book? Most of the book had been this ungodly mismatch of German and Latin that I couldn't understand.

My eyes caught sight of shadows moving along the walls. An eerie silence fell across the room as I laid there, staring at the dark ceiling unable to move.

Whispering softly, I offered a prayer to the beings that inhabited that place, "Mistress... I need your help. I crave your touch, Mistress..." The words came to me even though I didn't understand their meaning, overpowered my thoughts, infiltrated on my mind, until I was interrupted by whispers.

Squeezing my eyes shut, I prayed louder, "Mistress, I need your help! Please... I need to be set free!"

Still, the pictures had been enough to leave a very intense sensation. The gravures had shown peasants and kings alike worshipping this otherworldly creature, invoking her through lascivious acts of carnal worship.

Hands touched my skin, teasing and groping as they played with me.

I felt the hands pull my dress free from my body as I heard the seams tearing. The light coming from the torches increased in intensity as I saw the outlines shades form into the shape of the Mistress and her servants. Each servant seemed like a young male or female, eerily pale, marked with deep black lines on their fur, they were beautiful like petals of a rose.

The Mistress rose from the shadows, she was bigger than the servants and seemed to be made of pure shadows in the indistinct shape of a voluptuous woman, her shape always twisting and changing as she came for me.

I could only watch as the Mistress touched my body, whispered secrets in my ears as her hands shaped me into something different. I felt her hands run between my legs, gently sliding inside my pussy. Pleasure exploded throughout my body. Squeezing my eyes shut, the hand moved faster on my slit without penetrating me as I moaned softly on the altar.

Every morning for the past month I had woken up with her name on my lips.

He came back two weeks later, just before closing. I was deeply focused into reading over the last novel in the Harriette series when I felt his gaze on my shoulders. I glanced up to see him staring intently at me with those guilty eyes.

"May I help you?" I asked, sounding colder than I felt. My palms were already beginning to sweat.

He smiled. "No, I found all that I was looking for this time," he gestured at the stack of books in his hand. The title of the top one mentioned Infernal Summoning.

"Let me just scan the books..."

The smirk deepened. "I was wondering if you'd like to have coffee or something stronger, maybe one night after work?"

"No, thanks," I said quickly, glancing around to see if anyone had heard him. "I mean, thank you, but you are not exactly my type."

The smile faltered. "No? What a pity. I thought you had been touched by the Mistress too."

He was gone before I could begin to understand what he meant.

I almost dreaded seeing him at the library again.

Still, there was something about him that suggested he'd be able to tell me all the secrets I'd been fearing to know. Questions I wasn't even sure how to ask. Maybe he was a weirdo, but he was probably the only that could have helped me banish those dreams. Because, otherwise, I knew my mind would be going down a road it would never come back.

By the time I saw him again, I was debating calling him. It would have been highly inappropriate and I could have lost my job for it, but desperate times call for desperate measures.

This time we meet on the streets. I was walking home after the job when I heard a familiar laugh. I jerked my head around just in time to catch his smile as he turned a corner and walked away. My cheeks flushed hotly, but instead of ignoring him, I followed him.

"Wait! Hey! Mr. Downy, Jade... Wait!"

He turned and looked at me. We were standing alone on the walkway. It was well into the night and there were few people walking the streets on this part of town.


I stopped in front of him, suddenly speechless. "I was just... I mean..."

He arched an eyebrow. "How did you know my name?"

My face felt like it was on fire. "I found it on the database," I blurted.

"That's very illegal."

I wanted to run away, but he made no motion to move, just stood there as if waiting for me to say something more. "Can we go someplace?" I asked, emboldened. "To talk?"


I felt like he was analyzing me. "Never mind, forget I asked."

He grabbed my wrist with a gentle, but insistent pressure that was impossible to ignore. "You have heard the Mistress," he said. "You heard her calling."

Part of me screamed to get out of there and away from him as fast as I could. Part of me wanted to beg him for help. "Would you like to go somewhere and talk?" My voice was soft, I could barely hear myself.

"Yes, I have a lot to teach you."

There was a strange enthusiasm in his voice that should have scared me. So why was I following him? There was something in his voice that made me remember the dreams, the whispers on the night that promised so much. His enthusiasms sent a little thrill through me that I hadn't experienced in a long, long time.

We walked to a coffee shop near the library. I'd passed the place every day, but I'd never walked in there. We sat in a booth near the back, the only other patrons were couple of young dogs sitting at the counter. Jade sat across from me, studying me with golden, unblinking eyes.

"What?" I said, fidgeting nervously.

"Sit still," he spoke, but I heard the Mistress' voice coming out of his mouth.

Like an obedient dog, I immediately quieted.

"What's the matter?" he asked.

I shook my head. "I don't know."

"Yes, you do. Tell me."

"Every night she invades my dreams and I want it to stop, I feel unclean, used. I don't like it."

He chuckled and it was a soft, seductive sound that washed over my skin like a touch. "No. What you don't like is how your body respond to her touch."

I opened my mouth to deny it and he held his hand up.

"You respond to her voice and it confuses you."

I thought about that for a moment. "Yes," I said, though it hadn't been a question.

The waitress came over and took our order, two black coffees. When she was gone, he stared at me once more.

"Why it bothers you so much to be touched by the Mistress?"

I didn't like the conversation, but I knew if I continued to argue with him, he would leave and I never would have peace in my dreams again, the Mistress would be forever visit me during my dreams. I thought hard for a moment, trying to put my feelings into words. "Because I don't like being used in that way."


I felt like a guinea pig under the microscope. "If you can't do it, its fine," I said, sounding defensive even to my own ears. "It's not like this is going anywhere."

He laughed soft and sensual. "Oh, really? Is that what you think?"

I didn't get a chance to respond because the waitress brought our drinks. I waited until she'd gone off behind the counter once more before continuing our conversation.

He reached across the scarred table and circled my wrist with his fingers. I could feel my pulse jump and I knew he could, too. "You had hopped I could free you from the Mistress."

I swallowed hard, but I nodded.

"It can be done, I have everything you need for the ritual in my bag, but the ritual would be extremely complicated. We can go to my house and I'll explain the details..."

I gently tugged my wrist free of his grasp. "I can't go with you. I don't even know you."

He studied me carefully, as if memorizing every detail of my face. "You know the Mistress. And you're afraid of what I know about you."

Against my will, I asked, "What do you know about me?"

His fingers took my wrist once more. "I know you're afraid that you will never be free from her influence," his grip tightened. "I also know what the Mistress has been whispering in your ears every night and how that makes your panties soaking wet."

I gasped, but I didn't attempt to pull away. Nor did I deny his statement.

He smiled. "Good. I didn't want another argument." He rubbed his thumb over the pulse in my wrist. "Now, do you want to come with me?"

"I don't know."

"Honest enough. Would it make you feel more comfortable to go to your place?"

I thought for a moment before I shook my head. "I don't think so."

"Then what?" He smiled deviously. "Oh, I think I know! Do you have a key to the library?"

"That would be illegal..."

More pressure. "It didn't stop you before."

I nodded.

My mind was racing as quickly as my pulse. Could I get away with it? Yes, probably. The library was placed away from the main street, no one would be likely to notice if we slipped in through the back door and didn't turn on the lights. But just because I could get away with it didn't make it a good idea.

"If you really want my help, then it needs to be done tonight."

I didn't believe him for a minute, but I knew I was in too deep to say no. Even the threat of losing my job wasn't enough to keep me from sliding out of the booth and walking toward the door. I was going to do it. I would get rid of the Mistress tonight.

The library was dark and silent at this hour, the parking lot empty just as I knew it would be. I lead the way to the employee entrance on the back, keys jingling in my trembling fingers. At the door, he put his hand over mine as I went to insert the key in the lock.

"Know that the ritual will be long and maybe even painful. If you don't want to do this, say so now and it's over." He caressed my hand with the most delicate of touches. "But if we go inside, be prepared to give up your soul."

I'd already worked it out in my mind, but when he put it that way, I hesitated.

I turned the key and entered the security code. My hands were trembling hard by the time I lead him into main room and he dropped his bag over one of the reading tables. Now that I'd committed to this, I was feeling calmer.

He sat in the chair in the corner, leaving me standing in the middle of the room between my desk and the door. He looked around, studying the tall shelves illuminates by what little light filtrated from the streets. At this hour, all I could see were the streetlights and the lights from passing cars.

"Close the blinds," he said.

I didn't argue or question. The last thing I needed was some nosy guy, or worse, a cop, driving by and peeking in the window. While I wasn't quite sure what was going to happen, I was pretty sure I didn't want anyone watching.

When the blinds were closed, he nodded. "Good. Now we will need some chalk."

I quickly walked to my office and brought him a box of chalk. He had been busy pushing the tables away and preparing the area for the ritual. He marked the floor with a big circle, carefully inscribing strange runes and shapes into it, the last step were eight black candles that were alighted one by one as he recited something in German.

"Now, strip."

Whatever I'd expected, it hadn't been that.

I fumbled with the buttons on my blouse. There was still some rational part of my brain that couldn't believe I was undressing in front of a stranger.

The blouse fell away, leaving me in my bra and old-fashioned skirt. I paused, waiting for him to say more, but he didn't. He only stared.

I reached behind me and unzipped my skirt. The motion caused a shiver to rush through my spine, made my nipples get aroused with a mix of fear and lust. The skirt pooled at my feet. I reached for the clasp of my bra, afraid that if I hesitated, I wouldn't be able to do it.

Jade watched as I removed the bra. He watched as I slipped out of my shoes. My panties glided down my thighs and then I stood before him naked.

"Very nice," he said. His voice was cool and distant, as if he was admiring a piece of artwork. "How do you feel?"

"Exposed," I whispered.


"Excited," I could feel myself blushing and knew he could see it on my neck and breasts.

"Good. That's how you should feel."

A long moment went by as he stared at my body and I resisted the urge to fidget. Finally, when I couldn't take his silence any longer, I said, "Now what?"


I nodded, though I wasn't sure what he was asking for.

"Once the ritual starts there will be no coming back, so let me ask: Do you want to stop it?"

"No." I blurted out.

"To summon the Mistress, we will need to tempt Her, entice Her to come to us. Do you understand?"

I only nodded.

"You will feel the presence of the Mistress amidst us, but it's important you don't reach the climax."

"I can handle that." that would be the first time I would actually want to have a frustrating night.

He nodded slowly. "Then come here, step in the center of the summoning circle."

"Well, in for a penny, in for a pound," I murmured and stepped towards him, my hands sliding from his chest to his shoulders, as his head bent and my lips touched his.

There was sweet, hot pleasure. His lips moved slowly over mine. I lifted one hand from his shoulder, pulling his head against mine. He looked frail, not the kind of guy I normally would go for, but now there was a tender, burning arousal under my skin. His hands gently threaded through my hair as I gripped his hip.

My lips parted, accepting his again, my tongue reaching out to lick at his lips. He jerked, his hands tightening on my waist, as he pulled back.

"Come to us, Mistress." He recited, lowering me to the floor, his hands guiding me even as he explored my body.

His lips descended over mine, parting them, making way for the stroke of his tongue and the spicy, heated taste of lust that flooded my body. It seeped into my veins, filled my blood with unwieldly potency that I had never experienced before.

"You taste good," he moaned, as his lips lifted from mine. "I can see why the Mistress has chosen you."

He sat on the floor and removed his clothes slowly. He guided my hand to his cock, I reached out with a single fingertip to touch the throbbing head of his cock. It was pierced. A silver bar pierced the ridge of its head, the locking balls at each end glittering in the candlelight. It matched the piercings in his nipples and ears.

Following his guidance, I lowered my head, parted my lips, and let my tongue swipe over the damp head, pausing to pay particular attention to the silver piercing. I rolled my tongue over it, gripped the small locking ball with my teeth, and tugged at it gently.

Jade moaned. The shadows were alive, resonating to his laborious moans. There was a tinge of fear mixed with the pleasure in his face, dark sensuality. I could hear the Mistress getting near, whispering encouragement in my ears, I parted my lips further and slowly lowered my mouth onto the straining, engorged head of his cock.

"Ah, fuck!" His groan was followed by a stream of pre-cum. His taste was like nothing I had tasted before, it was like honey, spice, and pure lust.

I stared up at him, my tongue licking over the head and the piercing, he kept whispering the chants with tightly closed eyes and barely contained moans.

"You can feel the Mistress?" I breathed over the head of his cock, watching his cheekbones flush from arousal, as carnal knowledge lit his gaze.

"Yes," he mewled, the fingers of one hand curling around my hair.

I lowered my mouth over the swollen head of his cock again and sucked it. I watched his face, as I worked his shaft with my tongue, with the moist heat surrounding him. I gripped the silver that pierced his flesh with my lips, lapped at it, then sank my mouth over his cock head.

He closed his eyes, as his body tightened further. A ragged growl rumbled in his chest. I could feel the Mistress watching over us, she could feel his arousal and was attracted by it. My hand closed around his cock, stroking the thick flesh slowly. I could feel the tension, a harder pulse of blood, the flesh more heated.

Another spurt of the pre-cum filled my mouth, as a groan ripped from his throat. His cock throbbed, the blood beating furiously through the heavy veins.

"Enough," he drew back, breathing laboriously. I could feel the back of my throat tingling, a deeper hunger rushing through my body. "We need to maintain control or the Mistress will win."

I nodded in agreement and curled my arms around his shoulders, as his lips moved down my neck. "How long do we have to keep it?"

My body was burning with lust, it was racing under my skin. I arched towards Jade, rubbing the hot tips of my breasts against his chest. Damn, it felt too good. Sex had never felt like this before.

"Do you feel the Mistress, Eva?" He whispered as his lips moved lower, his canines scratching over my shoulder.

"Do you feel the need building? Burning inside you like its been burning inside me?" I felt it. My eyes closed in delirious, terrifying pleasure. The sensations were nearly painful, the arousal building inside me until my womb was rippling with it.

"Fight it, don't let the Mistress win," his voice was high-pitched now with his own arousal just before his tongue licked over a nipple.

"Oh yes! Suck it," I arched, driving the tight peak against his lips. I felt my control slipping away, felt the touch of the Mistress moving me forwards as his lips parted, and he sucked the tender tip. Liquid fire wrapped around my nipple. He sucked deep, his tongue stroking and licking, as my nails bit into his shoulders.

I moaned, struggling to keep my mind as pleasure threatened to melt it away, my hips arching to grind my pussy against his thigh, as he held himself above me. My swollen breasts seemed to be getting bigger as he kept licking and kissing them, rasping those teeth on the tender nipples.

"It's so good, Jade. I won't be able to resist! I love your tongue," he caught my nipple between his teeth, his tongue lashing it as I writhed beneath him. His eyes seemed distant and glazed, he was losing control of himself, surrendering himself to the Mistress.

"Sweet, Eva," he whispered with the voice of the Mistress, kissing my swollen breast, before easing slowly down my body. "I can smell your pleasure, my sweet vixen. Why do you deny yourself that? I could show you so much pleasure. I'm going to lick that pretty pussy now, when I'm done you will be begging me to take your soul."

"No!" I moaned, writhing beneath him, my legs falling farther apart as he neared the stimulated flesh there. My hips lifted, as his lips grazed my pussy. My hand tangled into his hair, holding him as his tongue reached my trembling pussy.

My feet pressed against the floor. His hands slid beneath the cheeks of my ass to hold me in place. Locking his gaze with mine, his tongue distended and seemed to increase in size in front of my eyes, sliding through my slit with a long, slow lick. Spikes of scorching desire shot through my body. Tingles and jolts of electricity arcing from nerve ending to nerve ending as the words caught in my throat.

I tried to fight the pleasure, to hold back some part of myself, even though I knew there was no part that the possessed Jade hadn't already touched.

His swift tongue stroked my swollen clitoris, fed into the hungers the Mistress had awoken in me during the dreams and burned through my body like wildfire. One of his paws cupped the swollen curve of my breast while the other smoothed down my hip, everywhere his paws touched they left behind a trail of black fur.

Long, talented fingers slid over my clit, curving and finding the entrance to the depths of my aching vagina. As his palm cupped my mound, his finger slid inside, parting the sensitive folds as I curled my toes with a gasp of pure delight.

The pad of his paw rubbed against my clit, stimulating it further, increasing each sensation gathering inside my pussy until my rational mind was being overwhelmed by pleasure and I was on the verge of begging him to take me. I needed to remain in control, to fight the temptation of simply giving in.

The room seemed to melt around me, I couldn't see the walls anymore and the light of the candles seemed to have been completely snuffed by the shadows. I could almost swear we weren't lying on the wooden floor of the library, but on an altar of black stone.

I tried to protest, to warn Jade of what was happening, but each firm caress of his finger against that bundle of inner nerve endings pushed me deeper into the rising waves of sensual destruction. One arm slid around my back, holding me close, keeping me against him. His finger continued to torment my tender pussy, driving me wild inside with the need to orgasm. The unruly hunger pulsing inside me had my hips rising and falling against the penetration, riding his finger as I began to gasp, desperate to find that touch, that one caress that would send me exploding into a release that would forever taint my soul.

The possessed Jade moved his mouth to nip at my neck as the shadows moved to touch my body, caress my skin with their ethereal, cold touch. I felt a flash of pain and pleasure flushing my body as the shadows slid inside my wet pussy. Stretching heat sizzled through my wet folds, building by the second as the shadows filled me. Reaching inside me, dark tentacles found that spot, stroked and rubbed, creating a storm of such sensation I became lost in the spiraling force of it.

"Are you ready to give up?" he whispered in my ear. "Sweet, Eva, just say the word and you will know boundless pleasure. That's it, my dear Eva. Give it to me, let me feel you coming."

"Mistress, please..." I bit my lip, holding back my words. I wanted to ask her to let me go, to release me, but I couldn't deny the pleasure ravaging my body, brewing into a storm of lust that threatened my rational mind.

"Do you think I would hurt you?" The shadows found my mouth, pressed forward as my lips parted. Small, stretching thrusts eased inside my mouth, forcing my lips open as three of the tentacles fought for space inside my mouth with fiery, delicious strokes that were unrestricted pleasure. Ecstasy whipped through my system, fiery trails of lashing pleasure tore across sensitive nerve endings.

It was more than pleasure. One last thrust, slow and measured, buried the tentacles in my throat, bulging it and spreading its dark corruption to my insides igniting a fire in my soul. My body couldn't understand what was happening as the tentacles kept going deeper and deeper. They hit my system like a scorching storm and began speeding through my blood, my very soul.

My senses erupted as I felt the tentacles retreating. Spasms of repeated rapture rippled through the flesh hugging the tentacles, tightening around them, holding them inside my body as I wailed in tortured pleasure.

I could feel things changing inside of me, my tongue parting and growing until it spilled out of my mouth like the tentacles that had just invaded my body. There was a rush of moisture as more tentacles spilled from my pussy, stretching it with ripples of agonizing ecstasy, an explosion of pleasure.

I was jerking in the hold of the tentacles, perspiration dampening my flesh and fur as the Mistress held me through the storm of changes that ravaged my body. I couldn't think about anything but the pleasure, the waves of brutal pleasure racing throughout my body.

The storm didn't subside, as the cascading arcs of release tore through my body I could still feel the fire burning inside me, the need for more rising rapidly. The depraved hunger inside me was like a fever I couldn't escape. Even when I was certain I could contain it, still it slipped out of my control, rocked my senses and left me far too vulnerable, too weak.

"That's it, sweetie," the Mistress hummed at my ear as the shudders began to ease. "Now you are finally surrendering to the pleasure."

Before I could do more than catch my breath, Jade was lying on his back on the altar and drawing me over him.

"Come, my Servant, fill me with your pleasure!"

Oh God, I loved the Mistress.

I leaned forward, bracing my hands on the sides of the altar as I felt the tentacle whirring inside of me. With my eyes locked on his, I shifted back with my hips, fighting to breathe as the tentacles protruding from my pussy began to slid inside Jade, lubing his hole with their fluids and stretching him with each thrust.

His hands gripped my hips, leading me gently, teaching my how to move against him, how to penetrate him with a steadily increasing pace.

"What did you do to me?" It was a plea, a sob, a failure to understand why I succumbed so easily to the Mistress and her influence.

"I didn't create you, Eva," she whispered, the hoarse rasp of his voice echoing with pleasure. "You called for me, begged me in your dreams to set you free. You begged me to be my servant."

Thrusting inside Jade with a surge of power, the tentacles reaching deeper inside of him, burying to the hilt.

"Oh Mistress... Jade," I cried out. Each forceful, burning penetration had a whimper parting his lips. The pleasure was otherworldly. Locked in his gaze, moving above him, lifting and falling into the heavy thrusts between his thighs. I lowered my head above him and the tentacles invaded his open mouth, exploring and going deeper inside of him, the scorching pleasure burned out of control.

"That's it, Eva, take him," the Mistress purred in my ear. Jade's paws gripping my hips tighter as I pushed so deep inside of his ass and mouth at the same time.

She had all of my soul.

"Mistress..." The cry was torn from my throat as my thrusts became harder, faster, driving inside Jade in rough strokes that pushed me over the edge of reason, of reality, an overwhelming ecstasy.

Beneath me, I felt Jade tightening, a gagged growl as his cock spurted hot seed all over his belly and sent me crashing into another explosion of unearthly pleasure. It was endless, rapturous pleasure.

We were locked together as the tentacles kept writhing inside of him, slowly retreating from his mouth and ass. For this moment he was here with me and he belonged to me alone. The presence of the Mistress was slowly fading, but I would be forever marked by her, in the strange black lines that now marked my fur and the strange tentacles.

Sliding into sleep, I found the warm form of Jade coiled around me, sheltered against my chest. Soon the sun would be up, but for now we could enjoy the afterglow.