The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VIII Chapter 5

Story by Everlast on SoFurry

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#156 of The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions

Chapter 5

He took a deep breath.

Fresh air stabbed his nostrils like a gust of wind striking a wing membrane, something he didn't remember enjoying at all truthfully. In his place people tend to find elation in all those irrelevant things, like grass, animals, or all those other silly things.

Unaware of the fact that everything that surrounds them is nothing more than digested excrement that got shaped over and over again into more different forms.

Juggling between ugly and uglier.

There are some things worth noticing, true, it's like finding a colorful worm wiggling in shit, you are interested in it for a second until you finally turn your gaze away. Realizing that there is nothing extraordinary about it, it was a natural order of things with no room for a twist.


By the darkness how that shit is boring.

The only thing this privy of a world could provide was a sense of always moving forward, ironically he didn't like waiting, he didn't like anything where time plays a big role, it usually meant that things were moving slow, far too slow for his liking.

There was no action.

No twist that would make things a little bit more exciting, no weighting of danger, no unpredictable moves, nothing. Just an apathetic descent into the bowels of your demons.

Many would be satisfied with such a scenario.

He however liked his lured prey spiced.

Besides that there were other two problems that people of this and every other world could never cope with.

There was no other creature like him.

And he liked solitude.

Those two things combined made him an arch demon among spawns of hell, a legend among heroes, an emperor among kings. Especially if you knew what he knows, the true meaning behind solitude.

Danox grinned.

No one did.

Whosoever is delighted in solitude is either a wild beast or a god.

Nouns, he already has quite a collection engraved on his name.

Funny thing was that all of them are true.

It was even more amusing that all that cattle inside the city didn't recognize it, didn't feel it, too busy with their worthless, tedious span they call life. No matter the era, people always ignore the strange, the weird, the odd, giving in to bias and pretending that bias is someone else's problem to deal with, it's enough when they scream loud enough.

Never people understood that the dangers they fear don't have to walk through the streets to make themselves known.

Danox' black eyes trailed the massive length of Warfang's southern wall, jutting from the side of the mountain, the top of which is his home temporary.

Sometimes all it takes is to send whispers right next to the doorstep.

He chuckled suddenly. He had to admit it himself, he was addicted to fun, it was not his fault that the best way he can enjoy himself is to play on someone's fear.

Maybe there was some truth to the bias after all.

Oh well, black scales are black scales, no one will have it against him when he plays a little since everyone expects him to be already evil incarnate.

He always tried to tame the teasing nature he inherited, he fucking hated it... most of the time, but right now he simply loved it. It had to be his father's side speaking, no matter how hard one can try you can't simply wash away the genes that sired you, in those certain circumstances he tolerated that one flaw on his special...

He snickered.


Emotions are overrated.

A creature like him needs only two things, food and fun.

Both could be found right behind the wall he was currently looking at. Walking inside and ripping both wouldn't be much of a problem, but all of it would end so quickly that he would never be able to sustain himself, all of it would be raw.

He had a sensitive palate for both his special tastes, he simply didn't accept raw.

Besides striding headlong against the knowledge he learned, bah, knowledge he experienced and tested was an unwise thing to do. When dealing with an enemy, and all of those people were his enemies even if he didn't really had any grudge against them, bias is bias unfortunately, it is important to have a plan, a tactic.

Those add twists to the fun.

He always followed one, simple rule in his dealings with baseless anger empowered individuals.

Be extremely subtle even to the point of formlessness. Be extremely mysterious to the point of soundlessness. Thereby you can be the director of the opponent's fate.

He really liked the sound of that.

The leaves rustled sharply, his head perked up at the sound, a distant sound, kilometers away, carried the sweet scent of excitement through the wind, his nose was too sensitive for things like that, they would never escape his attention.

Excitement was always dipped in a form of fear, even the ones that are dead inside sometimes find the spark of life within them. He had that effect on people, especially when they managed to taste his excellence.

Charm is the ability to insult people without offending them.

Isn't that right cattle?

What about you-

The wind grazed his nose with another gentle waft of boiling, pleasurable fear.

Speaking of the devil!

Danox laughed heartily.

A hare dashed inside the hole it was digging, the entrance to the hole yet to small for it to fit without issue. Round rump got stuck, little legs kicked wildly before eventually the furry body managed to pop inside.

What was he thinking about?

Nouns, nouns, nouns.

That fellow was already here.

Danox withdrew the claw that he used to scratch his shoulder he threw an indifferent glance at his extended paw. The claw was covered in fresh blood, pieces of red flesh dotted the bloodied claw like cookies adorning a cake, single, crimson strand dangled from the tip, the rope of red blood that hung from reminding a stretching droll from a salivating mouth.

His gaze landed on the shoulder, a deep hole was scraped out in his flesh, exactly in the spot where his claw worked. A piece of bone flashed inside it, picked clean of every piece of meat, it disappeared quickly under the pressure of blood that filled the cavity like waves of water flooding a village after breaking through a dam.

He followed the crimson river, the right side of his body completely covered in blood, he followed it to the point where it dripped from his body and onto the grass below.

The green color faded away, dead under the weight of the blood and considerable scraps of flesh he dug out from his flesh.

Managing the same callous approach his gaze returned back at the wound, by now the bleeding ended. The crimson flow no longer liquid, but stale like ice, dark veins appeared on the surface, reaching up until they completely devoured the red pool in a swirling mass of darkness.

The swirling mass adopted a solid figure after a moment, the black shape took the form of his scales and mended back with the rest of the body.

The wound disappeared.

He was whole again.

His attention was immediately drawn to the sound of a rustling bush nearby, his shadow that stretched into an unimaginable size completely covered that part of the woods in shadow, despite the sun's desperate attempts to break through, it was shining directly at him from the opening in the trees crowns near the mountain, its efforts to disperse it to no avail.

The shadow began to shrink back slowly, not before however waking up the inhabitants of that peculiar spot. A pack of martens moved uneasily around the bushes and fallen branches, giving hungry glares at the meat below his paws while occasionally throwing him scared glances.

The darkness of his shadow confusing the animals, wakening up their appetites that usually boiled during the touch of the moon.

He appreciated the company of nocturnal beasts, only predators of the dark known what true appetite means.

He scooped up from the ground his still fresh, scraped by his own claw flesh and flicked it towards the group of small animals. The martens let out squeaky, joyful noises and began to feast on his flesh with a craving of a starving for days beggar.

They devoured him, piece by piece, fur standing at the end by the bolts of pleasure that his body provided.

He put his bloodied claw into his mouth, licking and sucking on it, absorbing the blood and scraps of flesh that remained stuck to the blade.

It is impolite to let your guests dine alone in your house.

He smiled, tongue twirling against the blade, sharp teeth shimmered with glistening tint of blood.

Two of the animals bit into the same piece of bloody meat, tensing and letting out their characteristic growls they fought with each other, pulling at the respective sides of flesh, wrestling.

He made a small nod.

The shadow that stuck to the earth sprouted a single, small, black tentacle, it rose just to fall a moment later, cutting through the air like an executioner's axe.

His flesh snapped in half.

The two martens landed on their butts, thrown back by the force of the unexpected cut. Stunned, their eyes landed on the piece of flesh in their maws, then they looked at the opponent on the opposite side.

Instinctively realizing that the meat in between their teeth was of equal size.

Happy with the just outcome, both small animals began devouring his flesh with great appetite.

Danox grinned, licking his lips, cleaning off the last drops of his blood from the mouth.

Life is so endlessly delicious.

Or is it?

He blinked, eyes landing on the shoulder, landing on the shoulder and perfectly sealed up wound. He looked himself over, blank, emotionless eyes examining every part of the body, smile vanishing from the mouth. He was like a visitor to a museum, evaluating a particular piece of art which value, according to his honest, modest opinion, could only be found in the occurred effect after you bash someone's skull in with it.

It is.

To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.

Now, as his indifferent gaze scanned over his wonderfully healed body, it became clear that in truth he only needs one thing to sustain himself.


All rest is irrelevant.

Head shot up, black eyes scaling the long, thick wall, black tendrils began to crawl across its surface, swaying like the tongues of a flame. Stretching higher and higher, reaching out slowly like stern fingers of a strangler.

The swaying tentacles joined together, devouring each other until they formed nothing but a big splotch of darkness on the wall. A black portal ready to transport him to the other side, he could smell the essence of the cattle wafting from the shadow.

So disgustingly enticing.

Hunger knows no friend but its feeder.

He growled, dark veins creating a spider web of connections on his snout. Black eyes glistened with a touch of blinding white.

Feed the hunger or else the hunger will eat you.

His leg rose, brain sending pulse after demanding pulse to make it drop down, forcing a step forward. It didn't drop however, instead beginning to shake wildly.

Veins moved down his neck and stretched across his gold scaled chest, spreading like vile infection.

Not again.

This is wrong.

Existence alone is pointless.




His tail made a wide swing, the sharp, deadly tip swishing at the risen leg, cutting the paw right in the wrist, burying itself deep. Cutting through scale severing arteries and cracking bone as if they were strings.

A jolt of tremendous pain shot from the molested nerves, the paw flopped down limply, disconnected from the nervous system of the rest of the body.

Bright blood gushed onto the ground, drowning the grass under its thick weight.

The blade pulled back before cutting off the paw completely and sliced a little higher, drawing a deep bloody line across the length of the elbow, the meat and blood poured from the wound like guts from a gutted fish.

Danox moaned in utter delight, throwing his head back, wings and tail jittering with blissful spasms.

Life is pain, so live it up while you can.

The wind carried another sweet whiff of excited fear.

The smell was strong.

The eyes of his tilted back head opened up lazily, a little smirk creeping onto his maw, sharp, white teeth sending a proud flash at the sky. The draconic, growing form of a dragon that appeared up above tottered slightly as if hit by an unexpected strong gust of wind.

A gust that seemed to only strike the dragon in the sky, down here on the ground not even the tiniest leaf moved. The figure again regained balance, pushing its wings close it flapped them backwards, slowing the descent, claws curling into hooks to prepare for a landing.

Malachite scales glistened in the sun, the massive body of the dragon above covered the touch of the sun.

Danox' smirk widened.

"Well, any good comeback needs some true believers"

Capro landed nearby, the ground groaning as it welcomed his big body on its surface, the earth splitting slightly under his weight. His nose immediately started to sniff, the horn on top of it bouncing up and down to the rhythm.

As a predator he didn't have troubles recognizing the scent to which every carnivore's nose is sensitive to. As well as he didn't have troubles pinpointing the location from which this peculiar, heavy scent was coming from.

His grey eyes momentarily examined the body of his black scaled companion, trailing the form of the ugly wounds on his leg.

"What happened?"

Danox snickered, the wound on his leg pulsed, pushing out more blood.

"Why, my dear pious friend, darkness happened of course. It has quite the refined taste" he laughed suddenly, it was quite a melodic sound

Capro found nothing funny about it, yet his mouth grew into a supporting smile nevertheless.

"You-" he ended abruptly, surprised by his rather squeaky voice and the weird feeling of his mouth being stretched unnaturally

He touched his lips, trailing their soft surface with his claw, eyes grew in gentle shock as he realized that he was smiling. The first instinctive impulse demanding a resolution for this uncalled for scenario.

His mouth didn't want to move.

He felt as if he was fighting against a rope wrapped around his body which pinned him to a tree, no matter how hard he pushed and jerked the strong cord just pulled him back in.

The gentle shock momentarily turned into slowly boiling horror, as if he would be a victim of an accident who just looked at his paws to see one of his legs gone.

The scared eyes looked back at Danox, unconsciously asking if he is seeing the same thing and if he knows what's going on.

The dark companion looked back at him, there was no emotion in his eyes, nothing except the choking blackness his eyes were made of.

His own reflection was looking back at him. It was sitting, both paws inside its mouth, claws at the corners of his mouth, pulling the flesh wider and wider, enlarging the smile. Blood flew from the strained flesh.

His mouth began to sting, gentle snaps of scale filled his head.

"It's always me" Danox intoned, his deep, dark voice a sensual growl

Something flashed before his eyes, forcing them to blink. When he opened them back again Danox had his head pressed to his chest and was looking at something behind him.

The sting was gone from his mouth.

He rubbed his lips, fervently patting at them, they were in their normal position, expressing his facial emotion.

He didn't remember them shrinking back.

Did he imagine all of it?

Capro frowned, following his companion's gaze, he was looking at his bloodied tail blade, it was hanging right next to a nearby bush, a very active bush. Bitter wince wrinkled his snout when he spotted the reason behind all this activity.

A group of martens popped from the bush, they covered the bloodied tail tip, quickly tearing off whatever remnants of flesh remained stuck on it.

It was a disturbing sight.

After all the things he had done and will do, he still recognized when something is bad and wrong, consciousness stinging. Whether it stopped him or not was not important, important were the results that all of these disturbing actions gave birth to.

"So" Danox smirked, observing the hungry animals with gleeful shimmer in the eye "How did it go?"

The creature's reaction was so predictable.

He wasn't thinking about the martens right now.

"Really?" Capro jerked his head back, bewildered by the black dragon's priorities, he couldn't help it, he still had the most common reactions of a sentient creature

A compassionate creature.

No matter how scarred his soul might be.

Danox laughed, the unexpected burst of joy tensing his muscles, it was like unexpectedly exploding thunder strike right next to the window of your home.

"When all else fails there's always delusion"

Trying to understand Danox was like trying to understand the Ancestors. Divinity doesn't speak the tongue of common folk, even if the words are understandable, the meaning behind is far more grand. Dragons like him could only cater to the divine making sure they have all the necessary ingredients for them to carry on.

"We should take care of your wo..." Capro's eyes widened, the breath that he used for words articulating squeezed out from his throat like air from a badly tied balloon "...unds"

The black leg and the previously limp paw showed no sign of injury. Just a moment ago the leg looked like it was molested by the huge, hungry fangs of a Death Hound and now it looked like a fresh, healthy leg of a hatchling.

"How?" another instinctive reaction, it was a weird feeling to allow things to be surprising, to be a victim of a scheme, something he avoided doing when he laid eyes on that black whore

It was a weird feeling to realize that you are just a dragon, an imperfect creature, prone to making mistakes.

"Fix your eyes on perfection and you make almost everything speed towards it"

Danox looked back at the malachite drake, the smug look taunting and inviting.

"You are lucky enough in having no need to run" he extended his previously wounded leg, making the paw slide across his chest, he observed every movement of his leg with great care, it was moving slowly as if trailing the form of some invisible glyphs.

"You don't have to worry about me my devoted friend" he made a twirl with his previously wounded leg, it moved smoothly and gracefully, as if it was never injured to begin with

But it was wounded, seriously wounded.

Capro licked his lips, it would take days for a dragon to recover from such a wound, the cut would heal in a matter of hours, but the bone was a different matter. No matter how powerful a creature you might be, you are still made of flesh and bones, when you put the two together after a moment when they were torn apart, the mind needs a while of discomfort to get used to having all of the limbs at its disposal again.

Why is he thinking about such trifling things?

"Tell me my empty friend, do you like having fun?"

Capro shook his head, breaking from the trance he put himself into, unable to catch the whole spoken sentence.

"Fun?" he stammered

"Yes, fun, gaiety, that single part of life that keeps you withering from boredom"

"I don't remember what fun means any longer"

"Of course" Danox knocked at his forehead, as if waking up the owner of his skull who decided to take a quick nap "You are on a very, very important mission. Any progress?"

Black eyes aimed at him, the cold indifference inside them reminded him of the void that filled his ribcage. It was like looking into the eyes of your twin brother.

"I think I've failed"

"Why announce failure so rashly?" Danox' voice was almost sweet "In my long years of existence I've learned one thing, people always fight until they draw their last breath, they might not know it, but it doesn't change anything, as long as you breathe you are on the battlefield. Doesn't matter if in the first row of an attacking formation, or huddling in a pit somewhere, the annoying tendency of making that one stupid move that changes everything is always there, as long as you don't give up on it"

"Don't get me wrong, as long as you are on the losing side that spark is wonderful and motivating, I personally never experienced it however. I've been always on the wining side, and let me tell you my caring, green friend that it is very irritating. I hate clean-up jobs"

Danox smiled pleasantly, making a cheerful clap with his paws.

"With that in mind let's move onto the issue. What makes you think you failed Capro? Tell me! Open up your hea-" he sucked his breath in, biting on the lips and then exploded with laughter

Capro noticed two of the martens who seemed to be the most greedy for Danox' flesh drop dead, they had a heart attack from the looks of it.

If his heart wasn't made of stone then maybe he would share their fate.

"I apologize, I've got carried away there a little" Danox covered his mouth, clearing his throat into his paw as politeness dictated

Capro could swear he saw bloodthirsty, grinning fangs flashing in between the toes

"Anyway, why do you think you failed my trustworthy companion?"

"Cyril berated me, basically discarded my words due to the fact that I didn't have any evidence to back up my claim. I felt like a complete fool"

He narrowed his gaze on the black dragon, claws sinking into the earth, muscles bulging with tension.

"I promised to myself after that black slut broke her word that I will never again let anyone make a fool out of me" his voice morphed into a snarl, something he didn't want to do and was most probably a very dangerous thing to do, but he simply couldn't help himself.

His voice adopted an accusing tone, Danox due to his scale colors greatly reminded him of the bitch that sliced off the head of his mother.

The black drake's eyes widened, if his eyes would radiate any emotion they would give out a little spark of glee.

"That means he listened to you, yes?"

The snarl turned into a partial, quenched growl, he managed to stifle most of it. Danox' indifference to his plight made him even more mad then the thought of him setting him up just for some cruel amusement.

"Silence is one of the hardest arguments to refute" the black dragon acknowledged and casually sat on the ground, stretching his neck by tilting his head up and by opening his wings

"You haven't failed then" with a soft groan everything piece of body returned to its natural position "Putting aside your personal problems that cloud your judgment, you managed to a achieve victory. You planted the seed of suggestion"

"I don't see how is that a victory when the Guardians consider me as Brill's sidekick"

Danox smiled sweetly.

"Don't always use prudence for precaution, sometimes use it for progress"

"I'm not following your train of thought, you need to speak more clearly because I don't understand"

"Naturally that you don't understand, that's why you're here" he pushed himself up, placing a paw on the green dragon's shoulder and gave in a comforting squeeze "And I'm here to explain and help you"

Capro looked down, he wasn't the one to avert gaze, not after all this time he spent on building his confidence, but he simply couldn't look into those lifeless, dark eyes from up close.

"I appreciate all the advice you have given me, but I cannot help myself but wonder why are you assisting me. Getting on the bad side of the Guardians isn't in your interest, you are already banned from the city, you won't change that by working against them"

Danox looked genuinely surprised, he pulled the dragon into a hug, the lips of his black mouth inches from the green snout and the earhole.

"Oh my dear Capro, I never work" he whispered

Capro winced, the dark booming mumble seemed to reach through his earhole and squeeze his brain. He felt sick, such closeness with a black dragon was unacceptable for his sense of taste, those scales reminded him of Cynder too much, even if Danox is a completely different sort of dragon.

The only time he would ever hug a dragon like her would be the moment when he'd want to strangle her, pull her so tight that her eyes would pop out.

His paw moved with the intention to shove the dragon away, but it stopped in mid air. Out of respect and disgust, the perspective of touching those black scales made him want to puke.

A soft snicker escaped Danox' throat, he straightened up slightly, pulling his head from behind his head. When he thought that the black drake was about to leave him alone, it turned out in the end that Danox had other plans.

Standing only on his hind paws, he slammed the second of his paws on his other shoulder. He rubbed his scales fervently.

"Boy are you tense!" Danox put more power into the squeezing and rubbing, to the point that the green drake started to rock back and forth "Don't flex those muscles, let them rest a while, I already like you"

Capro did exactly the opposite, the instinct of abhorrence too strong to ignore.

"There you go!" with one final squeeze he pushed back, dropping back on the green earth

He thought he would shit himself due to that relaxing wave of relief that washed over him when those black paws finally let him go.

"See? I'm not plotting against anyone, I'm helping out whoever seeks my assistance, I'm a people's dragon"

"You would tell the Guardians that it was your idea to send me to Cyril with the intention to condemn the bitch's puppet?"

The amused expression vanished from Danox' snout, he glued his basically demonic stare into him, he looked like the most deadly predator that just got smacked across the cheek.

It got slightly darker around here.

It must have been the sun hiding behind a cloud, he didn't have the courage to check this theory out however.

The recently lonely bush began rustling again, which was strange since the martens dining on the scraps already disappeared with their prize. His grey gaze landed there, it was unusually dark there, as if one of the biggest leaves would hover above that particular spot and protect it from every ray of the sun.

The bush was being moved by something.

He narrowed his eyes, there was a silhouette within that darkness.

It really resembled one of the dead martens.

It was standing and slashing with its paws at the bush.

"Your personal grudges don't interest me" Danox intoned, his voice adopted an even lower tone, enlarging the depth of his voice even further. It seemed like every spoken word was a part of a guttural, irritated growl of a bear that is being poked into agitation during its time of slumber

"Every life is special and delightful, the one you desire to ruin even more so. You are going after an exceptional taste and you will show respect. I won't tolerate slurs, we share a bond Capro, by tugging at it you might get on my bad side and believe me when I tell you that you don't want me to be your enemy. Our relationship might have come to an abrupt end and neither of us wants it to happen. Do you understand?"

He didn't want to look at Danox, he preferred to observe the unnatural, scary anomaly going on around the bush.

His neck moved nevertheless, he could feel something on his chin, it was like a cold finger of a corpse. Startled eyes tried to capture the form, but saw nothing.

He didn't dare to touch it.

The cold touch applied pressure, forcing his head to turn and raise, taking advantage of his moment of defenseless.

He met his gaze, the dark eyes were demanding an answer.

"Yes" he heard himself say, long before the mind processed the thought of agreement

"The name of your target is Cynder, you will remember it. Do you understand?"


"Say it. Say her name"

He didn't want to, the whore didn't deserve it. She was a slut, a murderer who's heart he will eat when he finally rips it to pieces. She was barely worthy of his spit, there was absolutely no way that he-

"Cynder" his tongue articulated once more without his mind's permission

The pressure that held his chin in place disappeared.

A welcoming smile stretched Danox' lips. The rustling ceased momentarily, the darkness that embraced the earth for a moment shrunk back, defeated by the light.

The sun must have risen up from behind the cloud finally.

He threw a glance at the spot where are the rustling could be heard. Unconsciously seeking the not desirable explanation for his ideas from before. His sanity demanded to use the lucky and favorable direction of the ray of light.

There was nothing there.

He couldn't decide if that was a good or a bad thing.

"The noblest pleasure is the joy of understanding"

Danox patted Capro's cheek, giving it three, well done, manly claps.

"With that in mind I can assure you that I'm not trying to discredit anyone. You asked me for advice, I gave an idea and a plan. It was a success, the seed was planted in Cyril's head and now it blossoms or he makes it wither. It's entirely up to him. See? Everyone's innocent"

"I'm sorry for pointing it out, but to me it seems like a waste. I need to see results and know if my actions will make progress. I can't afford to wait, I can't wait any longer, I must know everything"

"Knowledge is overrated, believe me" he turned his black head, scaling the high of Warfang's wall "Knowing everything seems boring, where's the fun in all of that?"

Danox tapped his temple as he turned to face his green companion.

"The mind, this is the exciting device. You don't want to lock it out, it might spawn beautiful results and ideas, some that you didn't expect to happen and then the wonderful and thrilling period of improvisation begins"

If not for the eyes the smile that grew on Danox' mouth would be almost sweet.

"And let me tell you that when it comes to improvisation the creativity of the mind knows no bounds. There are stories out there that begin with a single planned chapter and then their progress is being offered to improvisation. Before you know it, the small novel of a thousand words turns into a multimillion tome. Maybe we are a part of such a story right now"

Capro shuffled his paws nervously, it didn't matter that this situation demanded it, he still hated this shitty feeling of awkwardness. He didn't put so much work into his personal development, into building his confidence to just let it all go to waste.

He really wanted to show this narcissistic, dark scaled smartass where he belongs.

Danox however was more than just a black dragon. If Brill was to be believed, he had the aura of an Ancestor about him.

The old fool.

"What should I do now?" he asked shyly, musing out masochist curses

The black drake smiled, he hated that cold amusement on his snout, he felt as if he would be staring in the ugly snout of the basilisk that killed his heart.

"Wait and improvise"

Capro bit his lip, trying very hard not to punch the dragon, Danox really becomes irritating when you spend more time with him. He finally began to understand why that old fire dragon is always on the edge. If the red drake knew who Danox truly is didn't matter, he believed he did and yet he still wanted to smack him.

At the same time knowing he shouldn't be doing that.

The worst thing was that it seemed like Danox knew about his internal conflict and is mocking him all the fucking time because of it.

"That's it?" he muttered, the fang on the lip creating almost deafening scraping noises as it crunched along the moving lip

"Wise men don't need advice. Fools won't take it"

Oh yes, there was another aspect of Danox that you learn to hate on closer acquaintance.

Listening to the haughty quotes almost all the fucking time of this arrogant piece of know-it-all as if he would swallow every wise brain of this world.

It not only irritated you but also made you feel like an idiot when you caught yourself on unconsciously trying to solve the meaning behind the quote.

"This is your advice" Capro growled at the brink of patience "Stay in one place like you and wither, hoping something will happen"

Danox chuckled.

"I don't hope my loyal friend, I know. I don't leave this mountain because I don't have to, the world will come to me, it always did. As a matter of fact, after we're done here I expect another visit from a certain furry friend. That, and as I said, I help people, I made a promise to my guardian that I will behave while he's gone. I don't want to disappoint him. I'm a good boy, you surely know that"

Another one of those creepy smirks that seemed to gnaw at your soul. The longer he stared at those pristine teeth, the more he heard the clamping sounds of fangs against his consciousness.

"I don't oppose you Capro, I merely serve and provide"

"What are you?" Capro whizzed out a question he wasn't certain he wanted to know the answer to

Something deep inside told him that if he would attend some of the sermons in the temple he wouldn't have to ask this question.

It would tell him much more than that damn crystal.

Danox straightened his posture, eyelashes fluttered flirtatiously, he puffed his chest, tensed the gentle tone of muscle and spread his wings.

Capro couldn't help himself but to run his eyes across the gold-black body, he knew that Danox was a guy, a sex that he wasn't attracted to and yet in his body he saw that feminine allure that made him look at the well toned body of a female as well as a male.

No matter from which side he looked, one word pushed against his tongue.


"I am whatever and whoever you wish me to be" the dark, breathy voice adopted a tone of deep mysteriousness and unimaginable promise

Capro stared at Danox as if he would be a godly shaped statue of an Ancestor that just came alive.

The black dragon chuckled, he felt as if he got smacked across the cheek.

"Most of the time though? I'm a connoisseur" Danox pushed himself up, placing a paw on the stony wall of Warfang and caressing it softly as if it was a body of a tender girl

"I don't rush things, because if I would get into the thick of things everything would come to an abrupt end. I wait because when the world will finally come to me, this will be the moment when things will become interesting and so delicious"

He curled his claws on the stone, tips sunk into the small cracks, black vines sprouted from below them, blossoming like a dark dahlia.

"I will finally partake in the feast" he huffed deeply, the part of the wall touched by darkness seemed to dent a little as if it was a mouth sucking the air in

"And I'm going to savor the moment. The question is..."

Danox looked at Capro, the green drake making an anxious step back, startled by the white shimmer that flared up within the black eyes, recoloring them slowly like spilled paint.

"Will you dine with me?"