Dad Camp Day 9

Story by TyrKangaroo on SoFurry

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#9 of Dad Camp

Elliot has been opening up more and more. He spends quite an interesting day with Pierce the buck as well. By the end of the day, the lion works up the courage to try a little something.

Elliot helped Troy rack his bar. The armadillo sat up and twisted his body. Elliot handed him his towel, "Thanks El."

"No prob," he said as he sat down next to him, "Have you signed up for any activities yet?"

Troy nodded, "Yeah. I'm gonna go out on the next rafting trip, and me and a few guys are gonna take canoes out later today."

"That's good," Elliot nodded, "How's your ass Pascal?"

The wolf was laid out over a bench with a bag of ice sitting over his rump, "Mmm, much better. You're such a good caretaker."

Elliot laughed, "I thought you were supposed to be my caretaker."

Pascal grinned, "Later, I promise. When my cheeks stop being sore."

Troy went over and started to give the big wolf a massage, "Awww, poor baby. You deserved it though."

"Yeah I did," Pascal wagged his tail.

Elliot blushed and chuckled, "But he enjoyed it."

"Like you wouldn't believe," he said nonchalantly, groaning a bit from the hulking studs massage, "Maybe me and you El can do it in private sometime."

Elliot laughed, "You're such a flirt."

Pascal winked over at him, "Oh man Troy, I'm gonna have to steal you for more of this later. Your hands are magic."

Troy grinned, "I'd be happy to."

Pascal stood up, pulling the bag of ice off his rump as water droplets leaked down, "Well, I'm gonna go try and do my duties. Hopefully Elric is alright if I slack off just a bit." Pascal gave both Elliot and Troy hugs before taking off.

"I envy him," said Troy as he started to load up a bar for his next set, "Dude can easily outlast me in lifting and pleasantries."

"Well, most people become those they envy should they apply the effort," Elliot said, "Nothing ever comes easy."

Troy nodded, "Yeah. I've only had one drink since our run in. I'd say that's pretty good."

Elliot sighed and gave a sort of shrug, "I mean, it's an improvement. And by one drink, I assume you mean one bottle."

"Yeah," Troy confessed, "It's gonna be hard to tone it back some more."

"What if someone rationed it for you?" Elliot asked.

The armadillo gave him a serious look, "That has bad outcomes too. Addiction is a shit thing when you've become dependant. I'd probably end up fighting whoever has my supply."

"Good point," said Elliot, "So let you go your own pace, and if you go asshole again, we get a bit more harsh."

"I'll take that," said Troy as he loaded his last plate, "I really am trying my best man. I like all you dudes and I don't want to lose anyone ever again."

"I know how that feels," said Elliot.

Troy walked up to the Elliot and gave him a hug, the lion cautiously returned it "I'm sorry man. We've both had it rough, only I'm a victim of my own destruction."

Elliot patted Troys back and he let go, "It's alright. I'll stick with you for as long as I can. Just stay reasonable and responsible. I know you have it in you."

"Thanks El," said Troy, "Same time tomorrow?"

"Same time," Elliot gave him a high five.

Elliot passed the buffalo on his way out. He should talk to him sometime to see if he has any insight on Troy. His stomach was telling him to hurry up and shower and get some food. Elliot cleaned up and went to get breakfast. Jiro and Pierce waved him down to join them at their table. Elliot took a seat next to Jiro which warranted a very snuggly hug.

"How you doin El?" Pierce asked as he used sign language.

"I'm doing pretty good," said Elliot, "How're you guys?"

"We're doing well," said Pierce as he watched Jiro, "He says he's very excited for your competition on Wednesday."

Elliot put an arm around Jiro and squeezed on him, "I'm looking forward to it."

Jiro grinned as Pierce translated, "You're very bold to try this. You don't know sign language yet you're willing to put yourself out there for him?" Jiro looked up at Elliot in anticipation of his response.

"He's worth it," said Elliot, "He's made me feel things I haven't in quite sometime, and I'd like to experience a few things with him."

"He says you're too sweet," Pierce laughed, "Should we order?"

Elliots stomach growled which made Jiro laugh as he patted the lions gut. Elliot went for that full English again. All that walking around seemed to have caught up to him and his body needed as much as he could feed it. Elliot huffed as he finished his meal.

"Mmm, I think I should go walk this off," the lion chuckled.

"Want company?" Pierce asked.

"Sure!" said Elliot.

The three of them went out to walk by the lakeside. Pierce in appearance was tall, sturdy, and quite strong looking. He had nicely polished and manicured antlers atop his head and a long goatee. He was quite handsome, but acted quite feminine despite his looks. Judging from how well he was at being an outdoorsman, his line of work was the complete opposite than what Elliot thought it would be.

"I'm a fashion designer if you could believe it," Pierce laughed, "I have my own clothing line named after me."

"I don't think I've heard of it," said Elliot.

"You wouldn't," said Pierce, the buck threw up his hands, "No offense of course. It's high fashion. I'm well known for my bridal gowns. I do a lot of avant garde work as well."

"Hehe, I suppose I'm out of your fashion league," Elliot laughed.

"Surely not," said Pierce, "I have a few pieces I've made for men your size. Even an underwear line."

"Oh?" Elliot chuckled, "I've recently received new jocks recommended by a model here in the camp. I never looked at the label."

"May I?" Pierce asked and made his move without waiting for permission. The lion blushed as the buck pulled his shorts down. He let out a laugh as the jocks had his signature P with antlers on them on the back tag, "You've been wearing me and didn't even know it."

Jiro was confused by what took place. Pierce explained to him, and he responded, "I'll have to break him in and get him more fashionable items."

Elliot put his paws on his hips, "Hey now. I can dress myself."

Pierce and Jiro laughed. "Careful now, this man you're courting is going to get you dressed up," Pierce grinned, "I'd be happy to have a model your size."

Elliots ears burned, "I'm a grunt from the countryside! I mostly wear blue coveralls and underwear. I don't need to look fancy."

Pierce waited for Jiro's answer, "He says you need to look good when he stops in to take you on dates."

Elliot laughed, "We live so far apart though."

"He says it doesn't matter," Pierce laughed with the bat.

Elliot smiled at the thought of Jiro showing up at his door to take him out. They continued their walk as Pierce continued to translate for everyone. He didn't seem to mind at all. He was quite pleasant to hang out with. Jiro looked down at his wrist to check the time. He apologized to both Pierce and Elliot explaining to them that he had plans to go kayaking.

"No worries," Pierce signed to him, "It was nice hanging out with you."

Jiro gave both of them a hug. He spent an extra long time in Elliots arms. The lion leaned down to give the bats forehead a soft kiss. Jiro grinned as he pranced away and took flight. Pierce grinned at Elliot.

"What?" the lion asked as he blushed.

"You guys are cute," said Pierce as he started to wander.

"I still don't know what I'm even doing," Elliot laughed.

Pierce smirked, "Well, if you need a hand, I've got two."

"Are you flirting with me?"


Elliot shook his head, "I swear, everyone here has it for me."

"Probably because you're not open," said Pierce, "You're a challenge. You always seem tense and nervous. I can see you on the edge of letting go, but you seem to reel it back in."

"Maybe I should get tied down," Elliot jokes.

"Plenty of rope around here," Pierce winked at him.

Elliot blushed as the buck certainly wasn't joking. Pierce stopped and took the lions hands into his. Elliot froze as the buck held onto him.

"Elliot," said Pierce, "You are incredibly desirable. I can't help but look at you with desires of my own. I was so thrilled I got to go rafting with so many handsome men the other day. You all were so kind with me and made me quite enamored. But you most of all. You've got such a big heart for others."

Elliot squeezed his hands on Pierces, "Thank you, Pierce. I find you quite handsome as well. All of you have made me feel welcome. I just don't know what I'm ready for."

"What do you have to lose?" Pierce asked as he leaned in, "You're miles from anyone you know. Quit stopping yourself from enjoying an opportunity. Here, close your eyes."

"What?" Elliot asked.

"Just do it," said Pierce, "I want you to trust me for just a moment."

Elliot hesitated but closed his eyes, "Alright, I guess."

"Don't move," said Pierce as he grinned. He put his hands up against the lions chest and pressed his nose against the lions, Elliot winced a bit but let him do what he was doing. The lion felt himself blush as Pierce just placed a small kiss against his lips.

He rubbed the lions chest, "Open your eyes handsome man. Just small steps. You don't have to rush into anything."

Elliot bit his lower lip, "Heh, I just gotta let go a bit."

Pierce stroked Elliots mane, "What say we go find something to do?"

"What do you have in mind?" Elliot asked suspiciously.

"Did you know you can volunteer to do jobs here in the camp?" Pierce started to lead Elliot back to the main lodge.

"I didn't," said Elliot, "I did help in the garage the other day, but I really didn't ask if it was ok."

"Do you like to cook?" Pierce grinned.

"I'm ok when it comes to baking," said Elliot, "I make some pretty good enchiladas. Cookies too."

"Come on," said Pierce as he led Elliot to a back door on the main lodge, he knocked on the door, "They love getting any kind of help, especially for lunch."

"I suppose it could be a good learning experience," said Elliot.

The door opened to reveal the massive wolf chef Brett, "Pierce! Come back for more, eh? And you've brought a friend!"

"Hey Brett!" said Pierce as they shook hands, "This is Elliot. I've coerced him to come with me."

Brett laughed as he shook hands with Elliot, "Welcome aboard man. Come on in. Hank is working with another volunteer right now, and I've got two more stirring pots."

Elliot entered the delicious smelling kitchen behind Brett and Pierce. The wolf handed them chef hats and aprons, "Alright Pierce, if you could go ahead and julienne some zucchini for now, that'd be great. Gonna make some vegan pasta with it! And Elliot, you look tough. You ever butcher anything before?"

"Can't say I have," Elliot laughed.

"No worries," Brett grinned as he handed Elliot a hatchet, "Come with me." They passed by an ocelot and a familiar dragon making pasta from scratch as Brett led the way, "Guys, this is Elliot. El, this is Chef Hank, and our volunteer Gunner."

"Elliot!" said Gunner, "Looks like they've almost got all us new guys working in here."

Elliot laughed, "Yeah, sure does."

"A pleasure to meet you," Hank bowed to him, "We appreciate your help."

"Those two hunks of meat over there are Pup and his counselor, Pedro," said Brett as he motioned to a jackal and a wolf stirring through large pots. The two of them waved over.

"Pup?" Elliot chuckled.

Brett winked at him, "Maybe we'll show you later."

"Maybe," Elliot narrowed his eyes as he tried to figure it out.

"Come on," Brett patted him on the back as he led Elliot into a walk in, "Help me grab this cow."

It was a full size cow hanging off a hook. The wolf lifted it down as Elliot grabbed the

other end. They brought it out to a prep table and laid it down. Brett started to show Elliot how to break down each section. Brett showed him how to work the meat saw. He then went through each section of the cow. Flank steaks, sirloin, tenderloin, porterhouse, t-bone, New York strip. He showed Elliot the rib count and which area he wanted to use for prime rib roast.

Elliot did his best to keep up. The wolf stood behind him and held his paws with him as he showed the lion how to cut and where. Elliot had no idea there was this much to breaking his food down. The wolf moved on to chuck and brisket. There was still a bit of meat on some of the bones.

"Now," said Brett, "Carefully shave off what you can and toss it in this bucket here. I'll be grounding it down later. I'm gonna go ahead and get things marinated and spiced. Just do what I just showed you three more times, and that should get us through lunch and dinner today."

Elliot flattened his ears, "Three more times? Holy shit."

Brett laughed, "You're alright. I'll send Pierce over to help when he's done chopping. Us meat eaters chow down a lot more than our vegetarian friends."

Elliot laughed. Brett showed him where to dispose of the bones and brought him back to the walk in to get another carcass. Elliot set to work. He did his best to remember what Brett told him. Some of his cuts were less than desirable. It was almost like watching a horror film. Brett came over to check on Elliots progress since Pierce hadn't come over yet.

The wolf laughed, "Oh boy, those poor ribs. Here." The wolf showed him one more time how to get the cleanest cut on them.

"Sorry," said Elliot.

"You're doing fine," Brett beamed at him, "Better than most kids I teach."

Elliot went back to work. He was joined by Pierce after awhile. The buck was quite good at this. He showed Elliot different techniques than what Brett did. Some of them were a bit easier.

"Don't tell him," Pierce winked.

"How're you so good at all this?" Elliot asked.

"My ex Nathan was a chef," said Pierce as he cut away the flank steaks, "He showed me a lot of cool things in his kitchen. He even used me as a spare pair of hands when I was in my downtime from fashion design."

"What happened with that, if you don't mind my asking?" Elliot finally made a perfect cut.

"Oh, just differences of opinion," said Pierce, "We ended up not having much in common. The only thing we had in common was making each other wet."

Elliot blushed, "Oh, I guess you'd need a bit more magic to make things work, huh?"

"Yeah," said Pierce as he aggressively chopped a hunk of meat off, "I just want someone that enjoys what I do too. It can't be one sided. I enjoy having a man to hold at the end of the day. My son keeps badgering me, telling me maybe I should try women again. I just shudder at that idea. His mother was just repulsive. I may appreciate a woman's body, but I have no room for them in my life anymore. Men are just less disappointing when they break up with you. None of them have gone for the kill, nor have they slandered my name all over social media."

"I guess I'm a bit uncultured," said Elliot, "People actually put their dirty laundry like that on the internet?"

Pierce laughed, "Oh my goodness. Remind me to introduce you to Facepalm and InstaRam later. You'll see the most ungodly of dirt come across your feed."

"Feed?" Elliot laughed.

"Ew, stop acting your age Elliot," Pierce laughed, "You're becoming less handsome."

The lion laughed, "So that's what it takes to get you guys to stop flirting with me?"

Pierce grinned, "Funny Elliot. But yes," Pierce continued his story, "The woman I boinked and had a child with threw me under the bus, calling me all sorts of names and saying all sorts of lies. I lost ten sponsors because of her. That was one point five million dollars. Total setback in my career."

"Damn," said Elliot, "There's nothing you could have done?"

"I got a restraining order," said Pierce, "But it was too little too late. The damage was done. I've rebuilt my reputation since though. Hence my bigger models line. Twigs and sticks get enough attention. I figure if I can make something everyone could wear, I'd be able to get a better audience and broader feedback from sponsors."

"It all sounds so complicated," said Elliot.

Pierce grinned, "Complicated yes, but it's worked."

"Well done guys!" said Brett as he came back over to get more meat, "We're halfway done with lunch, so if you guys wanna clean up, you can slip out and get some chow."

"Oh wow," said Elliot, "I hadn't realized I'd been at this so long."

Brett chuckled, "Life of a chef," he winked, "If you want, you can stay longer, I do need to get some more potatoes prepped."

"I've got Gunner on that!" Hank shouted from his grill.

"Well, git!" Brett chuckled as he slapped both of them on their asses, "I'll make you something special and bring it out to you."

Pierce and Elliot washed up. The buck grinned, "Thanks for joining me."

Elliot smiled in return, "It was good experience. Didn't expect to chop up a few cows today."

Pierce dried his hands and passed the towel to Elliot, "You seemed to enjoy it. And you proved that you can try new things and have fun."

Elliot huffed as he patted his paws dry, "I suppose so."

Pierce and Elliot went and grabbed a seat in the dining hall. It was Pierces turn to ask Elliot questions. The buck was very attentive and showed compassion. He patted Elliots hand and leaned in.

"Elliot my friend," Pierce grinned, "You are under no obligation to move on with your life. I know we tease and pressure you here, but you need to make a decision. You've told no one to really back off from what you've told me. So, you are kind of teasing in a way. Like a forbidden fruit."

Elliot chuckled, "So I should just let you guys chew me up?"

"I'd be delighted," Pierce winked at him.

Brett came over with two plates in hand and set them down in front of them, "Here you go boys! Albondigón over rice and gandules!"

Elliot laughed, "Meatloaf?"

"Special meatloaf," Brett winked as he took off for the kitchen.

Him and Pierce dug in. It was in fact very special. Any meatloaf Elliot ever made turned up dry. This was moist, flavorful, even had a surprise hard-boiled egg in the middle! The meat just melted in his mouth with each bite. If he wasn't mistaken, Brett was coming onto him and Pierce.

"I had no idea meatloaf could taste like this," said Elliot as he forked up his rice and beans into his mouth.

"Brett certainly has a special touch," Pierce laughed as he prodded his food, only having eaten half.

"You gonna eat that?" Elliot asked.

Pierce grinned and slid the plate over, "Knock yourself out big guy. I'm full."

Elliot chowed down the rest of Pierces meal, "Oh man. I told myself to cut back on food, but it's so damn good here."

Pierce chuckled, "Hehe, good thing you're working out and going out for walks."

"I guess that could balance it out," Elliot laughed as he took his last bite. He leaned back and rubbed his gut, entirely satisfied, "I'm gonna have to ask Brett what his secret is."

Jiro, Victor, and Keller came in, all soaking wet. The three of them dropped into seats next to Elliot and Pierce. Elliot chuckled as Jiro got him soaked with a hug.

"Hey guys," said Victor with a toothy grin.

"Elliot, Victor turned our kayaks upside down!" Keller cried, "Beat him up for me."

Elliot chuckled, "He hired me as a double agent. I work for him."

"Ugh," said Keller as he shook his fur out, spraying water everywhere, "How bout you Pierce?"

"I don't wanna break a hoof," Pierce laughed, "Hope you boys had fun."

"Sure did," Jiro signed, he now had two translators, "Need to teach Keller how to row better. We kept having to wait on him."

"It's these tiny arms," Keller laughed.

"Excuses," Victor chuckled as he squeezed Keller to him.

"They're both about as big as your dicks!" Keller grumbled.

Victor turned several shades of red, "If they were, you wouldn't be walking..."

Keller chuckled as he nipped at Victors neck, "Probably not! But still."

Pierce stood up with a stretch, "Mmm boy, I'm gonna go take a nap fellas. Elliot, it was a pleasure to spend the afternoon with you. Just poke me should you want to hang again."

"Sure thing," said Elliot, "Take care."

As Pierce walked away, Victor leaned towards Elliot, "How many guys you courting El?"

"I'm not!" Elliot blushed.

Victor chuckled, "Good thing Jiro's not the jealous type. He'd easily drag you into a threesome."

Jiro nodded as Victor translated, "But I will only move at your pace. Don't want to rush you into anything."

Elliot hugged the bat against him, "At the rate you guys tease me, I'll probably lose my mind and go on a binge."

The three of them laughed with him. Elliot did really wonder if he was either going to crack or find himself in the arms of someone to love. Or even someones. He hadn't considered more than one. It'd be something he'd have to work up to he thought to himself. The lion was unsure how he felt now.

"You ok, El?" Victor asked.

"Heh, yeah," said Elliot, "Just lost in thought."

"Mmhmm," the shark grinned, "Should we leave you and Jiro alone in those thoughts?"

The lion blushed and was at a loss for words.

Victor elbowed Keller, "Come on you. Let's leave em be." Victor told Jiro they were going to let them have some alone time. Jiro chuckled and blushed into his hands. The bat smiled up to Elliot. The lion found himself feeling a bit awkward. He still wasn't sure how to handle the barrier between them. Jiro pulled out his notepad so they could write notes back and forth.

"Are you ok?" Jiro asked.

"Yeah," Elliot smiled, "You're such a nice guy. I just feel bad that this is how we can talk."

Jiro shrugged, "I don't mind if you don't. I've been doing this my whole life. The world of silence has been challenging, but I've done incredible things. I've loved. I've laughed. I can use most words just fine. I'm a successful game designer. Nothing will ever stop me."

Elliot hugged Jiro to him. The bat smiled as he held his arms around Elliot. The two of them cradled one another for a few minutes. Elliot let him go and started to write again.

"I'm just nervous about doing something wrong," Elliot wrote, "I'd hate for us to end up frustrated."

"No worries," Jiro laughed, "I'm always frustrated I guess. But that's because people think they can't talk to me. I love it when people try like you have. A lot of people shy away from even attempting. I'm also very flattered that you've welcomed me into your arms when you are clearly so very nervous."

Elliot smirked, "Maybe it might be ok to take the next step."

Jiro narrowed his eyes at the lion with a sly grin over his muzzle, "You don't say? What kind of next step?"

"Maybe some cuddling like we did at the luxury lodge," Elliot blushed, "Maybe a few smaller steps up from that."

"We did kind of pass out right away that time," Jiro grinned, "Your place or mine?"

Elliot blushed as he took Jiro by the hand. The two of them made their way to cabin Five. Elliot took Allens tie and stuck it on the doorknob before closing the door. Elliot felt a rush of excitement as he could feel his heart pound against his chest. The next part required no words as Jiro tugged against Elliots shirt.

The bat fell into Elliots bed. He propped himself up as he grinned up at the lion. Elliot blushed as he reached his paws down against Jiro. The bat put his hand against Elliots as the lion hesitated. Jiro gave him a reassuring grin. Elliot reached down and help Jiro lift his shirt off of him. The bat reached up and undid the buttons on Elliots shirt.

Elliot threw his shirt to the floor as he knelt down against his bed. His body towered over Jiros as the bat grinned quite happily. Elliot let out a gasp as the bat had just grabbed his nipples, giving them firm tugs and not letting go. The lion blushed as his shorts instantly tented. Elliot let out a deep rumble as he leaned down to put his lips against Jiros.

The bat slid his paws up from the lions chest. His fingers brushing through his mane as he parted his lips. Elliot felt himself tense up a bit as he let himself sink in against the bat. Elliot blushed as they swabbed tongues back and forth. The bat was holding tight against his mane as they made out. The both of them groaning blissfully to one another.

Elliot pulled from the kiss. Jiro smiled up to him and he returned the smile. The bat reached a paw down and tugged at Elliots shorts. Elliot laughed as he stood up. He hesitated a moment and slowly dropped his shorts down. Jiro grinned as he idolized Elliot for a moment. The bat slid his shorts down now which caused Elliot to bite his lower lip as the bat was very well endowed. The bat pulled himself back to sit up against the cabin wall. He rubbed the back of his head as he gave Elliot a grin.

The lion chuckled as Jiro almost looked comical with his endowment against his chest. The lion got back down onto the bed. He pulled the bat down against him as they lay face to face. If he could turn more red he would. He felt a strange mixture of emotions as he pulled the bats bare body to his. Jiro gave him a soft smooch to his lips.

Elliot looked down to reexamine Jiros cock, "Damn..." He shook his head as the two of them cuddled. Jiro slid a hand down over Elliots thigh. The bat rubbed on him gently as Elliot rubbed his large paws along his back. Jiro slowly inched his way towards Elliots prick. The lion took a deep breath which caused Jiro to stop. Jiro gave him another soft smooch as his hand slowly slid over the lion's cock.

Elliot chuckled. No one had touched him like this in so long. The lion pushed into another full kiss with the bat. Jiro reciprocated with no hesitation. His confidence was so appealing to Elliot. He shivered a bit as Jiro started to jerk him off as they made out. Elliot moaned softly against Jiro as he wrapped his arms around the bat. He held on tight as their maws mingled while the bat slowly stroked on him.

It wasn't long before Elliot could feel himself edging close to blowing. He was so turned on. He started to moan consistently as Jiro's paw worked him so well. The bat picked up the pace as he saw Elliot straining to let himself go. Elliot shuddered as he groaned out loudly. The wave hit him so hard as he erupted between himself and Jiro.

The bat chuckled as he held down against the base of the lions cock. He started milking from the bottom up. Wanting to help Elliot get it all out. The lion huffed and laughed as he thrust his hips against Jiro's hand. He had made quite a mess on the both of them and his bed. Elliot figured it was all pent up since he'd been here because he was too nervous to jerk off with so many unfamiliar eyes.

Jiro grinned at the lion. Elliot huffed and puffed as his cock twitched in the bats grip. Jiro slowly slid his hand up and off, causing the lion to tense up from the rush of a slick hand over his sensitive glans. The bat took a huge slurp over his come covered hand. Lapping it all up. Elliot bit his lower lip as he found that incredibly hot.

Jiro took hold of Elliot hand and moved it down to his own lumbering shaft. Elliot slowly moved his fingers around it. He laughed shyly as he started to stroke over the bats throbbingly hard prick. The bat shifted onto his back as he grinned up at the lion. The lion leaned down to start making out with him again. Jiro slid a paw up against the back of his head their tongues meshed. Elliot could taste himself in the bats maw.

As they both made out Elliot kept a steady stroke along the bats cock. Jiro moaning in pleasure into his maw as he pumped along. The lion held firmly about the shaft as he picked up the pace. He was really getting into this as he wanted so badly to get Jiro to pop as well. After some time Jiro started to gasp and pump his hips up against Elliots hand. He let out a very lewd groan as he shot thick ropes of seed over the both of them.

Elliot slowly stroked along his shaft as he had done to him. He slowly slid his hand off of the bats cock and hugged him tightly. The two of them simply became lost in a very passionate kiss. The lion felt so content with having done this with him. He wouldn't have traded such pleasures for anything at this moment. Once they both tired of making out, both of them laid there, smiling to one another as they kept nose to nose. The cabin door opened making Elliot jump a little and they both watched Allen waltz in.

"I probably just forgot the tie there earlier," said Allen as he entered, "Oh my," he quickly spun around and pushed Luke out with him.

"W...what!?" Luke asked as Allen slammed the door shut.

"Well, that secrets out," Elliot said. Despite Jiro not being able to hear him, they both laughed at how Allen spun right out of the cabin. The two of them laid there for a few more minutes. Elliot looked down at the mess they'd made. He looked up at Jiro and the bat nodded. Clearly understanding the look that said maybe we should get cleaned up.