Vikie's D&D back Story

Story by fatfoxcoon on SoFurry

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One thousand years ago there was a huge war between dragons and elves and both sides suffered greatly and in the end of this long bloody war an uneasy truce was called and the fighting stopped.

But for some the war still raged, one such dragon was named Dragos Shaterwing, a dragon who had been fighting since he was of age and had become fascinated with the physiology of elves. Dragos was only 500 years old though scarred all over his body, tattered wings and the loss of an eye and tusk, he was only half way through his clans life cycle of a thousand years. While he didn't approve or like this truce he would abide by it and not attack the elves. He had another much more interesting idea.

About 50 years after the truce, when things were starting to settle down finally and dragons and elves could mingle again, Dragos raided an elf village of all the females who were young enough to bear young and even children while killing all the others in the village so not to leave any witnesses. It was not uncommon for a dragon to have slaves of any of the various species, elves or anthros. He told them not to tell anyone how they came to be his slave or they would be killed. Dragos kept the elves as servants and magically branded them all with a mark of a dragon claw to show they were his property and all young they have would also bear this mark. He started using the elf women as test subjects in cross breeding, the first set of subjects never lived as he did not know how fragile elves were compared to dragons so he had used too much force. He didn't care about how the elves felt or what they wanted; to him they were just property to use as he saw fit. It took many more groups of elf slaves before he was able to know just how to mate with an elf.

By this time he had started buying them off the black market in secret slave sales so his population of slaves grew steadily and he started to learn more about breeding. The first born looked more dragon than elf and this wasn't what he wanted.

It took him another couple hundred years of selective breeding and trial and error before his breeding started to give results of hybrids with the appearance of elves but with claws and dragon eyes. Some even had the ability to take on a dragon form if only anthro.

Those who had the power to shift between dragon and elf were granted the most access and privileges. Dragos had a huge library of magic books, history books and just about everything else from all over the world. One slave who was granted privileges to the library was named Evelin. She was in dragon form 8' tall which for the hybrid dragon was rather short. Her scales were black like her master's and with a blood red under belly. The breeding made it so she was very well endowed. She had long sharp claws and digitigrade legs.

Her figure was very slim and muscular, her wings were large and the membranes where the same colour as her belly scales. Her long hair was snow white, in stark contrast to her scales. She even had sabre teeth though not very large only medium sized they made her look rather vicious. She despised being in dragon form most of the time and preferred her elf form more but the slaves were beaten severely if they did not comply with their master's wishes. As an elf Evelin was only 5' 3" tall and her skin was pale but not white.

Her hair was blonde and though she still had claws and sharp dragon teeth she mostly looked like any other elf. One day when dusting the library she came across a book of summoning demons and evil spirits to do your biding. She took the book and since working in the library she had secretly been learning to read. Dragos did not allow his slaves to learn to read, write or wear any clothing. She studied the book little by little and learned enough so one day when the master was out at another slave auction she started a ritual to summon a demon to free her and the slaves from their master's tyranny. The demon was very powerful and she almost lost control several times, the demon agreed to free only her in exchange for a price to be determined later. She was a bit reluctant but she was desperate and agreed to the demon's terms. Suddenly the dragoness started blacking out and woke up the next day in a forest that she had never seen before.

She concentrated and soon her body started changing its shape, her height started to diminish as her horns started to shrink away, her black and red scales started to become softer and more flesh in colour. Her wings started to shrink as did her tail and muzzle.

Soon her claws and teeth started to shrink as she shifted to her elf form. Once the change was finally completed she got up and walked through the forest for what seemed like days until she finally came to a village. The villagers were happy to welcome her and fed and clothed her. She never told anyone where she really came from for fear word may get back to her dragon master. She started living in the village but one night when the moon was full she started feeling strange. Her body started shifting into the dragoness without her controlling it. The villagers were frightened by this change and as much as she wanted she couldn't change back that night. She was forced out of town with what clothes she could hold and took to the sky to get away from the angry villagers.

It wasn't until daylight that she was able to shift back to elf form. She put on her only clothes and wondered why this never happened before. She went from place to place never staying too long. Mostly what she did for money was sell herself as a prostitute since few asked any questions about who she was and where she came from. She had been mated many times by Dragos and given birth a lot so she was able to take just about any size male that came up. That got her noticed and somewhat well known to those larger than normal who wanted to mate with smaller people. She made enough money to support herself and keep well fed. Eventually after about a century of wandering she was getting tired of roaming and came across a peaceful village of furrys deep in a forest.

They didn't want to have much to do with her at first since the village was all anthros who where tired of being treated badly by the other species who looked more human or dragons. She eventually got them to let her stay and she continued as a prostitute since it was all she had ever known. The village was well aware of her ability to shift into a dragoness and the problem of the forced shifting on a full moon.

She got to be quite popular and although she charged a small fortune to mate with her as a dragoness still people wanted to mate with her either as a dragon or elf. Some time passed and one day a rather large creature showed up, he looked quite different than any other species and went right up to Evelin, "Hello Evelin, you are not the most easy one to track down." she blinked and looked up at the 10' tall male, "Do I know you sir?" he smiled and nodded, "You should, you agreed to pay me back for helping you out over a hundred years ago." she blinked and gasped. She had all but forgotten the deal with the demon all those years ago, she had hoped never to see him again. "Wh...what do you want?" he chuckled, "What you were born to do, breed offspring. Not just any offspring though, a demonic one so demons once again will have a foot hold in the mortal world." she trembled in fear, "No, I won't allow it." he laughed, "You don't have a choice my dear. you agreed to pay me back later and I am here to receive payment."

He smiles and takes her into her room and snaps his claws and suddenly her body begins shifting back to its dragon form, she blinks, "What? I don't want to be a dragon." he smirks getting the dragoness laid on the bed and suddenly she's bound up and her legs spread wide open for the demon. "You have no choice in this my dear, I will breed your dragon half and mix it with my demon seed." and with this he started mating and the next several days no one saw them ever come out of the room until the next week. She came out with a swollen belly and looking like she has been through hell still in her dragon form. She visits the local magician and he heals her injuries and she tells him what happened to get her to have to mate a demon and if there's anything the old man can do for her to prevent this.

He comforts her and tells her he will do everything he can to help her since she has always been kind to him and helped out whenever he needed it and she always gave him some of her money. "I would guess by that belly of yours my dear you will be giving birth in a few short months. Demons are known to be impatient and usually accelerate pregnancies. Go rest my child, I will see what I can do for a solution to this by tomorrow." She thanked him and just went back to her room and tried shifting back to elf again but found herself locked in dragon form again and it's not even a full moon. She sighs swishing her tail annoyed being stuck as a dragon again.

The next day she is fully rested and put on the clothes she wears normal during a full moon since nudity isn't allowed in the village outside. She visits the old wizard and he tells her he has a solution to her problem though it's not really what she wants to hear.

He can divide the baby into twins and each would get half the demonic power of the single baby but it could be just enough to weaken the demon side so they can grow up normal. Also he can put a spell on the young to make them look more like normal furs though mixing magic with demonic magic may be tricky, As for her form there's no way to unlock it until she gives birth and there's no way to know if the young will have the same ability to shift into a dragon as their mother. She agrees to this since it's better than giving birth to a pure demonic dragon. The wizard casts the necessary spells and tells her to take it easy during her pregnancy; he's slowed it down some but it's only a matter of time now before the demon's magic overrides it. She thanks him and hugs him happily giving him some money for his troubles even though he insists on not taking it. Four months go by and she's gotten used to being a dragoness again and her belly has grown quite large, looking like she's due any day now. One day she was out visiting some friends and the apprentice of the old magician.

He had decided it was time to start teaching the next generation of sorcerers. They were having a nice cup of tea and discussing things when Evelin suddenly felt a sharp pain, it wasn't too long till her water broke and she begin giving birth.

This took almost a week of labour and a lot of pain but finally the twins were out, a boy and a girl. They looked like fox kits mostly but what's odd is they had hooves and webbed paws and also had the same mark she did of the dragon claw upon them.

She named them Viktoria and Mada Rua, they were wrapped up and given to there mother who was exhausted and slept as the babies nursed. The next day she had recovered enough to shift back into her elf form and she loved her new babies.

It took a few weeks before she had gotten all her strength back to go back home with her babies. She stopped selling herself for a while to raise her babies until they were about 2, they had grown up quite nicely. They were fluffy with fox fur, though they had coon markings and there mothers claws, red dragon eyes and sharp teeth. They were in day care for parts of the week while she went back to being a prostitute, though that was only part time, mostly she was with her kids.

Mada grew interested in weapons and started training to be a sword fighter, Vikie wanted to as well but females were forbidden to use weapons or even learn to use them. Vikie wasn't too happy but she also made friends with the sorcerer's apprentice.

When the twins where old enough to understand what her mother really did for a living, they were about 6. Vikie got really curious about her work. Mada was disgusted. Vikie's mother tried to keep Vikie interested in other things but the twins were quite stubborn.

By the time the twins had turned 13 the sorcerer's apprentice was almost ready to become a sorcerer. He loved playing pranks on people with his magic, especially making people really fat suddenly and watching there reactions until the spell wore off a few hours later.

Mada had been training a lot to become a sword fighter despite his webbed paws. Vikie had decided to take up her mothers job as well, much to her dismay, but she eventually gave in and started teaching Vikie everything she could about getting the guys to come and do what they do. Vikie had also started getting fascinated with dragons; her whole room was covered in everything she could find with dragons on it. Mada's room was fairly simple. He mostly had drawings of weapons in a few places.

Both twins had a desk to study at when they were to have homework. Their mother was never to happy about Vikie's fascination of dragons and always tried to tell her scary stories of dragons but this just encouraged her more.

Evelin was always afraid that the twins might some day inherit her shape changing ability or find out the truth about her past and what she really was. Vikie also learned to manipulate people into getting them to give her what she wanted.

She was secretly being trained as a sword fighter as well. The visiting sword fighters would teach her and both twins were a lot stronger than they looked. Both had strength equal to a very large equine or perhaps a demon.

One day when the twins were 16 and Vikie had officially been working as a prostitute, the apprentice decided to have some fun with Vikie and cast the spell on her and she suddenly gained several hundred pounds right then and there.

She was very shocked and not to happy that her slim figure was all blimped out and fat. She really did a number on him when she figured out it was him. The strange thing is the spell never wore off. She remained at over 450 pounds,

This didn't diminish her clients though. They still came to be with the only 2 females that could take just about any size male. Evelin never took clients who wanted the dragon and Vikie at the same time and never worked on a full moon.

Three years later business was doing excellent and the twins had finally turned 20. They were recognized as mature by everyone in the village and there mother was very proud. Vikie celebrated by buying an interesting staff she saw from a wandering merchant.

It was a double dragon headed staff and looked neat. Her mom sighed as she was still fascinated with dragons but there was no changing her mind now. Vikie was thrilled with her new toy and that night while she played with it, it clicked and suddenly came apart revealing it was really a double bladed sword hidden in the staff. She was thrilled at this but this made her feel a bit odd. She shrugged it off and found out the blade could be put back together and locked in place to make it appear like it was a staff once again.

That night she slept with the staff and had a dream about a dragon, but this wasn't just any dragon, this one seemed familiar somehow but she couldn't see it clearly, she woke up the next morning trying to figure this out but couldn't really recall much about the dragon.