Choose your own path Pt3

Story by TheNovelist on SoFurry

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#4 of Choose your own

You are not working together, but oh well, I took the comments and added them up.

As you lift your torch higher, you decide to take the left hand passage, and as you walk down it you notice it curves in a zig zag pattern quite regularly, almost too regularly. Who ever lived here must have carved this passage with a deliberate intent. The walls are quite solid, the roof is quite solid, the frequent lefts and rights are just, uncanny.

The air in here is not particularly powerful, there is no breeze, but it doesn't smell stale, which suggests there is ventilation in here somewhere, or maybe a way out the other side of the mountain.

It seems like quite a long time, but in reality is no more than quarter of an hour before the zigzags come to a gratuitous halt, but not because the architect got tired of them, no, but because of a very large pool of water in the way.

It is a medium sized caven, this room, about 30 metres from end to end and about 15 or so across. The floor just drops away in front of you into the water, and while it looks healthy it is far too dark to tell how far down it goes. There is no way past it by going around, because it goes to each side of the cave.

There is a way across it though. A wooden bridge, given that the word wood could apply to something that rotten looking.

Half the struts are gone, and it has no hand rails, having long since fallen off. The wood creaks uneasily as you take a step onto it, and you pause, thinking as you survey the bridge and then the water.

Your options

The Bridge (roll D6)

Or The Water (roll D6)

Or Turn Back And Try the Right passage