Mrs. MacWhiggins

Story by Jayne Doe on SoFurry

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#2 of stories

The tale of a lonely old woman's love for the young horse down the street and her solution to be with him forever.

cameo appearance by Sydney Wusky owned by krypted on fa

cover art by maskedhusky

The elder canine groaned slightly as the knees of her short stiff leg screamed their protest at having been forced into a kneeling position for such a long period of time. Straightening up, Lorena MacWhiggins put a gloved paw to her back, not minding that the dirt stained glove would leave a mark on the back of her blouse. She'd been out working the garden for barely over an hour, but she couldn't help but think she was beginning to show he age. The truth was she'd been showing her age for years, but had simply denied the truth to herself, let alone anyone else, and the old spinster now had no one left but her flower garden.

She'd never managed to find the time to find herself a man, or even to bother with the men that had found her, and having past middle age, she had recently come to realize she'd likely missed her chance. Even now, it was easy to tell she had once been very desirable, the corgi still sported plush curves, even if they had begun to sag a little, her face was sweet and charming and friendly, the cream and white fur lush and soft. In her prime, she had definitely been attractive but... she had deemed herself too busy, too intelligent, too driven to be held back by a man and god forbid a family. But now?

As she looked back at her large home, well groomed and maintained, paid for by her years of hard work, the neatly manicured lawn and flower beds, she couldn't help the aching feel of emptiness that radiated from it all. While the rooms were well lit, bright and cheerily decorated, a looming sadness filled the silent walls, and as she padded up the steps to her patio, paw still on her back, she couldn't stop the subtle droop of her ears under the purple sun hat that topped her head. Pausing to stare at the screen door a long moment, she sighed softly before pulling it open with a creak of the springs and padding inside to her lonesome abode.....


Days passed for the canine, and all of them alone. In her advancing years, the loneliness had begun to weigh more and more heavily on her small rounded shoulders. Despite frequent forays to the supermarket, her book club, and the soup kitchen where she volunteered, she couldn't help but think the mammals she would have considered 'friends' would have been better labeled as 'acquaintances'.

The pallor of depression was beginning to show in the lines of her face and a heavy stone seemed to rest in the pit of her stomach, thus when a soft knock rapped at her door, she was surprised, her softly rounded ears perking up. She almost assumed she had imagined it, except that the timid knock came again, and the sound of a deep voice echoed from the other side. Another, younger voice replied to the deeper one, which in turn seemed to reprimand the younger sharply. But before the the younger could retort, the elder woman opened the door only to find herself confronted by.... Two enormous pairs of legs. Her wide brown eyes traveled up up and up over the frames of two massive equines. Massive in comparison to her diminutive self anyways. The one on the left looked to be older, a dark bay with a broad chest and a short cropped mane, the deeper voice that she had heard, and the on on the right was clearly younger. Bay and white paint splashed his coat, tall and lean, clearly still growing, and unlike the larger older male who gave a small friendly smile to the canine, the younger looked pointedly away, ears laid back.

"Good afternoon Mrs. MacWhiggins," the stallion knelt down to greet her on a relatively even level, "I'm Harold Longshanks from down the street and this is my son, Broderick," he yanked the colt down, though he seemed to be out of his colt years, and the paint flicked a glance at the corgi before snapping his eyes away again. What was this all about she wondered. She recognized the family of equines from down the street a way, but they had never exchanged more than a few neighborly hellos.

"I'm so terribly sorry to bother you," Harold went on, "But Brody here has something to say.... Don't you son?" he glared sternly at his progeny, who seemed to wilt slightly. He clearly didn't want to be there but Mrs. MacWhiggins was beginning to suspect this was a parenting moment, not that she really had any firstpaw experience with those.

"I... I'm sorry I smashed your mailbox, ma'am, it was irresponsible and coltish and until i learn my lesson I'm going to be working for you to maybe learn some responsibility and pride in my work like you have." The younger male rattled off his little spiel quickly, as though it had been scripted and rehearsed, which considering the situation, it most likely was. Once he was done speaking, he looked away again, as though if he ignored the adults' presence, they might actually disappear and he could escape.

Looking around the two horses, she could see that her mailbox was indeed smashed. The metal canister caved in on one side and the wooden post broken in half, laying on the ground. "But why?" she asked softly, more overwhelmed by the sudden presence of two enormous males than upset by the damage to her property.

"An excellent question..." Harold glowered at his son who shrank even more. "In any case, ma'am, in addition to paying for the damages and repairing your mailbox, Broderick will be at your service for the next two weeks. Put him to work, he might be lazy at times, but don't let him fool you, he's more than capable." The big stallion slapped his son on the back, the younger taking it with a grunt. "I'll be back to collect him before dinner and with a new mailbox, so sorry for the inconvenience." With that Harold stood and turned away, clopping down the walk back to the street, leaving Brody with the canine, still stunned that, of all the times in her life, it should happen now.

The duo stared awkwardly at each other for a long moment before the young male averted his gaze, stuffing his hands into his pockets with a little cough. "So uhhh... what do you want me to do?" he asked, voice surly and clearly wishing to be anywhere but here. The corgi shook her head or a moment, as though to shake off a bothersome fly. She paused a moment to compose herself before beckoning the young horse in through the door, the taller creature having to duck a little to keep from banging his head on the doorframe.

"Well we can start in the back," her mind raced hurriedly, trying to think of how best to utilize the equine at her sudden disposal, "I have a few bags of mulch that need spread around the flower beds, and after that...." What after that? She really didn't know, but she'd find something. It was hard to focus with such a big strapping male so close to her, especially with the heavy burden of loneliness that had struck her so recently, and as she watched him work, the painted coat soon becoming saturated with sweat on the warm humid day, the stallion's muscles sliding smoothly as he carried load after load of mulch to each bed, she couldn't help but let her thoughts stray further and further away from the landscape of her lawn, and more and more towards the lean contours of Broderick's profile. How had she never made time for a man before?

Later that evening, after Harold had come by to collect his son, leaving a new mailbox kit on the porch for the younger stud to install in the morning, Lorena couldn't stop thinking about him. Couldn't stop thinking what it would've been like to be carried in those big strong arms instead of the bags of mulch, to be held close to his hot body, sweat mingling with her fur, and if she inhaled hard, she thought she could still smell his lingering musk in the house. Is this what she'd missed out on all those years ago? As she lay alone in her bed that night, she couldn't keep her paws from straying too places that they hadn't in a long time....


That next day and most of that week passed with a new routine. Brody showed up, worked, often accompanied by a glass of lemonade or sweet tea, and Mrs. Mac always followed close behind, paws pattering rapidly to keep up with his long strides. Truth be told, she was struggling to find things to keep him busy, making any excuse to be around him, even cancelling her once regular activities at times. She didn't want him to go just yet. His surly manner had long since faded, and in its place was a truly pleasant young man, polite and well spoken. But as Thursday came into view, she couldn't shirk her responsibilities to her Friday book club.

"You don't have to come back tomorrow," she told the the young stallion as he washed his hands after pulling weeds from the flowerbeds that afternoon, "I'll be out most of the day and you deserve to enjoy a Friday night." She patted the side of his leg, the highest point that she could reach. "But don't go knocking over any more mailboxes, I'd hate to lose my best worker to someone else." She giggled girlishly and winked up at him, Brody unable to hide a smirk as he rolled his eyes.

"Aw'right, ma'am," he agreed, hanging the hand towel back on the oven door handle. After the stallion left, the corgi lingered in the kitchen for a moment, gently plucking the hand towel from where he'd hung it. Pressing it to her nose, she inhaled deeply, drawing in his strong masculine scent. Deep down she knew it was wrong, it wasn't fair, that there was no way they could ever have anything, but.... That didn't stop her from wanting it as her paw drifted into the waistband of her loose trousers, digging deep to scratch an itch she thought had died long ago....


Lorena picked up her purse, placing her purple sun hat on her head and trotting out to the car. Brody wasn't coming by today, so there was no need to linger, and she may as well go help setup the tables and chairs for her weekly book club. All went smoothly enough as she arrived at the local community center, greeting her friends, laughing lightly at old jokes, but her mind was clearly elsewhere. As they finished the preparations, she reached into her purse to take out her book and notes, she realized that in her distraction, she had left them at home on the nightstand. Making quick apologies, she left again, hurrying for home to gather them up. There was still time before the meeting was supposed to start. Rushing into the house, she didn't notice the back garden gate standing slightly ajar, and as she pattered into the bedroom, grabbing the books off her bedtable, a low moan drifted through the open window. At first she thought she had imagined it, but as another one, accompanied by a low familiar voice, drifted through again, she crept to the window, peering past the curtains.

Brody and a young wusky female wearing a blue collar lay in the shade of the maple tree that was the centerpiece of her back lawn, naked and tangled in each other's limbs. It was plainly obvious what was happening as Lorena was assaulted with an unobstructed view of the stallion's ass, heavy sac swinging between his legs as he rutted into the moaning canine. A soft cry caught in the corgi's throat, contained by a paw clasped over her mouth. She couldn't look away, she realized with guilt that she didn't want to, wishing instead that it was her pinned to the ground beneath the heavy stallion, wishing that it was her legs spread and clasped around his waist as the thick girth of his formidable equine cock split her open. A tear rolled down her cheek as she shamelessly fingered herself, watching in shamed fascination until the two had finished, Lorena's paw soaked with her own arousal to climax, book club completely forgotten.

She was about to turn away as she watched the two cradle each other, Brody pulling the female into his lap, looking as though he were about to go in for a kiss, but instead of their muzzles meeting in a heated embrace, his lips spread over the pointed black and white muzzle, and another muffled moan escaped the wusky, her belly swollen with horse spunk, leaking slightly between her legs. Lorena found herself fixated again as the monochromatic female disappeared into the the horse's gaping maw, a lump rising in his throat as she descended. Lifting her, Brody tilted her back, throwing her legs up into the air, letting her slide down his throat, the corgi watching in awe as he consumed his temporary lover. At last the black legs disappeared past his teeth, and the stallion slurped up the fluffy tail like a noodle. The smaller female barely made a mark in his gut as the last lumps slid down his gullet, leaving the horse alone to sigh in satisfaction. Lorena couldn't watch anymore as she turned her back to the wall, sliding to the floor, realizing only then that her skirt and plain panties were on the floor, fingers buried once again in her snatch. And there, she wept, knowing her time had long since past. But as her tears flowed, a new idea came to mind. Perhaps there was a way after all, that she could be with the young horse she so admired, to be with him... forever....


The next morning as Brody arrived for work, the corgi couldn't tear her eyes off of him, even moreso than normal. She found herself stuttering over her words, and hazel eyes often drifting to his stomach. At first the horse was too preoccupied to notice, but as she ran out of tasks for him, they soon found themselves seated across from each other in the living room in an awkward silence as Mrs. MacWhiggins stared at him almost painfully.

"Is uhhh.... Is there anything else I can do?" he ventured cautiously, he could feel the heightened tension, and as her eyes drifted again to his stomach, he began to feel a little uneasy. There was no way she could know, right? She'd been gone. But somehow, he knew she knew. "Look, I can explain..." he started, only to be cut off by an upraised paw.

"There's no need..." she murmured softly, lifting moist eyes to meet his, "I only have one question." The stallion winced, knowing this was coming, bracing himself for her judgement and beratement. Nothing could have prepared him for what she said next. "Would you have... could you have... someone like me?" her voice wavered on the verge of tears as she stared up into his face. Brody gaped for a moment, trying to register and interpret what she had just said. "I'm a lonely old woman, Broderick, and I missed my chance... I already know that. But seeing you yesterday, it gave me an idea.... And I know I shouldn't ask but... I think I'm in love with you and I know it's wrong but..." she broke down into tears, unable to go on as Brody sat there, flabbergasted. "Would you fulfill an old woman's wish?" she managed to squeak out. "You can do whatever you like to... just finish me like you did the girl yesterday, even if that's all you do..." She sniffled, wiping her muzzle on a napkin, embarrassed by what she'd just done.

Brody sat there in disbelief, mulling it over. He felt bad for her. He'd gotten the impression she'd been lonely for a while, but this? This was unexpected. Clasping his hands in his lap, he stared at his knuckles, thinking hard. He didn't want to tell her no, that'd break her heart even more, but what she was asking? "I.... I have to go...." he stood up suddenly and turned, not looking at her, "I'll be back in a bit..." and with that, he left.

Lorena sat alone for a long time in numbed silence, light fading as the hour grew later, the canine motionless on the couch. She nearly jumped out of her fur as the phone rang. Wiping her eyes she, she swallowed hard, composing herself before answering. "H-hello?" she still choked a little but managed to hide it for the most part.

"Get ready, I'll be there in ten," Broderick's voice replied. The line clicked dead before she could respond, and she stared for a moment at the receiver before jumping off the couch. Scampering to the bedroom as fast as she could, she rummaged frantically through her closet, trying to find something, anything that might help to make the stallion want her. She finally settled on a sheer silk nightgown. It was perhaps a bit dated, but the way it clung to her, it accented the curves she had once had when she was younger. Tying the sash around her middle, she ran a quick brush through her fur, trying to straighten it a bit, tame it, even as the doorbell rang. This was it.

Opening the door shyly, she half hid behind it as Brody ducked in, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "Are you ready?" he asked softly, a slow nod the only response she gave as the door clicked shut. Turning the deadbolt, the young stud's tail swished behind him uncertainly. He could still back out... but instead, he turned, scooping her up into his arms as easily as one of the bags of landscape mulch. Lorena's fur stood on end as she felt herself cradled against his chest, his masculine scent surrounding her, his arms hard with muscle, but gentle as they supported her small body, and she became acutely aware of just how much bigger than her he truly was.

"Last door on the left..." she directed him quietly as they turned down the hall. He nodded silently, long paces covering the ground rapidly, and before she knew it, he had her laid out on the bed. Quivering in anticipation, she laid there and watched as he pulled his shirt off over his head. Her breath caught softly in her throat as her eyes searched every inch of his muscular frame. Lean and athletic, he loomed over her and began undoing his belt. As he pushed his jeans down around his legs, it occurred to her that she should start getting undressed as well. Untying her belt, she spread the robe open, even as she caught her first, up close, sight of the young male's nethers. Each orb would have taken both her small paws to wrap around, and he gaping eye of his sheath stared at her.

It was Brody's turn to admire. He had to admit that she'd aged well. Though she sagged in a few places, it was plain to tell she'd once been quite beautiful, and he found himself more aroused than he'd expected, the thick head of his shaft pushing forward from his sheath. The semi flaccid cock dangled stiffly as he mounted the bed, straddling her legs slightly. She shuddered at the touch of his heated flesh to her thigh, and as he began to bend over her, she put a paw up. "M-may I?" she questioned softly, gesturing to the enormous hunk of horseflesh. Nodding slowly, he sat back, still kneeling on the bed as she sat up and crawled forward, placing her small paw on either side of the shaft. She rubbed her pads over the silk smooth flesh, soaking in the warmth of it through her hands. Hesitantly, she leaned forward, snuffling at it with her cool skinned nose before venturing a light lick. His salty musk filled both her mouth and nose, and she felt his pulse quicken between her paws, the heavy shaft throbbing. After a few more drags of her tongue across the arch of his cock, she let it go and laid back. "I'm ready," she said with more confidence than she'd ever said anything in her life.

With a nod, Brody bent over her again, lifting the rod of his cock to the moist folds of her nethers, the fat head nearly as wide as her paw. Easing forward, the pressure between them built, and Lorena was forced to bite her lip to keep from crying out. Despite the wetness of her passage, the simple size difference made penetration difficult, but finally he was in. With a soft grunt, he lingered, letting her get used to the sudden invasion, more than anything she'd ever taken, and whatever that had been had been many long years ago. She spread her legs more to accommodate him, trying her hardest to open up her little body to his enormous one. Gradually the downward pressure returned, and her vision was filled with stars as he slid through her, even if only a few inches. It was all she had to offer, but the horse didn't seem to mind. He was here for her after all, and with slow gentle motions, he began to stroke through her, barely on his tip for him, but riding her full lenght, repeatedly striking against the wall of her womb, soft yelps rising in her throat with each thrust. Her entire body was on fire, every nerve electrified with the ecstasy, and as her red and abused walls continued to produce their lubrication, she shuddered and cried out, little paws grasping at his forearms on either side of her as she came, but it seemed the stallion wasn't finished yet s the short thrusts came faster and harder.

Grasping himself about the middle of his girth, Brody bit his lip, pumping along his length, making up for the depth she lacked. Suddenly, she could feel her belly swelling even more with heat from deep within as the young stallion began to dump his thick and heavy load into her. She groaned pitiably, clinging to the one arm that remained close to her as her belly was pushed outwards in every direction, each sticky rope of horse cum plugged in place by the shaft that delivered it. It never seemed as though it would end, despite it only lasting a few minutes. At last the stallion pulled away, and a slow ooze of his spunk leaked from her red and swollen lips before they closed again, hot and inflamed, her belly still full of his seed.

The corgi lay there panting, drenched in her own sweat for a moment as Brody lingered, letting her enjoy the moment. Gradually, she let go of his arm to run a curious paw over her belly, and in that moment she regretted never having had children, but it was too late now. Breathing easily now, she looked up at him from her place on the bed beneath him, a soft smile on her lips as she reached up to cup his big cheek. "Finish it..." she murmured softly, the stallion nodding.

Scooping her up in his arms again, he pressed his lips to hers in a long kiss, her eyes drifting shut as she pressed back. Then she felt them part, lips sliding over her muzzle, pushing her fur back, flattening her ears to her skull as her chin rested on his tongue. The warmth of his mouth enveloped her as she remained partially in his arms, saliva saturating her fur as she was pushed deeper into his maw. Her nose met the back of his throat, and with a heavy gulk, she felt the ring of muscles around her face loosen for a moment before tightening again, pulling her into his gullet. She felt her body leaving his arms as her shoulders and breasts slid over his teeth to be cupped by his tongue, exploring her body, tasting her, and she shivered excitedly. It wasn't where she'd ever thought she'd be, but she didn't want to be anywhere else.

Another stiff swallow followed the first, yanking her deeper, her swollen belly and hips sliding into his mouth. She could only imagine the bulge in his throat she was making, memory flashing back to the bigger canine he'd swallowed the day before. She probably was barely making a lump. Nearly crying out, she squirmed a bit as her orientation suddenly shifted, remembering how he'd thrown his head back to swallow the other girl, gravity now drawing her down as well as the undulation of his throat. Her stub tail wagged involuntarily against his nose, her hips slipping between his jaws. The widest portion of her out of the way, she felt herself falling rapidly. The thunderous beat of his heart filled her ears, and the whoosh of air through his lungs deafened her as she felt the last cool air of her bedroom on her foot paws. Completely suspended in the tight passage of his gullet, she smiled in the darkness, feeling his final swallow force her down, down into a more open pocket of air.

Landing in his stomach on her face, she was forced into a loose ball. Shifting and moving about, she settled in comfortably, more than enough room for her small, if swollen, frame. Leaning her head back against the soft wall of his stomach lining, she didn't even mind the rancid air, filled with the stench of digestive juices. "Thank you... Brody... my love..." she murmured softly as she rubbed his stomach with a paw.


Brody swallowed hard, gulping down the lingering flavor of Mrs. MacWhiggins from his mouth as she shifted about in his gut, getting comfortable. He could feel her rubbing the wall of his stomach. Placing a large hand over the spot she was rubbing, he couldn't help but feel as though he'd taken advantage of her. But it was what she'd wanted right? She'd asked him after all, practically begged. With a heavy sigh, he neatly folded the silk nightgown and placed it over the cum stain on the bed, leaving the room neat and tidy. Getting dressed, he could feel her shift about every now and again, but she didn't seem to be in any discomfort, and she really didn't make much of a difference to the surface of his stomach.

Fully dressed, he left the house and walked up the street home, pushing through the front door. "Hey dad," he greeted quietly, pausing as he passed the living room. "Mrs. Mac doesn't have anymore work for me. She says I'm done."

"Alright, son, you did a good job for her, I'm proud of you. Your mom left a plate of dinner in the microwave for you," Harold replied, looking up for a moment from the tv he'd been watching.

"It's alright, dad, Mrs. Mac fed me," he didn't wait to discuss it any further, instead bounding up the stairs to his room and to bed. He lay awake for a long time that night, resting a hand on his stomach, waiting until the paw rubbing against his finally stopped and the small lump in his stomach began to shrink. At least she'd been happy.