Fulfilling A Fantasy

Story by Ben332 on SoFurry

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It was gods-damned cold, wet, and rainy out. But, that was the perfect time to rut about in the dirt for plants. Soft earth gave way underneath their paws. Plants came up easily, root and all. Edible, a rich dark-green. Fresher than the pure, clean air being washed out by the rain. All the dirt in the air, all the bugs, muck, and grime forced down onto the earth, and into it. Just to start the cycle anew. Such was the cycle of life. It felt strange on her paws, but pleasant as well. The cold wasn't, though. If the wind would die down...

It was not to be. No sooner than she had the thought, the air grew colder still, and whipped against her scales. A small run of fur down the spine was the only thing that had any semblance of warmth on the dragon. The cold wasn't that bad. That's what she kept telling herself as she bundled the plants together. A good deer would fill her stomach just as well, but having that and only that endlessly made even the freshest kill taste bland. Spuds. Potatoes. They'd need to be singed a bit, but also edible. All the makings of a salad straight from heaven were in her paws.

"Bagging this would be lovely. Shame the strap broke. Still works, I guess." She trailed off.

The button popped open with a loud click. While it wasn't the most sanitary thing in the world, it'd do. And what was a bag for, after all, but storing things? The rain drizzled into her fur, between her scales, and tantalizingly across her wings as well. The sensation was a strange mixture of pleasant, and not so much. It was enough to keep her awake, too, as she gathered more.

"Best time and all, but why couldn't it have been a warm spring shower? I won't need to bathe, of course, but damn."

Thoughts of a warm bath in a hot spring or bathhouse warmed her soul, even if the body didn't quite respond in kind. Travel was out of her plans for now though. Her cave was well lived-in, and that was just the way she liked it. Rather than hiring a guard or returning to find another living in HER cave. Again. A scowl marred her muzzle as she ripped another plant out of the ground wholesale. A drake, too, and he had the balls to sleep there long enough to stain the whole place with his scent! But, her heart softened a bit.

He had been a lovely lay, too, as she nursed him back to health. And didn't seem to mind her... 'extras'. It was uncommon, but not unheard of for female dragonesses to have both sets of plumbing. Herm, intersex, strange, whatever they chose to call her didn't matter. But it was so immensely convenient when it came to partners. Some wouldn't even be aware if she chose to not disclose it. But alas, things were wired together, so when they found out...

Some reactions were better. Others, worse. Regardless, most chose to not stick around. And that was fine too. Even those that stuck around moved on after a time. Such was life. But, a tail, and a shaft, and a lovely entrance was all a gal needed to have fun with herself, by herself! Even if it would have been nicer with a partner or two. Sometimes three. A sneeze broke her thoughts. It was too cold to stay out much longer. But to head home, or to seek shelter? Thunder slamming her eardrums told her the answer. Shelter it was, the noise making her ears jolt at the sudden loud noise.

"Static is every bit as annoying as rain, but decidedly less pleasant aftermath. I get what you're saying, weather." She growled.

It had been a nice enough meadow, but trying to move at speed was awkward. One paw clutching the bag to her chest, the other three slipping about in the muck. The rain only made it harder, and a messier affair. But, she knew a place close by that would serve as a good enough spot to mix up her food and perhaps eat a bit. Pending on how long the storm lasted, maybe even relax a bit. For once, a semblance of warmth returned to her at the idea. No sooner than it had, though, luck, and a slippery surface combined to splatter the mud and muck across her scales.

It'd wash off, of course, but it was an insult from nowhere regardless. The clearing disappeared as she wove between trees. The ground was somewhat more solid here, but still an annoyance to navigate. It took a while, but the familiar stone outcroppings began to pop up. Little stones in the dirt, angled upwards just enough that you could navigate by feel alone, even in pitch blackness. They wound their way around the trees, but did their job well enough. The cave, as cold, uninviting, and soggy it looked, was a welcome respite from the weather. More and more thunderclaps as she paced back and forth in the cave mouth.

"Should I? I'm not particularly hungry. And the entrance is so wet, it might as well be mud too. Haven't really been in here either..." It didn't take long to decide.

"Fuck it. We'll get a light orb, then look around a bit. No one lives here, so there's no harm."

Wizardry was decidedly out of her specialty, but she knew enough. Enough to know that she didn't know a damn thing. But light, light was the one thing she was good at. She shivered, both from the cold, and from the filth sloughing off. That was one problem solved. But curiosity demanded more of her. At worst, she'd be lost a while. Perhaps if she did get lost, the storm would be over by the time she found her way again. Bah. The cave entrance, and by extension, the storm, disappeared from her attention. The cave itself was far more interesting than the rumblings she'd heard a thousand times over.

Truth be told, it wasn't that interesting overall. The orb floated faithfully behind her as she paced. Left or right? Left would do. Again. The place felt like it had just one or two large branching pathways, with a bunch of smaller offshoots that didn't go anywhere. Like a pair of lungs, now that she thought about it. Rocks shifted underpaw under her weight. A glance at the ceiling told more of the story. Stalactites clung to the ceiling, moisture building up on the tips, then falling to the floor. Water worked its way from the surface, through the earth, and then all the way down here. Only to pool on the floor. Small little puddles felt refreshing, and at least lukewarm. Compared to the chilly wind and rain outside, it wasn't that bad. Of course, if the water made its way through here, there must be a larger pool in here somewhere.

It wasn't in this offshoot though. The pathway ended abruptly, unyielding rock denying any further progress. A few not-so-gentle taps confirmed the thought. At some point, this pathway had caved in, potentially sealing off more of the place. But, it had been long enough ago that thick clumps of moss filled the space, and the rocks had turned more into earthy clumps than boulders. A curiosity for someone else to excavate. She turned around. It was too much effort for her to bother. Wandering was more her taste anyways. Another pebble was a good enough marker. One for "I've been here." Two for "Has more branches." And three for "Exit this way." If nothing else, it'd help someone else coming through or seeking shelter.

It felt like hours, but entertained her enough to keep going. Another set of branching pathways, another set of dead ends. This half of the cave system was remarkably unremarkable. No real defining features, save the caved-in area. Past that, it was natural sloping rock wall, denying her any further exploration in that direction. Oh well. The other half still begged to be explored anyway. The dripping water, and a slope tipped her off before she even found it. The water, like a miniature river, had carved cracks in to the cave floor. Cracks full of water, and flowing downwards, further into the earth. They pooled at a few smaller points, but a larger pool had to be somewhere. The dragonesses luck smiled on her. It was the first branch off she chose. Relatively close to the entrance as well, just a few twists and turns. Would be a good place to take a small break as she gathered her thoughts. As well as other things.

It was as good a place as any, and private too. The light orb was strong enough to last the whole night, so she didn't need to worry at all about that. The pool of water added a bit of ambient noise, as well as interesting rays of reflected light being cast on the rocky cave ceiling. It quenched her thirst as well as anything else. Other needs reminded her that they existed. This bit of the cave felt warm, in a way. Nothing too strange, rock insulated well due to sheer mass. Some moss squished underpaw. It made a nice enough mat to lay on as she relaxed a bit.

"The storm clearly hasn't stopped yet, and I'm tired enough of wandering around. Here will do."

Despite being alone, she couldn't help but check the room. Whether habit, or paranoia, it didn't matter. No one was there. Another long, tired sigh. It had been a long day. She still had duties to do, but it didn't matter. They could wait until later in the week. But these wouldn't wait that long. A smirk turned into a quick and toothy smile. That drake had been a nice lay... and provided her with plenty of fantasy material. Mostly because they'd screwed in any position either of them fancied. And he had a very, very potent load too.

The dragoness shivered at the thought. It was plenty to get her going. Already the rod was escaping her genital slit. It felt good, and reminded her that she hadn't done anything of the sort in weeks. Had it been a month? The last time couldn't be remembered, unfortunately. Let alone the last time with a partner other than that specific drake. Females? Pssh. Still, the memories spurred her onwards. A few bones popped as she curled forward. A long tail, flexible spine, and long-enough neck were all the tools she needed. Muzzle was an added bonus. It still took one or two tries to warm up.

The rain dripped off of her still, but she hesitated for a moment. Front, back, or using her tail to jerk her off, and muzzle elsewhere? An exploring paw told her quite a bit when she gently massaged around her folds. Damn, she was sensitive. And why not? It made it all the better when she eventually popped. That same paw rubbed her tail with slick feminine juices. They'd do for lube. A long, drawn-out hiss followed as she teased herself, one paw guiding her tail, and the other gently tugging at her shaft. If she wasn't ready to go before, she certainly was now. It was enough foreplay though, and the dragoness would much rather have the main course. The hiss stopped suddenly as she plunged her tail into her femsex, already quivering with pleasure. It tapered to a tip, but the more she pushed into herself, the thicker it was. It was perfect for a sex toy. And toying she was, it felt damned good to relax after such a day.

Of course, playing with herself described it perfectly as well. The dragoness wasn't in any particular hurry to get off. Sure, it would be nice, but so were the sensations. Each of the little spine nubs on the tip of her tail popping in. Her forepaw stroking her cock, the smaller scales making for an interesting hole to 'penetrate.' And of course, the feeling of her lungs being filled with sweet, sweet air as her body begged for more.

"Lubed plenty. But will tongue really do? Mmm. If I only had two tails. Or a drake. Maybe two?" She rambled.

Two of that one drake. Oh yeah. That would have been a party. But she was alone for the time being, so she'd have to make do with what she had. She gave herself a moment to pause. The thunder cracked loudly enough to shake the cave. A short laugh, and she ignored it. If the gods wanted to get at her, they'd have to try harder. Perhaps polymorph a bit, a less violent method would be so much more agreeable. Fantasy drove her to erotic play, and more. Neck shifted, and a bit of the loose moss fell off of her. She was clean, sure, but her rump could wait another day. She made a mess of herself, pre, fem juice, and saliva drenching her groin, and flowing between her legs a bit. A shudder rocked her form. To do more, or to finish... edging was lovely, but she was growing tired.

Her slick tongue dancing along her folds, and the electric sensations that reciprocated were too intense to last much longer. The knot hadn't quite formed yet, but that could wait until another time. Best to use that with a partner. Doing it solo was merely... annoying. But pleasurable! And a nap was calling anyways. It built up, a strong river rushing against a dam, and when the dam broke, the dragoness let go.


The impact of the rocky floor hurt a little, but the relief of being able to let go, relax, and let it all out was at the forefront of her mind. Thick jets of built-up cum rocketed across her chest, making a mess not only of herself, but of the area too. Her muscles quivered, from muzzle tip to tail tip, every one spasmed at least once in time with the rhythmic contractions around her tail. Damn, that drake was such a fountain for thoughts. Thoughts that egged her on to do this. A smirk crossed her muzzle, as stained as it was with her own cum. A second go would be lovely too... It took a while for the warm afterglow to appear, but when it did, it dragged her under. Messy or not, she was having a lovely nap. It couldn't have been long before it happened, either.

Her dreams were fitful. Waking up several times was an annoyance unlike any other. Despite that, she slept long enough that the rain and thunder had dissipated. Or at least quieted down enough that she couldn't hear it any more. That, in and of itself, was welcome. The moss clung to her scales as the dragoness rolled over. It felt like she hadn't slept at all. The orb hadn't burnt out yet, so that much confirmed the thought.

"Should have enough to last until I wake up again. Not that it matters. Can just get another..." It had gotten a bit dull, but not enough to worry the dragoness.

The second clump of sleep was far better than the first. Dreams of that damned drake flitted around her mind.

"And just what are you doing here?"

"I'll leave. Don't mind me."

"While you're bleeding like that? I don't think so. Sit down."

"It's your cave."

"Damned right it is. And you're staying until I tell you to leave."


Fragments. And little more. It had really been a while, hadn't it? He was gone though. Presumably for good. Not like the drake could find her cave again. Navigation-challenged bastard. She scoffed at the memories. If he got in a fight and lost again, without a kind hearted soul like her around... It'd kill her. But she'd never know either way. And that, that did tear her heartstrings a little. Reality poured in as she heard a loud pop, and then the light annoying her eyes stopped existing.

"That's a terrible way to wake up, innit?" Voice sounded alien to even her. "Gr..."

Moss stuck to her again, but it didn't cling as she moved. Limbs protested as the dragoness stretched like a cat. Sleeping on a rock floor was rough. Appealing to her wilder side, but too damned rough for such a feminine 'ness like herself. That got a chuckle out of her. Feminine, delicate, a precious little flower they said. Couldn't have been further from the truth.

"No time to reminisce that sort of thought." Even more gravelly than before.

The water tasted good, and soothed just as much. She didn't need sight to feel her way to the water. But, something was off. There was a bit of a glow diffusing through the water. Was it the moss? A glance back revealed only pitch-black darkness. Curiosity sparked her interest again. Could it be one of those? Dusty tomes murmured secrets like this to her, a long time ago. A library she paced through, and one of the books she saw caught her eye. At the time, she thought it was another mere book. But the things written about therein were... exotic. The book was not at all safe for whelps.

"Despite my earlier negativity, my morning might get better yet."

It was a case of remembering things, and hoping for the best. Another light orb popped into existence as she paced around the pool. Was it alive? Active would be the better term, but both technically fit. Some of the rocks shifted under her paws, and it felt like the floor was wearing away while she thought. Diving wouldn't do, nor would magic air apparatus. Not that she knew how to do that bit of magic. It was technically possible, of course. But...

"Gah. Damned brain not cooperating. Shouldn't you have already done something?" She scowled, pawing the water. "Maybe it's already... but no, it doesn't smell like anyone has been here recently..."

It was irksome. The thing was at the bottom of the pool. So close, and yet so out of reach. Sharp teeth gnawed at her lip. She was lost deep in thought. If it were, then it should have acted while she was enjoying herself. If it weren't, then it was merely glowing moss. Gah! Such an annoying train of thought to sort through! Her frustration was palpable, muzzle twisting into a scowl.

"Fuck it." She swore.

It frustrated her enough that she was just going to leave. If she couldn't remember any magic to help, and it wouldn't take the initiative, then gods be damned, it wasn't happening. It being... Well. Herbs may have prevented her from getting pregnant, but it wouldn't stop anything from laying eggs. Truth be told, the idea of laying eggs was exotic, steamy, and more than a bit hot. But taking care of whelps didn't appeal to her in the slightest. Of course, she knew she wouldn't have the heart to smash the eggs either, so...

The predicament frustrated her to no end, and she'd shelved the idea for a while. But that creature at the bottom of the pool could at least indulge her a bit. Well, if it was what she thought it was anyways. But one set of classes wasn't quite enough to drill the info into her mind. Mages and their difficult to understand magics. So many things to know and remember! Despite passing, the knowledge had slipped from her mind. The only thing that had stuck was that light orb. Alas, it would have to happen some other time. She kicked some pebbles into the pool. Uncooperative thing. She paced a bit more. Exactly as much happened as the last hour she paced. Nothing at all.

She walked away after another drink, dragging her footpaws. It was almost melodramatic.

"If only you worked!"

The room wasn't that large, but there were enough steps to the entrance that it felt like it took forever. But before she left, something tickled her eardrums. Did it...? Drip. Drip drip drip. Another toothy smile stuck to her muzzle. Of course. It'd strike when she wasn't watching it, or paying attention. It was perfect. Wet, slimy appendages pulled at her hindlegs. She pulled back. It was a game, but the damned thing couldn't tell the difference. It pulled her back far too harshly, her claws digging shallow ruts in the rock. If she was right...

"Ow! Be gentle!" It didn't heed her request, dragging her back.

The thing wasn't at all gentle, ignoring her mumbling, gasps, and growls. She could probably get away if she wanted. But there'd definitely be some bruised scales, if nothing else. Maybe a broken claw or two. She relaxed into the wet appendages wrapped around her hindlegs. To be fair, it excited her a bit, too. The drake had been forceful like that too... when she'd asked for it. And messy too. More flashbacks.

"Inside or out?"

"You've already made a mess of me, why not add another layer?"

"Doesn't ..grr.. answer the question."

"I'll leave it up to you." He rarely disappointed.

Back to the present, the writhing... things around her body snaked upwards. Another off-green tendril pulled her tail out of the way. Another crawled up her spine, and yet others wound up her forelegs, much the same as the earlier ones had. A soft growl rolled out of her throat. Touchy, exploring tendrils they were. And, despite the water, they were warm, and spread that warmth through her scales. They weren't as forceful as earlier, but they pulled her back all the same. At least until she was closer to the pool. The 'ness had no doubt that the critter could hold her up if it wanted. But, there was no need for that. A prodding tentacle brought her out of her thoughts.

"So soon? Not going to try to restrain, or... work me up more?"

Straight to business, as it were. She hissed as yet more wound around her leg, and across her inner thighs. The mass pulled gently, insisting that she roll onto her back. Cooperating was her best chance at fulfilling her fantasy, so she did. Easily, at that. The warmth was infectious, it didn't stop where they touched her scales. It seemingly spread like a fever, across her hide, under her scales, and it felt like it was even transported through her blood. Wasn't long before it felt like the room was too hot. She panted, watching with eager eyes as more of them rose out of the water. These were a bit different, not like the grasping, winding, restraining ones. These had a much, much more recognizable shape to them.

"Hrr... Better not keep me waiting much longer."

She was very vocal with them, not that they could hear a damn thing. It was more for her own benefit anyway, turning her on even more. Despite her earlier play, she was ready to go in no time. One tendril wound around her horn, before snaking down between her eyes. It was obvious where this one wanted to go, and she egged it on, flicking her own tongue across the bridge of her nose. At least it wasn't too dumb, instead opting to drop down the side of her muzzle, and come up her chin. The rock floor felt like it was made of ice, but more of her body was covered by the grasping tendrils than was touching the floor. She shivered, partially from the heat, and partially from the roaring inferno that was being stoked inside her. If nothing else, it knew how to tease, without touching a bit of her that'd bring nearly instant results.

The cold touch of the vine against her tail startled her a bit. It was one of the few spots not covered yet. It didn't delay, instead opting for a more direct approach. She watched with fascination as it poked and prodded at her. The tip was thin, but it widened quickly. An off-white fluid could only be the plant-creatures seed. And it'd be inside her soon enough, painting whatever flesh it could reach white just as quickly. Another shiver went down her spine as it gently kissed her rear entrance. Gentle, yet insistent force was more than enough as she was distracted elsewhere. The slick tendril made its own lube, but the penetration was still slightly painful. At least until the lube was thick enough to make it much, much more pleasurable. The other tendril took advantage of her hiss and poked at her teeth.

"Is this thing dumb? I could bite it off if I wanted to... but I think I'll let it do as it likes." Whether that was her sane mind speaking, or a lust-addled one, she didn't care.

It thrust into her muzzle eagerly, enjoying the warmth, and leaking its own liquid sap across her tongue. It was tasteless, but slick. No doubt similar to the one in her ass. But that begged the question, wouldn't there be- Another hiss. Another one took enough time to tease her, rubbing itself against her soft folds. Taking advantage of her own arousal, and rubbing some of its own into her as well. She let her eyes slide closed. There was plenty to watch, but she hadn't the focus to keep watching. The sensations were just as pleasurable.

It pulled her thighs apart, spreading her wide. The last of the tendrils took no time in pushing itself into her. A groan escaped her lips around the mouthplug. It was heavenly, and every bit as good as three drakes reaming her at once. But there was one thing left unsatisfied yet. Another tendril wound around her cock, and another poked at her tip. She shook her head. There was no way it'd fit in there, but it didn't stop her from mentally chuckling.

"I think not little buddy. You'll just have to wait for next time. Perhaps another of your friends could... entice me that way."

Splashes of the tasteless stuff washed across her throat, before something more thick came up the translucent tendril. It was almost clear, but what little color it had was white. Now that stuff had a taste, and stuck to her tongue. It was saltier than sea water, and about as salty as that drake's seed. Not that she had any complaints swallowing that down at the time. Nor did she have any complaints about the beast enjoying her body. Whether from her earlier cooperation or the thing proceeding carefully, the whole scene played out exactly as she wanted it to. It was a bit much, sure, but not too much. As if that would have made any sense to anyone but her. Still, the tentacles spread her open, lubing their way. And lubing the way for the eggs, she hoped. It was still a wild guess, but even if it didn't happen, fantasy made the whole situation all the more erotic.

More of the same stuff washed across her mouth. There wasn't a moment where the taste didn't assail her tastebuds. Her nostrils struggled to bring enough air to her straining lungs. Breath caught in her throat for a moment as it felt like her cock had just been enveloped in another dragoness. A quick look told her that wasn't the case, but something very similar had occurred. Another translucent tendril, this one hollow, had wrapped itself around her rod, and was trying to suck the seed right out of her. She thrashed about for a moment. The reaction was instant, the tendrils tightening their grasp. But it also relented trying to forcibly extract an orgasm from her shaft as well. That much got across loud and clear. The brief exertion tired her a bit.

Still, she watched, fascinated as a spray of seed came flowing up the hollow tendrils. She groaned as they pushed ever deeper into her, calm, measured thrusts stretching her as far as she'd go. Another, much smaller tendril played around her femsex, stroking her in sensitive areas, just enough to tease. The seed splattered against her insides, a burning warmth following it. Her first orgasm followed quickly behind it, the rhythmic workings of her inner walls only drawing the probing tentacles further inside. Another, and another, and yet another spray of cum filled her stomach, and her womb as well. It came in such quantities that her belly grew a bit, and quite a bit washed back out. She groaned, feeling the wet mess edging her towards yet another orgasm. Her rod sprayed seed uselessly into the hollow tendril. Within moments, it was sucked away into the pool of water. The 'ness felt wet, warm, and filled. But not quite fulfilled just yet.

It stopped for a moment, seemingly taking a breather. She stretched her limbs a bit, as much as the creature would allow. Several cracks reached her eardrums. They felt amazing after being constrained. But just as quickly as the break started, it was over. This was what she'd been waiting for all these years. She'd get what she wanted, in spades.

"_Oh gods above, did I bite off more than what I can chew?"_Her eyes widened as her thoughts raced.

Little, round, off-grey eggs were coming up the tendrils. There were so many she lost count of them all. They were awash in yet more plant-seed, but even that seemed like it wouldn't be enough to lubricate them. She struggled a bit, but whether it was from genuine fear, or heady anticipation, she didn't know. Regardless, the dragoness was about to find out if her fantasy was going to land her in deep trouble. It didn't take long before the first few bunched up against her folds. They were safely hidden away from the world by the clear tendril, soon to be hidden away from sight inside her as well.

"_Inside me."_The two words were all she could think about.

Whether the tentacle beast could hear her or not, it didn't matter. It would get what it wanted, consequences be damned. It pushed, and the tendril in her muzzle had a soft, squishy texture to it as she bit down. Surprisingly, it didn't break the thin flesh, but it did leak more of the salty semen. She flinched a bit, thinking about how painful it would have been. But she had her own pain, and arousal to think about. It kept pushing, moving the tendrils a bit, shifting the heavy eggs around a bit. The feeling of any drake or werewolf knot, or bull-man shaft was nothing compared to the feeling of the egg stretching her wide open.

It popped in. Her body sucked it away, betraying her as the entire of her scaled form shook violently. The egg sat heavy inside her. She could feel it resting inside her, spreading its own warmth. But there was more room, and yet more lined up. Her womb, and femsex weren't the only things that would be loaded down either. Another prodded at her ass, and smaller ones bumped up against her teeth. She wanted this. She wanted this more than anything. The dragoness willed herself to relax, and submitted fully. It was just what the egg-laying beast wanted. Two more popped in. She saw stars, and swallowed reflexively. The three she swallowed laid heavy in her stomach.

"More. Fill me until I can fit no more." Her thoughts took on an automaton-like feel to them. She'd given in, and would ride this out no matter what.

It felt like an eternity, and more orgasms shook her form than she could count. If she could count. It felt like she lapsed into unconsciousness until yet another egg was ready to fill her. A glance down gave her immense satisfaction. She looked like she was pregnant with an entire brood of whelps. A smirk tugged at her muzzle as the tendril in her muzzle withdrew, leaving a final spurt of seed across her lips. To be able to breathe through her muzzle again was a gift from the gods. She panted. Her insides ached, not the least from all the loads the beast had sucked out of her cock. And her feminine half was well-satisfied too, the tendril plugging her there, and in her rump spraying a few last spurts of seed. The dragoness rolled over, feeling the weight shifting. It was so much to take in all at once. Not even after a massive orgy had she felt this full.


"Ahh...." She groaned as the last two left her.

Her body felt empty after being filled for so long. How long had it been? Had it been days? Hours? Perhaps just quick minutes? It didn't matter. One of her forepaws stroked at her full stomach, and roamed lower. There were so damned many... The storm raged again outside. She'd be staying in this cave a while yet. But these eggs needed to be laid somewhere. Somehow she knew they'd wait, though. She'd cooperated with them, and now they'd cooperate with her. Whether it was out of some instinct she had, or the seeming bond she had with them now, she didn't know. Didn't care either. Her fine body was a mess of semen, plant fluid, and her own cum. To say nothing of her two leaking holes. Three if she counted the drool from her gaping maw.

"Mmmh... This has been everything I wanted and more. So full... I think a nap at the cave entrance would do me good."

It took a while to get there, and she was half-tempted to stroke herself off several times. But, after the nearly-painful last few orgasms, she knew better. Not that the thought was any less tempting, though. The rain stopped, and little puddles had formed in the cave mouth. The muck from her stumbling into the cave had been washed away already, but a sunny day waited outside. She had things to do, but there was no way the 'ness was flying while she was this heavy with eggs. A walk it was.

"I might just come back for more of this. But I think I know just the place to lay these... They like water, right?"

She padded off, full of vigor, and energy, regardless of the dozens of eggs inside her.


(Author's note. Not a whole lot to say this time, but I hope you enjoyed this story! This is a bit out of my usual fare, but I had some fun writing it! Regardless, fav, comment, vote how you feel, and don't forget to check out my patreon. https://www.patreon.com/ben332 )