Crossroads - Zack: Chapter 5

Story by Lupine Catastrophe on SoFurry

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#5 of Crossroads (Zack)

Here we go, chapter five everyone! I have to say, this is the fastest I think I've ever uploaded a series lol.

This story is a companion of ragewolver's Crossroads. If you enjoy this story, go to his profile and check out his stuff!

Crossroads - Zack - Chapter Five

Zack stood in the locker room after gym, changing his clothes to get ready for lunch. He still felt that pleasant buzz throughout his body that resulted from a good round of exercise. As he pulled on his shirt, out of the corner of his eye he caught Argent staring at him again. Seriously, again?

"Do you got a problem or something?" Zack snapped, causing the wolf to flinch. "I don't stare at you, do I?"

Argent blinked twice before saying in a small voice, "Can I ask you something?"

Zack lifted an eyebrow in curiosity. Glancing around, he noticed most of the room was watching them. The fuck are they looking at? He let out a small growl, the student quickly returning to their own business.

Turning back to the wolf, he said forcefully, "Spit it out."

Argent swallowed. "Well, it was a stupid idea. Forget I said anything." He backed away and hurried to unlock his locker and change clothes.

Zack growled again, beginning to get very annoyed. "Just fucking say it!"

The wolf flinched again. Frightened and flustered, he began to speak rapidly. "I need a trainer to help me get more physically fit so I pass the fitness tests, but I don't know anyone who could help me so I was going to ask you if you could but I -"

Zack shot out a paw and closed it around Argent's muzzle, preventing him from speaking. "So you want me to train you?" He said in exasperation. The wolf nodded, but before Zack could continue, the bell rang signaling the start of lunch. He released the wolf's muzzle before grumbling, "We'll discuss this later," and walking off.

Where did that come from? Zack thought as he left the locker room. The wolf had asked him for help, of all people? Most stayed well away from him, much less talked to him out of the blue like that. Although...maybe he wouldn't mind helping him out. After all, Argent was rather scrawny; he could do with a bit of meat on his bones.

He'd have to find him during lunch and talk to him then.

Zack found the wolf again relatively quickly. He was sitting at a table chatting with a bear and two foxes - one of them was Junior, he noticed with a start - while eating his food, seemingly oblivious to the big dark jackal coming his way. The foxes seemed to notice him first, the female's eyes getting wide and Junior meeting his gaze with a bitter scowl. Zack ignored him and approached the table with purpose, stopping just behind Argent, who glanced over his shoulder to see the jackal staring down at him.

"Zack's here," said the bear matter-of-factly. Helpful.

_ _ Junior jumped to his feet, his gaze full of malice. "Go away! No one wants you here."

Careful, fox. "I'm not here for you," Zack responded, his equal hatred for the fox clear as day. Looking down at Argent again, he said, "We need to talk."

"O-okay," Argent stammered as he stood up.

"Hold it!" Junior again. "You don't just get to come over here and -"

"It's okay," said Argent. Good thing, too. The jackal felt about ready to lay into the fox right there in the middle of the cafeteria. "Just give me a minute."

"Chance, you don't want to get involved with this jackal," said Junior, his eyes flickering between he and Zack. "Trust me, he's nothing but bad news!"

Zack began to growl lowly. Was he not allowed to just talk to someone for a minute? The other furs at the table carried on talking, but Zack wasn't listening. He instead fixed his dark glare on Junior, who's amber gaze regarded him fiercely and with a little curiosity. Only through their little staring contest, Junior seemed to be trying to figure out what Zack was up to, the latter warning him to back off.

"Chance - !"

The wolf gave his friends a grin and turned toward Zack, who finally broke eye contact with the fox and decided to walk off toward the cafeteria exit. Zack didn't even look back to check if he was following, but once they were outside the cafeteria, he turned to find Argent right behind him.

Zack leaned against the wall as he deadpanned, "You asked me to train you."

Argent seemed to shy away again, averting his gaze to the floor. "Sorry, it was a dumb idea." Even away from the buzz of the cafeteria, Zack could only barely hear him. "Forget it, I just -"

"What do I get out of it?" Zack interrupted irritably. Grow a backbone, pup.

_ _ Sighing, the wolf started again. "I don't know, I'm just desperate." Thanks. "I'm about to fail the class and the coach suggested that I get a trainer and - Maybe I can help you with your artwork? I'm good at making sketches and stuff. Or if you want, I can -"

Do I have to muzzle you again? "You like to talk, don't you?" Zack's words put an end to Argent's rambling, giving him a moment to think. Truth be told, he actually wouldn't mind training the wolf. But the question still stood: what would he get out of it? He may have to take him up on that offer to help him out with his art...

A flash of orange caught his eye and Zack turned his head to find Junior standing by the doors watching them. The sight of him made his growl again by reflex. But then an idea popped into his head, bringing a malicious grin to his muzzle. Junior might have even known what he was thinking; he could do that sometimes. My move, fox...

_ _ Zack turned back to Argent, reverting back to his trademark scowl. "I'll do it. I've got some equipment at my place we can use."

Argent's face lit up. "Really?"

"Yeah," Zack replied, uncrossing his arms. "Meet me in the parking lot after school. Don't make me wait."

Without another word, he headed back towards the cafeteria, making sure to bump into Junior roughly as he passed. The fox huffed in annoyance, but said nothing.

Now, to make up for some valuable lunch time lost...


Zack stood waiting next to his car after school. The bell had rung a while ago and the buses were about to leave. And yet that wolf still wasn't there. Maybe he had changed his mind? The jackal couldn't help but feel a little disappointed at the thought.

But then there he was. Argent the wolf came hurrying out of the doors to the parking lot, backpack over one shoulder. Zack scowled as the wolf approached, his face set in a perfect display of annoyance.

"You took your time."

"I had to get my things," said Argent. The wolf glanced around nervously before continuing, " what did you want to talk to me about?"

Zack crossed his arms, his dark eyes glinting with purpose. "What kind of training are you looking for?"

A pause. "What?"

"You know. Weights, cardio, endurance...what are you after?"

Argent blinked uncertainly. "I uh...I just need to pass the fitness test..."

Zack scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Fucking newbies..."

Argent looked taken aback. "Hey!"

Zack allowed himself a sigh in frustration. This might be harder than he thought. "Look, if you want to improve, you gotta know exactly what you want to improve." He straightened and opened his car door searching for something. "We'll start with the basics and work our way up."


Zack barely heard the wolf's mumble of assent as his paw fumbled around in his bag that sat on the passenger seat of the car. He pulled out a notebook and one of the colored pencils from his art supply box. Hastily scribbling his address on a page, he tore it out and handed it to the wolf.

"Here's my address. Don't lose it," he warned as Argent stared at the note. "You free on Saturday?"

"Yes!" The jackal lifted an eyebrow at the wolf's enthusiasm, and Argent backpedaled. "I mean - yeah."

Zack nodded with an "mhmm" of approval. "Good. Meet me at my place at noon. And bring water."

Argent nodded, his green eyes fixed on the paper in his paw. Zack glanced down at the paw holding the note. Was he...shaking?

Am I that scary?

_ _ "You don't have to be so nervous around me all the time," Zack remarked. "I don't bite."


_ _ Argent jumped for a reason he couldn't quite decipher. "S-sorry..." Shaking his head, he steered the conversation in another direction. "Hey...can I ask you a personal question?"

That prompted another eyebrow-raise from the jackal. Where was he about to go with this? Better play it cool... "Depends on how personal."

Argent shuffled awkwardly and cleared his throat. "What happened between you and Junior?"

Zack instantly gave and menacing growl as his blood began to boil. The nerve of this guy! "That's none of your damn business!"

The wolf flinched and backed away in fright. "Okay, okay! I'm just curious is all...Junior doesn't like you for some reason."

Oh, you noticed! No shit, Sherlock! Zack dragged a paw down his face, willing himself to calm down. He looked at Argent again and said in as calm a voice he could muster, "Look, it's a long story. But what happened between us stays between us. Got it?"

Argent gulped visibly, his eyes wide. "Yeah. Sorry."

His eyes narrowed. "So do you want my help or not?"

"Of course!" The wolf's enthusiasm was back, his ears perked and eyes shining with excitement.

"Good. It's settled. Don't be late." Zack grabbed his canvas from the car and walked past the wolf. "Now come on. We'll be late for the club -" The word "Argent" was on the tip of his tongue, but something felt wrong about it. It took Zack a moment to realize that he didn't actually know the wolf's name. He was sure it had been mentioned at some point earlier in the day, but he couldn't recall it for the life of him... "Hey, pup! What's your name again?"

"Um..." The wolf appeared shocked at the question. "Well, my name's Charles, but -"

"Charlie." The name came to mind naturally. Zack turned it over in his head and a small grin crept across his muzzle. "It fits you."

Charlie Argent...


Zack came through the front door of the house in a considerably high spirits. Depositing his bag on the carpeted floor, he found his mother sitting on the couch reading a book. Karen looked up from her book, noticing his cheerful demeanor.

"You're in a good mood," she remarked.

"Yeah. Just got back from art club." Zack's tail swished as he disappeared into the kitchen for a small snack.

"Are you going to work out today?" Karen called out.

"Yeah!" Zack responded through a mouthful of fruit.

"Okay. Just make sure you're ready for dinner. We're eating a little early today," said Karen as she put her book down briefly. "It's chicken alfredo tonight."

Zack's stomach rumbled even as he demolished the apple in his paw. Chicken alfredo was one of his favorites. "Cool. Thanks." On his way to the stairs, he stopped having just remembered something. "Oh, I almost forgot. I'm having someone over this weekend, if that's okay."

Karen's expression brightened. "Oh? Of course that's alright. Is this why you're in such a good mood?"

Zack shrugged. "Maybe."

Karen smiled. "Well, when is he coming over? It is a 'he,' right?"

Nodding, Zack responded, "Yeah, he's a classmate. I told him Saturday at noon. Is that okay?"

"That's perfect. Maybe he can stay for lunch," said Karen interestedly.

"Uh huh. Maybe." Zack finished his apple and went back to kitchen to throw away the core. As he emerged back into the living room, his mother asked a rather jarring question.

"This isn't another crush is it?"

Zack closed his eyes and smothered his face with his paw. "'s not like that. We're just working out together, that's all."

"Okay, okay," said Karen with both paws up in innocence. "Just wondering! It's nice to see you finally opening up a little is all."

Zack paused before answering awkwardly, ", I'm gonna go work out then. I'll be on time for dinner, I promise." He promptly turned to go upstairs again.

Karen nodded. "Okay. Have fun," she said before getting up to go work on dinner.

The jackal shook his head as he climbed the stairs and found his room. He understood that his parents were looking out for him, but that didn't mean they could assume the first friend he made would be his new romantic interest. Zack chuckled aloud at the thought. Charlie was far from that.

While he changed into some workout clothes, his mind wandered back to the plans they had made. He began to mentally check off a list of adjustments he would need to make in order to accommodate for the wolf.

He'll need an extra towel...maybe a set of punching gloves, if he wants to give the bag a try...probably a snack...