Chapter 11 (part 2) - Is This the End?! The Clash of Titans!

Story by Eurasia M on SoFurry

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#15 of Book 1: Eurasia's Awakening, Organization of Dragoons

Before this story starts, I would like to thank my good friends Jack and Noct. If it wasnt for them, this story wouldnt have happened. Also, all characters here are copyright of Eurasia21xx. Do not use in your stories without consulting me first or I will come over there and kill you myself! :P So keep that in mind and enjoy.

Unknown to the fighters down at D.O.O.P., another group was viewing the action. A large screen showed Eurasia and N.D. staring each other down. The quality was crystal clear to the ones viewing it. Two large thrones side by side were pointed towards the action, with someone sitting in each throne. Doors were no where to be seen, neither walls of any kind.

The throne on the left was an enormous throne of pure platinum with gold. Its seat and back cushion made of the finest red velvet, inlaid with intercate patters of gold stars and moons. It stands 10 ft tall with long spiraling tendrils flowing to the floor from the top. Each arm rest ended with wicked clawed hands holding a massive ruby which sparkled against the light from the screen.

The figure on the left throne cleared his throat and pointed his attention to his companion, "Interesting...It appears that the dragoons are in a fight for their lives. I wonder if they are ready to give anything to uphold their duty to protect. What do you think?", he questioned, waving his hand which made the screen vanish.

The throne on the right was a giant golden throne, covered in the furs of rare and ancient animals. Spikes rise from the back, curve up and over the back of the throne. Its radiant shine came from the precious gems of all sizes in bedded all around. The accents of the throne are in ivory and diamond, along with red velvet carpets and items of great value laid out before the throne.

A fist slamming on the arm rest thundered in the area, along with a sigh, "Hmmm.... by the looks of it, they may have the heart and courage to fight, but even their combined strength may not be enough for a problem this big. N.D.'s return also brought back those accursed creatures of darkness. He was troublesome before, but he may actually bring forth a new age of despair."

The sound of pages turning, ruffling through each page full of important information about the past. A large book in the lap of the figure sitting in the left throne was turned to a specific page, analyzing it closely, "That may be true. The appearance of the Jadow is very troubling. I thought they were destroyed years ago, but it seems that they were only sleeping. Awaiting the return of their leader so they may try once more to take over."

"Yes, I do recall them being wiped out. The Jadow will cause as much as a problem now as they did an eon ago!", shouted the other, growling with anger.

With a loud slap, the book was forcefully shut, "I wonder if these new dragoons will be up for the challenge and have the strength to defeat them. I do not wish to have that weapon unleashed upon the land again. ONCE WAS ENOUGH!! The valley of prosperity is a prime example. They fired that cursed weapon in order to kill off the Jadow, and look was it did to that lush valley. Destroyed!! And for what?! To kill a measly few of them and it hardly worked. Now nothing grows there anymore, the land is bleak and dead! Even now as they fight on that very land they destroyed, the ground soaked with their blood and that of the Jadow. Mystril is nothing more then a graveyard now. I pity those young ones having to fight the battles of their fore-fathers and pay for their mistakes."

"Yes, another firing of that weapon would bring a dimensional disturbance that could cause nearby dimensions to be effected. A situation like that could cause various disruptions and tears in the dimensional rift. Should we interfere to help these dragoons? If not for there sake, at least to save the remaining dragons from extinction and destruction!", mentioned the figure in the right throne.

For a moment, the two pondered all the possibilities that might come from this terrible battle. The figure in the left throne decided to ask the one most important question, "What is the potential loss if we stand back and watch?"

"What do you mean sit back and watch? Shall we just let the senseless killing continue? Let more dragons die if the dragoons fail? Yes, The choice of the matter is most difficult due to the code we live by. Outside interference is only a last resort, but the Zoan is the one main problem.", he replied, laying back in his throne and rubbing his arm rest.

"I am looking out for our own interests and for the well being of the dragons. The Zoans are abominations and should be dealt with accordingly and with extreme prejudice. They should not be allowed to live, as their existence is a violation of one of the most sacred laws. Any Zoan is a a threat to us!", shouted the person in the left throne, sounding displeased.

The man in the right throne remembered something important, something that should be said to his companion, "Perhaps you are right...though do remember that one Zoan was noble. He did give his life for the dragons he swore to protect. This one wants to as well, which means that he is not a threat, but a glimmer of hope for all species.", he said with a low voice, keeping his cool in order to avoid clouding his judgment on the matter at hand.

"Aye how could I forget about that one. Never the less they have proven to be a considerable force and he might change his views on the world in due time. We will we deemed responsible if that happens in the future, and you know the price for such a mistake. One good deed does not exclude the sins of the rest.", announced the one in the left throne.

He was right, one cannot repent for the rest. The one in the right throne walked off his throne and stood face to face with his fellow companion in the left throne, "You really think so? The Zoan makes the choice tougher to make. The consequences of letting it survive might help us only if it remains how it is now. Let us take a quick review of everyone involved and see if helping is really the best option. Should the dragoons fail, N.D. will complete his dream of wiping out every dragon living. That is something that we must not allow happen, at any cost remind you. He may even find "that" place, leading to the worse possible scenario."

"Aye....I will not see the dragons killed by the likes of this insane mad man. As for that Zoan, as long as its true form remains unknown, its threat is nothing. For now, contact our agent and let us continue observing until the need for action is"


In another flash of light, DarkStar fell back, face first into the ground. He shook his head and got up quick to try to know where he was. At first he was not sure, but the faint sounds of yelling and weapons clashing gave him a clue, "Crap...I let my guard down and I'm back down in Myristyl.", he thought, kicking the ground before turning around and turning his attention to Omega.

The ugly environment did not seem to bother Omega at all, keeping a smile on his face as he started to walk around DarkStar, "Oh, sorry about that DarkStar. I hope you aren't too angry at me for taking you away from your friends. The lord said to separate you from Eurasia at all costs. This doesn't affect our friendship right?", he asked joyfully.

DarkStar growled and appeared in front of Omega with his katana to his throat, "Don't worry...I'll make sure we have a killer time while I'm here. Just hold still as I make sure that you die this time. You're little puppets won't work on me this time."

Omega just laughed, before slamming the ground under DarkStar and shattering it. The sudden impact knocked him off balance, allowing Omega to back up and prepare himself for battle. With both of his hands, he forced his fingers into the ground, and automatically made himself the same type of Rock Sword and Elemental Shield that was used against Eurasia. This shield however differed since Omega added a large spike in the front of the shield. The addition of the spike meant that the shield could now be used offensively as well as defensively.

Having finally gotten back on his feet, DarkStar was ready to fight without any interruptions. Before starting the fight however, DarkStar was all too curious about one thing. He placed his katana on his shoulder, then pointing it at Omega, "Wait on second Omega. Before I finish this once and for all, tell me. Why do you work for N.D.? Why do you follow such a fool who only wants to spill the blood of all dragons."

A faint wind blew past the two, nothing being said as Omega placed his hand on his chin. DarkStar was thinking that he waited long enough, but Omega began clearing his throat, "I see. Well, since I have no time for the full story, I'll make it short. N.D. saved me and made me into who I am today. He is my savior and I must do everything in my power to fulfill his wishes. Also, I couldn't run away even if I wanted to. I'd die long before I could do anything. Not to mention the fact that I hate dragons for the grief that they've caused me. I'd kill them myself if I could, but my lord insists that I just allow him to do that for me.", he said, the happiness that surrounded him suddenly being replaced by anger and rage.

It seems that Omega was now serious, now bearing his sword at DarkStar. Having found out what was needed, the battle finally began as the two raced at each other. Their swords clashed with sparks flying, the sound of clinking metal on rock heard on impact. The two were at a stand still, one unable to move the other. DarkStar had both hands on his katana while Omega had one on his sword, pushing as . The other hand held on to his shield, which he then lifted and shoved it towards DarkStar.

The shield's spike impaled him straight on, making DarkStar groan softly. With a swift kick, DarkStar pushed him away, seeing the blood on Omega's shield and dripping down his body. The gash was fairly deep, but luckily for him the hit missed all major organs. This battle was far too important and it was not a time to worrying on a minor wound.

Omega charged forward again, when it seemed that DarkStar had been weakened. DarkStar placed a hand on his injury and covered the opening with a layer of ice for a quick patch up. With the speed of the wind, DarkStar covered his fist into a layer of ice and punched the shield head on. Omega was astounded that he had taken the hit head on, and with his fist none the less.

Cracking started to be heard, one of the two's attacks about to be breached. Omega gasped as his shield shattered, "What the--it can't be!", he shouted, before being grabbed by the neck. A cold chill ran down Omega's back, one that made his body quiver. Was it fear he thought? No, it the cold chill he felt came from the hand squeezing tightly on his neck. "Damn...I forgot about how weak this land is..but it does not matter You...can't win..nor can you kill a dragoon who feeds on the darkness. Especially since you yourself know what it means to be one...of us..."

DarkStar finally had him how he wanted him, but was irritated on everything he was saying, "Shut up! I'm sick of you running your mouth, as if you knew what I really am. That part of me is gone...but for now, I want to test out this theory...", he said with a hint of anticipation. His other hand began emitting a mist of cold air, chilling the air as ice started to form over his fingers.

As DarkStar placed his ice covered palm, Omega began to laugh manically, "HAHA! ITS USELESS! NOTHING CAN STOP OUR PLAN!-", he shouted, before being silenced abruptly. Using his power of ice, DarkStar shoved into Omega's body a sharp blade of ice that continued to grow longer,piercing his lower chest. Tearing and ripping could be heard as it ripped through his insides until it penetrated through his body completely.

Omega's blood dripped for only moments, until the flow began to halt. His body then jumped as another blade of ice pierced his body again. Deep inside the recesses of his torn body, every cell began to freeze over, stopping blood flow and other bodily functions. His breath began to die, visible due to the low temperature before finally disappearing completely.

The ground below them was frozen solid, with DarkStar panting hard. He shook his head and looked at the frozen corpse of his enemy, "Ugh...that..He almost pushed me to the brink. How does he know about--no, thats not important right now. Let me get rid of the body once and for all.", he thought, tossing the now frozen corpse to the ground. With one hard stomp, Omega's head shattered with DarkStar's boot crushing it.


"AHHHH!", yelled Zero, being pulled down through the floors in D.O.O.P.. His eyes were closed as the metal under him tore and ripped like paper. Before Zero knew it, he felt himself outside and falling right towards Mystril. No one seemed to be gripping on his legs, but he was too shocked to make himself come to a halt immediately.

With the ground coming up quickly, Zero grabbed his folded up Tengu sword and quickly held it above it head, "Gah! Gotta do this quickly! FINISHING BLOWER!", he shouted while spinning the Tengu in his hand towards the ground. Wind began shooting forth quickly and plowing the ground, slowing down Zero's decent long enough so he could get his wits straight to be able to fly.

"Shit man..what took me down?! I gotta get back to Eurasia pronto!", he thought, looking and preparing to soar away back to his friend. Before he could move, he felt something approaching towards him. As he turned his head to the left, he was kicked right in the face. With a thunderous boom, it was the perfect surprise hit, catching him completely off guard.

Sparks flew upon impact, knocking Zero's weapon out of his hand while his body was forced into a rapid spin towards the ground. The assailant looked down and gave chase, looking to get another fierce blow into his enemy. The attacker reached Zero's spinning body and attempted an elbow to the stomach.

At the last second, Zero stopped his body from spinning and caught a hold of the attacker's elbow. Blood dripped down Zero's face, growling as span around with his attacker's elbow and throwing him away, "Abyssion! You bastard...get away from me!", he shouted, seeing him recover his balance in the air quickly.

Just the beginning of their confrontation and already Zero was injured. His whole face was in pain, making it very hard to keep his focus. The blood dripped from his now broken nose, and from his eyes as well. Abyssion kept still, drawing his sword and pointing at Zero, "Zero...I have my orders. The Lord says you must die, and die I will make sure you do. I will not go easy on you as I did on my failure of a brother."

Seems that the kid gloves were off for Abyssion this round. Zero however was unarmed and vulnerable, seeing that his Tengu lie far down on the surface. He glanced down once, before looking back at Abyssion, "I see...well before I "die", tell me one thing. How are you able to fly? Only those with control over wind are able to fly...and from what I remember, you used to be the dragoon of fire. How is this possible?", he asked, hoping to stall for just long enough to see an opening.

What Abyssion did next astounded Zero, already thinking of something that was possible, yet impossible at the same time. From his view, it seemed like Abyssion was walking on what seemed like nothing at all, walking closer and closer to him, "Well, if you really want to know, its very simple. Its a very advanced technique that dragoons of non wind can learn. All a dragoon has to do is to expel their spiritual power into their feet and allow it to spread. With proper control, the energy keeps you in the air. Like an invisible platform to make it simple, made from your own powers. This ability was made so that any dragoon could be airborne, but of course you aren't flying so to speak."

Now that Zero knew of this, he started to hear the faint sound of steps as Abyssion came closer. With the raise of his hand, his Tengu flew past Abyssion and remained spinning between himself and his foe. He pointed his palms at his spinning weapon and began to release a different kind of energy.

This energy then manifested into a yellowish wind, which flowed into the spinning Tengu. The Tengu's high velocity spinning propelled the strange colored wind straight at Abyssion. Before the wind could touch him, Abyssion jumped aside and fired a ball of dark flame from his palm towards Zero. Zero directed his spinning tengu to direct the wind at the fireball and watched it fizzle into nothing almost immediately.

"Divine wind. The special breeze that carries with it the light to repel and purify the darkness. You may be more powerful than me, but this Divine wind can overpower you without much effort.", stated Zero, quickly taking hold of his tengu and engulfing his body with the Divine wind.

Abyssion drew his blade and pointed it at Zero, "Even with that, you only know the basics of what that wind can truly do. Without the true knowledge of the Divine wind, it'll take a lot more power than you realize to actually purify me! Prepare to die!"


Back inside the Command Center, N.D. and Eurasia stood face to face, neither backing down. The dragonesses stood back to a wall, supercomputers on both sides of them as their eyes remained focused on the main event. Eurasia decided to make the first move, unsheathing his sword within the blink of an eye and preparing to strike first. N.D. however saw it coming and jumped back to avoid the sword's range. The dragonesses gasped as the battle began to unveil, keeping their claws crossed in hopes that Eurasia would come out victorious.

Rizan however did not want to stay around long enough so that the book she held dearly could be stolen. As she took one step towards the exit, N.D. lunged at her while beginning to unsheathe his own weapon, "Stupid bitch! You think you can escape with what belongs to me?! I'll take the book from your blood soaked claws!", he yelled, grabbing a hold of his Dragon Buster. Rizan turned around to see the glow coming from his weapon, her eyes wide in fear as she looked at N.D.. The fear however quickly vanished and was replaced with courage, the courage to stand up to anything in order to protect the book.

"RIZAN! DUCK! SONIC P!", yelled Eurasia, aiming the point of the sword at N.D. and firing a beam of energy. Following the orders from Eurasia, she quickly ducked as the blast shot right through N.D.'s shoulder. A groan of sheer pain escaped N.D.'s mouth, pausing his weapon mere seconds away from Rizan's body. Eurasia sprinted over to N.D in an attempt to knock him senseless for trying to attack his dragoness lovers, but N.D. grinned and jumped back past Eurasia.

N.D. was holding his shoulder with a sinister smile, seeing Eurasia stop and hug the two dragonesses. He noticed that they started to talk amongst each other, Eurasia starting off, "That was a close one you two...that lowlife really is evil. Rizan, Shyranrya, You have to get out of here. Get to the pocket Dimension that I said, and hold on to that book. I don't want you two getting hurt..", he said with a touch of concern.

"We aren't leaving without you Eurasia. You, me, and Shyranrya all got into this together, we are leaving together. Isn't that right?", asked Rizan, smiling at Shyranrya right beside her. Both of their tails were swishing back and forth rapidly, then curling up together in a nice swirl of red and white. The two dragonesses giggled along with Eurasia, "Hee hee...that is right indeed Rizzy. Just the three of us...Besides, we can't let him get his way. Now go get him Eurasia!", instructed Shyranrya, holding her claw out with Rizan's on it.

Having put his hand on theirs as well, the vow having been made. Eurasia got up and turned back towards N.D. who was yawning with his sword. The one thing Eurasia noticed was the hole in his shoulder was gone, thinking about it as N.D. began to speak, "You done yet Eurasia? You aren't getting out of here alive. Not to mention that you cannot physically hurt me either, but to lessen your hopes of winning...I'm going to do two things. Two things that will ensure my victory...starting with the destruction of that infernal computer. You know...this one!", he stated, turning and pointing his shining dragon buster sword at the computer behind him.

The news was shocking, Eurasia getting nervous and started to sweat, "Damn you N.D., striking our weak spot...if he destroys that, we'll never get to evacuating all the dragons! What to do...", he thought, unsure of what to do in this predicament.

Before they all knew it, the dragon buster hacked through the computer. The tearing of metal of wires, all vanishing in a fiery explosion which knocked back Eurasia. Just as N.D. predicted, a large chuck of the hope Eurasia had disappeared along with the computer that held the program needed. A hole leading to outside stood where the computer was, frayed wires still giving out sparks as a breeze started to enter the room.

N.D. took a position of attack, holding his ground and keeping his dragon buster behind him while keeping it out of sight. One hand on the handle, the other kept firmly on his hip above his other hand. Eurasia was unsure if he could win or not, but trying was the best he could do. Gripping his own sword tightly, he charged at N.D. head first in hopes of getting the first hit.

"Patience is the key...let your target come to you. An invisible barrier spread to the radius of my blade's reach. When the target steps foot within the barrier's range, it will be attacked with a swift blow. Accuracy 100 percent, IAI, FORM BINDING!", N.D. said in his mind as Eurasia stepped within range.

With the barrier breached, N.D. responded with a swift "X" shaped slice on Eurasia's body. The force sent Eurasia sliding back, knocking his sword away to the other side of the room. The dragonesses gasped, seeing a powerful coil of energy constricting Eurasia and seeing him struggle like a fish out of water.

"Ugh! What is this?! A trapping technique?...I can't..break free!", groaned Eurasia, attempting to stand with his top half tied up.

The Dark Lord began to walk slowly towards Eurasia, placing his sword back into it's sheath and cracking his knuckles, "That is your problem Eurasia, impatient. If you would've thought clearly, you could've seen that my technique was that of the waiting kind. Now, seeing that you are now defenseless, I'll be taking two things from you.", stated N.D., stopping around 10 feet away and pointing his palm out.

N.D. kicked the ground with such force, the floor where he stood shattered. Within that instant, Eurasia's face was grabbed and pulled down to the ground by N.D.. The shockwave of the impact knocked the dragonesses to their knees, surprising them as they saw Eurasia on the ground. Rizan saw something that Shyranrya pointed out, but it was actually someone.

A figure dressed in an attire similar to Eurasia, only instead of a bright red like that of fire, the darkest shade of black. Although he was standing tall, his eyes were shut and his figure wobbling back and forth. Rizan quickly identified the person in black, trying to make sense of what was happening this very moment, "Th--thats Aisarue! How did he get out?! Eurasia is standing right under N.D.!", she shouted, before seeing Aisarue fall to the ground unconscious.

It was a hard thud, N.D. finally letting go of Eurasia's face and bringing out his dragon buster yet again. He looked behind him and raised his hand, "Well, thats my first prize. I'll make sure to use him to his full potential, unlike you Eurasia."

A snap of his fingers was all it took to make Aisarue vanish from sight in a thunderous flash. The charred ground of his remains was all that remained, as N.D. now focused on Eurasia out cold on the ground. Rizan could not bare to watch anymore as she held the book up above her, "STOP! Don't hurt Eurasia...If you do, I'll burn your book to ashes!", she threatened, letting smoke exit her nostrils.

Shyranrya snorted out a spark of fire close to the book, catching N.D.'s attention for a split second. However, he just chuckled while raising his sword high, "Heh...heh, you got me there for a second. You two don't have what it takes to destroy not only the last tie to Eurasia's past. The momento of a father to his son. Just stay put, I'll deal with you after Eurasia's soul is no more."

Hesitation unseen, the dragon buster sword was thrusted straight into Eurasia's chest. The pain was so great, even though unconscious, Eurasia groaned in pain. The sight of this made both the dragonesses scream in shock, eyes beginning to fill with water. N.D. however looked displeased, turning the blade 90 degrees before pulling it out of Eurasia. Shyranrya wiped her tears and noticed that there was no wound or sight of blood.

When the sword was fully out, there was something stuck on it, something that angered N.D. furiously. A rusted chain and lock, but the lock was torn from the bottom. N.D. pulled it off and analyzed the lock closely, "A soul lock...that is what seemed to block my attempt. If this is here...then it means that the Erasure Project was successful. This lock also has the letters "F.R.W.L." inscribed on it, but the rust shows that its been broken for a quite a while. Guess thats the reason Eurasia still was not completely back to his old self. A broken lock still hinders whatever it was supposed to be limiting unless removed.", he explained, crushing the lock into dust and dropping it on the floor.

To their luck, N.D. now began to walk towards Rizan with one hand towards them, "Now, you owe me for helping Eurasia. Give me the book now...I'm through playing lizard."

As N.D. took on step forward, Rizan and Shyranrya backed themselves up to a wall. Looking around did no good, since N.D. could block them at any time. With only one choice Shyranrya snatched the book from Rizan's claws, "Sorry Honey, but if we are going to go down, we can't let him have what he wants!", she shouted, taking a deep breath and covering the book in flames.

Rizan was too slow to stop her, watching the book turn to ashes within moments. Out of anger, she pushed her down on the ground and pinned her while looking into her eyes, "WHY?! EURASIA WAS COUNTING ON US TO TAKE IT TO SAFETY! HOW COULD YOU!?", she cried, tears beginning to flow down her muzzle and snout.

Things have gotten serious, even for N.D. who was not expecting them to go to such lengths. Shyranrya pushed off Rizan and helped her up, "Sweety, would Eurasia prefer we let him have it? It was the better choice, and my next choice is not to go down without a fight.", she stated, bringing both of her hands together and building up energy for what seemed to be a spell.

"Time for some destructive interference! TORNADO HOLD!", shouted someone from a floor below them all. N.D. looked down, seeing ice beginning to form. A gust of air broke through the frozen floor below him, pushing him up and through the ceiling, "Dragoon of Wind?! How is he still alive? Abyssion...don't tell me you failed me..ack!"

The spell was stopped and the dragonesses gave a sigh of relief. Zero from down below span his tengu rapidly, keeping the tornado strong and pushing N.D. out of D.O.O.P.. The wind from the tornado was trying to suck everything into it. Rizan spotted Eurasia still out cold on the floor, but beginning to drift closer and closer to dangerous twirling wind, "Oh no! Eurasia!", she shouted, running after Eurasia.

Spreading wider, the tornado still kept N.D. trapped but also began to suck Eurasia into the air. Before flying into it, Rizan grabbed him by the leg and pulled him back. Shyranrya pulled in Rizan as she was starting to fly away too. Luckily she was heavy enough to not be taken away and pulled them back with her and out the doors.

To their surprise, they saw Abu sitting on the wall outside the door. However, he was holding on to his shoulder tight, dried blood on the ground by his leg. They set Eurasia down quickly and focused on Abu. From what they saw, his arm received a bad cut by some type of blade. Shyranrya rubbed his shoulder and began to heal him slowly, "This is too much...I don't think I could take much more of this. Also Rizzy, can you check Eurasia's Condition? We have to know what N.D. did to him exactly.", she asked, looking very concerned but keeping close watch on Abu's wound.

Rizan nodded and checked Eurasia's body closely. No wound was visible and he was still alive so it seemed. She saw nothing out of the ordinary, and nothing that could show anything dangerous. Without thinking, she began to shake him back and forth, "Eurasia! Wake up! Your friends need you now! WAKE UP PLEASE!"

The shouting was very loud, almost throwing Shyranrya off her healing. She however did not want to say a word.


"DarkStar, now! Get him while hes trapped! I can't hold him for long!", shouted Zero, now straining on keeping N.D. still. N.D. roared as he struggled to get out, slicing at the walls of wind. The dragon buster began to tear away at the walls, until the final hit to fully break it was stopped by something unknown to him.

Shards of ice began to fly towards N.D., hundreds to thousands of them. With one big slice, N.D. cut right through the tornado, knocking Zero back. The ice was quickly blocked with his dragon buster, making quick slices which blew away the ice with its power. The ice assault continued for only a few seconds after he was free, until finally stopping.

" they think they can stop me with those pitiful attacks? No matter, I did what I needed to. Now to eliminate all trace of this so called, dragoons. My dragon buster will see to that...", thought N.D., powering up his sword's already formidable strength.

From behind, DarkStar appeared while holding his two hands together. A cold breeze escaped through his fingers, but not spreading outward. A sword made of pure ice, nearly 10 feet long formed from the chilled air. With full strength, he struck down forcefully, "N.D., taste my ICE SABRE!"

"Attacking from behind DarkStar?, or should I say, "Nova Star?". I'm a bit disappointed in you...but thats what you excel at, isn't it?", muttered N.D.. The attack however did not go on unnoticed as DarkStar thought, his enormous weapon was blocked, then cut through the middle with his dragon buster. DarkStar took off the Ice Sabre from his hands and decided to fall back.

N.D. wasn't going to let DarkStar run away. He pointed his dragon buster and aimed it at him, "No escape for you--UHHHAGH!"

Just as DarkStar knew, N.D. let his guard down trying to get him back. Zero successfully managed to slice him down the middle from behind. His tengu tore through his flesh with slight resistance, before finally cutting through his body. Using his win, he flew back and saw the two pieces of N.D. float in front of him. Just one thing that he found awkward was the lack of blood. All there was that stained his weapon was a black misty substance.

The two pieces of N.D.'s body slowly turned into the same black mist, except for the hand holding the dragon buster. As if the hand was still connected to the body, the dragon buster flew towards Zero. Zero was shocked and tried to throw his tengu to block, but his body was immediately frozen. No muscle could moved, as if being held back.

In the wreck of the Command Center, DarkStar landed and cracked his neck to relax. Waiting a few moments, Zero did not return to the spot they discussed after dealing the final blow. Feeling impatient, he looked up and noticed that Zero wasn't flying around in the air.

"Once again, your lack of knowledge has fooled you into thinking you actually did something. You cannot defeat darkness....", said N.D. from above, but unseen to DarkStar. The voice seemed to come out of thin air, like a surrounding presence. A loud thump on the ground not far from where he stood turned his attention.

Right there, stood N.D., but with his body fully intact. But even DarkStar was nervous, seeing his comrade impaled with the dragon buster right in front of him. Again N.D. stopped a well formulated plan, then tossing Zero in DarkStar's direction, "Here, you can have this trash back. Also, i took off his lock as can thank me in the other world", he chuckled, before vanishing from sight yet again.


DarkStar carried Zero away and opened the doors the dragonesses went inside. They found Eurasia sitting up and rubbing his head. Standing by him was the red dragoness Rizan, rubbing his head and comforting him, "You had me scared Eurasia...I thought you would never wake up."

The black and white striped dragoness Shyranrya seemed to have her claws over Abu's shoulders while kneeling by him, along with a warm bluish glow, "Sheesh...rare to see the bone broken and the muscle broken in this fashion. This might be a while even for me...", she said, grinding her teeth and remaining as focused as possible.

DarkStar went to Eurasia and put Zero down by him, "Eurasia, good to see you awake..unfortunately Zero suffered the same fate you did. Urm....thank you Rizan for helping him. Can you watch over him? I need Eurasia's help in swatting a fly that won't stay down."

Although still groggy, he knew that his job had to be done. Getting up seemed to be a chore, but even before doing anything he felt very nervous. Raised breathing rate and adrenalin pumping were signs that he was nervous. Something was indeed wrong with him, like something of him was completely taken away, "Hey guys...something is wrong with me. Something seriously wrong..."

The way Eurasia stated that made everyone wonder what he meant. Rizan looked at Eurasia closely, all over his body in hopes of seeing whats wrong. Nothing she saw was out of the ordinary, until she remembered what N.D. exactly.

"A soul lock...that is what seemed to block my attempt. If this is here...then it means that the Erasure Project was successful. This lock also has the letters "F.R.W.L." inscribed on it, but the rust shows that its been broken for a quite a while. Guess thats the reason Eurasia still was not completely back to his old self. A broken lock still hinders whatever it was supposed to be limiting unless removed."

Those words then made her jump for a second, "Eurasia! I think I know what you mean! N.D. mentioned something about your soul having something called a Soul Lock. Also, that you would be back to your old self after such a . Aisarue as well was removed from your you must be having trouble adjusting yourself to such a big change.", explained Rizan, putting her claw to her chin and thinking of anything else she might have missed.

Eurasia was then shoved by DarkStar, the kind of shove to get a person going, "Eurasia, now is not the time for this. If you can still fight, thats the most important thing. You want to live with yourself if he kills us all? Get into gear!"

True, his job was above everything else. Eurasia shrugged it off and prepared to get back into the battle. As they walked over, they felt a tingling sensation. The kind of sensation given off by a nearby source of Electricity.

"Guys...wait. Falcon is out there fighting...don't interfere yet", said a raspy voiced Zero. His back was still to the wall, but he was finally awake again. The body was not feeling as well as the mind, but trying to ignore it, he struggled to get back up.

Shyranrya rubbed his head and helped him to his feet, "Don't stress yourself too much. Your body isn't in the best condition..."

Something then caught the attention of the dragoons. Rizan and Shyranrya screamed as they were pulled to the side by Eurasia and Zero. As they all moved away quickly from where they stood, something busted right through the doors and into the wall where they were standing before. The impact caused a cloud of dust to fly everywhere.

The group coughed, Zero standing up and beginning to blow away the dust with his wind. Movement from the hole in the wall started as soon as the dust was cleared. To everyone's surprise, Falcon stepped out with multiple cuts on his body and dusting himself off. Rizan and Shyranrya stood behind quickly, but Shyranrya quickly stepped back out, "GRRR...ITS YOU! The one who caused all that trouble back in my home...why are you here?!", she growled, bearing her teeth.

The memory of a battle not too long ago, when Eurasia met him for the first time. However, that was something not important to Falcon at all. He pointed outside with his eyes closed and looking down, "The nerve of him...taking control of my mind. I'll never let him live with that, but hes too strong even for me. Let me make one thing clear...I'm not requesting for your assistance but I require it."

Asking for help in that tone or form did not win him points with the dragoons. But in the situation at the moment wasn't really in their favor. DarkStar walked up to him and chuckled, "Asking for help? Well, alright..but after this we still have a score to settle. Remember that.", he stated, cracking his knuckles on both hands.


The four dragoons, Zero, Eurasia, DarkStar and Falcon rushed out to the open ceiling area of what used to be the command center. When they all looked up, their jaws dropped to the ground. A ball of energy, growing by the second and already seemed to be half the size of D.O.O.P.. What they also noticed is something traveling into it from the ground. Falcon shook his head and pointed into the sky towards the ball, "The Jadow! They are giving their energy to supply of N.D.'s most powerful attacks! Dark Abyss!"

Eurasia stepped forward, and unsheathed his sword yet again, "Guys, no individual attack an destroy that. Lets try the special attack that we perfected! Unless you forgot it after all these years Falcon. The Four Spirit Elemental Explosion! The one thing that us four made up together to represent our teamwork."

Of course he didn't forget it, but it was something in the back of Falcon's mind. Zero got into position first, holding out his tengu and forcing it to spin in midair directly in front of him. This got the wind going, flowing upward into the sky. DarkStar walked over to the left of Zero and held his katana so that it pointed towards the spinning tengu. Eurasia then stepped over to the right of Zero, but leaving a space so that one more person can fit, "Well, all we need is you in position Falcon..."

With a sigh, Falcon cracked his neck and stepped into the last spot. With the dragoons in place, their energies began to meld together. DarkStar and Eurasia were at the sides, their blades touching at a their tips together. A cluster of energy began to form, the sparkling of ice, the crackling of fire, and the static of electricity all at once. A white mist then began to form around them, before flowing into the Tengu's vacuum.

"FOUR SPIRIT ELEMENTAL EXPLOSION!", the four recited, being blown back as a huge beam of electricity was fired. Within that beam lie two smaller beams of fire and ice, snaking around each other before coming into one full shot. The beam then became a wide shot with what seemed to be silvery white color. The spinning Tengu fell, each dragoon completely drained of their spiritual powers as they fell on their bums.

Like a sonic boom, the blast flew directly into N.D.'s ball of darkness. The dragoons covered their eyes as the ear shattering explosion commenced, rocking the floating headquarters. Although they managed to avoid knocking D.O.O.P. out of the air, the ball had vanished from sight. Eurasia and Zero gave each other a high five, while DarkStar and Falcon remained silent. Something seemed to be bothering them, something that Eurasia and Zero are overlooking by celebrating too early.

"Destroy all you want dragoons! I can always make more!", said N.D. from the air. It was faint but audible.

The four quickly looked up and gazed in fallen hopes as more Jadow accumulated quickly. Within an instant, the ball had reformed and increasing in size at a dramatic pace. Falcon slammed his fist into the floor, causing a hole along with a loud thwap, "Dammit! All that...for nothing. Heh, so everything ends here. Wonder if hell will be ready for me?", he joked, sitting up and looking up.

Using what last strength he had, Eurasia managed to get on his feet, "Ugh...Guys! We gotta get out of here and regain our strength! Running isn't normally what we do, but at this time its the only option!", he shouted, struggling just to keep standing. His body was exhausted completely, so standing was such a chore.

The other three decided that falling back isn't such a bad plan after all. Eurasia quickly took out his P.I.C., but he noticed that it was off. What made him worry was that the power button wasn't functioning. Again he pressed it and nothing happened, except for a silence that shouldn't be there.

DarkStar and Zero both took out theirs, and got the same thing from their P.I.C.s. Falcon got annoyed and got up quickly, not even looking like his as exhausted as the rest, "What's the hold up?

Get us out of here now!", he shouted, getting very very impatient.

The shouts were in vain however, Eurasia putting his P.I.C. away, followed by DarkStar and Zero, "We can't go anywhere. Our P.I.C.s aren't functioning for some reason...wait, lets talk to Abu! He'll know what to do, since he is the creator of them."

As they walked back to the entryway into D.O.O.P. where Falcon broke the doors, Abu came running out with his Advanced P.I.C. in hand. It was like he read their mind, Zero running forward a few steps head, "Hey Abu! Great timing, we sorta need your help! The P.I.C.s...huh?", but Zero noticed something wrong with Abu. From the look in his face, a frown along with his hasty movements could only mean that he had bad news. Rizan and Shyranrya remained inside but kept watch with their heads poking out, along with their tails swishing around above their heads.

"Guys! This is bad! The P.I.C.s are all fried! We can't warp out of here!", Abu shouted as loud as he could, his echoing made everyone's face go white with fear.