SRK Sex on the First Date (Short Story)

Story by Rubberkitten on SoFurry

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#2 of Stories

Practicing my writing. I had an idea I made on the fly. Its short but sweet.

I am not a writer, i draw but i do try.

At least I put in the commas >xD.

Its short but enjoy it if its your thing. The point is to thoroughly ponder the scenario, and to expand your imagination to visualize in whats going down. You can add extra footage in that fantasy, everything will happen the way you want it if you go with the flow of the story. You can imagine yourself fucking the cumflated date. Just raping the shit out of his body, sharing his dinner.

You can choose whoever is the victim.

Have fun, i hope yuh likez it. I have many story ideas. I just dont have the time to do them. This one was "real" quick.

I would say around 5mins or so.

Written by

You meet this guy online, you both have a fetish in having sex in public places, so you both agree in a destination where you both can fuck without getting caught.

You arrive at this back alleyway by being dropped off by a driving service. He said for you to meet, and you say to yourself, Where is he? Did I just get dumped? The alley has closed shops, and restaurants like a Pizza Parlor, and a few other things you're familiar with. The alleyway street is like a T but a one way that goes in, and you drive out. Only one light pole has been built here, there are tiny others but too dim to light anything. Just the back doors to the closed up shops. You think to yourself, this isnt too bad of a spot to have sex. Not bad. He must know his way around.

As you were about to leave, you feel a warmth around you but you dont seem to see or hear anything. Its dead quiet though, real quiet. You see your breath from the cold air but it feels toasty.

Wuh? Is it..?

You see this bright, orange, red flash from behind, suddenly you are pinned by this Golem sized being. You are frozen, and unable to move, he cackles, looking at you with his hellish glowing eyes. He grabs a hold of your body, his cock rips a hole right through your pants, pumps you with his cock, tearing your clothes off, and your belly stretching every second. You body starts to size up. Your muscles are growing, and your body, along with your nipples, swelling, growing sensitive. You arch your back from the intense pleasure. You feel like your body is hot but its from his hot seed. You feel no pain, just intense pleasure that you never felt before, almost irresistable. No one can do something like this. You cant control your thoughts other than focus on whats happening to you. He licks your thick pecs, up your neck, suckling it, making you shiver, lapping your body with is face, and tongue, giving you kisses from his warm, soft face. You can feel his whiskers going over the tip of your cock, tasting and smelling your delicious musk, treating your cock like its the best thing in his existence. He picks your swelled up body, and smacks it on the dumpster, under one of those small, little direct light lamps. You reach your point, and feel like you gonna burst, You yell out, stop!, too much! fuck!

SRK Cackles think you are gonna break but realize his power is not letting you. You start to almost wish you want to from the intense pressure. You are prolapsed, and cum is starting to leak from your eyes. You feel like you want to vomit, but its cum thats filling your guts, you cant move anymore, power or not. He pumps, and rips your hole like a violent monster. He grunts, and rawrs into the night sky, and cums from all 3 dicks. You reach your climax, and hit your peak. You cum uncontrollably, unable to hold back. Cum is shooting out of all directions. The dumpster is banging, semen caked over it, the concrete below is gobbed in thick cum. From a distance you can hear cum draining down the sewer from the center of the alley drain. The sound of his body hitting against yours, his dick, and your hole, you hear it loud as fuck but everyone's gone home, there is no one in the alley or in any stores. Its dark. You can hear from a far distance, echoing a loud, GLACKA-GLACKA-CLACK-CLACK-PLAP-THUD-GLACKA, of your body getting hit by his, churning spoo, turning it thick, and near foamy. Your cock hasnt stopped cumming, you have cum all over your body, face, in a HUGE sizable body. Your body is enormous but buff as fuck. Nipples squirt, and leak. You just dont care anymore, you feel exhausted, and broken but its feels SO DAMN GOOD. Your mind cant think, you are congested from cum in your head.


His horrible pun is referring to the Pizza Parlor next door.

Your body swells beyond its recognition, he cackles, smacks your ass, and says, HOWZ DUH SEX ON DUH FIRST DATE? BUAHAHAHA!! He lets out one more orgasm, and everything that can leak is now gushing out cum. Your body is stretched out so badly, there are no creases on it. He loads you up, and rawrs into the sky with his voice. He wooshes away, leaving your ruined, bloated body. The power lessens, and cum slowly leaks out of your, broken hole at first for a moment, then cum gushes out, and you slowly feel your body's pressure, start to relief a little. This will take time, you lay there for a few hours, in the meantime, you wonder what just happened. His power slowly dissipates from your body, your body slowly comes back to normal but you still cant move very much. You start to think about it, and you say to yourself, "That was kind of hot, but i wish it wasnt so forced, and so fast.." Hours later, you are still chubby, you waddle up the alley, you call for a taxi. The taxi man stops, he opens the door from the inside. He tells you, man you look like shit. You say, of those nights....take me home (gives address). You leak cum into the seat, he says, dont worry, ill clean that up. You are surprised hes not uncomfortable with it. You notice something odd about him, the car drives, and you notice his chest. He turns and looks at you while driving, and cackles...BUAHAHAHAHA!! GOTTA TAKE DUH DATE hoME NOW, CANT LEAVE EM WALK HOME NOW CAN I??!!! Your thoughts, WhAT!!?? HEEELP!!!! The doors are locked, (He drives you home, and ending music plays, a drone like, aerial camera shot view, above. The view, zooms out to view the city as you see the car driving off with your fursona screaming..)

Little that you knew, he was a Sex Demon, a rumor or myth you heard around the internet.

Skeptics, will be skeptics...a Quick- the End.