Complete Story: Christmas Norg

Story by Desmond Fallout on SoFurry

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?"It's beginning to look a lot like-FUCK!!"

The moral of this holiday season is; do not try to multitask if you lack the focus. Jason dropped her piping bag while stepping back with a dejected sigh. Thanks to such hard squeezes what was supposed to be a sugar cookie Christmas tree was now merely a placeholder for an inch tall mound of white frosting. Only the third try and already this was getting incredibly frustrating. She was a raccoon of science, not some rolly polly chef.

Not that anyone would know since she kept eating her mistakes. There were still forty-five of the evil little delectables left to screw up decorating. Jason's friends would probably be lucky to get six cookies by Christmas. The rest would have already plumped her hips thick and fat by then.


And speak of the devil! Jason's bushy eyebrows shot up with a wide smile upon hearing the doorbell. Popping the latest cookie mishap into her mouth, she enjoyed the giant glob of cream sloshing around her tongue on the short trip to her mansions front door. Ears and tail perked high to take in the sight of an all too familiar blue-furred critter waiting across the threshold.

"Puff butt!" Desmond needed no invitation to give Jason a hard squeezing hug the second she opened the door. After a quick grunt, followed by a gasp for breath, the hug was returned with equal enthusiasm. That was when it became apparent Desmond was being careful about holding a long brown bag in one hand. "I see winter weight is doing you well. There's enough squish in those waists to warm a stadium."

"You wish, blanket ass!" Jason gave him a playful shove to break their embrace and close the door. Snow was starting to fall outside, and this cavernous entrance hall was cold enough. That, in turn, brought special attention back to Desmond. "Did you seriously walk over here in just a sweater and pants? What on earth you plotting now?"

"Oh? You sound a bit grumpy." Desmond was all smiles as his tail wagged. The dang butt appendage was larger than the squirrel-fox's entire body, making Jason worry briefly about her art decorations nearby. But then Desmond reached into his paper bag. "Guess that means we won't be getting into the holiday spirit early then?"

"Mmh!?" Jason's ears flicked with her eyes locked on the items Desmond held up in each hand. One was a carton of eggnog, the other a bottle of spiced rum. Some of the few material possessions Jason treasured very highly on planet earth. The mere sight caused her tongue to roll across her whiskers without realizing it. "I wasn't saying you had to leave silly, but you sure know how to get a girls attention."

"What? Free booze? Yeah, right. Sally would kill me if she knew I was sneaking over here."

"...that's from her stash isn't it?"

"Hey. She's got like a dozen of these and half will be gone after Christmas. Anyway, got anything to eat-OW!"

Jason had given her friend a hard flick on the nose, but a smile remained etched across her muzzle. "Yeah, sure, dork! Go pick out a movie in the entertainment room and I'll be right in. Decorating cookies after getting hammered sounds like a lot more fun than how it's been going."

"Why don't you just build a decorating robot?"

Jason had turned to head back into the kitchen when such an offhand question caused her brain to freeze up mid-step. After a few seconds of careful deliberation, she merely shook her head with a laugh and continued on. A few minutes later she was entering her privet den to find Desmond already resting upon its spacious bean bag couch. The TV was warming up with the PS4 main screen while nog and booze rested on her coffee table next to Desmond's footpaws.

"So we watching Die Hard again?" Jason asked as she set a tray on the coffee table, swatting Desmond's paws to get them away from their collective snacks. It was mostly two empty mugs and a mess of leftover veggies and meats from a party her friend, Able, had yesterday. There was a lot to go around since most of his guests tended to become things that lacked stomachs...or mouths.

"Nah, that'll be funnier when we're wasted." Desmond popped the cap off his rum, generating a sharp hiss. He was not kidding about intentions, as almost half the mugs were filled with store-bought alcohol before eggnog filled the remainder. "This year we're starting with Krampus."

"And what the heck is a cramp us?"

"Hah!" Desmond barked a short laugh flicking the TV on. It was the usual struggle of getting through twenty minutes of forced commercials while trying to remember which button on the PS4 controller skipped everything. "I think it just came out last year. One of those 'so stupid its awesome' movies I know you'll like."

"Uh huh." Jason noticed something that made her bypass the mugs to inspect the carton of eggnog Desmond had provided them. Only the front had, very sloppy, decorations painted on it leaving the other sides blank white. That alone was a red flag after years of both friends exposing each other to a need for 'field testing' experimental ideas. "Also I get you stole the hooch from your wife, Dessy. But where did you get that nog?"

"Hmm? Oh, that? I made it myself this year too."

"You know how to make eggnog?" Jason cast an even more suspicious look mixed with a surprised smile.

"Oh shush!" Desmond finally got the movie started so helped himself to a mug. After a very long deliberate display of many slow gulps, Desmond came back up for air followed by an unrestrained belch. Those blackened sclera eyes of his then looked at Jason with a smugness over his treats assured innocence. "You would be surprised what kind of recipes people post up on Twitter these days. Can't keep Sorsha out of the dang stuff so it must be good."

"A perverted cat witch is hardly my idea of a reference in good taste, hun." Regardless, watching her friend chug his own brew without hesitation got Jason to lift the other mug for a taste test.

There had been no exaggeration on Desmond's part. Having that milky brew wash over her tongue made Jason's tail snap erect, and her nethers moisten. Not even the sharp bite of liquor could harm such nogs sweet tastes of cinnamon and mint.

"Told ya so." Desmond's grin never lost it's smugness, even as his vulpine teeth started to lose their sharp edge.

Jason held up a finger in delay of a proper response. Like Desmond, she chugged at least half her mug before pulling it back with a very loud, satisfied burp. A thick milk mustache basted the front of my muzzle. "Aw yeah, this is the good shit, Dessy!! Wait...what's going on with this movie now? Some kid is pished off hish family ish a buncha jerkwads?"

Oh lordy, was it hard to keep a straight face watching Jason lose a bit of her coordination so fast. Especially since Desmond would sound just as trashed soon if he was not so already. His wife always did pack stuff so strong it would melt the most ironed of kidneys. As such, Jason paid it little mind when the buzz started giving her a minor headache. She was contemplating getting some water to help fight a hangover later.

Desmond said nothing as he enjoyed watching the little horns grow out from atop her forehead.

"Y-yeah...shomething like dat." Desmond took another joyous swig of trapped eggnog. Clouds of blue fur sprayed everywhere as his once enormous tail withered and molted. Before long it was only a foot of its former glory with only a small black tuft thumping on the couch. "Just wait now that he's thrown out that letter. That means the MOOO er, monster is about to show up..."

Casting a worried side glance at Jason showed her complete failure to notice Desmond's sudden animal calling. Instead, her focus was on the movie playing while chugging her mug into emptiness.

"Oh, yeah, shh-omeone leave-sh a giant pile of brown boxshes with ah address and they just take it in. This family ish so fooking smart."

Desmond waited politely for Jason to put her empty mug down before pouring another mix of his homemade nog. Shaking hands spilled a small splash of rum on some veggies in the process. What coherency he had left tried to make a note of telling Sorsha she had enchanted inebriation to be TOO fast acting. "Just wait, trash dog. Is getsh so much butter in a bit."

"Who you calling Trash dog, fat ass?"

"Saysh dah butch gobbling up her own cookies."

Jason took the mug with an exaggerated raspberry unable to think up a coherent retort. But it was true, Desmond could already feel his ass getting fat and fast. Leaning back gave him a beautiful view of the same happening to Jason. Virtually every gulp of nog she took seemed to make her glutes bloat out bigger, thicker. Hips crackled as they stretched her sweatpants further apart. The thinning of her ringtail only made her rear look more massive by comparison. And yet all she did was shift her wobbling fat occasionally when it made her current seat uncomfortable. The fact her toes fused into thick hooves got chucked up to bitter cold numbness.

"Nngh!" Granted Desmond had a few different growths of his own to be distracted with. Particularly around the chest area where his red sweater began to bubble forth in a noticeable lump. That quickly thickened and stretched into two distinct mounds of unmistakable breasts. While not getting into hyper proportions so common for either Desmond or Jason, they still had a dense 'cantaloupe' level of volume that was impossible to hide under a simple cotton layer. His waist collapsed shortly after giving him an incredibly bottom-heavy woman's figure.

That was not saying much sitting next to Jason. They were almost starting to resemble twins as the transformation overshadowed their base forms. Little cow tails thumped in sync against the beanbag while they grew increasingly larger and more intoxicated. Enlarged ears flicked about in their stupors to bap against the small horns sitting in a forest of long feminine hair.

Jason's breasts did grow noticeably under her own sweater, but she was too far into her drunken enjoyment to register their extra weight sloshing with her movements. Hell, she never once noticed Desmond groping his tits out of the corner of her eyes. And he was doing it often with how tender the cotton rubbing made his nipples.

Their sweats stretched taunt around figures mixed with incredible amounts of fat over compliments of muscles. This was especially apparent around their lower bodies. While Jason took shots riffing at the crazy goat monster hunting a stupid redneck family on TV, she remained oblivious to how her hips spanned almost half the length of her couch.

The other half was getting taken up by Desmond's own swollen ass. He had to shift around to keep his thighs separated while they bulked up into Holiday hams, ridges of raw muscle showing through the thinning cloth of his stretched sweatpants. Soon they were starting to rub against Jason's own legs, seemingly in a race to see whose would rip out of their cotton prison first. The carpet beneath them did a great job of muffling the clops of their new hooves.

It was the bulges that genuinely got Desmond's attention. Almost in unison, the areas just above their groins began to puff up, and then thicken out like inflating balloons. A quick check confirmed for Desmond he still had his manly sheath and balls. Resting a hand on the growth, feeling it swell against his palm, made said equipment pop out erect.

Jason was forced to separate her thighs, going under Desmond's knee a bit to get some room for her own crotch bulge. She began to scratch at it absently too, emitting a pleasured moan that got her blushing good as it grew. Moans that had a soft undertone of mooing to go along with the way her face was starting to stretch and thicken out.

Considering the mounting pressure deep under the skin, Desmond found it obvious what was happening. Still, he was taking more interest in watching Jason finish up transforming than the movie. Good thing he did not ask Sorsha to amplify the final effects. This place was going to need a good carpet shampooer by the time all was said and done.



"What the Mah-MOOOO!?"

Just as the movie was nearly the brilliant climax of having some boy yell at Krampus like it would somehow work, the eggnog trap had reached its own crescendo. The bulge in Jason's crotch had finally reached her pants holding limit and surpassed it. She rocked back in her seat with a surprised cry of her new species, which gave her further pause to be surprised. The udder that had formed flopped out into her lap leaking slightly from its four engorged teats at the heavy load audibly splashing inside it.

Desmond own udder broke out to apron over his erection moments later, but he was too busy laughing at Jason's shocked reaction to give it immediate attention. His giggling continued as Jason slowly lowered her empty hand raised up to gingerly feel around her snout. Her face had become incredibly thick with large flat teeth for vegetarian diets. Fingers especially gave her enormous bovine nose a honk. It had flushed permanently into a bright red pigment in the spirit of Christmas. That allowed Jason to notice her fingers thick as sausages and capped in dark hoof coverings at the tips.

"Oh ffforge dah wuv of gawd! Desh-MAH-AH!?" Jason turned to yell at her friend in half drunken coherency, but seeing an equally red-nosed cow face laughing hysterically back left her thoroughly confused. At least for a few seconds while phasing through the cloud of alcohol. "Oh for fooking...did you sherioushly drink your own crap to prank me?"

"Totally wurff it!" Desmond said between laughs and occasional moo. "Dat look on your shtupid face ish my present all the way two February. OW!"

Jason gave him another flick on the nose. This time had a bit more sting with her fingers made of hard chitin. Not to mention Desmond's nose being an easy four-inches wide target. "Who's fashe ish shtupid with that big dumb nose you be sporting?"

"We both drunk the shame shtuff, trash cow!" Desmond reached out to beep the end of Jason's snout. His hoofed finger left hovering to point at it. "We has dah shame nose!"

"...oh yeah!"

The pair broke out into a series of laughs and moos. Mugs of nog whipped about splashing the beanbag with their remaining contents. Jason had to admit it could have been a worse prank. Although she barely remembered whose house they were in at that moment.

"Uuugh!" Jason slowly set her mug on the coffee table covered in milk splats. Both hands came to rest on the basketball-sized udder to try massaging its pink flesh. Just because the growth stopped did nothing to help the milk mounting inside it. Excess began to lactate from all four teats under such pressure. "D-ang it Deshmando! Why you gots two make ush so full though? Mmph, feel like I'ma going to bursht all over the floor."

"Mmhmm~!" Desmond's face turned red at seeing his friend knead that full sack of milk. His own throbbing udder was not doing much better at containment, but it might be considered drunk manners to attend the needs of a friend first. Plus this was the part he had been waiting for since arriving. "I can gives you a hands with dat."

"W-what are you-GAH!"

Before Jason could process it, Desmond had already reached for the nearest of her teats and gave it a hard squeeze. Without much effort, a thick stream of milk fired off to splat on the TV screen four meters away. Their movie long since finished and forgotten on its menu screen.

Jason straightened up with tail raised stiff. Gasps of air heaved her breasts inside their tight sweater prison. Her hazy mind wrapped around such sudden release. It was like having the world's shortest orgasm.

"D-Deshmand!? Stooo-ooohhh..mah-maaa-moooOOOooo!"

Desmond's other hand quickly joined in giving his friends udder a rather sudden milking. Both alternated squeezing different teats with a few seconds pause in between. Jason's hands rocked back clenching tight against the bean bag couch. Her hard fingers even tore it in some places getting tiny foam beads stuck to their fur. Especially when her hips bucked hard, smacking into Desmond's palms trying to keep balanced. The sense of relief from spurting milk assaulted her every last nerve, making Jason's nethers start dripping their own fluids.

"Y-you're..moo...totally paying for any nngghhh...shhaaah...anything that breaks." Jason managed to bark out during her milking. It did not take long before the squirting pressure had Jason's entire entertainment center drenched in fresh lactose. That quickly turned to soaking the carpet as pressure began to wane. As a bit of her old self tried to see through the nogs deep inebriation, Jason's eyebrows furrowed at spotting the pools forming across her floor. "Your alsho cleaning mah wug, ash hatter."

"Oh yarr, cow shlut?"

Desmond suddenly gave Jason a hard push on each of her tits. She fell back with a panicked moo across the armrest that sent her vision spinning. By the time she realized what was going on, Desmond was already straddling their wide hips together. Only took a few sharp tugs for him to tear the crotches of their pants further apart. A fact that Jason was aware of by the cold wind blowing on her wet vaginal lips.

"Oh, don't you even...nnngggh mooo!!"

She really wanted to throw some kind of half-hearted threat of making Desmond a feral cow until new years. That was promptly cut short when three of her friends hardened fingers began rubbing along the edges of her cunny. They quickly found their way inside Jason to give the sensitive pink muscles a smooth massage. The added juices from her milking arousal made it easy for them to slide in and out of the cow at a rapid pace that sent Jason's hips jiggling.

"Shorry wuv, what wash dat?" Desmond grinned his flat bovine teeth down at Jason. The constant wiggling of Jason's hips was having quite an effect on him as well. Specifically that she was bucking her udder hard against his still swollen, and full, one. Each time spurts erupted from his teats to stain Jason's sweater until the outlines of Jason's nipples became visible in the wet cotton. "I believe if you are going to make meh do two thangs I shhhould get two dangs as well, right? And I hash a grape idea four an early crustmash pweasent...or would you rather I shtop?"

Jason bit her lower lip trying to stifle another mooing fit. Those fingers refused to stop teasing at her already triggered pussy, making it impossible to retort in a snarky fashion. When their udders bounced together, she even got a brief peek at Desmond's swollen cock hiding underneath. The sight of pre glistening off that yellow-skinned hunk of meat was the last straw. With both hands, Jason reached down to heft her udder for full vaginal exposure. Eyes bore up at Desmond with a mix of anger at not being the dominant one this time, and a pleading need to just feed her drunken heat.

"I am tots going ta get jou for dis," Jason grumbled as she felt the tips of Desmond's cock pushing around her slick folds. She bit her lip as it moved into her entrance with slow, deliberate pokes.

"It's tots worth the vengensh." Desmond giggled as his thick cow hips descended against Jason's.

Jason let out a sharp moo upon feeling the girth of her friend's member stretching out her insides. The final piece of need being fulfilled with a gushing sense of warmth. Strong hands grappled at Desmond's hips as he began to slowly pull out and push back in. Instead, they ended up grasping at Desmond's udder which slapped against Jason's with each mounting buck.

"Aaww mooo!" Desmond began to gasp feverishly as his humps turned into a fast rhythm. The added strength of their thunderous thighs was starting to tear apart the beanbag couch beneath them. Not that either one cared at the moment. He leaned in closer, grappling at Jason's breasts bouncing around inside their wet sweater. Kneading them with a stronger desire to milk this sexy fat cow for all she had left.

Speaking of milking, it was not Jason's intention to reciprocate the treatment she was gifted earlier. But with all the hard shakes sending tremors across her entire body there was little success in her attempts to grasp at Desmond's bloated hips. Once Desmond's hands had fallen upon her nips she let out a bellowing moo and groped blindly for whatever part of him she could reach.

That turned out to be his teats. Seizing two in a hard clench, Desmond gasped his shocked arousal into Jason's face. It did slow his thrusts for several seconds, but then Jason began giving firm, gentle tugs on her friend's udder. Steady streams of milk sputtered out further drenching them both in warm liquid.

Once the initial shock of having pressure relieved washed over Desmond, he somehow focused enough to try working with Jason's milking. His humping resumed at a rapidly increasing speed. Milk rained off them onto the couch as it tore and strained from each thrust. Hands squeezing tight on Jason's breasts relishing the way her insides contracted in a milking of his member.

"Mmh mooo! Shomeone'sh haah gnnha...shuper horny already." Jason could not help teasing the way Desmond's wide snout huffed and contorted trying to hold back the throes of pleasure welling up. With his increased humps came a faster rate of udder squeezes from Jason's trembling hands. It was really a case of calling the kettle black. Her meaty thighs had already stiffened high in the air partially wrapped around her friends rocking fat butt. The rest of her cow body was tensing up towards that wonderful plateau. "Aahhh...ohhh mooo...mah...mah MOOOOO!!!"

Jason arched her back grasping tight onto Desmond's udder as she came. Her insides clenched even harder around the pounding of Desmond's cock, barely allowing him to withdraw at his rapid pace. Cow horns pierced through the fabric in a shower of more foam beads when her snout whipped up to cry at the ceiling.


Desmond was not too far behind. Feelings of warm fresh cow spunk flooded against Jason's cervix nearly triggering a second little orgasm down her nethers. Both cows clenched tight against each other; Jason holding onto Desmond's udder while Desmond remained latched onto Jason's breasts. For several long seconds, their bodies shuddered one after the other releasing their euphoric orgasms.

"Deshmand..." Jason gulped, biting her lower lip. Eyes stared in longing from their perch behind a thick bovine maw.

It made Desmond blush from more than his orgasm. The shemale cow biting his lower lip while his member still twitched small loads deep inside the gal under him. "Y-yesh hun?"

"'re fat and heavy. GET OOF!!"


Desmond had not expected that nor the hard shove Jason gave to his udder. He was thrown backward very off aim so only half his butt landed on the couch. Not enough to keep him from sliding off with a wet slapping across the damp milk floor. It was a sight that got Jason giggling, even though the act of sitting up with her head throbbing almost had her sliding off the wet furniture as well. Even so, the many holes in her couch were leaking enough stuffing to cause her fat butt to sink considerably.

"Merry Yiffmas, you fooking dork faces jerk hole!" She giggled which cut into a low moo. "Damn that wash shome good nog doe. You better be gven meh extrash for the free fooking too. We got plent oof friendsh dat would loves to...MOOO!! What da fook you did to mah cooch, Deshmand? Aaarggh! You're paying four a new one of thesh too!"

Desmond blinked one eye than the other still sitting in a daze on the floor. Only about that last part of Jason's mumblings made sense to him. Partially because he was busy milking the last bit of pressure from his udder trying to make his afterglow last.

"I guesh dat means you owe meh three thangs now?"

Jason huffed, but then gave Desmond a goofy cow smile of her own. "Why shure thang, hot rod. Closh your eyes and fucker up!"

Desmond needed several seconds to translate drunk talk before excitedly closing his eyes. Lips pursed forward towards Jason in full kissing mode.


Loud squirts filled the room from Jason gabbing her teats in a rapid firing of milk jets into Desmond's face. The other cow sputtered about first trying to wave his hands in a desperate attempt for a shield. When that failed to stop the assault, he grappled to stand but ended up ripping a large chunk of couch away from his sheer weight, falling face first into the painfully wet carpet once more.

"And dat's not even mah revenge," Jason said with a huff. She promptly tried to stand only to slip off the couch in a hard smack against her coffee table. The second attempt found her way onto both hooves. Oh great, now she had to learn to walk on platforms til this wore off too. "I...I'ma mooo...I mean, take a shhhower. W-why don't you get shtarted on cleaning up your shtupid prank mess. Mah maids can get you the charpenter shammadooper."

"Awwww," Desmond whined as he rolled over propped on one elbow to face Jason. "Can't we ant weast take a shoer together?"

Jason paused at the door drumming her red cow nose in thought. "Let me!"

With that the door was slammed shut, leaving Desmond alone in a room drenched in milk and sex juices. With a happy sigh, he rolled onto his back enjoying the small tingles of delight running through his fat bovine body.

"Deshmand, dish was your besht Christmas idea evah!"