Zombie Apoc-Fur-Lypse (How This Works)

Story by comidacomida on SoFurry

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The Zombie Apoc-Fur-Lypse

How This Works

Greetings and salutations, horror-movie fans!

Thank you all for patiently awaiting as readers submit their created characters for the upcoming Zombie Apoc-Fur-Lypse stories. As we're winding down to the final submissions, I figured it would be a good time to explain how this all works, as many of the people following these stories have submitted characters, or will like to help those who have.

Today, we are covering three important aspects of the Zombie Apoc-Fur-Lypse story lines: Story Posts, Reader Interaction, and Plot Points.

Story posts will be done on a regular basis. While 'regular' is open to interpretation, I will be aiming to complete between 1 and 3 chapters per week. As there are six groups, this means it may take between 2 and 6 weeks to go through a full rotation. This serves three distinct purposes. First, this gives participating readers a chance to read and provide feedback on the chapters. Second, this allows me to space the stories out some so I can focus on other projects (I do more than just post here, you know). Finally, it's fair to assume that some groups will start to die off as the stories progress; by maintaining 1-3 chapters per week it means that there shouldn't be multiple entries per group in a given week.

Reader interaction is done several-fold. In the beginning, everyone has the opportunity to submit characters for the storyline. Those who have characters approved will have the chance to modify, change, control, and influence their story after every chapter. Though readers will not have direct control over their characters, they will be able to guide the storyline through decisions that will pop-up in each installment of their group's story. There are many ways these can be accomplished, whether that be with a character choice, reader votes, or through the use of saved up plot points.

Plot Points are the main focus of Zombie Apoc-Fur-Lypse. Every character (yes, including the characters I have created) will have 5 plot points with which to begin. At the beginning of every chapter, all living characters will lose 1 plot point. When a character has no plot points left to spend, then they are set upon by a harrowing event that may spell disaster for themselves or their fellows. These events will rely on their traits to see them through, and, if someone dies, it's probably them. There are some more complexities to survival more than just Plot Points, of course, but they're still the main focus.

"So how do I get more plot points?" you may ask? Well... that's easy enough: pivotal characters in a given chapter automatically gain 1 plot point at the end. Also, every reader of each chapter has the option of providing a bonus plot point to whomever gets the most votes-- so even if you don't have a character, be sure to toss in your vote for the one who was the 'best'! These characters will need their plot points.

Plot Points also act as a 'second chance' of sorts. If a character's traits just don't meet the needs of a given chapter, they might otherwise become zombie food... but, if they have remaining plot points then it might just end up as a close call. This will become more evident as the story lines progress and everyone sees the characters in actions. For now, just know that the more pivotal a character is, the more plot points they have... and the more plot points a character has, the longer they tend to live.

Also, there are a number of things readers may do to gain plot points if they have a character submitted and accepted into Zombie Apoc-Fur-Lypse. Creating a back story for your character and posting it can provide you with a plot point. This story may be done by yourself or commissioned; contribution to the story is the focus, not any great word-smithing. Also, providing a picture of your character (likewise commissioned or done by yourself) will also qualify for a plot point bonus. Please bear in mind that story and/or picture should be Apoc-Fur-Lypse based, and not just a random pic/story so a character sheet picture you had commissioned three years ago or a random short story about your character's early life in school would not qualify.

Plot Points can also be added or subtracted at the author's (that's me) discretion. I have no problem adding a Plot Point to a reader who is highly astute about a comment or has a great idea behind a group action. Likewise, a reader who goes out of their way to facilitate the Zombie Apoc-Fur-Lypse storyline (banner, icon art, really good job on a character submission, encouraged many others to submit a character, and the like) might also receive a plot point.

Finally, Plot Points can be actively used by a reader who has a character involved in the storyline. For example, a reader whose character is dramatically low on Influence might use a plot point to get his/her way in a group decision. This can be done by actively noting on a response "I would like the group to take option A, and use a plot point to do it.". This can also result in a Plot Point bid if more than 1 reader wants the story to go in a different direction. Remember folks: you're using your 'extra lives' to direct the story, so spend it carefully.

So, in summation, the Zombie Apoc-Fur-Lypse is almost ready to begin. Look over the above items and feel free to ask your questions now! I reveal the first So Furry group "relatively soon". Just imagine: you're actually on the edge of your seat actually WANTING zombies to invade. Wow... you ARE sick. Heh... aren't we all?

Haven't submitted a character yet? Go here now to possibly get a place in the action:
