
Story by Jiblits on SoFurry

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  • Night thoughts- 68. - Y knot...


This night, I don't feel much fight

I've seen all that's left, & don't think it'd be right

Along the trips, the ground shook me like bad news often did

It took time, still does for some things, but much less, since I was a kid

The journey was, & still is refreshing in some points

The aches from mental quakes have since left rubble, reminding me why I move slower with old joints

Not a hundred, but feeling 90 at heart

I've enjoyed my options, equally as I could, with the good pieces, & every bad part

It's been a life well lived, one I'm proud to have had

It's been a surprising rollercoaster of scary, happy, angering, & sad

The scars that can't be seen are best kept at heart

There's not much needed for sharing from the very start

If life was a game of poker, all cards on the table...

I'll keep playing, long as I can, long as I'm able...

"Tomorrow an always maybe, I look forward, while I can, at what I may see..."

    • - Thanks for reading - - -
    • - Always - - -