A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:37

Story by WastedTimeEE on SoFurry

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#163 of Zootopia

I suffered a little bit of a set back over the last few weeks, and I'm sort of struggling to play catch up because of it. That said I haven't made much headway in finishing more chapters in advance in order to get this done any faster than my stated goal. But hopefully things will improve this week and the muse will outweigh my general achyness and drive another two chapters out of my one after the other.

But at the very least I have one of the grand main events for you! The moment you've probably all been waiting to read for a long time. So without further ado, lets just get right into it.

And if you are at all interested in checking out my patreon, you can click the link below.https://www.patreon.com/wastedtimeee

Chapter Thirty-Seven: Barbeque Brawl


Dawn pulled away from the wolf's chest, taking a moment to lift her glasses and lamely swab at the steady stream of tears that were still pouring from her reddened eyes. The ewe had mostly exhausted herself now. She had spent minutes hacking and sobbing into Vernon's shirt. Wailing and whimpering over her meeting with the wolf's father until she had used up nearly everything she had. Her chest was burning from the many sharp gasps she had taken to catch her breath, her throat was hoarse from the wracking sobs. All of her emotional energy had been spent save for lingering tears.

But it was out now, all the pain and anguish she had been keeping a secret from her mate. The burning, agonizing weight that hung heavy on her heart had mostly dissolved away. It had all been forced out with her blubbering hysterics, carried on the waves of her tears until all that remained was the lingering sadness of having gone through the whole terrible experience. As well as the guilt of having kept it from Vernon for so long. But with her mind now mostly cleared of the heavy emotional burden, her composure began to swiftly return. And as it did, the lamb became acutely aware of just how silent her mate had grown. Vernon hadn't said a word since she had buried herself in his chest, and at some point had stopped comfortingly petting her back. It was that growing realization which made her draw back from the wolf so suddenly. The alarm bells in her mind starting to sound as she glanced up to her mate.

Vernon was silent, his features cold and grim as he stared off into the horizon. His eyes were fixed, yet lacking any real focus, as if he wasn't truly staring at anything. His brow was furrowed slightly, and the frown on his muzzle was unmistakable. It was clear to Dawn that he was lost in his own thoughts now, most likely mulling over everything she had said with increasing and worrying intensity.

"Vernon?" Dawn asked again, placing a hoof on his upper arm in an attempt to draw his attention. The wolf didn't even register it, only adding to the ewe's rising fear. The looming terror that Vernon was certain to act out against his father, and what that would mean for the family.

Dawn looked to Audrey for help, but she found the she-wolf had developed a similar stance to her son. Her eyes fixed, yet distant. The only difference between Audrey and her son was that the she-wolf wasn't wearing a matching frown. Audrey's was more intense, her teeth exposed into a full gritting grimace as her ears lie tightly flattened against her head. Dawn could swear she could hear Audrey growling.

It was clear her admission had clearly gotten to Audrey just as it had gotten to Vernon, and it only helped to spur the ewe into a full-on panic.

Dawn's eyes darted around rapidly in their sockets as she began to frantically scan for anyone else to help, a Hunter to call on in hopes of diffusing the brewing storm. Hopefully, one who hadn't overheard any of the sensitive discussion between the group of mammals, and therefore might act without some degree of emotional bias. But her frenzied search of the barbeque only revealed with a dawning horror that every Hunter had most certainly heard the ewe's outburst in full. From Zach to Wade, from Vanna to Qali, the mammals stared back at her with a mixture of awkward expressions. Sadness, shock, discomfort, all of it in mute silence. Some of them were exchanging glances, looking to one another as if to make certain they had heard the same thing and struggling to process it in their own ways, much as Vernon and Audrey were now doing. The soft breeze and the crinkle of leaves had grown deafening over the eerie silence that now plagued the Hunter barbeque grounds.

Dawn felt herself bob slightly, causing her to immediately jerk her attention back to the wolf holding her. Slowly his muzzle curled into a sneer, and soon the ewe found herself being lowered to the ground. It was a slow, deliberate movement, almost mechanical as the ewe made her way down. A mixture of care and restraint seemed to permeate the action, as if the wolf was struggling to keep himself steady and composed despite the now low growl of his own that had begun to emanate from his throat. It was as if he was struggling to maintain some degree of control over himself despite the clear rising anger now coursing through the wolf. To contain the rising fire within as it tried to claw its way out any way it could. The wolf was a tea kettle that was nearly ready to sound, and his growl was the wisps of the oncoming squeal of steam that had begun to leak out of the only exit he'd allow.

Dawn tried to protest, to remain in the wolf's arms as she began to put together what was happening. But as Vernon pulled away there was little she could do to remain clasped on. His movement was a bit sharper as he returned to a standing position, his terse motion preventing the ewe from getting a firm hold on his arms. Dawn watched as the wolf slowly turned away from her, coming to a stop in the direction of the Hunter Ranch. The wolf's ear's flattening firmly against his head as his growl grew louder.

"Vernon!" Dawn protested, running up to his side and grasping her arms around one of the wolf's legs. "No! Please!"

The wolf's growl stopped almost as soon as she had clasped his side, and the wolf's anger gnarled expression shifted to one of mild surprise as he glanced down at the ewe below.

"Don't do this!" She continued, flashing the wolf the widest eyes she could muster. "Please Puppy Love! I don't want any more fighting!"

The wolf frowned sharply, letting out a soft whine as he crouched to the ewe's level. The wolf ran a gentle paw through Dawn's wooly poof before resting his paw against her face for a moment, caressing it gently. Vernon let out a tired sigh. Despite the gesture, Dawn refused to release her grip on the wolf's leg.

"Vernon please." Dawn pleaded, leaning into his palm. "Just wait. There has to be another wa-"

"It's too late Darlin'. " Vernon muttered with a frown. "There ain't no other way..."

The wolf gingerly placed his paws on her wrists and carefully pulled himself free of her grip. It didn't require much strength on his part, which made the ewe feel that much more powerless as his gentle efforts overpowered her grasp with ease. Vernon was frowning sharply, and she was certain she saw the glimmer of tears in the corners of his eyes as he gave her a simple shake of the head.

"I'm startin' to think there never really was..." Vernon whined softly.

Once more the wolf rose to his feet, leveling his gaze back on the Hunter Ranch as his deep, thrumming growl returned. His muzzle curled back into a sneer as his eyes squinted at the unassuming home. The wolf began to stomp his way toward the ranch, but only managed to make it a few steps before, much to Dawn's relief, the other Hunter's finally sprang into action.

"Woah, easy now Vern." Wade led with, the gray wolf jogging ahead of the others and blocking Vernon's forward path. Wade held his arms out, creating a wider physical barrier as the other brothers approached.

"Vernon, you should take a few minutes to calm down mam'." Zach added as he sidled in behind one of Wade's arms. "I don't like the look you've got on that muzzle."

Vernon gave the mammals a derisive snort as Xavier and Trenton arrived, but at least he remained still. For now, Vernon had stopped in his tracks, and the ewe was thankful for it.

"Whatever you are thinking, please take some time to rethink it!" Xavier pleaded. "We can all talk to him, it doesn't ha-"

"My rake..." That had come from Audrey. The she-wolf's ears were still tightly flattened against her head, and now she was fully baring her teeth. Dawn winced as her attention returned to Audrey. She had nearly forgotten about the second fire that had seemed to be brewing.

Trenton immediately broke from the brotherly barricade and dashed to the she-wolf's side. The icy white wolf placed a paw on his mother's shoulder.

"Now, now Ma. There's no need to-"

"I want my rake!" The she-wolf spat. "Or somethin' blunt and heavy from the barn so I can knock some sense into that mutt!" Audrey hissed. The she-wolf harshly pushed Trenton's paw off of her shoulder as she began a march of her own.

"I don't care what kinda misgivin's that hounds got! Y'all don't slur a lady!" The wolfess huffed as she stomped. "Especially not one of my girls!" Dawn watched in stunned silence as Audrey strode past her, walking around the group of wolves as she continued her trip toward the old Hunter Barn.

"Sweet Sawgrass..." Trenton muttered, running a paw through his hair before running after the she-wolf.

"Little help guys!?" The icy wolf spat as he passed the remaining wolves in his pursuit of his mother. Zach, Xavier, and Wade exchanged brief glances, giving the appearance of a silent deliberation going on between the wolves. It took a few seconds of the mammals eyeing one another with increasing intensity before eventually Xavier let out an irritated sigh. The bespectacled wolf took a moment to adjust his frames before tailing after the white wolf and leaving Zach and Wade alone to keep Vernon penned in.

Vernon was moving now, but only slightly. His body shifting and swaying as he tried to peer over his brothers. The wolf occasionally jerked forward, clearly trying to find an effective way around his brothers by apparently testing the weakness of their makeshift barrier.

"Vernon, seriously!" Zach held his paws out defensively. "You need to cool down!"

"COOL DOWN!?" Vernon lunged forward, snarling at the russet wolf before backing away just as quickly. "Cool down?" He asked again, his tone quieter and quavering.

"Y-you heard what happened!" Vernon continued. "What he said!" The wolf was still growling. "I can't let that stand!"

"So what are you gonna do? Huh, Vern?" Wade asked. "You gonna fight the old mam'!? Beat him senseless!?"

Vernon ran a shaking paw through his hair.

"You actually think...?" Vernon stopped mid-sentence, chuckling weakly. "Not like he wouldn't deserve it." The wolf spat, gesturing a fist in an uppercut motion. "Send him sprawlin' through that desk o' his!"

"Vernon." Zach tried to place a paw on Vernon's shoulder, only for the wolf the recoil.

"Vernon what!?" The wolf spat. "Tell me I'm in the wrong!" Vernon let out a loud snarl. "Tell me Y'all wouldn't want to do the same if pa said somethin' like that to your girl!?"

Zach and Wade were silent, the wolves seemingly struggling to come up with a way to refute Vernon's claim. Zach placed a paw to his muzzle, stroking his chin softly as he thought. But it was clear the red-grey wolf was having trouble coming to a conclusion as the silence lingered long enough for Vernon to try to push past the pair. They managed to hold him back, but just barely.

"Okay, YES!" Zach spat. "Is that what you wanted to hear!?"

Vernon crossed his arms, flashing the pair a satisfied smirk.

"But I trust that my brothers would be there to stop me from making a terrible mistake!" Zach was quick to add, the wolf placing a paw on his head as he looked toward the sky. "To tell me how gettin' into a fist fight with the ol mam' is only gonna make things worse!"

"And it will make things worse Vernon!" Wade added, the wolf managing to get a paw on Vernon's shoulder. "Hell you might as well be throwin' punches if you plan on making good on what y'all said last night!" Wade let out a soft whine. "We need to talk it out!"

Dawn was confused. Up to this point, she had been sure Vernon was ready to get into an actual brawl with his father over what he had said to her. Despite Vernon's general distaste for acting out in violence, something the wolf had taken up after his more brutish teenage years, she could see the glimmer of fire in the wolf's eyes. The same fire that she had seen when the wolf was arguing on her behalf with Nick and Judy after the Bug Burga attack. Vernon's back was against the wall, and every fiber within him was clearly telling him the time had come to 'fight or flight'. To get in and throw a few punches, and most likely get them thrown off the ranch.

She had not only been worried for Vernon and herself, but the ripple of infighting Vernon's actions would cause in his wake. This was especially true in regards to Audrey's relationship with her husband, and what Dawn's admission to what happened in the study would do to it. Her legacy in Dorian's eyes was already stricken with a multitude of black marks, and turning his wife against him wasn't exactly going to improve Dawn's case, or what little of it may have remained.

Even in the best case scenario, in which Audrey was able to force the wolf's paw into accepting Dawn. A defeated, bitter and spiteful Dorian wearing a strained, fake smile at all times around her wasn't exactly the kind of relationship she would preferred to have with her mates father. Then, of course, there was the damage that would be done to the other Hunter's relationships with one another. Arguments, more fighting, sides being taken. Most assuredly some would refuse to talk to some of the others, and in the worse case scenario, she was certain punches would be thrown. Or at least that was how she had seen things playing out at first.

But it was becoming clear that the wolf had something else in mind based on the argument she was hearing. Something worse, at least to Wade and Zach, than even the prospect of striking Dorian.

Vernon grasped Wade's paw, throwing it off of his shoulder as he made another lunging motion at the wolf.

"WHAT IS THERE LEFT TO TALK OUT?!" Vernon snarled. "YOU HEARD WHAT HE SAID!" The wolf's eyes darted from Zach to Wade and back again, like a caged animal looking for a way out. Luckily the two brothers remained firm in their stance, Vernon's ire failing to intimidate the law wolves. "DAWN WENT THERE TO REACH OUT AN OLIVE BRANCH, AND NOT ONLY DID HE PRACTICALLY SPIT IN HER FACE, BUT HE MADE HIS POSITION ON HER BEIN' A PART OF THIS FAMILY CRYSTAL CLEAR!"

By now Ulric was making his way over to the scene, but instead of taking a stance next to his brothers in an effort to keep Vernon from heading inside, the twitchy wolf simply returned to his place near the chocolate fountain. The wolf took a small swig of his mineral water, eyeing the quarreling mammals warily as he began to pace. Ulric was quietly muttering to himself, but Dawn couldn't make out exactly what he was saying.

"Vernon, please-"

"You tell me what other options I got! If y'all got any other great ideas on how to change his mind I'd love to hear it!" Vernon hissed. "But you and I both know exactly how he is, especially when he makes one of his 'decrees'!"

The wolf glanced back at Dawn for a moment, his expression softening to one of pain and frustration. Vernon let out a soft whine, running a paw through the fur on his scalp before turning back to face his brothers.

"He's given us no other choice but to force him to hear me out!" Vernon huffed. "To show him exactly what is at stake if he sticks to his guns!"

Vernon tried to push past the two wolves again, but the mammalian-made brace they had built between them easily fended the wolf's attempt off. The large wolf let out a growl, attempting to press between them with increasing force. But each try met with the same degree of failure, his brothers holding steady against each of the wolf's onslaughts until finally, the wolf backed off once again. Vernon glared at his brothers.

"Vernon..." Zach frowned. "Please don't do this."

"I have to." Vernon replied, his tone hushed but firm.

"Vernon! We can talk-"

"If you two have any respect for me-" Dawn could hear his voice crack slightly, and the wolf paused for a moment. Vernon reached out, placing a paw on each of his brother's shoulders. The wolf frowned, and Dawn could spot the start of tears forming in the corner of his eyes once again as he met their gaze.

"Any respect for me as your brother." Vernon continued. "As your friend."

Vernon let out a soft, shuddering sigh. "You won't stand in my way."

"But Ver-"

"I have to do this." Vernon cut Wade off, causing the wolf to let out a worried whine. "I have to. Please. I have to make Pa see how far I'm willing to go for Dawn. I have to defend my mate."

"H-how far?" Dawn thought as she watched in terrified silence. Now she was completely unsure of the wolf's intentions, and that made the fear building inside her that much worse. What could possibly be worse than a physical altercation with Dorian? What was Vernon planning to do?

Wade let out another soft whine, and Dawn could see his eyes were brimming with tears of his own. The dusky gray wolf gave Vernon a soft nod before slowly stepping out of his way. For a moment, Zach looked at him as if he had been betrayed. But his expression soon shifted to one of grim acceptance as he joined Wade in slowly stepping aside.

"Thanks fellas." Vernon murmured softly, his voice trembling as he spoke.

Zach simply looked away from Vernon. While Wade pawed at the tears forming in his eyes.

"Just go on..." Zach murmured. "Get it over with before the others get back and talk some sense into us."

Vernon nodded softly, and Dawn watched in horror as he began to make his way between the pair and back toward the house.

"Wait!" Dawn scurried after the wolf. She had to stop him, to do anything she could to convince the wolf from going through with whatever crazy plan he was dead set on enacting on her behalf. But her objections were cut short before she even got the chance express them as she came to a stop between Wade and Zach. Vernon had once again halted in his tracks as another brother now stood in his way. The hateful yellow eyes and menacing grin of the jet-black wolf causing Dawn to freeze in place before he shifted his attention back to Vernon. With a sluggish motion, the mammal pressed a paw against Vernon's chest and pushed him backward. Vernon stumbled, but only slightly.

"Shit." Dawn heard Zach mutter.

Dawn could only watch in silent horror as Yuri began to speak.

"Well, well, well..." Yuri snickered, lazily placing his paws on his hips as he narrowed his gaze at the larger wolf. "Where are you off to in such a hurry, little Runt?"

The gray wolf let out a terse sigh. "I don't have time for this shit right now Yuri."

Vernon tried to dart around the jet-black wolf, but Yuri moved with him, albeit listlessly. Vernon could smell a hint of alcohol on the wolf's breath as he once again blocked his path. Yuri feigned an expression of offense, placing a paw on his chest as he swayed slightly.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk..." Yuri's tone was one of mocking concern. "Is the little Puppy having a bad day because things didn't go his way?" Yuri snickered.

Vernon tried to move around the wolf again, But Yuri remained one step ahead despite his apparent mild inebriation. And Vernon once again found the wolf standing between him and the Hunter Ranch.

"Yuri." Vernon growled as the yellow-eyed wolf stared back at him blearily. Zach and Wade had done a fairly decent job at calming Vernon down, at least to some extent. But with Yuri blocking his way, the wolf could feel the flames within stoking back up. Of course it had to be Yuri, of course it had to be now. The wolf's patience was already well worn through. Knowing what his father said to Dawn, the slurs he used. The wolf had already been trying to fight back the overwhelming urge desire to hit the mammal. And while his intentions to take a swing at his father had been suppressed and brushed aside by his brothers and what little of his logical mind was still active. The buried urge was quickly finding new purchase when faced with the hateful jet-black wolf standing before him. The desire growing stronger as Yuri stoked the anger within him.

"Oh what!?" Yuri laughed, tilting his head back for a moment before leveling his gaze at Vernon once more. It was a lazy motion, sluggish and stilted by the alcohol. "First Y'all tell me to lay off you last night. To wait till the barbeque!" Yuri feigned another shocked expression. "Now here we are at the barbeque and Runt's going back on his word?!"

Before Vernon knew it, Yuri had slumped onto to him, pulling the wolf into a side hug and pressing his face against his, staring at him with one, wide, filmy golden orb. The alcoholic smell that clung to Yuri only intensified with the wolf so close to him now and Vernon's muzzle twisted into a cringe as the scent scalded his nostrils.

"Now, that just don't seem too fair does it?"

"Get off me!" Vernon pushed the wolf away, causing him to stumble slightly. For a moment Vernon thought he was going to slump to the ground, but at the last second the dark wolf managed to right himself, letting out a loud, howling laugh toward the sky.

"No, no, no..." Yuri chided as his chuckling died away. "I'm gonna make sure you keep good on yer promise!"

Vernon scoffed, once again trying to find his way around the wolf, but again Yuri swiveled into his path, spreading his arms out in an effort to better block his path. The jet-black wolf took a moment to gaze around the barbeque ground, grinning widely as he began to pump his paws in the air slightly. The wolf was gesturing to the other Hunters to close in around them, to bring themselves to what he must have seen as the front row for his latest performance.

"We gotta give these good mammals a show don't we!?"

Vernon hadn't given much thought to the scene that was unfurling around him until Yuri had brought it to his attention just how many eyes were now on the pair. He could see Wade and Zach had remained where they had been standing, now exchanging uncertain glances in a clear effort to figure out how to diffuse the situation. While closer to Vernon's side, the Hunter girls had gathered, Dawn included. The ewe was now holding on to Vanna's leg as the girls watched silently in a mixture of worry and concern. The pained expression on Dawn's face was enough to add another painful knot to the wolf's already twisted stomach. The look of sorrow on her face coupled with the steady flow of tears from her eyes, while at the same time reminding him what his father had done, also made him more aware of his actions. He had to keep his cool for the sake of his mate. Despite the overwhelming desire, he had to ignore Yuri's antics and make his move for the house. But the dark wolf was far from finished with his little display.

"Gotta show off that fer once lil' Verny doesn't get his way." Yuri chuckled. "This calls fer a celebration!"

"Yuri, would you shut ya mouth!?" That came from Ada. The hyena stood with her paws on her hips as she narrowed her gaze in the wolf's direction.

"You shut YER hole!" The wolf spat back, swinging his head lazily in Ada's direction. The black wolf bared his teeth, letting out a sharp snarl, but the hyena seemed less than impressed with the wolf's attempt at looking fearsome.

"Everyone coddles him! Even you!" Yuri hissed. "Y-Yer suppos'ta be on my side. To be with me..."

The wolf slung his head back toward Vernon, his yellow eyes fixing on the wolf.

"But no..." Yuri slurred. "Everyone has to bend over backwards fer Vernon!" The wolf sneered. "To make excuses fer Vernon!"

Yuri stabbed a claw in Vernon's direction, nearly falling forward as he did. Despite the near collapse, the wolf's expression remained fixed in its hateful gaze.

"And when somethin' doesn't go right fer Vernon for once..." Yuri muttered.

"FOR ONCE!" The wolf staggered back, shouting to the heavens before eyeing the other Hunters incredulously. "Everyone of y'all is like..."

"Oh, how can we help Vernon?" The wolf put on a lame falsetto voice, going so far as to puppet one of his paws along with his words, flapping the digits in a mock conversation with his hand. "We should do something to protect Vernon's feelings!" The wolf raised his other paw, repeating the lackluster ventriloquist act with himself. "We should let Vernon just do whatever he wants because he can't stand to be told NO!"

The wolf finally let his paws drop listlessly back to his sides, chuckling to himself as he did so.

"And in the end little Vermin always gets his way..." Yuri grunted, turning his attention back to Vernon. "Ma and Pa accommodate him because he's their favorite."

"Ma doesn't have a favorite!" That came from Zach as the wolf made his way up to Vernon's side. The russet-grey wolf crossed his arms, lowering a judgmental stare Yuri's way. "Our parents love us all equally."

"OH RUT YOU GOODY TWO PAWS!" Yuri spat, baring his teeth at Zach as he did. The wolf took a moment to try and compose himself, running a trembling paw through his tall mane of fur before flicking it at the two wolves standing before him dismissively.

"Ma and Pa always worried about that RUNT the most!" Yuri spat. "Always reached out to him THE MOST!" Yuri stabbed a claw at Vernon, stopping just inches away from touching his chest with the point. " And when it came time for him to take up the job we was all supposed to..." Yuri slurred slightly, taking a moment to wipe at his muzzle with an arm before continuing. "To do what Pa trained all of us to do, he flaked!"

"No one said we had to be police officers Yuri." Wade had now made his way next to Vernon, standing on his opposite side and resting a paw on his shoulder.

"BULL!" Yuri spat. "Pa's been trainin' us since we were pups for that job!" The wolf retracted his paw, reaching it blindly into his jacket. He fumbled around for a few moments before retrieving a shiny gold badge, emblazoned with the words 'Seaodder Police Department' from his breast pocket and thrusting it in their direction. "There wasn't any talk of us bein' anything else! Weren't any room for it!"

Yuri chuckled darkly to himself as he dumbly tried to place the badge back in his pocket. It took him a few tries, but eventually he managed to shove it back into its resting place. Giving the pocket a brisk pat before turning his attention back on his brothers.

"But Vernon has a bunch of childhood 'episodes'..." The wolf returned to stabbing another accusatory finger in Vernon's direction. "Which I might add, Ma and Pa did nothing but kiss his ass over!" The wolf spat, his yellow eyes squinting as they focused on Vernon. "And suddenly he gets to do whatever he wants!"

"You know Pa wasn't for it!" Vernon interjected with a low growl. "He fought me tooth and nail on bein' an architect!"

Yuri simply chuckled, only serving to further anger Vernon.

"I had to support myself in Zootopia to pursue it!" Vernon hissed. "The ol' mam' didn't give me nothin' fer it!"

Yuri rolled his eyes. "You were supposed to fail..." Yuri chuckled. "To come crawlin' back on yer paws and knees when no mammal in their right mind would take a wolf fer that job!" Yuri let out a pleasant sigh. "Much less an unrepentant prey-chaser of a wolf like you."

Vernon let out a snarl, lunging slightly forward only to feel his brothers arms wrap around his, holding him from moving any farther forward.

"Easy Vern, easy." Zach said.

"This is what he wants." Wade added.

Yuri let out another barking laugh.

"Then he could finally take put you on the force, and eventually give ya Zach's job right?" Yuri said with a smirk. "I mean, we all know ol' Zachy boy wouldn't be his first choice fer deputy if he had his pick of the crop! He would be happy to replace him!"

Vernon felt Zach's arm slip away from restraining him as the russet wolf let out a snarl of his own.

"Shut yer mouth Yuri!" Zach hissed. "You have no idea-!"

"Only one worse than you is Wade, the gods only know how he made it through the Zootopian Police Academy!" Yuri cut the wolf off.

With that, Vernon's other arm came free as Wade began to growl.

"You keep talkin' like that and I'd be more than happy to let Vern kick yer drunk ass!" Wade muttered. "Hell, I'd help."

"Oh three on one, now that's hardly fair..." Yuri chuckled, lazily stretching an arm in the air and bracing it with the other. The wolf let out a long yawn, his tongue curling as it left his muzzle before slowly bringing his arm back down and pointing a finger squarely at Vernon. "Besides, Vern's the only one of you I got business with..." The wolf slurred. "He owes me..."

Vernon had enough, with the other wolves braced at his sides he knew it would be easy to get around him and avoid this whole mess. Yuri wanted a fight, and the last thing Vernon wanted to do was give it to him. The anger that had welled up was meant for one mammal alone, the one who truly deserved it, and he was hiding out in the quaint little home behind the drunken wolf.

"I don't owe you shit." Vernon spat, lunging forward toward the nearest opening around the wolf. Yuri rushed to fill it, but as he did Vernon swiveled toward the opposite direction, giving the black furred wolf a slight push with his elbow as he made his way past him. Yuri fell to the ground, landing on his rump and reeling his head back as he struggled to right himself. The wolf leaned on an arm, but seemed unable to get up. It appeared the wolf had used up the bulk of his energy spewing the long-winded diatribe he had apparently been saving for Vernon, and now was using what little remained to keep himself from falling back on the grass. Vernon took a moment to dust off his shirt as he glanced back at the crumpled wolf.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I-"

"Did you enjoy it Vern...?" Yuri slurred, a shit-eating grin crawling across his face as he blearily eyed him. Yuri let out a staggering laugh. "Bein' buried to the hilt in that little gimmer of yours that was fixin' to see us all wiped out?" Yuri began to cackle, lolling his head backward as it turned into a mocking howl, a reminder of Vernon's misdeed in the cornfield the previous night.

Vernon balled his fist tightly, looking over his shoulder at the dark wolf on the ground. Yuri let out a few more mocking howls, while thrusting his hips upward. Grinning back at his brother as he continued to simulate the act.

"Tell me Vermin, how'd she taste?" Yuri snickered. "I hope it was bitter."

The wolf placed a paw in the dirt, and with some degree of effort, Yuri managed to rise to a crouched position. The wolf placed his paws on his knees, still laughing to himself. "Honestly Y'all really shouldn't play with yer food like that before eatin' it... it's unsanitary."

Vernon could feel the white-hot fire swelling inside him as the wolf continued to cackle away at his own jokes. It was consuming him all over again, and he knew if he stayed any longer he was sure to spring on the black-furred wolf and rip him apart. It was taking everything he could to resist giving in to Yuri, to give the wolf exactly what he wanted. The claws of his balled fists had begun to dig into his flesh under the strain despite how dull they were, and Vernon was almost sure they were drawing blood. Yet the wolf was frozen, locked in place as he glowered back at his drunken brother. The need to confront his father not quite enough to overpower the burning desire to deal with the wolf that was insulting his mate.

Yuri let out another howling laugh as he finally managed to stand himself up, his evil grin spreading from ear to ear.

"Tell me, is she just the loosest pred-baiter in all o' Animalia?" Yuri chuckled. "Lookin' to spread her hole for the mammal with the sharpest teeth and the biggest pipe?" Yuri's head dipped slightly, and the wolf placed his paws on his knees to steady himself.

"Or are you just so small you had to go with a prey runt?" Yuri sneered. "Cause ya couldn't please a real female with yer rodent sized cock?"

Vernon was biting his lip now, his mind screaming at him to just up and strike Yuri. Yet the wolf remained still, channeling every last bit of his concentration to stay his paw. But the inferno coursing through his frame had grown too intense to simply leave it be. It needed revenge, it needed justice, however small and ineffectual it might be. It had clouded Vernon's mind and dulled his rational sensibilities. And his hatred of Yuri, looking for any form of release now that it had been all riled up, found a way out through the wolf's muzzle. A simple statement he knew would get under the wolf's pelt, that he knew would shut him up. One that he had thought of before, but never used because it didn't just involve the wolf he had grown to loathe, but the sister-in-law he dearly loved. Something he had never wanted to say, yet the blinding hatred inside had now forced out of him before he could stop himself.

"Y'know, at least Xavier is open with his preference in mates." Vernon grumbled. "He didn't try to hide it by datin' a gal with a dick and lyin' to himself."

The moment the words left his muzzle, the flame burning within his mind was quickly extinguished by sober realization, leaving the empty vacuum once occupied by blind rage to rapidly fill with guilt and regret. He couldn't believe what he had just said, what he had implied about his own sister-in-law. Ada had only ever been kind to Vernon, even doing her best to keep Yuri on a leash around him. And yet, in his desperate need to find something, anything to get under Yuri's pelt he had gone so far as to drag an innocent into the whole mess.

Vernon turned his attention to the group of Hunter girls to find Ada with a paw clasped tightly against her muzzle, tears welling in the corners of her eyes as she looked back at Vernon in a mixture of horror and disbelief. It was only for a moment before she broke eye contact, burying her face into Vanna's side as she began to slip toward the ground. Vanna quickly grasped the large mammal in her paws, easing her down to her knees softly as Ada began to sob loudly into her side. It was something he had never seen Ada do, something he thought the rough and tumble hyeness was incapable of. But it was clear Vernon's thoughtless statement had cut so deeply it had punctured her outer shell, revealing the vulnerable mammal within.

"A-Ada..." Vernon's tone was heavy with shame, his voice dripping with disappointment in himself.

Vanna held the weeping hyena tightly, glaring back at Vernon as she did her best to comfort her.

"Ada." Vernon said louder, his own eyes starting to brim with tears as he watched his usually tough sister shuddering and weeping as if she were as delicate as Dawn. Ada managed to glance back at the wolf with a bleary, tear-filled eye.

"I'm so sorry." Vernon spoke, his voice trembling slightly. "I didn't mean to-

The wolf was cut off by a sudden, loud snarl from behind him. Vernon barely had time to face the source of the sound before the wind was knocked out of him by a sudden blow to his side. The full weight was pulling the wolf to the ground before he could fully register what was happening. The wolf was pinned to the dirt now, desperately gasping in an effort to get as much air back into his lungs as possible as his mind reeled from the harsh impact against the soil. But Vernon had barely gotten a breath in before he felt something hard slam against the side of his muzzle, sending a shockwave of blinding pain through his upper jaw as his head lurched away from the blow.

He could hear a volley of muffled gasps and cries between the steady thudding in his ears as he tried to bring his head to face whatever hit him, his eyes straining through the blinding headache to focus on the dark figure now looming over him. He was barely able to make out those piercing yellow eyes before Yuri stuck him once more.

The wolf hit him again and again, sending his head from side to side with each concussive blow as Vernon struggled to regain some of his bearings. The wolf was becoming clearer now despite the overwhelming pain of each blow. Yuri's tensed form hovering over Vernon, teeth bared and snarling as he pulled back his balled fist in preparation for another hit.

"Yuri!" It sounded like Wade, and Vernon could see the dusky grey wolf coming into view over the side of Yuri as another blow landed near Vernon's right eye, the fresh wave of pain causing the wolf to let out a sharp yelp as he jerked away from the shot.

Vernon's line of sight came back on Yuri just in time to see him pull back his fist so sharply that it smacked Wade square in the nose. Clearly it had caught the wolf off guard, causing him to stumble back before falling on his rump as he clasped his nose with both paws. Vernon could already see blood starting to dribble from between the wolf's fingers, but the sight alone was enough to snap Vernon out of his haze. Despite the pain, his reflexes were finally kicking in, and with it a new wave of burning anger.

Yuri's next punch hit the dirt where Vernon's head used to be, the wolf having jerked out of his brother's strike range before forcing himself off of the ground and directly into Yuri. Vernon let out a loud roar as he grappled the wolf, rising to his feet as he attempted to force Yuri to the ground much as the dark wolf had done to him. However, Yuri was quick to push away, managing to slip free of Vernon's grasp as he backed away from the wolf slightly. Yuri was grinning evilly as he watched Vernon with wide eyes, his paws raised to defend himself.

"C'mon Vermin!" Yuri hissed, the black wolf gestured Vernon toward him. "Let me teach you some manners!"

Vernon let out another snarl as he charged the jet-black wolf, slamming into him with all his might as Yuri struggled to resist. The wolf remained standing, but was rapidly walking backward in an effort to keep from falling under Vernon's force. But Vernon refused to relent, pushing and pushing until he finally felt Yuri give way under his charge.

Vernon pulled back just in time to see Yuri fall backward into Ulric, sending the pair through the dessert table with a loud clamor. For a moment the wolves remained crumpled on the ground, giving Vernon enough time to catch his breath from Yuri's previous flurry of blows. Vernon took a moment to wipe his muzzle with a paw, drawing it back to find a few drops of blood now smattered on his paw pads.

Vernon began to growl at the sight of his own blood as Yuri began to sluggishly clamber to his feet.

"Oh, ya mad Runt?" Yuri chuckled, wiping some marshmallows stuck to his pelt away with a lazy paw. "Been too long since someone made you taste yer own blood?"

As soon as Yuri was standing, Ulric bolted to his feet. the wolf was twitching more wildly than usual, his eyes wide with fear as he looked down at his clothes. He was absolutely coated in chocolate, apparently having landed directly on the fountain on his way down.

"No, no, no, no, no..." Ulric quietly repeated over and over as he stared at his chocolate covered paws. His eyes were as wide as saucers now.

"Get it off, get it off, GET IT OFF, GET IT OFF!" Vernon and Yuri both turned to watch as the dusky grey wolf began to pull at his clothes. Ulric was tearing at his shirt, ripping it down the middle as he desperately clawed at the chocolate soaked fabric.

"GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF!" The wolf continued, having pulled the shirt completely free of himself, Ulric began to work on his pants next. He had nearly pulled his belt free of the loops by the time Zach had tackled him, the russet-grey wolf pinning the panicking Ulric to the grass as he squirmed wildly beneath him.

"GET OFF! GET OFF!" Ulric screamed as Zach tried to hold his wildly flailing arms against his back. "ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME!?" Ulric spat, twisting and wrenching his head in various directions to try to look up at the wolf above him.

"IT AIN'T LIKE YOU ATE IT!" Zach yelled, clasping one of his wrists! "SO KEEP YER DAMN PANTS ON!" The reddish wolf continued as he struggled against the wiry wolf trapped beneath him.

"YOU ARE TRYING TO KILL ME!" Ulric's tone was one of startling revelation, as if he had instantly turned to believing his bizarre accusations. "HELP! HELP!" The wolf was raving now, no longer paying attention to his captor as he squirmed to get free. "ZACH IS TRYING TO KILL ME!"


Vernon had so lost himself in the insane scene that was unfolding with Ulric, that he had stopped paying attention to Yuri just long enough for the black furred wolf to get the jump on him. Once more Yuri had charged, and Vernon had simply reacted too late to keep himself from getting pulled to the ground again. At least this time Vernon had enough time to cover his face with his arms as a fresh volley of punches tried to find an opening between them.

"Talk about me all you want!" Yuri hissed. "But next time your tongue gets out of line I'll be sure to make sure you choke on it!"

It would have been funny in a way, just how hypocritical Yuri's actions were in the grand scheme of things. After all he had said about Dawn, one errant comment about Ada was all it took to suddenly have the wolf talking of 'manners' for once in his life. But Vernon was far to incised to pick up on it. The wolf was growling, the rage inside broiling as he looked for his opening. Yuri was really wailing on him now, sending punch after unrelenting punch down at the wolf below. Yuri tried to get around Vernon's braced stance, going for any opening the wolf left with wild swings. But thankfully Vernon was aware enough to keep blocking the spots just before he could land a successful hit. Despite keeping his face out of the continuing fray, his arms were starting to throb from defending the endless blows.

"C'mon Vermin! Do you give up!?" Yuri howled.

At that moment Yuri stopped punching, instead simply electing to throw all of his weight on Vernon and pinning his arms and face beneath his chest. Vernon could hear the deep rumble of Yuri's laughter tremble through his chest as it lay forced against him.

"Just like when we were pups!" Yuri let out a pleasant sigh as he pressed himself harder down on Vernon.

"I tell ya what Runt. I'll cut you a deal..." Yuri snickered, using one of his free paws to swat sharply at the top of Vernon's head. "If you want to give in..." Yuri cooed. "To make me stop beatin' on ya so bad..." Yuri pressed down again, the wolf apparently trying his damndest to snuff out the limited oxygen Vernon was managing to get as he struggled under the wolf's force. "All you gotta do is tell me who's the alpha..." Yuri chuckled. "And who's the omega."

It was all too familiar for Vernon, exactly like it had been when they were little. He could remember so many times Yuri had pinned him to the floor, holding him down with his paws or sometimes just sitting on him. Forcing Vernon to stay down and pinching his arms or pulling his ears until he forced the wolf to call him an alpha. Yuri always got a sick satisfaction out of that, and it was clear he hadn't changed. The fact that he had been willing to go this far, despite being an adult showed just how childish he had managed to remain. But Vernon had changed. He was no longer the hapless, runtish pup that he had been in his youth. He was bigger, stronger, and most importantly, beyond fed up with Yuri's bullshit. Vernon was done with his games, and he was going to show Yuri.

"I-I'm gonna..." Vernon choked out as he squirmed against his brother's pin, looking for the drunk wolf's weak spot. "I'm gonna!"

"Yer gonna what Mr. Architect?" Yuri chuckled. "Design me a comfy bathroom with a big enough toilet fer me to shove yer head in!?" Yuri shook his head. "That way at least when you shit talk about my girl it's going in the right place!"

Vernon was snarling, wriggling violently in an effort to get his paws free. The fire had consumed him, and his mind had been reduced to nothing more than base instinct.


In that moment Vernon found his opening, and with a wild swipe of his paw he slashed at Yuri's muzzle. In a flash the jet black wolf had recoiled, letting out a practically feral yelp as he stumbled off of Vernon. Yuri was cradling his muzzle now, and Vernon could see a trickle of blood dribbling from between Yuri's paws much like Wade had experienced earlier. Despite how dull Vernon's claws were, he had struck the wolf with enough force to draw blood, but Vernon wasn't done now. He couldn't hear anything but the sound of his own heartbeat just barely thrumming over his deepening growl. The inferno blazing inside was demanding that he put and end to this age old feud once and for all. To show Yuri who was the true 'alpha'.

Yuri barely had time to look up at Vernon before the towering wolf had pounced on him, forcing the black wolf to the earth with a feral snarl. Vernon's lips curled around his dripping fangs as he began to beat Yuri senseless. He had started with simply punching him, putting as much force as he could into alternating blows against the wolf's unguarded face as he continued to squeal and whine. Each blow growing more powerful and impassioned than the last until they began to degrade into open palmed slaps and claw swipes. Vernon slashed and smacked until he had completely lost count of the swings, completely drunk in the savage and hateful haze that had clouded his mind as he wailed on Yuri with unrelenting force.

But it wasn't enough. After everything Yuri had put him through growing up, after what he put him and Dawn through now, no amount of punching or scratching seemed to appease the fire that had engulfed the wolf's rational mind. And soon his paws had given up their assault on his face to find themselves squarely wrapped around his throat.

Vernon began to strangle the beaten and bruised wolf, squeezing as tightly as he could as the wounded mammal struggled to free himself from Vernon's grasp. Yuri's eyes were wide as he clawed at Vernon's paws, trying desperately to pull them away.

"I hate you..." Vernon growled, staring into Yuri's wide, yellow eyes as he continued to choke him.

"I HATE YOU!" Vernon snarled loudly, shaking the wolf and causing him to emit another choking gasp.

Yuri croaked out a snarl, and with a surge of strength managed to pull Vernon's paws free of his throat. His efforts weren't strong enough to completely push Vernon away, but just enough to hold his hands back as the wolf took a sharp, rasping gasp before slipping into an amused chuckle.

"Tell me how you really feel." Yuri wheezed weakly between laughs.

'It was funny?' The thought seared through Vernon's mind like a lightning bolt. All of this, everything Vernon was doing was somehow still funny to Yuri? Even now with Vernon's paws now inches away from once again wrapping around his throat, Yuri still found some sort of sick pleasure in the fight, and it only stood to enrage Vernon further.

The wolf could feel bile rising in his throat as his hate reached its zenith. At that moment, Vernon opened his maw. But instead of words, an almost feral squeal escaped his muzzle before he suddenly clamped his jaws around Yuri's throat. For a moment, Yuri's eyes were wide in shock as Vernon squeezed his teeth into the flesh of his neck. Yuri let out a shrill, squealing whine as Vernon's teeth dug uncomfortably into his neck, and the black wolf quickly released his grip on Vernon's paws. But instead of clasping them to Vernon's head in an effort to pull it away, the wolf allowed his arms to lay at his side as he fell still, the dark wolf's body falling paralyzed under the dominating gesture.

Vernon could feel Yuri's heartbeat thrumming against his teeth. The pressure of his jaws resting just shy of doing any real damage, but more than enough to make the black-furred wolf hurt. But despite it, despite everything, even Yuri taking a submissive posture under Vernon's clamping jaws, an evil smile had formed on the dark wolf's muzzle. Yuri let out a soft, low chuckle.

Every wound, every emotional scar Yuri had left on him had been forced open in his fight with the wolf. There was a part of Vernon that wanted him dead. To keep pressing and squeezing until the wolf fell motionless. But as the feral rage inside began to burn itself out, exhausted nearly completely from the energy the wolf had exerted into beating Yuri senseless, the wolf's grip around his brother's neck began to weaken.

"There's the Vernon I like to see..." Yuri coughed, taking a moment to lick his lips in an effort to moisten them. "And now everyone else gets to see him too..."

The words hit Vernon in the gut with the phantom weight of a punch as the realization came over him. His rational mind had began to take over again, as the tears continued to dribble from his eyes. Vernon was right, he had changed from the wolf that had lost Dawn in his youth. And he worked hard to do it. He didn't want to fight anymore. Since the day he had seen the brutish, savage wolf in the mirror back in his high school bathroom. The wolf he didn't want to be, the wolf he wasn't.

And yet Yuri had easily goaded him into raising a paw in anger once again, and he had delighted in it. No wonder Yuri had been laughing even when Vernon could have choked the life out of him, when he wrapped his teeth around his throat. Yuri had gotten what he wanted, he had gotten his show. And Vernon had more than likely exceeded the wolf's expectations by acting no better than a feral beast in his efforts to silence the smug, dark wolf.

Vernon fully released his grip, allowing Yuri to take in a sharp, clear breath of air before bursting into a fit of coughing. The black wolf clutched a paw to his throat as he struggled to regulate his breathing, his chest rising and falling spastically as Vernon rose to his feet. With the intense thrumming of his heartbeat in his ears starting to fade, the sounds of the barbeque had begun to filter back in. Vernon was once again aware of his surroundings, and with it came the horrifying realization that he had been so blinded by his rage that he had forgotten about the other Hunters that were still standing around him. That they had seen the entire spectacle in full. That they had seen him act like a monster.

Glancing behind him, Vernon could see that his mother had returned from the barn at some point during the scuffle. The she-wolf was still clasping a rake with one paw, but her other was clasped over her muzzle as silent tears flowed from her eyes. At her sides stood Trenton and Xavier, the pair exchanging a look of unease as they tried to console the she-wolf.

To their side Wade was still crumpled on the grass, cradling his nose with a paw and tilting his head skyward in an effort to stem the flow of blood from Yuri's jab. However his eyes were trained on Vernon, and his ears sagged sharply as the wolf cringed under Vernon's gaze.

On the opposite side of the wolf were the remains of the dessert tables, the white plastic surface split in half with its contents scattered to the winds. Zach was still straddling Ulric, but both had fallen silent, Ulric even becoming completely still as they both stared back at Vernon in mute shock. But the worst of it came from the Hunter girls clustered ahead of the black wolf on the ground.

Ada remained attached to Vanna's side, her muzzle twisted into an expression of pure horror as she met Vernon's gaze. He could still see the glistening of tears in her eyes before she buried her head back into Vanna's chest and continued to sob. As Vernon looked up to the large feline, Vanna glared back at him with cold, judgmental eyes. The tigress simply shook her head dismissively, squeezing Ada tighter into her side as she continued to try to calm the large mammal.

Behind Vanna's leg Vernon could see Qali's familiar bushy tail but not much else. After a few moments, the vixen peeked her head out from behind the big cat's leg. However, when she met Vernon's gaze she was quick to look away. A look of shame on her muzzle as she shrunk back into her shoulders and slowly drifted back behind her hiding spot.

And then there was his Honey Lamb. His soul mate. The love of his life with her face buried into the other side of Vanna's thigh as the tigress gingerly patted the back of her head. She was visibly shaking, and as she managed to peek a single eye out from its hiding spot against the tigress, Vernon could see in it the unmistakable look of shock and terror. It was a look the wolf knew all too well, one he had seen from so many prey mammals throughout his life, especially during his troubled teen years. She was afraid of him. Afraid of the fearsome wolf that had exploded out of her Puppy Love. The savage beast who once prowled the ancient forests of Animalia feasting on her kind.

He couldn't blame her for reacting that way after what he had done. After acting like nothing more than the dumb, brutish beast that the majority of civilized mammals had always seen wolves as. He had once again played directly into every stereotype in the book, even going so far as to bite down on his brother's throat like he was no more than a simple minded animal. How could she ever trust him again, ever love him again after a display like that?

Vernon could feel the tears began to pour freely from his eyes he glanced around at the quiet assembly of Hunters. The shame, the guilt, all of it was pooling rapidly in his chest. Constricting around his heart and making it hard to draw a breath.

"I-I." Vernon choked weakly, barely able to form words as his eyes darted from Hunter to Hunter. His sobbing mother, Vanna's glare, Dawn's terror-filled eyes. Vernon simply wanted to curl up and die.

"I'm so sorry...Honey Lamb." The wolf reached out a paw toward the ewe, but quickly retracted it in spite of himself. Despite the lingering fear in her eyes, Dawn reached back to him, the ewe crying almost as badly as he was now.

"Ada.." Vernon whimpered, looking up at his still weeping sister-in-law. Ada wiped her nose against Vanna's side as she watched the wolf warily.

"Ma..." Vernon glanced back at his mother. By now she had dropped the rake, having placed both paws on the sides of her muzzle as she stared back at Vernon.

"E-Everyone...I-." Vernon looked down at his feet, the crushing shame and guilt making him feel two inches tall. Perhaps it was better this way. If the family hated him now, it would be that much easier to sever ties with his father. Then again, did that even matter anymore? Would Dawn still be willing to tithe a monster?

Vernon wiped his eyes with his arm, snorting harshly in an effort to suck back his tears.

"I'm so sorry..." Vernon muttered. "I am...s-so..."

Vernon began to sob, the wolf placing his head in his paws as he dropped to his knees in the center of the barbeque. The wolf was at a loss as to how he ended up here, how he had managed to hurt so many of those near and dear to him in such a short span of time. His insides felt twisted and aching as the mixture of emotions ran though him, some conflicting with one another as he struggled to cope with it all at once. The anger at his father, his hatred toward Yuri, what he had said about Ada, and the scene he had made. All of it was eating at the wolf as he crumpled before the rest of his family, unsure of how he could even begin to properly mend it.

Suddenly the wolf felt something warm wrap around him, stopping him in the midst of another anguished sob. Looking down, Vernon found his mate tightly hugging him. The ewe was staring back up at him with shimmering eyes, but despite the tears the ewe managed a soft, genuine smile.

"It's okay Vernon." Dawn whimpered softly, bringing a hoof up to the wolf's cheek and softly caressing it. "Everything is okay."

Vernon's lip quivered as the ewe's statement registered, letting out another choking sob as he placed a gentle paw on her wooly poof. The lamb didn't even flinch, as whatever fear she had previously appeared to have for the wolf seemed to have dissipated.

"I forgive you."

That was all Vernon could take, and with that he wrapped his arms around the ewe, hugging her tightly to his chest. He could feel Dawn's hooves on his back as she squeezed into him as tightly as she could.

"How can you f-forgive a monster like me Honey Lamb?" Vernon shuddered as another sob choked out of his muzzle. "A mindless wo-wo"

Dawn simply shushed him, placing a single hoof to his still bloodied lip.

"Vernon." Dawn cooed, lifting her glasses to wipe some of the tears from her eyes. "You aren't a monster." Dawn smiled softly. "You are no more a monster than I am."

Vernon sniffled harshly, making another genuine effort to suck back his tears as held the ewe.

"B-but I sc-scared you..." Vernon whimpered.

"I was scared for you Vernon." Dawn said softly, running her hoof over the wolf's ear and petting it softly. "I could never be scared of you." Dawn leaned up, placing a soft kiss on the tip of the wolf's bruised snout. "I love you."

Vernon tightened his grip on the ewe as a wave of relief washed over him, lifting her slightly off the ground as he leaned backward. The wolf buried his muzzle into Dawn's shoulder, still doing his best to sniffle back his lingering tears as the ewe moved her arms around his neck.

"You are my soul mate Vernon." Dawn spoke into the wolf's neck as she buried her muzzle into it, nuzzling him gently. "The mammal I want to spend the rest of my life with, predator or not." The ewe cooed into his fur as Vernon gently pet the back of her head with one of his paws.

After a few moments, Dawn withdrew from his fur. With a hoof, she brought Vernon's face to meet hers, her green shimmering orbs staring directly into his.

"Do you remember what I said last night?" Dawn asked.

Vernon nodded weakly. "T-that we're in this together?"

The ewe nodded. "We have each other to rely on, and depend on." The ewe emphasized the word 'depend' with a finger. "And I'm not going anywhere. Alright?"

A beaming smile forced its way to the wolf's muzzle as he eyed the plucky little ewe in his arms. In spite of everything that he had managed to screw up, aside from all the mammals he had hurt, he still had Dawn. He still had his Honey Lamb.

The wolf placed a paw under the ewe's chin, and as he did Dawn placed a ginger hoof near his eye, causing the wolf to recoil at the throbbing pain just touching the area seemed to cause.

"Oh Puppy love..." Dawn cooed. "That looks terribly painful."

"It certainly feels it..." Vernon mumbled, gently touching the swelling that had formed by his eye. He couldn't imagine what the rest of his muzzle looked like.

"We should go inside and get some ice for that." Dawn added, as she continued to hover a hoof over various spots of the wolf's face marking each injury with a quiet yet sharp inhale.

"Inside..." Vernon muttered, glancing back over at the house. Dorian was still inside, still waiting for the wolf to confront him. The fight with Yuri had certainly taken his mind off the pressing matters at paw. But now that he held his Honey Lamb, knowing that she still wanted to be with him regardless of the circumstance, he knew he owed it to her to see this through to the end. He was going to stand for her just as she had stood for him. The wolf glanced back at his mate, taking a moment to caress her face with an affectionate paw.

"I need to talk to Pa Dawn." Vernon muttered, softly.

Dawn frowned immediately, the ewe biting her lip for a moment before opening her mouth to speak.


The wolf cut her off, gently placing a finger to her muzzle.

"I'm a lot calmer now Darlin'." Vernon murmured, glancing over at his brother Yuri. The wolf was sitting up now, his muzzle turned down as he took slow, wheezing breaths. Next to him was crouched Ada, the hyeness still sniffling slightly as Yuri leaned into her side. The hyena caressed his face and neck, seemingly tracing the wolf's wounds much the same way Dawn had been with his.

"For better or worse, Yuri got a lot of that out of me."

Dawn's features remained laced with concern. It was clear she still wanted to interject, but the wolf held his finger in place.

"But I need to settle this with him." Vernon continued. "Fer us." With that, the wolf removed his finger from the ewe's lips, placing a gentle paw under her chin. "You already went to bat fer us with him..." Vernon offered a weak smile. "So now it's my turn, okay Lamb Fry?"

"B-But Vernon-."

"Dawn, do you trust me?" Vernon asked.

Without a moment's hesitation, the ewe nodded briskly. "Of course I do!"

Vernon chuckled softly. "Then let me do this thing." Vernon replied.

Dawn was silent for a few moments, in fact, to Vernon it seemed as if the whole barbeque had grown silent as Vernon waited for her answer. The wolf didn't bother to look away from his mate however, still fearful of the looks he was certain the other Hunters were still giving him. The deafening silence held sway over the grounds save for the wind as the moment stretched on. But eventually, the ewe gave a soft, albeit reluctant nod.

Vernon gave the ewe a gentle kiss on the tip of her nose before releasing his grip and slowly rising to his feet. The wolf let out a sigh before turning his attention back to the Hunter Ranch. Taking one last awkward and uncomfortable look at the mammals around him, Vernon frowned.

"I'm sorry everybody." Vernon said calmly. "Ada, Ma, everyone."

The wolf glanced at Yuri, the wolf still nursing his muzzle with a paw as Ada was trying to pull it free to look over the damage. "Even you Yuri." Vernon muttered. The yellow-eyed wolf stared back at him wearily for a moment, letting out a sigh before looking back toward the dirt.

"If I ain't gonna be around much in the future..." Vernon muttered, his ears drooping as the gravity of what he was saying weighed on his heart. "T-try to remember me fer the good stuff." The wolf ran a paw through his head fur before gesturing to his brother on the ground. "And not stuff like this..." Vernon whined softly. "Please."

With that, the wolf walked away, making his way around the front of the Hunter Ranch before quickly disappearing inside and leaving the rest of the Hunter brood in awkward silence.

Dawn tapped her hooves together awkwardly as she glanced at the remaining Hunters. By now Audrey and Ada had mostly pulled themselves together, the tears having stopped at some point while Dawn was busy tending to her wounded mate. But they remained frozen, most of the mammals exchanging uncertain glances as if they were looking to someone for what to do now. Dawn was at as much of a loss herself, especially now that she had let Vernon off to face Dorian, not knowing what was to come from it. But whatever the wolf had planned, Dawn trusted Vernon to handle it. She could only hope that whatever happened wouldn't put too much strain on the rest of the mammals she had come to love.

The sound of a car pulling up drew Dawn out of her thoughts, and the ewe quickly snapped her head in the direction of the sound. Coming up the dirt driveway was a massive taxi-cab, one of the ones styled strictly for megafauna, having come straight out of the city. The yellow and orange speckled vehicle was probably even taller than the actual Hunter Ranch, towering over the barbeque grounds and casting a long, tapering shadow as it slowed to a stop. Dawn tilted her head curiously as she eyed the large vehicle.

"Who's that?" Ulric muttered from his pinned position on the ground under Zach. Zach stood up, taking a moment to dust off his shirt as he raised a paw above his eyes.

"Hell if I know..." Zach muttered, scratching his head.

With a click and a pop, the door to the back seat shuddered, and after a moment it began to slide open as two large, hooved hands gripped around its edges. With a forceful heft, the door swung open, revealing a towering, long-necked mammal hidden behind it. The red-haired giraffe stood towering above the entirety of the barbecue, sporting a deep green scarf haphazardly coiled around her massive neck several times. The large cow was dressed in a muted green sweater, open to reveal a cartoon themed undershirt and long black jeans that were tightly fitted to her long, slender legs. Dawn recognized her immediately as the giraffe she had expected to be riding along with them on the train ride up to the Ranch in the first place. The spindly giraffe that was Wade's mate.

Taking a moment to adjust the bag slung over her shoulder, the large mammal turned her attention to the rest of the Hunter family. Giselle placed a hoof over her eyes as she scanned the crowd of mammals below carefully, her puzzled expression shifting to one of excitement and glee as her eyes fell on Wade.

"WADE LOVE!?" The giraffe flapped her hoof in a frantic wave at the wolf several yards away. " IZZAT THAT YOU OVER THERE!?"

Dawn turned to find Wade's face twisted up in an expression of sheer terror. The wolf's eyes darting from Hunter to Hunter as the sweat began to form on his brow. Then just as suddenly, the wolf offered a wide nervous smile, pulling his paws back and uncovering his bloodied nose as he spread his arms wide in a welcoming gesture.

"GISELLE! YOU'RE HERE!" Wade shouted. "Shit." Dawn could hear him whine under his breath as the wolf began to rush over to the towering mammal.

"Wait..." Ada piped up, the hyena staring up at the massive giraffe cow in awe as Wade zipped by. "DAT'S GIZELLE!?"

"He was serious...?" Yuri muttered dizzily.

Qali's eyes lit up with excitement, and the diminutive vixen clasped her paws under her muzzle as she seemed to bounce in her step.

"OH. EM. GOODNESS!" The vixen was swooning with delight, nearly falling over as she eyed Giselle in sheer awe. "SHE'S. SO. TALL!"

Vanna clasped a paw to her face, letting out a tired sigh.

"Qali...Seriously..." Vanna muttered, massaging her temples in irritation.

Giselle nearly stumbled over Wade as the two approached each other, her long, slender legs buckling across one another as she stabbed a hoof out to balance herself. Dawn heard every Hunter draw a sharp gasp as it looked as though she was going to fall, something Dawn was sure would take out several of the Hunter's and herself on her way down if she did. Luckily Wade quickly clasped the side of her leg, which seemed to give her enough of a counterbalance to stay up. Once she was secure, Wade released his grip, backing away slightly as he placed a paw above his eyes to gaze up at the towering mammal.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!?" Wade's question came off as more of a demand for information rather than surprise. The dusky grey wolf was twitching almost as badly as Ulric usually did, but Giselle didn't seem to pick up on his strange behavior at all, the oblivious giraffe's smile continuing to beam down at the little wolf.

"Oh, well you know how my father hurt his neck? How he's in hospital recovering?" Giselle asked.

Wade nodded briskly. "Yeah, yeah, you told me. Remember?" The wolf croaked awkwardly. "The text messages...and photos."

Giselle rolled her eyes. "Right, right, sorry." The giraffe tapped her palm against her head, sticking her long tongue out of the corner of her muzzle briefly before turning her attention back to Wade. "Anyway, he was doin' really well in recovery, so 'im and mum insisted I make up my lost weekend with my little Bobbie!"

Wade shuddered as Giselle's hoof came to rest directly on his head, it almost seeming to flatten under the size and weight of it. The giraffe taking a moment to pet him before sliding the hoof under his chin, and the wolf inadvertently leaned into it affectionately before seeming to remember others were watching the display and fighting off the overtly pleased expression. As the giraffe retracted her hoof, she tilted Wade's head toward her as she crouched slightly, bringing her head down in what Dawn assumed was an attempt to kiss him. But the giraffe froze just inches away from his snout. Giselle grabbed his jaw gently, moving it around as she inspected with a concerned glance.

"Oh Love, what happened!?" Giselle cooed "Did you get bopped on ya' nose?"

Wade quickly covered his snout, shrinking in his stance as he pulled away from the giraffe.

"Yeah, yeah..." Wade muttered. "I'm fine babe, really."

"Hold on!" The giraffe chirped, slinging her purse forward before digging a hoof into it. "I think I've got a nappy in my handbag."

"Babe it's fine, re-."

Wade froze as Audrey approached the pair, the she-wolf glowering at her son with a sharp, irritated glare. It was only for a moment, but Audrey's stare was enough to make Wade slink deeply into his shoulders, his fur appearing more pallid as the sweat continued to roll off of his brow.

"Hello!" Audrey turned to Giselle, the familiar warm and inviting smile that had first greeted Dawn to the ranch now plastered on her face. "You are Wade's mate?" Audrey asked.

Giselle nodded enthusiastically as she wrenched a napkin from her purse, bending down to dab Wade's nose with a tightly pressed together end. Wade recoiled slightly with each dab.

"I know, I know..." Giselle chuckled. "I'm a lot taller in person than Wade probably made me out ta' be." The giraffe took a moment to move some of the hair out of her eyes with a hoof. "Sorry if that causes a problem. I totally understand."

Audrey winced slightly, glancing back at the Hunter Ranch for a moment. It was clear to Dawn the she-wolf was trying to appraise exactly how to begin to house a giraffe in what was decidedly an averaged mammal sized home.

"Nooo..." Audrey's tone was uncertain, but only for a moment as she turned back to Giselle. "Of course not, we'll...um..." Audrey scratched the back of her head awkwardly. " W-we'll figure it out Darlin'."

A white streak suddenly pounced on to the giraffe's waist, and in the blink of an eye it had scurried it's way up her neck before coming to a stop at her face. Qali was now pressing her face against Giselle's, the diminutive fox clearly rapt with awe.

"Hi! I'm Qali!" The fox chirped happily. "I've never met a giraffe before! But I've always wanted to!"

Trenton clasped a paw to his face, letting out a tired sigh.

"OH how lovely!" Giselle seemed equally as enthusiastic as the tiny vixen, and completely unfazed by just how close she had gotten. "I've met plenty of arctic foxes in TundraTown! But neva' this closely and I'm always keen to meet more!"

"Can I touch your horn thingies?" Qali asked.


Qali immediately recoiled as the realization of just how uncomfortably close she had gotten to Giselle seemed to register.

"S-sorry." Qali muttered, starting to clamber back down the neck of the giraffe before slinking away back to Trenton's side. Giselle simply giggled, before turning her attention back to Audrey.

"I trust my little Fluffy Coppa' has been talkin' your ear off about me?" Giselle giggled. "I've heard enough from Vernon to know he has a bit of a habit of doin' that, so I hope it hasn't already ruined your impression of me."

Wade hung his head in shame as Audrey leveled another scowl at him, the wolf letting out a soft whine as he kicked at the soil below.

"Oh not at all Darlin..." The she-wolf was quick to put on her welcoming face again as she looked back up at the towering mammal. "In fact I'd say he hasn't talked 'enough' about you."

Despite the fact that Audrey hadn't looked his way while emphasizing the word enough, Wade still shrank into his shoulders. It appeared that the dusky law wolf's problems, unlike Dawn and Vernon's, had only just begun.