the kingdom

Story by ANTHROGH on SoFurry

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#2 of music lyrics

the kingdom


by: DJanthro

the kingdom shall rise,

humanity shall fall,

the kingdom shall be here to rule it all,

no president, pope, or deites,

only mumans, lambs for the feast,

the earth churns with this infective man,

so pangia shall occur again,

the kingdom will be here to rule everything,

and the earth shall be its mercyfull king.

in the beginning the earth was well,

until the humans began to think that god was real,

science was stopped,

goverment corrupt,

wars erupt,

and the earth was stumped,

mother nature was forlourn

father time was enraged,

religion caused the earth albolute dissaray,

so they came up with a plan to wipe them out one day,

so they would not eventually go insane.

the kingdom "c" DJanthro 2010 & Anthroa Studios 2010

all rights to these lyrics are to thier respective owners, any copying of said lyrics will be subject to lawsuit.


