Auran OC info

Story by Prostapheresys on SoFurry

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I've finally decided that my fursona was in need of a full written description of him in addition to his portrait (the one I also cropped for my avatar image) so here it is!

For fun I also kept the same writing style I had used ages ago to write the description of what was in a way his "predecessor", named Prostapheresys (it should still be somewhere in my Scraps/Draft folder). In case you're wondering, back when I didn't have a fursona yet, Prostapheresys was the first character that I created to also give myself a face in the furry community but I never truly liked "being him" and so he was scrapped almost immediately...

The style of both writings is in tune with the Avalon Agency universe that I imagined (Prostapheresys was originally intended to be one of the main characters of that universe too). I still wish to write stories about that universe in the future... but the more I think of it and the more I believe that I need more confidence in my writing skills before fully developing my dream project XD

PS: I suggest checking this same post also on my Weasyl account for the PDF file with better formatting.Posted using PostyBirb



FILE TYPE: ID report


LAST ENTRY (DD/MM/YYYY): 29/04/2018


>> NAME: Auran

>> SPECIES: Anthro Ouroboros

>> SEX: Male

>> AGE: [Unknown]

>> HEIGHT: 180cm

> TAIL LENGTH: 300cm

>> WEIGHT: ~100kg [Variable]


> See Photo Attachment #23



The subject is a good-hearted but shy and mostly introvert individual, although he is also extremely curious. Anything new to him or that has not been directly experienced by him tends to immediately grab his attention, to the point of him showing erratic and unpredictable attention spans sometimes. Curiosity is also his main drive when actively engaging in social interactions despite his shyness and it often makes him ignore even personal risk too. His thirst for knowledge and experience is thus quite unrivaled and genuine, rarely showing signs of shame even in the most bizarre or indecent situations.

Other observed behavioral traits of the subject are his habit to pull and/or twist his whiskers when under stress or trepidation and that of devouring his own tail, usually while sleeping or relaxing; the latter is only partially understood, but it appears to be linked with stress-relief and mild pleasure (details below).



The subject's most notable physical abilities are the ability to ingest objects and creatures up to approximately his size and his impressive senses of smell and taste.

The first one is probably the most interesting, as well as the one needing more research since it is not yet clear whether it is just a physical ability or comes from unknown magical sources. Current experimental data has only been able to show that ingested material barely affects the subject's body weight or density, all the matter effectively "vanishing" somewhere in his stomach after consumption since no biomedical imaging technique appears to successfully detect the whereabouts of the missing mass so far. Nevertheless, even a simple stethoscope will reveal how a lot of internal activity is triggered in the process, which leads to either a thorough digestion of the ingested material, leaving behind only negligible amounts of bodily wastes, or a state of "temporary storage" if he so chooses, where such material is preserved and given life sustainment (in the case of living creatures) for later retrieval through regurgitation. Eaten test subjects' most common post-ingestion reports are feelings of numbness, sensory deprivation and disorientation, usually followed by deep relaxation and/or drowsiness.

On this regard, the most original and interesting explanations proposed so far are that the subject's insides are ???????????????????????, which allows for far bigger volumes inside than what can be normally perceived, or have ?????????????????????????? that shrink the ingested material.

About his senses of smell and taste instead, the subject can detect and distinguish an astonishingly wide variety of different compounds, both organic and inorganic, even at concentrations as low as ~10^(-9) mol/L. Thanks to the many sensory receptors on his canine-like nose and forked tongue, the senses of smell and taste form an almost single but powerful, combined super-sense in him.

Other notable features are his very flexible body, the prehensile tail and his sense of sight, capable of perceiving IR light spectra, see well in nocturnal or other low-light ambients and in general being more susceptible to subtle differences in color and hue than an average human.


The subject's magical abilities range in the field of alchemy and they allow him to manipulate and alter the physical and chemical properties of all matter at will trough touch. Consequently, such alterations are limited by surface area since wider surfaces and prolonged contact times require increasing effort. However, the impact of this alterations must not be underestimated as they can affect matter at the atomic level; additionally, the subject has enough expertise on alchemy to brew potions that replicate his magical abilities when drank or smeared on surfaces.

A few examples of such powers worth mentioning, but not limited to, are: turning graphite into diamond dust, turning copper into iron, separating water into its components (hydrogen and oxygen) and then combining them together back into water with a non-explosive reaction, making a slab of lead brittle like glass and lowering the melting point of a steel plate so that it liquified at room temperature.


The subject was found alone at what appeared a very young age near the spring of the ?????? river, in ?????. He does not recollect having parents or family and thus very little is known about his past; he passed most of his youth under the Agency's custody, which also provided for his education.

According to Dr. ?????????????'s theory, the subject might be just one of the many life iterations of a single Ouroboros who keeps rebirthing endlessly [REDACTION PENDING].


????????????????????, ???????, Italy.