The Visitor

Story by Inqu on SoFurry

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Originally i thought about making this a two version story one where it ends right after the vore and then one where it continues on, well i wasnt happy with that, so i just continued on and it became this >~<

This story is 8 pages long, ~3900 words and took me 133 minutes to write or 2 hours 13 minutes. I probably could have cut down on that time a whole hell of a lot if i didnt go around and do so much while writing this X3 Of course this is an IB and SF exclusive given the content

"You can't be serious..." I say looking at the table, a martini class and a pressurized can of whipped cream sitting next to each other. "Oh, but I am hon~" My mate purrs, a ninetails Lucario mix. "I-It's so dangerous though..." I whimper a bit. "What's dangerous about it? I fill the glass a bit and then put you inside of it and top you with whipped cream and lick you clean~" She nuzzles the valley between my heads causing me to blush and shiver. "Y-You get carried away so easily, especially when you're horny!" I say turning to her and crossing all of my arms. "You won't even enter my maw hon." She licks one of my noses. "Well, not all of you at least~" She giggles. "S-see, that's what I'm saying, i-it's just one slurp away from a s-squishy...warm...fiery death!" I blush and bite my inner lips looking back over to the glass.

"You like the thought don't you~?" She murrs and holds my hips. "I can tell, your aurora can't lie to me~" She whispers and pulls me close. "Y-you know as well as I do, shrinking down is dangerous, and a very long process. I'll be stuck like that for hours." I look to her with concern. "And that's why I'm here, you've trusted me with your life before and look, you're still here~" She smiles and hugs me. "Y-yeah...I am still here..." I say, her words starting to convince me. "See, come on, I know you want to, and I do too, there isn't a reason not too at this point~" Her tails sway behind her. "A-alright..." I say finally and turn back to the table. "Yay!" She bounces happily.

I begin to undress and fold my cloths, my bra and panties last to come off before I climb onto the table. "You're so sexy~" She purrs as she too undresses. "I do my best for you~" I giggle and pose for her, my upper arms flexing as my lower paws hold my hips. "Okay, enough posing, shrink down~" She giggles and sits in the chair in front of me. "right away mistress~" I teases and take a deep breath before I focus on my aurora and shrink myself down. I stop at 15 cm, or 10.2 times smaller than my original height. "The perfect height, well at least for this~" She giggles. "N-Now remember Carolina, n-no swallowing!" I blush and shake a finger at her.

"Yes mooom~" She giggles and begins to shake the whipped cream can. I grip the rim of the glass and begin to pull myself up only for my hips to be grabbed. "Ah, ah, ah, not yet~" Carolina gently pull me away from the glass before filling it halfway with whipped cream. "Now~" She giggles and gently places me inside. I gasp and yelp. "D-dear goddess that's fucking cold!" I grip the rim of the glass and push myself out of the cream before im forced back down. "Mmmph! H-hey!" I wiggle a bit and look up at her smirking face.

"I got to cover you now, remember~?" She licks her lips slowly and winks at me. "F-fuck that I didn't think this would be so cold!" I wiggle, as she giggles and keeps holding me down. "Well too late now im not wasting whipped cream~" She giggles and puts the spray nozzle a couple of centimeters from my muzzles. I gasp and stop moving. "Y-you woul- Mmpph!" My faces are quickly covered in whipped cream along with the rest of my body. It was surprisingly heave and much thicker than I thought it would be. I gasp and cough up some whipped cream as I wipe my faces off. "H-hey, that was mean!" I blush up at her the cold beginning to not be as bad, due to my body heat. "Yeah, but you're so cute like this~" She purrs happily.

I eep and grip the edge of the glass again as she slowly raises me to her lips. "Just a few licks more~" She murrs and slowly opens her maw, as she slowly slides her tongue out in a teasing way. I blush and bite my inner lips again as I get a front row, reclined seat of her maw, my body temp raising even more as I become aroused. A few saliva strands break as her maw stretches open, she slowly exhales, my breath getting caught in my throat as she does so. It's something no-one really tells you about when having someone breath in your face. It becomes surprisingly hard to breathe normally. Just as her tongue begins to lick over my foot paws the doorbell rings and there is a knock on the door.

"Tch, fuck me..." Carolina sighs and places the cup down. "Well, I was trying to~!" I giggle as she gets up. She smiles and puts a robe on as another knock comes from the door. "Jeez, cool your jets, I'm coming." She growls and leaves the kitchen. I sigh and look around the kitchen before looking at the melting cream. No reason to let this cream go to waste. I shrug and begin to scoop it into my maw. I never really liked whipped cream, but it was an okay treat in small doses. I snicker to myself and smile. _Small._I giggle and scoop some into my other maw. "Whoa! No way!" I yelp in surprise as a male riolu climbs onto the seat in front of me. I quickly cover up even though the rest of my body is already hidden behind the cream.

"W-who the fuck are you?!" I yell and curl up a bit, some fear filling my chest. "I'm Carolina's cousin, look tasty~" He purrs and his tail wags. "W-well, i-it's nice to meet you Jack, I'm not for eating." I say simply. "Where's your aunt?" I ask looking around. "She went to set up the guest room~" He smiles and picks the glass up. I yelp and quickly hold onto the rim. "H-hey put the glass down!" I yell up at him. "You said you weren't for eating, well, I'd have to disagree with you, you're covered in cream and sitting out on the table~"

He smiles and licks his lips. "D-don't you dare!" I growl and begin to sit up only to have my legs pinched between his fingers. "H-hey let me go!" I growl and begin to struggle, though it doesn't get me anywhere as he drags me through the cream at the bottom of the glass. "Mmmph!" I cough as my faces clear the cream. I pant and look around as I'm held upside down above the glass. I begin to struggle and try to grab his fingers to pry them apart. "H-hey you're wasting the cream!" He growls and shoves me roughly back into the glass. I yelp in pain as my heads hit the bottom of the glass disorienting me. I groan as I'm raised out of the cream my body limp. "There~" He purrs and raises me over his maw. "W-wait..." I wiggle weakly.

He lowers me into his maw, his lips sealing around my lower stomach and waist. I try to scream and wiggle, but my maws are soon filled with his tongue and saliva. "Mmm~" He moans as he suckles on me. I blush heavily and press against his tongue as my breasts and upper stomach are licked over. I kick my legs fruitlessly and push against his tongue to try and get out of his maw. I make a bit of progress before I'm sucked all the way into his maw. He opens his maw and takes a breath. "W-wait! D-don't eat me!" I scream and press my back to the roof of his maw as I try to stop his maw from opening. I blush heavily as fear and pleasure well up in my chest.

My arms begin to shake as his maw begins to close easily overpowering me. "P-pleas-!" My sentence is cut short as his maw closes and I'm forces face first into his tongue and saliva. I struggle and wiggle as best I can as his head tilts back. C-Carolina where the fuck are you!? I scream to myself as I begin to slide forwards. N-No wait please don't! I keep struggling trying to grasp at his teeth but fail to get a grip before my head slips into his throat. My ears begin to ring as a deafening GULP reaches them as my upper body is compressed into his throat. My journey is cut short as my hips and legs spread apart in a last-ditch effort to save myself.

I wiggle my hips to try and cause his gag reflex to trigger but all's I get is another quick gulp as I'm fully dragged into his throat. N-Nooo! I wiggle as best I can though that only causes him to groan, weather it was in pleasure or pain I couldn't tell from how loud it was. It wasn't a long journey to his stomach, but it was a terrifying and highly arousing experience. I yelp and gasp as I curl up on myself as I enter his small stomach. The air very hard to breathe, almost burning my lungs and maw. I close my eyes and whimper, the need to struggle filling my body as a liquid begins to fill his stomach.

Though I know my only chance to stay conscious is to use the least amount of oxygen and stay still. My world becomes one filled with chaos as he begins to walk around the house. "That was a really yummy treat on the table Miss Caroline!" I hear his voice all around me. I try to focus on my ears instead of the tingling feeling as the stomach almost moves around me. "What treat?" I hear Carolina's voice. "That shrunken girl with all the whipped cream!" He says happily. "T-that wasn't a treat that was my mate! S-spit her up right now!" I hear the panic in her voice. "H-How?" I can hear his voice become filled with panic. "U-U-Uhh!" I can hear Carolina begin to think.

My heads start to become light headed, the left one soon passing out as my world begins to shake and tumble again. I weakly struggle as a last attempt to escape, but I don't do very much before my world becomes one of darkness my body going limp. I gasp and cough my world spinning as I begin to flail and struggle. "E-easy sweetie!" I hear Carolina above me as I'm gently pet. "Y-you're okay now, see, you're alive." I hear the relief in her voice. I look around, I'm still small but now I'm in the bathroom and covered in water. "W-where's Jack?" I look around. "R-right here miss Inqu..." He whimpers his ears splaying. "I-Im sorry for eating you..." He looks down. "J-Just..." I sigh. I cant be made at him... "Just listen to what others are saying okay?" I say before coughing up some water and a few other fluids. "Ew..." I say shaking off.

"W-wait...this isn't toilet water is it!?" I growl up at Carolina. "H-hey I didn't need nasty vomit on my carpet or floors!" She crosses her paws. "You made him throw me up in the toilet!?" I say in more of embarrassment then anger. "Yep, deal with it, it's done." She huffs. "Oh, and you're welcome for saving your ass." She rolls her eyes. "I-I wouldn't have needed saving if you came straight back to the kitchen!" I growl, now getting a bit angry at her attitude. "Hey, I didn't need to save you at all, in fact if I knew you'd be this ungrateful I would have just let you digest!" She growls. My ears splay. "Y-you wouldn't do that to me...w-would you?" I whimper. "Wanna find out?" She glares are me. "N-No!" I back up a bit my senses coming to me very quickly. "Thought so." She huffs. "Jack, go get auntie a napkin~" She smiles to Jack. "O-okay." He nods and quickly does so. "Here, dry yourself off." Carolina huffs and hands me the napkin once she has it herself. I nod and quickly begin to do so. "Now, jack and I are going to go watch a movie while you sit there." Carolina gently pets Jack.

"W-wait you're just going to leave me here!?" I ask in surprise. "You have wings." She says before heading out of the bathroom. This is bullshit... I huff to myself and head over to the faucet to turn the water on and pull the drainplug closed. It was only about knee high at my current size. Though even with that fact it required a lot more force to pull the drain plug and turn the warm water on. I sigh once it's on and filling the sink. She's getting a pillow to the face when I get back to my normal size! I growl before turning the water off at 8cm high. I slowly slide into the water and murr leaning back against the porcelain. Much better~ I purr to myself as I focus on my aurora levels.

My ears perk as I notice they are even lower then when I shrank. Ohhh, I'm going to be stuck this size all night! I whimper and sigh. My mind must have used a lot of aurora to keep me safe after I passed out... I think as my mind begins to clear up from anger. I pull myself out of the sink and get some soap to wash myself out of the dispenser and climb back in. I begin to wash myself and shake around in the water once I'm clean. I then lean back against the back of the sink again to relax. I yawn and stretch before I close my eyes and murr the warmth of the water lulling me into sleep.

I gasp and wake up as I hear the toilet flush, I wince and cover my ears as I hear the toilet seat be put down. O-oh crap... I slowly get up and shiver the water now really cold. I yelp as the water is turned on and pushes me under the surface. W-what the fuck!? I begin to thrash and wiggle to try and get to the surface. I gasp and cough once I surface and look up to see Jacks surprised face. "What are you doing in the sink? Why are you still tiny?" His head tilts. "I used a lot of aurora to shrink and even more to keep myself alive in your stomach." I mention and quickly climb out of the sink and cover myself with the napkin. I turn around to see Jacks blushing face.

"What?" I ask securing the napkin like a towel, so I can walk around without it falling off. I shake my head a bit to dry it out. So glad I have short hair now~ I purr to myself though the purr is cut short as I'm roughly grabbed. I wince and yelp in surprise and look around to see Jack has grabbed me. "H-hey let me go!" I growl up at him though his face sends a shiver of fear up my spine. Its filled with curiosity and lust. "I-I said let go!" I begin to wiggle and struggle in his grasp. I groan and blush as his fist tightens around my chest and stomach forcing my breasts against my ribs. "H-hey...s-stop!" I wheeze and blush.

My body suddenly feels super light as his paw drops to his side still holding me. He turns the bathroom light off and slowly opens the door to look down the hall both ways. He begins to purr and heads into the hallway. My ears perk as I notice all of the lights are off. W-what time is it?! My mind begins to race as the sway of his paw brings me into a position that I can see his body more clearly. I blush heavily and begin to wiggle again as I notice his cock is a bit hard. W-wait he's naked?! I begin to wiggle. "C-Carolina!" I try to scream but his grip is still rather tight, so it comes out as a wheeze. "Quiet." He squeezes me forcing the air out of my lungs. I gasp as his grip loosens a bit after that to allow me to breathe.

Soon he's back in the guest room, as he closes the door quietly. I yelp as im suddenly tossed through the air. I quickly spread my wings and begin to flap them. "Ahh!" I scream as I hit the bed and tumble. I groan and slowly push myself up looking around. I gasp as the bed creaks as Jack gets onto the bed. "You know you're really pretty." He blushes and reaches for me again. I roll to dodge his paw and quickly get up to run but my leg is grabbed and tugged forcing me to fall face first onto the bed. "Oof!" I huff and kick at his paw to my surprise that's enough to make him release me.

I push myself up onto my feet before I yelp as I'm grabbed again. I begin to struggle again as I'm turned to face him again. "L-Let go of me!" I growl before I'm squeezed tightly again, forcing the air from my lungs. I gasp and cough blushing a bit at how easily I'm overpowered by a riolu. As I pant and catch my breath his paw opens to my surprise and I look up at him with worry as his face becomes one of curiosity again. Soon his fingers lock together with his other paw and his thumbs press against my breasts. "H-hey!" I growl and push against his fingers.

My struggles and wiggles don't get me very far as he begins to grind his thumbs into my breasts, making him blush and purr. "You're so soft, and warm~" He says finally as he applies a bit more pressure. I wiggle and blush as his fingers molest me. "L-Let me go Jack!" I say my voice shaking a bit in uncertainty and embarrassment. "Why?" He asks licking his lips. "I want you as a toy." He says with a bit of pleasure in his voice. "B-because I'm not a toy, j-just like I'm not food!" I blush and wiggle uncomfortably as his thumbs press harder into my breasts. "'re too small to stop me so you are my toy now!" I says confidently as he smiles. "I-I am not!" I growl and press against his fingers with all my might.

His ears perk as his thumbs are slowly pushed off my breasts. I smile a bit to myself at my small victory though its short lived as he just presses harder forcing my paws down, again his thumbs rub against my breasts. "You're mine now~" He purrs and smiles. I blush and whimper. "S-stop this, please, y-you're beginning to hurt me!" I wiggle, and my ears splay as his grinding begins to actually hurt. "I don't care." He says simple before I'm suddenly dropped. I yelp before the wind is knocked out of me. T-this is so getting old! I think as I gasp to catch my breath. I gasp and my ears fold against my head as the bed sinks in on either side of me as he kneels down his cock now fully hard and directly above me.

I begin to pant in fear and worry as I notice its indeed bigger then I am. Though its only 5cm bigger it felt like so much more as im gripped into his paw and forced against it. "Mmmm, you're fur and breasts feel amazing~" He moans and begins to slide his paw and I up and down his length. I begin to struggle and whimper. "S-stop!" I yell and wiggle, sadness and fear filling my chest. He just purrs and moans, keeping up his torment. Over time the pressure begins to build making me wiggle, my breathing becoming harder and harder. Soon my heads are dragged through some of his pre. P-please goddess make this end! I close my eyes and wiggle even more as it soon becomes near impossible to breathe.

To my luck my prayer was answered as he howls out in climax. The pressure begin released from my body as I'm dropped into his cum. I yelp as I land roughly and cough as some of his load gets into my maw. T-this is so disgusting and humiliating. I whimper and sniffle pushing myself up out of his load. I yelp in surprise as I'm launched into the air, as I falls onto his side. I flail about before landing in his cum again. I whimper and pant sitting up before I'm pulled into a hug by Jacks arms. He soon yawns and closes his eyes after he pulls the covers over us.

I close my eyes and focus on his aurora, to my luck it doesn't take him long to fall asleep. Thank the goddess for his lack of vitality. I think to myself and slowly wiggle my way free of his grasp. I then slowly crawl my way out from under the blanket and to the edge of the bed. I look to the door and my hope of escaping soon falls off a cliff as I see the door is closed. I-I can still escape...i-I just need to turn the door knob and open the door somehow...I have wings! I think to myself as my hope rises again and I take flight. This is a nightmare I never want to live again. I think to myself as I slow to a hover and begin to pull down on the handle I soon hear a click.

My ears perk and I smile pushing one leg against the door frame. I grunt slightly and growl to myself as I strain to open the door. Soon its open enough for me to escape and I do so quickly. I then fly to the master bedroom and land on the floor and walk under the bed. This should be safe until I can grow back...Speaking of... I begin to focus on my aurora. So close...a few more minutes... I sit down and begin to look over my body and feel around for anything broken now that I'm not in mortal danger. The few minutes passes by quickly and I soon fly out from under the bed to grow back. I focus on my aurora and grow back once I'm able, I soon reach my 152 cm height and head for the shower.

Thank you, goddess..._I think to myself as I look up at the ceiling and turn the warm water on. I murr as the warm water hits my fur and I begin to shower. I soon finish and sniff myself to make sure I don't smell of riolu cum and smile to myself as I can only smell the soap. I dry off before crawling into bed and sighing. _Fuck this day... I think to myself as I yawn and fall asleep.