Space adventure and the Zombie-robot-aliens

Story by DarkBlade51224 on SoFurry

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#5 of Short Stories

Guest staring. . . my friends rp character. . . tails!!!

Jade dashed down the corridor, the sound of pounding feet in pursuit. His space sit clinking together like the Stormtroopers on star wars, as he ran, he had a blaster clipped to his belt but he had no ammo. Jade turned a corner and almost ran straight into a zombie, robot, alien.

He spun around and dashed the other direction. His older brother Archer was in the security control room, opening locked doors as Jade needed them. Suddenly Jade turned a corner and was running down a long corridor, at the end was a locked door. Reaching the locked door he turned and pressed his back against it as a hord of zombie, robot, aliens scrambled around the corner. This is it, Jade thought, I'm gonna die, suddenly the door opened and he fell backwards. One of the zombie, robot, aliens had stuck a hand through when the door clamped shut. The hand hit the ground at Jade's feet, I could use that as bait, Jade thought picking it up and shoving it in his bag beside the diapers, snacks, and walkie talkie.

Then he was of again before long he came to a big circular room and as he entered the door behind him closed and locked the walls began to closed in suddenly he was lifted up off the ground, shattering the illusion of the imaginary space crafty and it's zombie, robot, aliens.

"Somebody needs a change." Archer said taking him to the changing table.

"I was about to win" Jade said in a pouty voice.

"Nu uh." Tails said, shaking his head, "I almost had you." Tails's diaper wasn't that dry either. Jade was changed and set back on the ground as Archer lifted tails up for a change. Quickly changing the young fox, Archer set him on the ground, beside Jade. They both ran off and continued playing.