Road Trip Gone Awry (Part1)

Story by Schwaggardy on SoFurry


Randall was in the middle of nowhere. He had been driving for 3 hours straight down the same country road. It started to occur to him that he might possibly be slightly lost, despite his excellent sense of direction and an excellent sense of smell. Hopefully, it wouldn't be long until he found a major highway or somewhere he could buy a map.

Randall had been driving to see his friend who lived 900 miles south of him. He was excited about the chance to be alone on the road and get away from his bustling city life. The cream colored coyote shifted in his seat and turned the radio down. He had driven already 6 hours that day and he started to feel worn down. Perhaps he should just check into the next motel he saw and continue on tomorrow. He yawned loudly and looked around the highway. Hopefully he'd find something soon. There seemed to be just woods surrounding him. It was dark already and Randall hadn't seen a single other car for about a half an hour.

Just then, he saw faintly in his headlights a dark figure dart across the road. At this point, Randall felt a twinge of panic. What was out there? He hadn't seen a single house for miles. That must mean someone was living out in the middle of these woods with no laws and no amenities. People are crazy, thought Randall. The heat must be getting to him.

Just as began to calm down, another thing startled him: A bright light flashing light appeared in his rearview mirror almost on top of him. He became so startled that he nearly lost control of the wheel. His car swerved into the oncoming traffic that didn't exist. "It's just another car!" he shouted to himself. This car had certainly gained on him out of nowhere. Randall took a deep breath while his heart raced. Maybe the summer heat was getting to him more than he thought. He pulled over to let the car pass him, but to his horror the mysterious car pulled over as well. "What the hell?" he thought. Blue and red lights filled the trees around him and white light flooded his interior. The car that had mysteriously appeared was the police. He had pulled over before actually being pulled over.

Randall stomach was as tight as a knot. Not only had he been surprised by the cops and a mysterious figure, he had swerved and was shaking. How was he going to talk to the cops? Randall took another deep breath. He looked in the rearview mirror. Six hours of driving certainly didn't help his appearance. The cop walked up to his window; night stick already in his hand. Randall gulped.

"Drivers license, registration, insurance please".

The cop was a dark gray wolf maybe a little older than Randall, with piercing green eyes. Randall relaxed a little. The Wolf's kind voice reassured him that he was dealing with a real person, not some forest entity. Not that he thought that in the first place. He stumbled through his dash board, still shaking. He handed his credential to the officer. The wolf took them and looked them over.

"And your license also, Mr. Yoser." The cop put his nighstick in his belt.

"Oh yeah, I forgot.. hehe...." The wolf shined a flashlight down on Randall's crotch while he dug in his pockets for his license. He finally handed it to the wolf and grinned nervously. The wolf kind of sneered with his upper lip.

"So, you're a coyote and you're from New York. I like Coyotes." Said the wolf. "What are you doing all the way out here in Burgenville by yourself?"

"Um, well, I'm visiting..."

"Why are you so nervous?" said a new voice from his right passenger side window. It was a second cop. This one was a taller, muscular tiger. He had a gruffer, deeper voice.

Randall took a deep breath. "I saw, um... I mean, you guys are the first car I've seen in a while."

"Well that's not surprising New York boy. In this area, people don't go driving around at late hours like this. "said the Wolf. "Now, why else are you nervous?"

"That's the only reason really, officer. I saw someone cross the road also a few minutes before you appeared. That sort of freaked me out too," said Randall. He wanted to be honest with the cops so they would believe him. At this point they both kind of looked at each other.

"Here Irwin, run this license."

"Yes sir!" said a different voice. There was a third cop, this one a short overweight pig, who grabbed the Randall's license.

"Okay, now I'm going to ask you this question again. Please, don't tell me any funny stories. What are you doing in this area?

"I'm visiting my friend in Plattenburg."

"What's your friend's name?"


"Where does he live?"

", 299 Express St."

"Okay Randall. The truth is you are heading pretty much in the opposite direction of Plattenburg. That's about 600 Miles southwest of here, you are heading southeast."

"Yeah, I'm a little lost. I kind of just.....decided to wing it" said Randall.

"Not a very good idea" Said the wolf.

"Not at all" Said the tiger.

"I know, but I figured it would be fun." Randall was nervous. The wolf's demeanor had changed slightly. He looked more sadistic and his voice reflected that. Why did this town with no people in it need 3 cops?

"What do you do in NY?"

"I'm a college student."

"Have you had anything to drink tonight?" the wolf asked.

"No certainly not"

The wolf laughed. "I guess they don't drink in New York City." The tiger chuckled.

"No they do, heheh, but I didn't today I mean." Randall was glad the cops were laughing, even if the joke wasn't funny.

"Then why were you swerving all over the road??"

"Because...... your headlights scared me, I wasn't expecting to see another car so close."

"Our headlights scared you, so you swerved? Sounds like you're a jumpy guy. Figures crossing the road freak you out, then we freak you out."

"I'm not really, well, I guess being in the middle of nowhere kind of makes me jumpy."

"Mm hmm, why don't you step out of the car for a minute, Mr. Yoser."

The statement about this being "the middle of nowhere" seemed to annoy the wolf. Randall opened the door and stepped out of the car. He was now at eye level with the wolf, who was his size. The tiger, on the other hand, seemed almost a foot taller. Then, in addition, there was a 4th cop, a light brown dog, who he hadn't even noticed before. These cops must have nothing to do, Randall thought. Just then the pig walked out of the cop car. "Millburn" he said. The wolf turned to him. They discussed something privately. "Is it for real this time, or what". "regardless, we have to bring him in...."

Millburn sighed.

"Randall, I'm afraid you have a warrant out for your arrest. Now, don't panic, the last few times this happened, it was a glitch in the system, so I'm guessing that's what it is. Unless there's something you want to tell me about."

"No, I have a clean record."

"That's what I thought, you look like a good kid." The wolf glanced at his crotch for a second. "For some reason our computer labels stuff like unpaid parking tickets as warrants, even if they aren't overdue. Regardless though, we have to take you in. It will only take an hour, no more. No tickets or anything. We'll even give you place to sleep." The wolf's voice was now kinder, and Randall guessed he was telling the truth. He seemed really reluctant to arrest Randall. At the same time, did he even have a choice? The ideas of not paying for a hotel room and not getting a ticket both appealed to him.

"Okay" he said. "Do what you have to do."

"Again, I'm sorry for this" said Millburn. "Just put your hands on the top of the of your car hood."

Randall did as he was told. The tiger walked over to him until he was directly behind him. He felt the tiger's body up against his as his hands began groping Randall's chest. Randall felt a little uncomfortable. This was certainly a thorough pat down. The tiger slowly patted all around making sure all the areas of his upper body was covered. All this time while he did this, the giant feline was right on top of him so he could feel his body touching his. He felt the heat of the tiger's crotch touching his rear. The tiger then moved to his waste, checking his crotch area for a little longer than needed. The tiger then pushed his back until he was belly touched the car hood. The hood was hot, and some of his bare stomach was touching the car. Good thing he had fur.

The buff tiger then grabbed both of Randall's arms and pulled them back. Randall passively let his wrists fall into place so the handcuffs could be applied. He heard a click and cold metal touch his wrists and back. "I'm officially arrested" thought Randall. He smiled a little. He had never been handcuffed before or felt up by a giant tiger. He knew he was going to experience new things while he drove to his friend's house, but not like this. One time in high school, some bigger kids had ganged up on him in the locker room. One had held his wrists while the other yanked his pants down and slapped his nuts. It hurt really bad, but it was also humiliating. He never even told on the kids because it was too embarrassing. This scene reminded him of that moment.

Just as Randall had this thought, his worst nightmare happened. The tiger put his hands around the top of his shorts and quickly pulled them down. His tail waved as he felt the cool humid air hit his bare bottom.

"Hey!" he exclaimed. He moved off the car, but was quickly pushed down by enormous strength.

"You stay down, coyote!"

"Miles, please! Don't be so rough." Millburn said. "Listen Randall, you're probably not accustomed to this, but here it's a law here. We had a situation where someone was carrying a bomb under their pants and it almost created another situation. Almost."

Randall relaxed. He had showered in front of guys before. What's the big deal of being naked in front of a few cops he'll never see again?

"Don't worry, you'll get these back when we're done booking you." Said Miles. The tiger handed them off to someone who Randall couldn't see. "Now spread them."

Randall did as he was told once again. The tiger felt up and down his legs, even though there was obviously nothing there. Then he put both hands on Randall's butt cheeks and pulled them apart. Then the tiger gingerly pushed his nuts forward. Randall stood completely still. It was very strange having a bigger, more dominant male touch his testicles. He started to get slightly aroused, when the tiger stopped.

"Okay, he's good"

He felt himself being pulled upward. Now he was standing straight up with a t-shirt and no pants. He looked down at his genitals as they hung completely exposed to the night air.

He was pushed into the back seat of the car where his bare-ass touched the imitation leather seats. Millburn and Miles sat in the front seats, while the dog and pig sat on either side of him. He was now trapped; naked from the waste down flanked by two cops and handcuffed. The pig, or Irwin as he had been referred to, kept staring at his genitals. Randall looked down at his own exposed penis. He was thankful his arousal had gone away. At this moment, his cock was doing an excellent job of being as inconspicuous as possible. The car started and police sounds came from the CB in the car. Millburn started talking on the CB back to the voice.

"10-26 we have the individual in custody. Have someone pick up his car on Route 74, southbound side, around mile 177." Millburn turned to Randall. "We'll have your car towed to the station. Otherwise bandits might steal it. These aren't exactly the safest woods. That figure you saw was probably a forest dweller."

"Yeah, they're dangerous. You're lucky we were there." Said Miles.

"You mean... people actually live in the woods here?" Randall actually got up the courage to speak, despite his current state.

"Yeah, well, it's kind of a local legend, but we've seen a lot of evidence that individuals do in fact live in the woods. It sounds pretty scary right? People disappear out here a lot. Just driving through these woods freaks me out, and I've got a gun!"

"It doesn't scare me" Said Miles.

"Well you're a fucking brick-shithouse that's why. Nothing scares you."

"Except women maybe" Said Irwin. Laughter proceeded.

"Irwin, those forest dwellers would rape the shit out of you because you're such a pervert, and you would love it." Said Miles.

"Yeah, wouldn't you be jealous?" Irwin snapped while laughing.

"Speaking of how perverted Irwin is. You know, this asshole dipped his nuts in the coffee the other day? I drank some of that for Dog's sake!" said Millburn.

"Yeah me too, I didn't know about that." Said the dog finally.

"HA ha ha ha " came a booming laugh from Miles.

"How did you know about that?" Irwin said.

"He doesn't even deny it, look at that!! There's a camera in the break room."

"Damn. If I knew I was on camera, I would have done my hair."

"You bald fuck! Hahaha!"

The car was moving faster and faster. Randall stared at the seat in front of him. He could phase all this out and think of something else until it was over. This conversation was getting too weird and too rowdy. After about five minutes of phasing out, he was pulled out of his trance.

"Irwin, somehow you make the best drag queen and I don't know how. Too many dicks up your ass I guess."

"Hey, Randall. You got a girlfriend?"

"...Huh, what?" said Randall.

"I said, you got a girlfriend up in New York?" Irwin was asking him.

"We just broke up," said Randall.

"Oh yeah? That's a shame. Have you ever had a cock up your ass?" asked Irwin.

", no" said Randall. He was extremely reluctant to take part in this unpredictable conversation. He had always been straight, but he couldn't tell if these cops were just really vulgar or if they were being serious. Should he have said yes?

"Really, I thought college kids from New York all experimented." Irwin nudged him.. "Do you want one up there?"

" thanks" Said Randall sheepishly.

"You don't sound so sure. Maybe if you were aroused you'd think differently, heh?


"Irwin, stop sexually harassing the prisoner please. There is no place for sexual harassment in the work place," said Millburn.

"It's not harassment if he likes it, is it Randy?"

"Uh...." Randall wasn't sure where this was going. If he hadn't experimented yet, he certainly didn't want to have his first experience with this fat cop. He squirmed in his seat.

"I can get you aroused." The pig put his hands on Randall's collar and unbuttoned his shirt one button at a time. Then he spread his shirt open so his chest and stomach were completely exposed. Randall started to resist.

"Hey, come on. I'm already naked enough." The Dog and Pig then put the leg closest to him over his leg so he could no longer move.

"That's enough talking, coyote." The dog shoved a red ball with a string attached to it in his mouth and tied it around his head. Randall bit the ball and looked around frantically. Millburn and Miles didn't seem to notice what was going on. Irwin began caressing Randall's stomach with his right hand. His hand moved slowly down until it was almost on his cock, and then stopped. His stomach seemed to moved up and down more than usual with every breath.

"You like that coyote?" said the dog. "How about this?" The dog put both hands on his chest and moved them around until they found their destination: his nipples. This was Randall's weak spot. The dog started fingering the end of the nipples lightly and then brushing with the back of his knuckles. Randall moved around in his seat.

"Stop resisting" said the dog. The dog had a very pleasant voice and friendly eyes. Under better circumstances, they might have been friends. He looked a little older then Randall and he had light brown fur with a white patch on the tip of his left ear and over his right eye. His hands were big and rough. The dog pushed his face right against Randall's so they were staring at each other. The dog licked his face and Randall shut his eyes and cringed.

"Good job, you got him aroused Rodge. And look at that, he likes it. He must want a dick in his ass too."

Randall shook his head in protest. "Mmm mmm" he said from under his ball.

"You don't? Well, then explain this, m'boy" Irwin slammed his hand into Randall's balls causing him to let out a muffled howl. Irwin chuckled.

"What the fuck?" said Millburn. "Irwin, dammit, stop being a perv. I don't want a mess in my car, I just cleaned it from last time. .And Randall, if you jizz in my car, I'm going to chop those fluffy white nuts of yours off and stick them up your ass. I'm dead serious too."

"Did you hear that Randall? Don't jizz in the car." Rodge said as he starting stroking Randall's cock. Randall struggled to avoid the dog's hand, but he could barely move. Rodge stopped. He grabbed Randall's nipples and tweaked them hard. Randall again howled slightly and looked at Rodge with pleading eyes. What had he gotten himself into? He was in the middle of nowhere with a bunch of pervert cops who just wanted to abuse him. Not only were his genitals exposed, they were poking and prodding at them. Randall felt totally embarrassed.

The car stopped at a well lit building labeled as a police station. Irwin put Randall's shirt back on and buttoned it wrong. Then he dragged Randall out of the car by his arm. When he stepped out of the car, he was still completely hard. Rodge and Irwin had not left his poor penis alone for long enough to let it get soft again. Millburn looked at Randall's cock and stopped in his tracks.

"You can't go into a government building like that. What's wrong you? Get unaroused this instant!" He was full of rage.

"It's rude to point, New York boy," said Miles.

"Fuckin' queer, " said Irwin.

"Irwin, shut the hell up before you jizz yourself"

"Oh...hehe... too late boss."

".............Randall, I'm waiting. We can wait all day."

Randall stood there horrified. How could he get unaroused? Think about something else. Homework, class, coffee, his ex-girlfriend who's vagina smelled like rotten fish.

"Maybe I'll just finish him off" said Miles.

"No, look his dick is going down." Randall looked down. Millburn was right, his dick had sunk into a semi-hard state. Just in the nick of time too. Millburn walked up to him and grabbed his chin.

"Good job coyote, I knew you could do it." He grinned and gave him a playful slap on the cheek. "Come on boys."

"Um, I'm going to stop at my house and change real quick, " said Irwin.

"You did bust a load, didn't you? Okay, go ahead queer, you're going to miss out on all the fun." Randall looked at the wolf. What did he mean by that? Did these cops consider arresting people fun? Just then, miles slapped a leash on Randall and took the end. Then he pulled the leash toward him so Randall was forced to face the tiger eye to eye.

"Now you're going to cooperate, don't try anything funny, understand?"

Randall nodded.

"We've let you have that shirt on long enough" Miles led the coyote so that he was up against the hood of the car. Miles the felt his shirt get unbuttoned by the big tiger. He heard a metal click and then felt his shirt come off. For a second his hands were free, but he didn't dare try to escape. He had no idea where he was and he was completely naked. As abusive as these cops were, they were better than whatever unknown creatures he would find in these dark woods.

"Good dog," said the tiger. "You're loving this, aren't you?" He flicked the coyote's already abused testicles with the tips of his fingers. "Haha, just playing." Randall leaned forward in pain, but was immediately pulled upright by the leash. The tiger, dog, coyote, and wolf walked into the building and down a long hallway. These cop certainly had a messed up sense of humor.