Scales and Scavs Chapter 12, Farewell, Dracosith

Story by dragonmoon on SoFurry

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#18 of Wayward Scale

With the completion of Kuron and the revelation that the Dracosith are nomadic, James Scale and the crew of the Red Comet prepare to set out for new adventures.

Thanks to for playing the role pf Emily Scale, and the Okuda family.

Yinglets by ValSalia

Tacit was always a fast learner and paid attention to certain details, hence the name they gave him. His sister, however, needed little challenge since she had ways of scaring others. Both proved quite promising to their father, James Scale. Both had their eyes on the stars, figuratively and literally.

One day after lessons, James was called to the great hall at Brimstone city. He took a bus there and went in to see the king of Dracosith standing in front of large crates. "What's going on here," asked James.

"I'm afraid," replied the king, "that it is time for our kind to move on. You see, we have spent millennia travelling the galaxy in search of the perfect planet. I myself was born right after we settled here. Consensus has provided a negative opinion of this planet, so I have called preparations to migrate."

Emily entered the hall and called, "What?"

Once she caught up, James looked down and said, "Looks like these guys are moving off. So, how does this work?"

"We will wipe any trace of our existence off this planet and rename it while leaving water so that life could be created."

James saw Emily grinning and asked, "Something on your mind?"

"We can take this planet as our own!"

"What for?"

"Think of the possibilities!"

"I say we let someone else get a chance, maybe let something form here."


"Until next time," said the king, and James nodded and went back outside. He looked down at Emily and said, "I guess this means my job here is done."

"Agreed. Shall we make our planets now?"

"That reminds me, is our project ready?"

"Yes, I believe so!"

"Good, have you seen Tak or Tsuki?"

"Of course. Them two always together with Haru, Hisa, and her best friend."

"Where did you last see them?"

"At our bunks."

James turned and headed towards the bunkhouse. There, he found all of them together. "Everyone," he called out, "I've got something to show you at the Red Comet."

"Really," asked Hisa, with arms full of dolls.

"Yeah. Don't worry, no one's getting killed."

"Oh good," said Takeo. "Hisa, quite having kids with Hiro, they just fall out now!"

Hisa barked, "No!" and hugged Hiro. Takeo picked Hisa up and said, "Come on!"

Tsuki stood up and herded Hiro outside. Her tail flicked James in the nose on the way out slightly disorienting him for a second. Haru carried some bags towards the ship while James said, "Alright then, chop chop."

Hisa sat with Hiro in the bridge of the ship, on one of the passenger benches. James took the captain's chair as Tacit jumped up in his own chair, much lower than James'. "Initiating launch sequence."

The lights turned on, and the engine hummed. "Disengaging landing gear."

A moment after that, the ship started moving. Then, they flew up into the atmosphere. Emily covered both kids in blankets and approached James before stating, "Okay they are asleep for about ten minutes."

"Hopefully, the moving ship won't wake them."

"Kids like moving things," said Takeo, "It no bother them."

"Including Tacit, right Tac?"

Takeo looked to see Tacit and Emily both passed out. "Whelp, case in full."

James looked at both of them and said, "Jesus, is there something in my blood I don't know about?"

Takeo shrugged and said, "Children, that's what they do. Hisa out to."

"I certainly don't remember being that tired as a kid. Then again, there's a lot of things I don't remember from when I was a kid."

"Hai, same! I don't remember having 20 kids with my female friends either."

"Well, I do remember some things that I'd rather not remember."

"Me and you both," Takeo sighed. "Like having to sleep with my father."

James grunted and said, "That's nothing compared to my memories. Two words, zero forethought."


"Oh yeah. In half of my memories from when I was a kid, I did not think about what I was doing until years later."

"Well, hai. Same here, I didn't think I was going to become a Daimyo, I just thought I still be on farm with my father."

Tsuki came forward and said, "And, I never thought I would arrive in the distant future."

"And Damn I never thought I meet you Tsuki. Or end up in the future."

James glanced at the navigation equipment and said, "Well, looks like we're pointing the right direction. Everyone, buckle up."

Takeo buckled Tsuki up, than himself. "The kids in bed are okay right?"

"As long as they're facing the right direction to not get thrown to the wall."

"I tucked them in tight to."

"Good. Initiating hyperspeed."

The stars before them seemed to stretch like noodles before they could feel great pressure, which awoke Tacit. Finally, they all were thrown forward. Tacit was thrown to the floor. He stood up and glared at James and Takeo. As Takeo burst into laughter, Tacit went into the corner and began vomiting. James looked at Takeo as he began to shed tears and asked, "Laughed yourself dry yet, Tak?"

"No, it hurts though!"

"Well, we're coming up on what I wanted to show you."

"Really? Should I wake the kids?"


With that, Takeo went to get them, Tsuki looked at James and asked, "What is it you wished to show us?"

"You'll see."

James turned to Emily and put a hand to her forehead. "We're almost there"

Emily opened her eyes, looked up, looked up and said, "Fine."

When Tacit came back, he said, "Next time, warn me before you do zhat!"

On the screen, they could see a green and blue planet. Takeo's eyes widened, and he asked, "What that?"

James stretched his arms and said, in a relaxed tone, "Oh, just a little project."


Hisa jumped for joy while squealing, "Finally, no hot desert!"


"What is this project for," asked Tsuki.

"Oh, just something for some friends."


"Oh, yes."

James pressed on a joystick, and the ship picked up speed. As they entered the atmosphere, James altered the ship's position to make landing easier. "Engaging landing procedure."

The ship lurched upwards, and made a landing. James stood up and headed down towards the door to the outside. He waited until everyone else showed up before heading outside. "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Kuron."


"Oh, yes."

James looked at Haru and winked. Haru winked back while Takeo took a look around. "We decided to assign some aspects from Japan here, along with some new aspects."

"Oh you did?"

"Yep. Go ahead, see for yourself."

Takeo did just that, along with Hisa. They could find some wild rice as well as creatures exclusive to Japan, which included a giant hornet on a peach. Takeo screamed and shielded Hisa upon seeing the hornet. "Even the worst of Japan, apparently," commented James.

"Great, could've left them bastards out!"

"It wasn't my idea to include those."

"Who's was it?"

"Either Emmy or Haru, and I doubt it was Haru."

Emily tossed her arms up to be met with the glare of Haru. "Well," said James, "what do you guys think?"

"It's nice."

"How would you like to stay?"

"I guess. More like home than a metal nightmare."

"No doubt," said Tsuki.

"Wanna stay Hisa, Hiro?"

"Hai!" said Hiro while Hisa nodded.

James turned to see Tsuki puzzling over some sort of ox feeding on grass. "What kind of buffalo is this," asked Tsuki. It had massive horns and a third eye with the tail of a western cow.

"Hey Haru," called James, "what did you call these?"


"Meushi," Tsuki repeated.

After checking on the ship, James saw the Okudas and Tsuki departing with the Meushi and said, "I guess that means they're staying."

* * * * *

The remainder of the crew of the Red Comet sat in the bridge watching as the Dracosith people left their planet. As the last civilian ship retreated into the mothership, a squad of bomber ships hovered over the planet. The crew of the Red Comet could hear their radio transmissions, could hear the orders to bomb Brimstone city. They could see a storm of bombs floating to the planet's surface. James had been playing a recording of the song Space Oddity by David Bowie during this.

Once the bombs reached the city, the mushroom cloud gradually grew. It came to a point where it could be seen from space. "Damn, that's cool!" said Emily with wide eyes.

"Beautiful destruction," said James. Tacit looked up and said, "I sure wouldn't want to be a sap stuck down zhere."

"Oh, don't worry," replied James, "everyone else was evacuated."

"They were?"

"Oh yeah, what do you think all those ships were heading to that mothership for?"

After the mushroom cloud diminished, another ship descended through the atmosphere. "That must be the water the king mentioned."

"Looks wet."

James gave a sarcastic laugh and said, "Very funny."

Then, the scene was cut off when a projection of the king displayed on the screen. "Greetings leaders of the intergalactic community," he said, "this is Drycholok, the king of the Dracosith."

"Hi!" said Emily while waving. But, the king did not react. He did not seem to do so much as flinch, almost as if this message was prerecorded. "I am sure you are all pleased to know that the planet that we have occupied since the day I hatched is now free for the taking. I have left water on the planet to further the possibility of intelligent life surviving there, and there should be ample ore. I will be renaming it to FE-45.

"That is all, until next time."

With that, the screen faded to black. "Well," said James, "that's that."

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Well, what do you suppose we could do until our next job?"

"Hmm, make things?"

"Like what?"

"Life forms."

"Life forms?"

"Yes, because why not."

"You know what else we could do?"




"Everyone, buckle up."

As soon as everyone fastened their seatbelts, James pushed on a lever and said, "Engaging hyperspeed."

The stars to them seemed to extend as they rocketed at lightning speed into another day, into another adventure.