Delibird Day Care (Totodile TF)

Story by Vinomath on SoFurry

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[Originally posted 10/6/2016]

Shorter one this go around. That's what happens when it's not anthro or tg, less to describe! Oh wells. I liked this concept so I gave it a go anyways!

Larry was a Pokemon trainer, fresh off of a hard fought gym battle. It was his first one ever, and all he had was his trusty Cyndaquil, Blaze. It took a lot of practice and grinding, but they were able to come out on top! Larry decided that they should both celebrate their rather big first win! And Larry knew just the way to do it.

Recently, in Numblerg Town there was a new business that opened up. It was similar to a Pokemon Daycare, a rather common business practice in the region. However, at this particular one there was a Delibird there. What did he do? Basically, gave you a pie! It was quite yummy, but there is more than meets the eye! What it would do, is turn the trainer into a Pokemon and be able to play with their pokemon for a few hours then be on their adventures yet again once they turn back!

Larry and Blaze had never done this before, but the idea of turning into a Pokemon and being able to truly talk with his Cyndaquil thrilled and excited him. Larry knew of a few people who had gone through it before and they had nothing but good things to say about it! Hopefully it'd be a fun few hours for the two of them!

With that, Larry and Blaze made their way over to Numblerg with a skip in their step. Larry looked around the town and sure enough, found the building he was looking for. He basically started running with excitement towards it and stopped at the door. With a deep breath and smile on his face, Larry entered into the building.

"Hello, and welcome to Delibird's Day Care!" a voice said, confusing Larry since he didn't see another person in sight. "Ahem, down here." it said again. Larry looked down and saw the Delibird, it could talk!

"Woah! I didn't know Pokemon could talk!" Larry said still taken aback.

"Yup! It's like learning a new language for your species." he explained proudly. "I'm Claude! I'm a Delibird!" he said rather proudly.

"Hey Claude." Larry nodded, unsure how to react. "I'm Larry, and this is Blaze." he said signaling down to her. "I'm here to stay for a few hours."

"Lovely!" Claude responded reaching into his bag. "Here you go. Your ticket in!" he handed Larry a small slice of pie.

"Thanks!" Larry answered by taking the pie. This was it! He'd eat this and he'd become a pokemon! The excitement was too much, and he devoured the whole thing. Shortly thereafter, he felt sensations form all over his body. It was starting!

Larry's body turned into a light blue, while a cream colored patch formed connecting his arms. His face pushed out greatly, forming into a long, and very strong jaw. Many of Larry's teeth left him, but the ones that remained became much sharper. His nose became but mere nostrils on the tip of his snout. Larry's eyes became larger while black formed around them.

Larry's body shrank down vastly, along with his arms and legs. His toes fused into merely three digits while all that was left of his legs was essentially his knees. Meanwhile his hands became small little nubs and more pointy while it seemed like anything past his elbow was gone (length-wise at least). From behind him, a small blue tail formed with a red spine at the tip of it. Lastly, the red spines formed down his back, leaving Larry as a Totodile.

"W-woah! It worked! I'm a Pokemon!" When Larry spoke, it sounded like it was just saying his name, but could understand it perfectly.

"Larry, is that really you?" a girl's voice was word, Larry turning to see it was Blaze.

"Blaze! I can understand you! This is so exciting!" Larry practically hopped up and down with excitement. "Thank you thank you!" he said running around and giving the Delibird a big hug.

Claude smiled down at him. "No problem, now go have fun!" he said as Blaze and Larry ran into the play area. Seeing the excited faces of trainers and their pokemon was always the highlight of his day!