Season's Front

Story by Eshe on SoFurry

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#5 of Esoterica

This is a short story that I have written based on the writing prompt "Spring". It is a spiritual successor to another story-poem that I had written much earlier that dealt with the other two seasons changing. I really like the idea of personifying seasons in such a way.

Winter's eyes grew heavy as she kept on her way. The day in and day out march up the stony mountain path has been long, but necessary for reaching the next place where she could lay her head down. "Just a few more miles and then I can finally rest for the season," she thought to herself, brushing some of her snowy locks out of her eyes. As she drifted up the mountain she brought with her a cold wind that whipped with every motion of the tail behind her. Gusts of cold air met the ambient heat to cause a sudden rush of icy flurries from the once saturated air. It had been months since she started this journey and for a while it seemed like she never drew any nearer to her destination, but her progress was apparent to those mortals left in the wake of her presence. She paused for a moment and looked back at the path she'd taken up the mountain from the valley down below. Branches of trees that would be coated in thick ice now only held a thin layer of fleeting frost. What would have been a gelid shining ornate pillar jutting from a fissure in the mountain now flowed down in a torrent of lively water. There came booming crashes as it spilled onto the rocks below and the mist let off of its form caught the sun in a myriad of shimmering colours. Spring was hot on her heels.

Further down in the valley, once blanketed in the calm caress of veiling snow, the scene had changed to a blaze of bright tones from fields of unbridled flora. A heavy wave of green came flooding across the land and washed away the every inch of pale canvas as the Sun lofted into the sky; the ever vigilant spectator. Spring had arrived in the valley and he brought the heat of life with his sway. The richness of his fur mirrored the radiance of the world that surrounded him and he was not obliged to shrink from the Sun as Winter does. He looked for her as he strode deeper into the valley, but could not find a single trace of her form. He knew better, but oh how he longed to be within her gaze each year, if only for just a moment. With each step, he could feel the last flakes of frost in the trees call to him as they melted away into morning dew. Few times had Spring ever barely glimpsed Winter, but she is the most elegant being he'd ever looked upon. It caused the core of his being to stir and in those rare seasons, the colours were most radiant.

Winter, hidden by the clouds that shrouded the mountain tops, looked down as Spring drew nearer unaware and her sense of longing intensified. She wanted to call out to him, but she knew they each had to keep moving to maintain the delicate balance. Peeking through the gaps in the clouds, her eyes danced as they followed him and traced the contours of his body. The two of them were so similar, but their respective elements set them apart. As his tail flicked behind him there was a rush of warmth and a waking breeze rustled through the trees. As she flicked hers there was a flash of chill that made restful all that it touched. A silence would fall as everything was encased in frigid crystal that faintly sparkled in the hindered light from the sun. Winter had stayed entranced for a moment too long and Spring had caught a waft of her flowing down the mountain. He hurriedly looked up and through a break in the cloud cover; their eyes had met for the first time. Two bashful hesitant smiles caused these natural forces to beam as their climates met, and with that Winter turned and gusted over the craggy peaks. Spring rippled and sparked with joy, whiskers pointing straight out with heightened senses! The mountain tops were now entombed in a thick coat of milky snow. A sign that Winter's heart had been lifted as she took her station in the next hemisphere. The fervid Spring had never felt so lush, as if this were the first season.