Girls Night Out (Kassandra TF/TG/MC) [CE]

Story by Vinomath on SoFurry

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Contest Entry for this thing:

Category is mental change. Word Count: 3,956

Wanted to have Kassandra have a night on the town, and what better person to do that with than herself? If you aren't aware of who Kassandra is (couldn't explain in story due to word limits), she's a party skunk girl, full of sarcasm and a foul mouth. Likes messing with people in an attempt to keep herself entertained and forgot about her troubles. Had to cut down on some stuff too namely during the last act, so it can come off abruptly again due to the word count limitation. ¯(?)/¯

"There's always one of them." Kassandra commented to herself once the passed out parier shifted into a maid. The party was over so anyone left behind after the fact would have the "pleasure" of becoming the person who cleans up after the rest. It made Kassandra's post-party night much easier and let her enjoy some alone time after rather than taking hours to pick up. She smiled as the maid got up and looked herself over, seeing nothing wrong with herself and got to work. There was especially a lot of vomit that needed cleaning up this time around which Kassandra was thankful it wasn't her problem anymore.

She smiled to herself and flopped down on a sofa, kicking her paws up and putting her hands behind her head. She closed her eyes, more to relax as the likelihood of her going to sleep was very slim thanks to her insomnia. However, Kassandra noticed something off. She was hearing grunts, groans, and mumbling.

"What the hell...?" Kassandra sat up and located the source of it. The skunk ended up finding another man that seemed to be passed out as well. She didn't have the material to make another maid, and really didn't want to deal with babysitting a babbling drunk. "God damn it..." she held the bridge of her nose.

"Ugh...whatappen last ight?" the man slurred out and held his head in an attempt to quell the headache.

"You got drunk as shit, passed out on my floor...and it looks like into a pool of vomit too." Kassandra answered dryly, crossing her arms looking down at the poor sap.

"Oh...d-damn." he responded. "My head throbbing!" The man found himself not being even to speak properly.

"You're really fucked up aren't you?" she asked with a soft chuckle. With a sigh she waved her hand. "Come on, get up. I got the perfect thing to help."

The skunk helped the man sit on the couch and then left to the kitchen to find something to sober him up. At least enough to get him out of her apartment without feeling guilty. Scouring through her cabinets, Kassandra pulled out a bottle that she had recognized right away. Inside of it was a tablet that disintegrated in water and if mixed with something that had traces of someone's DNA (such as saliva or hair), whoever drank it would become a splitting copy of that person, right down to their mind.

Kassandra nodded to herself with a devious grin as she poured a glass of water, tossed the tablet in, then spit in the glass and began mixing it all together with her finger, to make sure that her DNA was properly distributed throughout the glass.

She walked back to the man and handed the cup to him. "Here. Drink this, you'll feel about...well probably the best you'll feel in your whole life if you ended up here in the first place."

"Thank ya..." he muttered and sipped down on the drink, his eyes opening wide. "Wow, that stuff works quick! Thank you again!" he laughed as he drank more and his mind cleared.

"Hm...too much manners. Probably not enough in him yet..." Kassandra thought to herself as she eyed the man's body, noticing it starting to change.

The man's body hair rapidly grew, parts of his body being overtaken entirely by the black fur, one of these parts being the ears. Not only were they coated in fur, they had found their way to the top of his head and grew larger and triangular in the process. The man's figure slendered, losing some of it's masculine highlights such as broad shoulders and bulky arms.

"Wow, I've tried a lot of home remedies for hangovers but this is the real deal!" the ever-changing man responded happily. "What's in this shit anyways?" he asked with another swig.

"Just some junk I tried throwing together one night and ended up working." Kassandra lied, as she noticied the sudden casual cursing approvingly.

His hair trickled down just past his shoulders, turning from a blonde color to a brown one. The black fur had overtaken most of his body, save for his face. The man's eyebrows thinned while his eyelashes become more dominant. Not only that, the man's arms were thin and slender all while curves became apparent on her legs. The gentleman also had his hips expand outward along with his rear, and looking at them now seemed to be right in the middle of "man" and "woman."

"So you just mixed things to see if it'd work? That's I guess." he shrugged. "Nothing too special about it though."

"I never claimed it to be." Kassandra smirked, she was starting to see her personality appear in the man which only made her more excited, not that she'd ever show it!

Behind the man, a thick and bushy tail erupted from the top of his pants, partially tearing them. It was black, though had a neon blue stripe going down it. The same blue formed at the tips of her hair. The black fur had finally grown over his face, with a streak of neon blue in the center stopping at his nose. The man's face extended as his nose became larger and turned a light pink that matched the insides of his ears. Two mounds of flesh piled up and grew into a full, fairly large size set of breasts. Womanhood replaced manhood between the man's legs, making him a woman complete with an hourglass figure. Lastly, his eyes turned a rare purple color and with that, the man became a perfect copy of Kassandra herself.

She finished the last of the liquid and chucked the cup to the side shaking her head. "Woo! What a rush!" she commented with a laugh.

"How you feeling then? Little hangover all gone?" Kassandra smirked.

"Pft, yeah right! I'm not a pussy, I don't get hungover! You of all people should know that."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatever." Kassandra chuckled. "It's going to get confusing if we call each other Kassandra, so you can be Kass."

"Why don't I get the full name? I didn't ask to be made into!"

"And yet you're far better than...whoever the hell I made you out of. And isn't that what's important? Being a kick ass skunk lady?"

"I can't argue with that. It's very easy to agree with yourself. Especially when you're as great as us!" Kass flashed a wicked grin.

"You know it's pretty early, only 1:00. We should go fuck around in town." Kassandra suggested.

"God we have such good ideas!" Kass smiled and got up, her clothes barely hanging off their body. "Looks like I need some new duds." Kass held her arms out and looked down, the outfit looked about three sizes too big for her frame.

"I have some shorts I can put you in, I don't wear those often. Can't not rock the tank though. Sleeves are pointless."

With that, the duo made their way back into Kassandra's room, the original looking through the closet while the copy snooped around. "We really don't keep this place tidied do you?" Kass asked over.

"Why bother? We're barely actually in here." Kassandra pointed out. "Here, take these shorts." Kassandra tossed over a pair of short shorts. Kass caught them with one hand and held them up, examining them. "These look like they'd barely pass my ass, hips if I'm being generous." she commented.

"Is that a complaint I hear?" Kassandra turned around smirking.

"Never said I had an issue with it." she responded. "I also took the liberty of pulling out some panties and a bra for myself." Kass pointed to them lying on the bed. "And a tank top too. I didn't know how slow I was getting clothes." she quipped.

"You know damn well those were already on my bed!" Kassandra chuckled. "Someone got a little too handsy in the bed so I made them into a chick and even gave them their own wardrobe only for them to strip and run out. Got a lot of laughs and stares."

"God I love changing dickweeds." Kass sighed out blissfully as she strapped her breasts into a bra and brought the straps over her shoulders. "Nothing like good old karmic justice." she added sliding the panties on over her legs.

"Not to mention turning people into shit is just fun." Kassandra added. "Especially into people who are perfect, not to name names but if they're skunks named Kassandra I don't think they can physically get much better."

"Kassandras are the only kind of people we need in the world," Kass cackled. "then again if there's too many of us, there's less fun to have with dumb asses."

"It's true!" Kassandra joined in on the laughter. "Like the maid! Some dude who thought he could pass out on my couch now gets to clean the mess they helped make!"

"Ha! So perfect!" Kass slipped on a bright orange tank top that helped to differentiate the two Kassandras more, as the original sported a lime green one. "And not to mention the poor hungover dude that you fixed up nicely by making them a sharp, sexy skunk lady!" she struck a pose.

"I know how to make the best situation for me. Call it a gift." Kassandra shrugged nonchalantly and leaned back smirking. "Now put on your pants so we can go get fucked up and fuck with more people."

Kass nodded with wicked glee as she finished dressing, opting to not wear shoes unlike Kassandra who rocked tennis shoes. "Well then Kassandra let's get the hell out there!"

The two skunks left the loft and left the maid to her work, knowing she would handle herself just fine and was in no danger of turning back to normal by the time they returned.

"So, where are you taking your date for the night?" Kass put her hands behind her head as she walked.

"Hell if I know. You're just as me as I am. So you should know we're just going to go fuck around for a few hours and hope to not get caught by the police."

"What a lovely lady we are." Kass smirked. "So what do you want to start with?"

"I was thinking we go to some sleazy bar, meet up with equally sleazy guys, and fuck with them good." Kassandra grinned as she pulled out a tin of mints from her pocket.

"I take it that's going to turn them into chicks or something?"

"No idea. I just know it's going to do something to them." Kassandra pocketed it again. "Could make them a kid, a beer, a chick, another copy of us. I don't always label shit. That's tacky."

"True, true." Kass chuckled. "Well then, I can't wait to go to this magical bar! I take it you know sleazy?" she added with a slight coo.

"Look how we're dressed. Walkin' around with tits out. And those shorts certainly don't hide your curves!"

"You're the one who gave me these!"

"And you're the one who agreed to wear them! Because we don't mind getting attention. The poor saps of the world are attracted to us more which makes it easier to get our kicks!"

"When you're right, you're right." Kass shook her head and laughed. "I can't believe it took us this long to do this again! It's so good having someone who just gets it."

"Stole the words right out of my mouth. The others are okay, but there's nothing better than hanging out with the best person ya' know!"

"And that person is hankering to get some action, so let's get a move on already!"

Kassandra and Kass both wandered into a dumpy little bar near the edge of town by a train station. It was prone to drifters, those on the run, and people down on their luck. The perfect fuck ups to fuck with! As soon as the two skunk ladies entered eyes were already on them. Kassandra looked back at her double and silently communicated to find the perfect duo of guys to toy with. Kass tapped Kassandra on the shoulder and nodded to a human male and his hawk buddy who were casually chatting among each other while looking towards the two skunks with eager eyes. Kassandra nodded back as the two sauntered over to them, looking down at the booth they were sitting at.

"Room for two more? Me and my twin sister here are new in town, so we need some new friends and you two hunks seem like you can fit that bill." Kassandra talked to them in a sultry voice.

"Of course, plenty of room!" the human scooted over. "Make some room John!" he instructed the hawk as he followed the instruction and Kass sat next to the hawk, Kassandra with the man.

"So...what brings you girls with us? There's a lot of people here..." the hawk looked to be much more nervous.

"We saw you gents eloquently checking us out. It was really obvious you were eyeing us. Makes sense for us to say hello."

"Can't blame you boys." Kassandra chimed in. "We're two hot catches."

"Confident and sexy! You two seem to have it all going for you." the human nodded looking them up and down.

"Yeah! were sure given a uh...bountiful body!" the hawk was less sure of his words.

"Come on John! Get it together!" his friend scolded him. "We can't go home with these two if you keep yammering on like that!"

"Calm down, calm down!" Kass laughed. "The man tells the truth, better let him speak it." she purred, running a finger on the underside of John's beak.

"What was your name?" Kassandra turned to the only human in the booth.

"Mike." he answered. "And I think we can show you ladies a good time back at our apartment. Isn't that right John?"

"But it's a mess! We didn't come here expecting to pick up chicks!"

He sighed and nodded towards the bar. "Let's get you girls some drinks and we can discuss further. John, can you come and help me." Mike added on with a hint of urgency.

"E-excuse us." John was visibly blushing as the duo of skunks let them out of the booth to go to the bar.

"That bird dude is really bad around girls." Kass whispered giddily to her double.

"And that human thinks he's so suave. Thinking we'd go back to their place."

"Hot damn this is fun!" Kass giggled. "I haven't felt this excited to mess with someone's night in such a long time! Losers don't make their way into our parties often."

"It's hard to notice when you generally turn them into not losers for the party. Got to make sure it's actually fun to be in."

"We are such good-ass hosts!" Kass praised themselves. "So, how do we want to deal with these guys anyways?" they got back on track.

"I think we lead them on up until going to their place, we take the mints and make out with them a bit to get them going, and then their transformation happens into whatever, we laugh and leave back before sunrise so people don't think we actually did anything with them."

"I like your style! Then again, it's hard to not to!"


"What the hell are you doing?" John scolded his avian friend. "They're obviously into us and you're babbling like a buffoon!"

"Sorry, we've just never done this!" he defended himself. "I haven't talked to many girls in adulthood! Are we supposed to say what we're thinking? Cause I feel like we shouldn't."

"Normally yeah but these girls are party girls! They know they're sexy and they like hearing it. Look, we give them drinks and transition back into taking them home to get it on with them!"

"You mean"

"No like holding hands-yes sex!" John smacked the back of the bird's head. "Now don't mess this up for us because hot girls don't come in here and when they do they never come to us!"

Mike nodded as the two brought the drinks back over to the skunks.

"Here you go ladies." John set them down as he and Mike sat back into the booth.

"You two done talking about your game plan to get us in the sack?" Kassandra asked with a smirk.

"W-what are you talking about?" the hawk was visibly taken aback.

"Oh please, don't do the little song and dance." Kass laughed out loud. "It's really obvious."

"What makes you think that's all we care about?" John rose an eyebrow.

"Because you didn't deny it and besides, we never said we minded." Kassandra winked.

"So you're saying you want to come home with us?" John was a little shocked at how easy it was.

"Whenever you're ready. We didn't come to a bar at the outskirts of town to meet future husbands, especially dressed like this." Kass whispered the last part into Mike's ear, whose eyes were constantly shooting at her cleavage and away.

"Let's drink these up and head out then!" John chuckled, taking a sip of his booze.

Kass and Kassandra both grew a devious grin and nodded at each other, clenching their glasses they chugged down their alcohol and both slammed them back down on the table.

"You guys really going to be beaten by lil' ladies like us?" Kass smirked.

"N-no! I can do it too!" Mike retorted and attempted to chug his down, but started coughing a few seconds in.

"Sure can buddy, sure can." Kassandra laughed.

"Not all of us can handle liquor as well as others, cut him some slack." John chimed in as he took a hefty swig, holding in a gag visibly but ultimately swallowing.

"Looks like both ya' can't." Kass commented. "And hey, nothing to be ashamed of. Some people are just natural bitches to alcohol."

"We aren't alcohol bitches!" John defended. "Just been a while since we've drunk is all." he showed his first visible sign of weakness that night.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." Kassandra held back laughter.

Eventually, Mike and John finished their drinks and the two headed back to their apartment with the ladies in tow. Upon entering the apartment, there was a bit of a foul odor that was foul to even skunks. It was also a mess with clothes scattered about, food left out, as well as a rack of dirty dishes that still needed cleaning.

"Take a seat while me and Mike talk privately." the human instructed the room, clearing off the couch for the ladies to sit on before grabbing Mike's arm and dragging him into the other room and as soon as the door closed the skunks could already hear murmurs.

"Pry talking about the best way for us to bang them." Kassandra looked back towards the room.

"If only they were actually worth banging." Kass scoffed with a laugh.

"Anyways, let's make sure these mints are in our system." she took one out for herself and gave the other to her double, who happily accepted.

"I haven't felt this alive in years!" Kass laughed as she swallowed the mint.

"I know right! I feel the same way!" Kassandra joined in the laughter. "First I get a sap to clean my place, then I make a hungover bitch into me which is the best person to hang out with and we're going to fuck with two losers now! I don't think I've felt more happy!"

"That's sooooo lame dude." Kass teased her double. "Keep it in your pants!"

"Fuck, sorry I just had to say it." Kassandra for the first time looked bashful. If there was anyone who could get to her it was herself.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just make out with me already." Kass chuckled.

Kassandra looked to her and the two locked eyes for a moment. "You know what fuck it, not like this'll happen again anytime soon!" and with that, she pounced at her double and the two wrestled around for a moment then Kassandra went in with her muzzle kissing the side of her neck, even nibbling at it a bit. She pulled away and before Kass could reciprocate the door opened and John and Mike walked in, mouths agape at what they were seeing.

"Uh...what's-what's happening here? " Mike stammered out.

John grew a smirk and acting more "cool" than his avian companion. "So you ladies couldn't wait for us could you?"

"Yeah, let's go with that." Kassandra nodded and quickly winked, sitting up and adjusting the strap of her top to fit proper. "Now are you lads going to join us?" she added and beckoned them with her finger.

The two looked at each other and nodded, Mike and John walked up and sat down, Kassandra and Kass adjusting to have them sitting on their laps.

"Let's get it going already." Kassandra grabbed the shirt of Mike and kissed his beak. Meanwhile, Kass had put her hands on John's head and began to make out with him, John doing much the same as the make out session broke out. The mint had taken effect, although Kassandra noticed that her victim wasn't changing. Looking over to Kass and John he saw they were both changing. That's when she remembered that she had kissed Kass and so it was affecting her since it was a one time use, which in turn made nothing happen to Mike.

John's body blossomed with two mounds on his chest and striped black and white fur all over his body. A muzzle grew on him as he and Kass went at it. On top of that a tail grew from behind and hooves replaced his feet. Womanhood found its way replacing manhood as John turned into a zebra woman.

During this time Kass's body lost fur as skin returned to her, as well as manhood. Hair became much shorter and his clothes hugged his new, yet again male body tightly. His tail left him along with his breasts and curves, leaving him as the same person he was when Kassandra originally transformed him.

John stopped upon noticing something feeling off and looked down at her body, blushed harshly and let out a loud squeal, of which Mike looked and his jaw dropped at his rather appealing looking friend, meanwhile Kassandra burst into laughter.

"Gah! I have tits!" John tried her best to cover them with her arms, which only sent waves of very strange feelings through her body. The man that was once Kass simply held his head like he was having some sort of fever dream.

"Why the hell am I a girl!?" John shouted out.

"Well John at least you make a pretty girl."

"I don't think you need me anymore." Kassandra got up quickly. "You got your own girl to screw around with now, and I think it's much more personal!" she laughed and quickly left the apartment building and made sure to hurry in order to get out of chasing distance before the shock of their changes settled.

Kassandra leaned against a tree in the park that was just up the street from her loft and had a good laughing fit. "Oh man, that was great huh Kass-." she suddenly stopped laughing and her look became more gloomy. " more double." Kassandra sighed and put her hands in her pockets. "Was fun while it lasted I guess..." she added just as solemnly as she walked back to her home to attempt to get some sleep, and maybe another drink or two...or six to forget about having the double in the first place.