Dignified Supreme Crunch (Otherwise Untitled)

Story by Moriar on SoFurry

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#61 of Short Stories

A grandfather and granddaughter share the meal she's requested.

~ The fox's graying muzzle wrinkled as he gazed down at the bundle of liquefied foodstuff wrapped in an off-white tortilla. "And this..", he prodded it with one of the supplied plastic forks, "..is what you kid look forward to eating?" His gaze rose to meet unrestrained enthusiasm of the kit.

~ "You're not supposed to use that, Da. You just pick it up." With the vigor appropriate to combining hungers found in youth and freedom of flowing beans, her voracious consumption of burrito further soured the older fox's reckoning of the meal she'd requested.

~ Handling the flimsy fork and knife with a delicate grace seldom wielded against such things with 'Supreme' and 'Crunch' in their title, Da calmly set about apportioning the burrito into something he more closely regarded as food. "Tomorrow, I'll cook us a soup. Okay?"