I Will Show You Pain

Story by KPF on SoFurry

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Pain and darkness. Those were the only things I felt, then fear, I was scared beyond what words could describe. I felt a heavy pressure on me, but I couldn't really feel my body. Then suddenly I heard noises around me, I could not understand what they were saying as they were almost like whispering. I tried to move but... I couldn't. Why? What is going on?

I tried to move again, almost like struggling and I tried to open my eyes but all I saw was darkness, but I knew that my eyes were open or... were they? Suddenly I felt somebody actually taking my hand and holding onto it while another hand patted my arm. Pain, the growing pain felt unbearable, I opened my mouth and I could hear my own voice, my cries for help. I felt dizzy, disoriented so I held onto that hand hard.

The noises became screams and they soon matched mine, I sensed chaos and panic, so I panicked myself as I tried to move my body, but it hurt so much that I screamed as loud as possible until I felt something cold washing over me, making me silent, the pain went away and I passed out moments later.

The next time I woke up my body felt sore and I felt pain, but this time it was... almost bearable. I opened my eyes and I saw someone in a chair nearby. My eyes were foggy and I could barely open them. I opened my mouth to say something but I had to realize that something was in my mouth. I tried to move, but my hands felt so heavy, barely able to move a little.

The person in the room must have noticed my movements as I saw someone standing up and coming to me, when it leaned over me I saw something red in my eyes, like a red hair or...

  • Go back to sleep, everything is going to be okay.

My mind stopped for a second as I tried to comprehend what she just said. Her voice was soft and reassuring, a sudden calmness ran through my body as I felt again the hand holding mine, then the coldness that put me back into sleep.

This time I think that I had dreams, although I am not sure about what. It felt strange, almost like a nightmare, violent and I felt helpless, but it ended eventually into chaotic nonsense that I forgot as soon as I opened my eyes.

For the first time I could see, with my own eyes. I saw the white ceiling above me and the early morning sun coming from the window next to me. I perked my ears and I could hear a machine working next to me, I looked at it and I realized that I am in a hospital. I looked around and I saw that I am alone in the room, just a couple of flowers next to me on the nightstand.

I tried to sit up, but as pain hit me hard I leaned back fast. As I looked around I noticed a small red button on the side of my bed so I pressed it. It didn't take more than a minute until a nurse came in to check on me. I had so many questions, but she calmed me that my doctor will tell me everything.

About an hour later three furs came into my room. An older rhino as my doctor, a young squirrel as my therapist and a falcon lady, who just sat in the corner silently and listening in.

The squirrel told me that I was found 2 months ago by hikers in a forest just outside the city limits, they alerted called the ambulance that took me here. The doctor took over the conversation telling me all my injuries. Beaten, whipped, scarred, it took him some time and after a while I just raised my arm to tell him to stop. I pushed down the blanket prepared to see a broken body. But there were barely any scars and even at those places my fur already started to grow back.

  • H- How... I don't understand.

  • During the past two months while you were in a medically induced coma we did extensive reconstruction surgeries so your fur will be pretty much flawless in a few more months. Of course you still have to go to therapy with my colleague here, but physically you are almost perfectly healthy.

  • Almost?

  • You have a few bones and ribs that will take some time to heal and you should take easy for a couple of weeks before you do major exercises.

  • But... I cannot afford this... fur reconstruction costs a fortune I could never-

  • It's been taken care of by the hospital's main supporter. She saw you when... she saw that you need help and she made sure that you get everything you need to recover. That is why this young lady is here. I don't even bother you anymore, just leave you two... three here.

The doctor left the room and we stayed there. I saw the falcon's eyes in the corner of the room looking at me. So far, she hasn't said a single word, so I build up some courage to look her in the eyes.

  • Who are you? If you made this all possible, then I would like to-

  • I am a police detective, I have your case and I would like to interview you about the perp who did this to you.

  • IF he is ready - said the squirrel with a dominant tone. - Look Orion, you went through something horrible and you will need time to get over that, but you should know that I am here to help you. So lets start at the beginning. What is the last thing you remember?

I looked out the window and I wondered about that myself. My memories were sketchy. The first thing that came into my mind was New Year's Eve at... Kate, my mate. The falcon chuckled to that because that was over half year ago. Then as I went ahead I remembered more and more.

  • Laura.

  • Who? - the falcon looked at me with a questioning look.

  • Laura, my... my Mistress.

I felt tears forming in my eyes as I started to tell my story, while some parts were hard to believe even for myself. I have told them everything since the day I first met the albino doe, up until the last day I saw her.

It has been a little over two years since I started my relationship with Kate and now it's finally over after I realized that she is using me and her love is a lie. Mine wasn't. I really cared for her, I really loved her, I sacrificed three years of my life and I changed myself in many ways to become her ideal mate. In the meantime, I lost happiness, I became sad all the time, annoyed by my failures. I kept hating myself for not being good enough for her. For a long time only she existed in my world, I lived only for her. There was only one exception. Laura.

As time went on and Kate was never interested in sex I kept going back to Laura for more and more. She was the only one who saw through Kate, she even tried to warn me, but I was blind and deaf to her warnings. I should have listened to her while we became Mistress and her miserable pet. She tried to help me in her own way, but all she could do is to show me what real submission is.

After I broke up with Kate I went to her flat where she tied me up in the middle of her bedroom like on one of our now regular session, but when she saw that I was unresponsive to her "work" she left me there. I fell asleep standing in the middle of the room, my hands tied to the ceiling. Next morning she removed my gag to have a little chat.

  • You were pathetic yesterday, what's going on with you?

  • I... broke up with Kate.

  • Finally! It was about time!

  • I am sorry that I did not listen to you. You tried to help, but I was stupid. Now... I don't know what to do. Can you, please...

  • No. I am your Mistress and not your friend so I will not help you. I warned you in time, but you didn't care. Now why should I care about you?

She immediately regretted that remark when she saw the rage in my eyes. I was still bound, but I stepped towards her in a threatening manner. I couldn't say why but suddenly I felt immense anger coming form the inside, I felt being used by everybody and nobody really caring me and now it was just too much to sweep it under the rug anymore. I was furious and I had to let it out.

  • Why? WHY? I tell you why. Because its your fault! ITS ALL YOUR FAULT! YOU put that cage on me! YOU messed up my mind! YOU should have warned me sooner! YOU should have done something instead of just watching for months! YOU should have done something instead of just fucking and beating me! Because YOU cared only about that! Just fucking without emotions or feelings! Just being mean to me and using me when I am confused and vulnerable! You are no better than Kate! You are a monster, just like her!

She slapped my face hard and I soon tasted the blood in my mouth.

  • See? You ARE a monster, you can only hurt people, you gave nothing else to me just pain.


With that she forced back the gag in my mouth not caring about my protests. She went to her gears and pulled out a big whip.


Then she started whipping me, what she done a few times before, but this time she used all her power and anger on me. From the first hit I knew that I am in serious trouble because the pain that I felt on my side where she hit me I screamed into the gag with all the air in my lungs. But she didn't stop there, she hit me again and again. I screamed constantly as she whipped my chest, my back, my legs, she even hit my arms when I tried to cover my head. Along the whipping she also used her fists and knee to punch and kick me for a change.

In a couple of minutes, I was crying, but she didn't care. I managed to catch a glimpse of her face which was almost red from rage and I saw in her eyes that she was not herself. As she kept hitting me soon I smelled my blood and I felt as it slowly streamed down on my body. I struggled to break free, to try to protect myself somehow, I screamed as I realized that she will not stop. I was scared, angry, in pain and it felt like I can't even breathe from the blood in my nose and gagged mouth.

I started to shake and cry while I lost my voice to the sobbing. I leaned back in the bed and I buried my face into the pillow. My memories were way too painful and the thought that it all actually happened to me...

  • This will be enough for today, detective, please leave now.

I heard the falcon leaving the door, but then I felt a hand on my head, gently holding onto me.

  • Sleep now and don't be afraid, you are safe here.

After she left the room my mind filled with questions, most notably how did I end up in a forest outside of the city. That made no sense unless... she really tried to kill me.