Zombie Apoc-Fur-Lypse Character chart

Story by Pentanthin on SoFurry

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Character Chart

Character's full name: Pentanthin Joseph Panthar III (PJP3)

Reason or meaning of name: ( Nom de caractère) you know, But it's only a suggestion.

Character's nickname: Pen/ Oh.. what's his name.

Reason for nickname: always is around and can been seen and found if needed but usually sticks to the shadows to keep to himself. He is always up to something with a project here or there.

Birth date: 11-06-1972

Physical appearance

Age: 37

How old does he/she appear: 40

Species: Pacific Otter.

Weight: 160

Height: 5'5" though head fur can give up to another 3" if not kept short

Body build: Thick swimmers build, tightly packed dark tan fur mostly covering body and frame. Slim in appearance and profile with the exception of his blond fur birthmark around the base of his thick otters tail. He has a little flab about his thick tail base and sides but it all blends well against his light tan solid belly. His taught chest legs and arms show the years of heavy labor they have survived. He has several scars from cuts and the implants but hardly noticeable as his fur tends to hide everything.

Shape of face: Slightly pronounced muzzle with facial ruff kept tight along lower muzzle. Eye's set slightly further back showing brightly in contrast to the straberry tan fur, upper muzzle speckled with blond and dark tan fur in his cheeks and head fur. Trimmed whiskers and slight stash, Rounded ears, with golden fur inner tints. A pronounced dark brown eyebrow lines and dark tan nose.

Eye color: Hazel( Blue, grey, green, yellow/tan and black) (yes those are his natural eye colors )

Glasses or contacts: Glasses for long distance.

Skin tone: white/tan beneath his tan/red/blond fur.

Distinguishing marks: Blond patch in shape of cloven hove around tail base.

Predominant features: Eyes and intensity of stare.

Hair color: Dark & Light Tan, Dark Brow, Red tint, Golden tint and some other color tints in lower body fur.

Type of hair: short and thick making hide quite tuff. Just like it's owner.

Hairstyle: Kept short and tight around the ears to match facial fur and ruff with ear fur tightly trimmed.

Voice: Base to mid range depending on level of excitement or mood. Can get very loud if needed or agitated.

Overall attractiveness: Considered attractive by some but his personal beliefs are he is not attractive at all. And honestly he does not really care one way or the other.

Physical disabilities: Back injury in 2000 broken neck and had titanium spinal implants. They were put in to allow him to move and work again. He has slight pain from implants but fully able and mobile.

Usual fashion of dress: Casual to comfortable. Can be quite happy being naked but chooses to keep to jeans and flannel shirt with t-shirt under to be ready for weather.

Favorite outfit: Duann's Brothers 4 piece tux. (damn he looked good on his wedding day.)

Jewelry or accessories: Both nipples pierced with 8 Ag titanium rings. Done after he walked again to affirm he is still alive and able. Gold wedding ring and titannium annaversary ring.


Good personality traits: Always there to offer help or his hands when needed. Wants to please and keep things going so he is always putting everything he has into whatever is ahead of him. Although sometimes he is emotionally detached.

Bad personality traits: Temperamental and volatile in situations of frustration. Knows how to keep his cool but when he is in the company of friends and safe situations he can be quite verbose and violently analytical with a laser tongue in his quips.

Mood character is most often in: Present,Observantly cheery though complacent. Likes to watch everything going on and will sometimes daydream about things while performing rotten tasks. Likable and very approachable as he is always trying to put himself out there to help any of those needing it.

Sense of humor: Dry and witty, but has a nasty habit of using new and old movie quips to reference a moment. Most don't get it but some do.

Character's greatest joy in life: Learning. Always tinkering with something or learning something new. Has always had a veracious appetite for math and science and normally useless information and facts like statistics or how to make a bomb in any kitchen with 5 simple house hold chemicals.

Character's greatest fear: To die alone. Watched his father die at 11 and the rest of the family decent into money whores, he has sought out his only partner and his close chosen family but always puts them first.

Why? Never in his life besides the 2 males he loved/loves has he found happiness outside of helping others which was a promise always kept.

What single event would most throw this character's life into complete turmoil? To be alone. His only real goal in life is to help others as he lives. Without others, what really does he have to look forward to? No people would isolate him! That is not something he will let happen at all costs.

Character is most at ease when: He knows he has done everything he could and helped. But he is always contemplating choices he made that could have gone better.

Most ill at ease when: (Dealing with family) dealing with instances of malcontent. Likes to be the peace maker within safe boundaries to help everybody out.

Enraged when: If situation requires it. Can become quite violent when needed, but hates to hurt anybody. What a complex but children and woman safety always dominate his top 5 peeves. He will and can kill without a moment's notice if it means saving what he is after.

Depressed or sad when: Thinking of the past. Constantly reliving moments in time as he is trying to think what he could have done different. He can be manic at times with depression, But he never lets that or anything get in the way of doing what needs to be done first.

Priorities: His creed is simple. "Help all those that need help until you can't do it anymore!" His chosen friends and family are those that need it most.

Life philosophy: " Expect the worst and just hope and pray for the best! " and " If I could find Murphy! that IS one dead SOB! "

If granted one wish, it would be: To take the pain out of the world.

Why? Lived life for the first 11 years in heaven growing up in Hawaii then he learned the reality of how painful the world really is, how people really suffer through his own experances. He lost his father at 11 to stumic cancer watching him slowly die, then he discovered what true hell is in his family, being gay, abusive mother with very abusive boyfriend(both physical and sexually) disconnecting of emotional attachments are his personal goals, They are just to help anybody not feel as bad as he does.

Character's soft spot: A person in need.

Is this soft spot obvious to others? No

Greatest strength: Ability to focus and draw upon everything to get the job done. He will sacrifice everything if it means getting to the goal.

Greatest vulnerability or weakness: His heart.(If you can get to it?)

Biggest regret: The loss of his father and failure to help more.

Minor regret: Failures to his mate.

Biggest accomplishment: Private mathematical calculations and practical physic experiments.

Minor accomplishment: Avid reader and understanding how things work.

Past failures he/she would be embarrassed to have people know about: Sexual past.

Why? Unlike most his sexuality was forced out at an early age. He keeps his private and only likes to share when he knows he is safe and understood. Not too often that happens.

Character's darkest secret: The ability to shut down emotionally and become a horror in carnage. He hates himself for that knowledge.Pen know that he could be the monster he has always tried to destroy without any mental reproductions truly terrorizes him into keep to his promise.

Does anyone else know? NO


Drives and motivations: Survive and help others.

Immediate goals: Figure out what the hell is happening and help.

Long term goals: Give everything I have to give to help.

How the character plans to accomplish these goals: To do whatever he has to do in order to help those around and survive.

How other characters will be affected: Depends on the situation. He can survive through about anything.


Hometown: He has several to call home but always remembers Pearl City in Hawaii the best.

Type of childhood: Youth quite unremarkable outside of where and how he grew up. Innocent and precautious, did discover sexuality early but growing up in a navy house that happens.

Pets: You name it. Never met an animal he didn't like even when they were supposed to be vicious.

First memory: 3 years old sitting on Christmas beach in Hawaii with my father. The is the day he taught me how to swim in the open sea.

Most important childhood memory: The day his father died and the silent promises made and kept.

Why: That was the last time he ever was truly untouched by the traumas of the world and the promises kept are still true.

Childhood hero: His dad!

Dream job: Just a friendly handyman in a public area.

Education: Collage, 2 degrees one in theoretical mathematics and another in practical physics. MIT 97.

Religion: Reforming catholic and practicing pragmatic agnostic!

Finances: Oh...They were ok, struggled but didn't want for anything.


Current location: all over the state.

Currently living with: Domestic DIVA AKA White bear ( cantankerous polar bear of 17 years )

Pets: English chocolate lab and Rhodesian ridgeback. (Both male and unfixed) and10' red-tailed boa.

Religion: Reforming catholic and practicing pragmatic agnostic!

Occupation: General Contractor/ tinkerer or mister fixit.

Finances: (Gone) lost everything with the market crashing and lack of construction work. Barley living month to month with no hopes in the near future, this considering 3 years ago he was living as one of the 10% elite. But he never showed it.


Mother: Alive and Living with new BF in the usual manner of her life and lifestyle.

Relationship with her: Tenuous at best though strange and bizarre of late.

Father: Dead.

Relationship with him: Missed.

Siblings: 2 sisters 39 years old respectively with one good one bad to balance the scales.

Relationship with them: Detached at best. Not included in family situations often.

Spouse: Grouch y43 year old white polar bear. He goes by the name of John.

Relationship with him/her: Loving but stressed. We have been through some very rough times in our life together but there still here and kicking.

Children: 1 foster son Josh.

Relationship with them: (estranged)

Other important family members: Limited personal friends.


Color: Cobalt metallic blue.

Least favorite color: Puce. That just never sounds right.

Music: Everything but rap.Though does like classical and classic country commonly.

Food: He is a Foodie. So as long as He cooks it he is happy and can do wonders with nothing in the kitchen.

Literature: Avid reader and leans to different flavors for different times.

Form of entertainment: Reading and working.

Expressions: somber and reserved at most times but can be quite cheery or moody when times call for it.

Mode of transportation: Dodge ram 3500 diesel.

Most prized possession: Fathers sub-mariners ring.Keeps the ring as the only reminder he has left.


Hobbies: Reader, writer, tinkerer in a lot of odd and varied things.

Plays a musical instrument? Nope.

Plays a sport? Nope.

How he/she would spend a rainy day: Reading or working on something.

Spending habits: Does not care much for money out side of the obligations it brings.

Smokes: Barley J.

Drinks: Yes, but prefers the best so not often.

Other drugs: Yes for pain management due to back injury.

What does he/she do too much of? Procrastinating.

What does he/she do too little of? Taking care of his own needs and wants.

Extremely skilled at: Whatever he puts his head at.

Extremely unskilled at: Doing things that he does not want to do by choice mostly.

Nervous tics: Does like to get people to talk so he can be a little chatty at times.

Usual body posture: Due to back injury he is a lot more flexible than most. Tends to like to contort his body and do yoga to stretches. Some good did come out of those implants but general he is very un assuming in posture.

Mannerisms: Friendly, compassionate, suspicious, giving, and wrathful.

Peculiarities: Always seems to be watching and will always look you in the eye.


Optimist or pessimist? Pessimist with a optimists heart.

Introvert or extrovert? Extrovert with manic introvert moments when a situation explodes in his face.

Daredevil or cautious? Daredevil. Faced death many times and does not fear it in the least. Even thought of as welcome at times.

Logical or emotional? Logical buffered with emotional moments like anybody.

Disorderly and messy or methodical and neat? Disorderly and messy to all but those that do know his system.

Prefers working or relaxing? Both in equal measure when afforded.

Confident or unsure of himself/herself? Unsure and always second guessing choices made.

Animal lover? Extremely, to the point of being perverse. He understands them and they understand him.


How he/she feels about himself/herself: Really does not put much thought into it outside of personal dreams.

One word the character would use to describe self: Unassuming.

One paragraph description of how the character would describe self:

I would say that I am fiercely loyal to my chosen friends and family. I will give the shirt off my back to anybody that needed it! (even for those that do ask for it)I tend to like to watch and read about what is happening around me. I love to understand how it all fits together and what changes could be made to make things better. It's a game I play to keep me from going mad some times. Generally I am a likable otter that just truly wants to help out and do what he can.

What does the character consider his/her best personality trait? Loyalty.

What does the character consider his/her worst personality trait? Procrastinating due to his constant unease of choices he feels could hurt somebody.

What does the character consider his/her best physical characteristic? Eyes. They change colors naturally and everybody always seems to notice at one time or another.

What does the character consider his/her worst physical characteristic? His Body, solid and small as it is. And the fact that he feels somewhat the freak about its abilities to contort and such.

How does the character think others perceive him/her: Never really sure. But hopes for the best.

What would the character most like to change about himself/herself: Remove the pain and memories of his past finally.

Relationships with others

Opinion of other people in general: Likable and friendly guy, just a little odd at times, can be volatile when upset, has a nasty quip for you when you cross him, but all in all he's a nice guy to know and be around.

Does the character hide his/her true opinions and emotions from others? Always, even from those that he loves. He won't be hurt again.

Person character most hates: Self! For being what nature made him?

Best friend(s):Walt, Just a good old ruby-blond Belgian cowboy/construction horse he works with. Other than walt not knowing he's gay knows everything else about his life within boundaries.

Love interest(s): His partner of 17 years. ( though always had the soft spot for the Big and masculine types. Could be why he is married to a white bear.

Person character goes to for advice: Trusted friends. He never tells anybody the whole story or situation but does have a couple that he can take things through with.

Person character feels responsible for or takes care of: His partner and his friends. By any means necessary.

Person character feels shy or awkward around: People & Furies that he finds attractive.

Person character openly admires: The spark of humanity that he finds in someone's surprised eyes. Usually during the darkest time of their lives or day he can coax it out with some little random act of kindness.

Person character secretly admires: A secret forever on his lips but his eye's will never lie, Especially when they turn gold.

Most important person in character's life before story starts: His loving Bear and two pups andthe memory of his father and the promises he made.

After story starts:

Now this would be fun to write but again, I just gave you what you asked for my friend J hope you like it.