The Wayward Mate

Story by xansteel on SoFurry

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#47 of Finding One's True Self Webseries

Altair discovers that Tini, "Forgot" to inform him that Julyna called, and rushes off planet to save his mateship.

Major edit, apparently either the Sofurry editor is not saving the indent info (which I had to add manually via HTML) or Word isn[t saving when I copy it over.

The Wayward Mate

Finding One's True Self: Part 47

By Xan Steel

As Julyna got back to Cargo Bay Three, she saw Rubicant there talking with several of the female Derlenians that were a part of the ship's crew. She heard him sharing his life growing up and why he ran away, but she also heard him state that he never expected or wanted to be this Progenitor and that all he wanted was a normal life. When he finished, they all stood up and gave him a parting embrace as they now understood him as a person. She walked into his little ship and sat down at the eating table to wait for him as Iris was already there. Once Rubicant came in and sat down with them, she explained what she found out from Captain Darrean about Altair, and that she tried to contact him. Only to find out tat it appeared to be true. Iris while hurt by knowing this, wasn't as upset as Julyna thought she might have been, and Rubicant was more indifferent.

Rubicant spoke with a mixed tone. "I don't see him doing this willing, or maybe I should say, that someone over him is forcing him to do this for reasons we don't know. And while I can understand wanting to protect himself in this way, maybe it's also to work behind the scenes to protect this ship too," he finished.

Julyna hadn't really thought about it like that. Then again, since finding out this information she hadn't really been thinking clearly, she admitted to herself and thanked Rubicant for his insight.

One repairs were complete and initial tests run to insure stability, Julyna thanked Captain Zasher for their assistance in their repairs. He spoke one last time to, "Are you sure you wouldn't reconsider the exchange of ship design for the weapons you need?"

"Sadly, I'm afraid I can't do that," she replied.

Zasher responded back to her with a gentle smile, "I understand your position, and honestly I wouldn't either, but command wanted me to try one more time."

Julyna gave a lighthearted laugh, "Oh of that I can understand. Sometimes their orders lack understanding."

Zasher give a hearty laugh, "Right?"

Meanwhile back on Valdoro, Altair was reviewing his comm logs, and noticed three from Julyna, one that was answered, one that never connected, and the third having been blocked. Tini never told him about the first one, and wondered why, but he never received the other ones. Which he should have being that the encryption is meant to notify him immediately when she calls him. He reviewed the first one and saw what had happened between them and knew the damage had been done.

Tini walked in and saw him reviewing the log, "I'm sorry I forgot to mention that Julyna had called while you were sleeping a few days ago."

"Why didn't you wake me?" he asked.

"You told me that you didn't want to be disturbed," she replied.

"When Julyna calls, I wanted you to wake me up. I told you that, as you knew she is my First," Altair said his tone slightly rising.

Tini suddenly realized what she had accidently done, "I'm sorry it slipped my mind."

Altair looked at her, "I think deep inside you were hoping this would continue." He felt her mind close to him with the last image of her protecting her younglings. "I need to save this somehow, or at the very least explain things," he finished tapping a few buttons on his computer, as the screen displayed a file being transferred.

Tini gone on the comm and contacted someone. They answered, "Ah Tini, it's been a while. How can I help you?" he asked.

"Farcin, I need you to help out Altair, He's going to need your fastest Shuttle," she urgently explained.

"That's a tall favor to ask of me Te'dar," he replied

"I know, but I screwed up badly, and need to make amends," she replied.

She watched him sigh openly before he spoke, "All right send him along, and I'll take care of him." The comm closed out.

Altair turned to her, "You didn't have to do that," he said in a quiet tone.

"No, I did, because deep down you are right. I want us to continue, but not for my sake, for my youngling's sake. This is going to hurt them a lot, but I can't hold you to this if you can save your mateship." Tini paused as she watched him pack a few things. "But, if they reject you, would you consider returning here?" she asked.

He turned to look at her and saw the seriousness of her question before speaking, "I'll let you know either way." Then turned and left as she stood in the doorway and watched him leave.

A few days later while heading towards Dr. Graphra's station as distance distress call came in.

The distress call was coming from Altair. Static is heard throughout the message. "PLEASE *static* IF ANYONE *static* ON CALRON III. CAPITAL SHIP *static* CAN'T ESCAPE *static mixed with explosion* BOMBING *static is heard before the comm cut out*!" She sat there quietly contemplating. He had hurt her and severely damaged her trust in him, by not telling her what he was doing back home. "Captain?!?" First Officer Tygera exclaimed to her awaiting orders. Everyone was on edge. Was Julyna going to allow him to die? Was she not going to try and patch things up? She stood up and began to leave the bridge, "Captain please, give me orders!" Tygera pleaded with her. She wanted them to patch things up because she knew that he did bring joy into her life.

As she got to the door, she reached out and strapped on inertial damping harness, and turned back to look at her commander. "I believe your skills are mostly tactical?" She nodded. "If you manage to beam him aboard. Make sure he's beamed to the brig." She finished as she turned and left.

Tygera's eyes lit up with excitement and happiness. She turned back around and hit the ship-wide comm. "ATTENTION ALL HANDS! BATTLE STATIONS!" Everyone jumped into action on the bridge. "Bringing weapons and shields online! Though missiles are limited." Adreena said.

"Setting sensors to maximum range and resolution. The database states that Calron III is an uninhabited world." Zalina said.

Little Miss Raybia was practically jumping up and down with excitement, "COMMANDER CAN I?!?" She asked.

Tygera looked at her for a moment, "You know what? Go for it!" she said.

Raybia sqee'd in delight as she ran to the front of the bridge and activated the XZR System. She activated the ship-wide comm, "Attention all hands. I'M GOING MANUAL!" With that everyone everywhere on the ship grabbed an inertial damping harness.

Rubicant was still in medical while Samantha was running a few tests on him, with Iris beside him. "What's happening?" He questioned.

"Julyna mentioned that she is allowing Tygera to command the ship to attempt a rescue of Altair, he's apparently close by and in danger." Iris said just as Raybia's message came through. Samantha ran to her office and brought out two harnesses for her and Iris and began strapping in Rubicant.

"Now what's happening?" he asked.

"Raybia's is been allowed to pilot the ship manually," Samantha answered.

Rubicant closed his eyes and began to concentrate on Feros in Engineering. 'Feros, Feros can you hear me?'

'Not now Rube I'm in over my head.'

'I just need to know if the stabilization tests passed on the EM-Drive.' Rubicant said.

'Yes, they came back all green, why?' Feros responded.

'Thanks!' Rubicant reopened his eyes. "Computer!" It gave a sound acknowledging his voice. "Active the EM Drive to full power and distribute the power evenly, also allow commands from Captain Julyna and Commander Tygera. Confirm order received."

"Order received!" It then made a ship wide announcement. "Warning EM Drive active, reaching full power in thirty seconds. Voice commands accepted from both Captain Julyna, and Commander Tygera. Power distribution set to balance!"

Tygera heard this on the bridge as Zalina spoke excitedly "Commander, power levels are exceeding measurable levels. Computer is estimating maximum power output is now, four hundred and twenty five percent!"

Tygera spoke over ship wide comm. "Rubicant is this your doing?"

"Tygera, I want to thank everyone for making me feel like I belong here. This is my gift to you. Now let's bring home a wayward mate." He finished and Tygera thanked him.

'Thank you, Rubi.' Julyna said in a tearful tone mentally to him.

"Zalina do we have a heading and a reading of what we are heading into?" Tygera asked. Zalina began looking over the information on her screen and reported that there was only one Capital Ship around Calron III for the moment. She sent the navigational information to Raybia, so she would be prepared. Tygera stated that she wanted this tight and fastwith no extra time to battle the capital ship. Once Raybia head everything set, she engaged the Jump Drive.

They appeared just at the edge of the Calron System, as Raybia mapped out her path there, and told Zalina to keep and eye out for Altair's life-sign, and to give her the information once she had it. Raybia then set the engine to warp three and headed for Calron III and once they were close she shut down the warp drive and went to battle thrusters.

It didn't take long for the capital ship to notice their approach to the planet as they began to target and fire on the Kestrel, while Adreena targeted the incoming missile fire allowing Raybia a clear path. Raybia pushed on past the capital ship, as Zalina sent her the information on Altair's location. Raybia then did the unthinkable and entered the planets atmosphere at full speed.

Once they reached the location where Altair was, they beamed him to the brig. Altair looked around and saw that he was in a ships brig. Thinking they had manage to capture him, he turned around and was surprised to see Julyna. His heart leapt, and Julyna could feel it. She lowered the security field as he came over to her with his arms open, only to be slapped across his muzzle hard. He knew he deserved that, and looked back at her, and saw just how angry she was with him. He immediately sent her everything that had happened, and what he had to do.

However, he could see her tears flow freely. Julyna spoke in an angry tone. "Do you have any idea how much it hurt to find out about this from someone else?"

Altair's tone was pleading, "I wanted to let you know, believe me I wanted to inform you, but I was being watched by everything." He could see her shaking visibly.

She spoke again in that same angry tone, "I should openly ridicule you. Just to make you feel the pain I felt. I should." Julyna paused for a second only to have Altair see her tears increase. "I, I should..." she couldn't finish her thought.

Altair came over to her and pulled her into a tight embrace as she pounded on his chest in defiance until she stopped and broke down in his arms. Altair spoke softly, "I'm so sorry. Believe me, I never wanted any of this to happen."

Julyna spoke in a somewhat muffled tone into his chest, "Make me happy and resign."

He lifted her head to look him in the eyes as he smiled at her, "I did that before I left Valdoro."