Beloved Wolf Chapter 2

Story by Little_Furry1898 on SoFurry

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#2 of Beloved Wolf

The story is about a scientist who lost his family and now is working on a government project to make solders (of course solders are furries). But in time he falls in love with one of his creations and scientists does everything to protect him.

This is chapter 2 of my story, the free version will be out every 2 weeks. If you want to support me visit

For those who will support me, they will get early access to the chapters, starting from may.

And Yeah, it would be nice if you would give me some feedback too.

''DING!'' The lift announced that it was here and ready to go back down to the labs. Jack threw out the cigarette butt out of the window and took a deep breath of fresh air, then he closed the window.

After that he went to the lift what was waiting for him and pushed the ground floor, there was the labs, he must have wondered so many times about why does most facilities have labs underground, but he never asked anyone, not because it's a silly question, but because there isn't a straight answer to it, some would say it's because of the secrets, others would say it's about safety, like if someone would attack, then while guards would fight scientists would destroy the data and then take a safe route to get out. Jack was a little sad that the music in the lift wasn't playing again, he already told LT. Brewster that the music in the lift wasn't playing and he just yelled that it isn't his problem and that he shouldn't bother him about such a small problem. Jack thought that LT. Brew was just mad that he didn't get his pudding at lunch, but still it didn't matter. The lift was slowly moving down floor by floor, then it stopped and again with a bell signal declared that it has stopped.

Jack stepped out of the lift and before going into the Bio Laboratory he thought he could say ''Hi!'' to his assistant.

He went right to the computer lodge and looked around, there wasn't many computers only about 12, but it was more that enough, because mostly everyone was in the laboratory working on the subjects. In the far left corner there was a girl she was about 20 years old, with long pink wavy hair, she was just graduated from university.

Jack went closer to her and he saw that she fell asleep there. He went up to her and took her hair away from her face, and gently kissed her on the cheek then he said while smiling: ''You shouldn't sleep here. You should have just stayed in my bed.''

She slightly smiled and answered while yawning: ''I was just resting my eyes.''

Jack turned off the computer screen and lifted her up in his arms and took her to the couch and lied her down. Then he said: ''Don't overwork yourself, get some sleep Sarah.''

She was too tired to answer, so she just closed her eyes again and fell asleep. Jack thought while going to the Bio Laboratory: ''Everyone is working so hard these past few weeks. I just hope that when the specimen will wake up everyone will be ready to work twice as hard.''

He went into the lab and there was 15 big tubes with something blue inside, but it was too dark to see clearly. So he reached for the light switch and ''CLICK!'' lights turned on and now everything looked better.

Jack said to himself: ''And the God said let there be light.'' then he giggled of his childish joke. He went to some tables and saw a chair with wheels, so naturally being a bit childish he sit down and started rolling around the laboratory.

He rolled to one of the specimens and looked in the tank, then he put his hand on the tank and said: ''Tomorrow I will finally meet you my dear Kibo.''

He already named one of the specimens, some scientists thought it was dumb, but then they agreed that it would be a lot better to name them than just refer to them as specimen one, specimen two and so on.

He rolled to his table and looked at the results of yesterdays work, they were excellent. He was digging into the papers of some tests and results, that soon enough his phone started beeping, it was a morning alarm.

He stopped the beeping and then stood up from the chair and went for the exit. He closed the door and then Sarah approached him, she kissed him on cheek and said: ''Thank you!''

He didn't answered, he took her hand and walked with her to the lift. The lift door was open, they walked in and then the lift door closed. Jack uncertainty asked: ''Sarah? I wanted to ask you something, but I don't know how...''

Sarah answered: '' Just spit it out.''

DING! The lift door opened, they had arrived on the first floor. Jack wanted to say something, but he couldn't.

Sarah smiling said: '' We can talk about this at breakfast.''

Jack answered: ''Sure, let's talk then.''

The lift door closed and went on the top floor, what was where Jacks room were. He thought: ''You dumb ass, you could have just asked her about her plans after the work will be finished. We only have couple of months left here.''

He hit the lifts wall and said: ''Screw this.'' Suddenly the lift door opened, he was on the 5th floor. He was surprised, because the bell sound was missing.. Maybe he hit the wall too hard and something broke? He just stayed quiet and walked away from the crime scene.