Review 8 - Mia Makes a New Friend

Story by Smokescale Aquatos on SoFurry

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#8 of Reviews of the Treetop Inn

Mia, a short but curvy red panda, had decided to pay the Inn a visit after her friend Talash told her what sort of things went on there. While she was visiting, she just so happened to encounter a similarly built dragon, the resident 'book wyrm' who manages the Inn's library.

Of course, Mia had come looking to see about possibly trying something very specific. Maybe this dragon lady, Jiaying, would be able to accommodate.

This is a YCH story commission for Talash, who owns the exceptionally huggable and adorable Mia. Jiaying is a new character I've been working to develop and this is her first outing (it's also Mia's first outing in a vore setting). Hope you like it.

Ways to support me:Patreon - Buy me a ko-fi - Amazon Author Page

There wasn't much to not like about the Inn, and Mia wasn't exactly hunting for reasons to hate the place. She had first heard about the resort from the big tegu lady friend of hers who came here on occasion. With how Tally had been saying she needed to visit a lot more often, it made the short, curvy red panda terribly curious. And now she could see why. It was a remarkable place, and she was enjoying just wandering around, seeing how the guests and staff went about their day.

After a general tour of the garden and grounds, Mia decided it might be a good idea to get something to eat. The dining hall had teased her with the aromas of dishes both familiar and exotic as she walked through the foyer below on her way to that tour. Now, she intended to actually investigate. It as just as lovely a place to visit as the rest of the Inn, leaving the short yet eye-catching lady excited to take in the sights, sounds, and smells. She plopped herself down in a chair at an empty table, read over the menu, and put in her order.

Before it could arrive, the black and red furred lady took a while to do some people watching. There were plenty around to observe, and she had been thinking about perhaps attempting to find a partner for the rest of the day's activities. The Inn was a lovely place, but it was never meant to be enjoyed alone. At least that was what she had heard. While she observed the other guests, a sharp gasp caught her ears. They swiveled about before Mia turned her head. What she saw made her tilt her head a little.

Standing not a great distance from her table, clearly having meant to just walk right on by, was a dragon who was quite short. She was actually just a touch shorter than Mia if her little antler-like horns weren't included in the measurement. It was remarkable how similar in build the two of them were. The red panda had been proud of her soft, slightly squishy figure, as well as the generosity of her curves. And here was another lady built very similarly to her. If this other woman had been a red panda as well, they likely could have passed as twins.

The pale gold scaled lady was pointing at Mia, specifically her chest. Her mouth hung open and her eyes were enormous behind a pair of glasses. The frames were thick along the top of each lens, but the bridge and underside were thin and silver in hue. The thick plastic was covered in a pattern that might have suggested current within water or a gust of wind, light blue over a dark background. Most of her hair was pulled back into a ponytail, but her bangs hung down to frame her face. Her clothing looked comfortable and simple, a t-shirt with a logo on it that Mia couldn't place.

The stare from those wide, hazel eyes looked almost exaggerated, suggesting this short little dragon had recognized the red panda.

"Oh... um... hi. Can I help you?" Mia offered awkwardly.

"Five!" the dragoness began bouncing softly on her paws in excitement, then continued shouting out numbers, "One forty-six point three! Eighteen! Nine... thousand!"

As this went on, Mia grew more and more baffled, then paused. A memory was filtering through from below into her conscious thoughts. Her eyes widened, remembering the obscure reference.

"Twenty-two!" the red panda cried.

"One thousand eight hundred and seventy-four!" the dragoness replied.

"That's Numberwang!" Mia threw her arms out over her head with glee.

She had been wearing a shirt with those words stretched across her vast bust. This dragon had been the first to comment on it, likely the only one she had encountered who could say what it was from.

"I love that show!" the dragon cackled, daring to approach even closer, "You have no idea how frustrating it is working here and using references no one gets! The really old stuff, sure, books from before when everyone was born, but come on! This isn't that old!"

"It's probably because there aren't as many people on this side of the pond that have seen it. Which is a shame," the red panda smiled, "Hi, I'm Mia. What's your name?"

"Jaiying, but my friends just call me Jai. Pleasure to meet you!" the curvy noodle dragon took the other lady's paw and gripped it firmly, giving it a good shake.

"Well, Jai, it's nice to meet a fellow fan of obscure comedy. At least... it's obscure over here. Have you already eaten? I've already put in my order." Mia extended a hand to offer the dragoness a seat.

"I just put my order in too. I was going to take it back to my library and eat there while reading a book. But this is much better." Jai bounded into the seat across from the other diminutive girl.

"Oh that sounds dreadfully boring. You were going to eat and read all by yourself? And you work here? How's that possible? I'd have thought all the staff always had someone to keep them company, even if it was a guest." Mia leaned over the table, her breasts resting against the smooth, cool surface as she crossed her arms in front of them.

The shirt was doing a heroic job keeping her contained.

"I'm a bit of an oddball around here. I tend to keep to myself usually. There are a few who I'll happily spend time with. But... I'm a little too direct and blunt for some," Jai shrugged softly, "I'm told I'm a bit of an acquired taste."

"Well, I don't see how anyone could dislike you. You're clearly a connoisseur of foreign culture." the red panda sat back up, grinning as she gestured to the words 'That's Numberwang!' on the chest of her shirt.

"I don't think about it too hard. It actually makes my job a little easier sometimes, not having people constantly coming to see me and pull me away. But then I'm a little bit of a recluse anyway." Jai offered a cute, if sheepish smile.

"What's your job?" Mia picked up her glass of water and sipped at it gently before quickly realizing she might need to append something to the question to make it sound less rude, "If you don't mind me asking..."

"I don't mind at all. I'm a librarian essentially. I take care of all the Inn's books, no matter if they're in my collection in the main room or the other satellite libraries spread out in the small common areas throughout the Inn. I catalog and maintain them, and I'm always on the lookout for new volumes to add to the collection," a silly, happy grin spread across her muzzle, "The boss calls me the Inn's resident Book Wyrm."

The variation on the word was not lost on the red panda, and made her giggle.

"Oh that's clever! I like that! Well, what were you going to read before my breasts captured your attention?" Mia continued inquiring.

"Oh... you probably wouldn't be interested. It's just a silly, trashy romance novel. It just came out a few months ago. This would be my fifth time reading through it. I'm working on translating it into a few different languages." Jai blushed, revealing rather quickly a side of her she usually didn't share.

Most people didn't have much interest in linguistics like she did, especially as it pertained to translating between different languages. Mia only seemed too happy to let her go on.

"Oh wow, you get paid to do that? You must be really good at it!" the red panda smiled and pressed her palms onto the surface of the table.

"I get paid for it, sure, but not by my boss here. I've got a publishing firm that contacts me for translations like this. Really, I'd do it even if I wasn't getting paid. I think it's fun." the dragoness couldn't help but like this girl for taking an interest in her hobby.

"What's the book? You said it was a trashy romance novel. Maybe I've read it!" Mia grinned, beginning to wiggle in her seat.

"Well... it's by this lady, Ally Saurez. She's pretty famous for this kind of stuff. It's called 'The Heart of the Jungle' and... well, it's about a coral snake and a leopard out in the rainforest. One's an archeologist, and the other used to be a botanist. They have this skull made of crystal that they're trying to figure out where it came from," Jai paused and lowered her voice as she looked about briefly, "Also, they're lesbians."

It was odd that she felt it necessary to speak so quietly about it. From what Mia had heard about the Inn, as well as what she had seen in a few places on the tour, no one would be offended by the idea of it. Perhaps she was just embarrassed to admit that she liked pulp novels like that. All it did was make Mia grin wider.

"Sounds like my kind of book! I should read it some time!" the red panda lowered her voice to match Jai's, hoping to keep from letting her get too flustered.

Then the softly golden-scaled lady did something of an about face. She lifted her head from leaning in, smiling brightly, and returned to a more normal speaking level.

"Do you want to come read it with me? We can get our lunch to go and eat in the library!" Jai bounced a little in her seat, making her chest wobble.

Mia didn't miss the fact that her new friend's excitable body language had a similar attention-grabbing effect as her own.

"Sure, sounds like fun if you ask me!" she replied.

"Great! I'll let the waiter know!" the dragoness hopped out of her seat and darted over to the young fellow who had been in charge of that section of tables.

There was a brief conversation between them before Jai wrapped her arms around the young man's hips, pressing her face against his chest in an affectionate gesture. Then, she turned and bounded her way back to Mia.

"Are we all set?" the still seated lady asked.

"We're good. They'll have both our orders brought to the library in about fifteen minutes. C'mon! I'll show you were it is!" Jai took Mia by the hand and started to tug, rushing perhaps a little faster than she intended to towards the exit.

The red panda yelped softly in surprise as she was pulled out of her chair and practically dragged along for the ride. She tried her best to keep up, but this excitable dragon lady was surprisingly strong. The pair navigated the main foyer and hallways beyond, weaving in and out of foot traffic, standing a good deal shorter than the rest of the population. After a quick trip, they arrived in a large, three story room. How the Inn had managed to fit this place in somewhere was a bit of a mystery. But then they were known for having that popular--if difficult--enchantment, to have regions that were bigger on the inside.

The library was stuffed to the gills with books, all neatly arranged and organized on shelves filling almost every wall. A cursory glance suggested there had to be at least a few hundred thousand volumes. And that was just what could be seen. Three levels of balconies lined the walls, with connecting walkways and larger walk-able spaces in the center, no doubt housing even more tomes for perusal. One side of the library was broken up by a number of large, sun-friendly windows that gave the whole room a bright, friendly feel. It was enough to leave Mia in awe.

"Whoa... this... is all yours?" the stunned woman said in a hushed tone.

"Oh no, it's not mine. It all belongs to the Inn. But I take care of it. I get to decide what goes into it and what gets put away or sold. It's not the biggest library in the world, but it's sure the biggest one you can visit in any hotel or resort!" Jai sounded quite proud of that fact.

"Okay, they're not specifically your books. But I would guess you have a personal library? I mean, if you're this into books, how can you not?" Mia walked slowly through the room, drinking it all in as she nearly tripped over an ottoman.

"I've got my own little hoard of books, sure. But that's mostly private and personal stuff. I mix some of it with the Inn's library, but there are certain things that I don't let out of storage. First editions, valuable things that I don't want to risk getting damaged. Come over here. This is my desk where I like to sit and read, especially if I'm doing research or translating something." the dragoness pulled her new friend along.

The two sat down at the large, wooden bureau, absolutely littered with tomes and papers. Right in front of where they sat was a large clean spot, populated only by a hardback novel, open to a page somewhere near the middle, and a two stacks of papers. One stack was blank while the other showed handwriting, though they were turned over, facing down. The writing was vaguely visible through the paper itself.

This was where the 'magic' happened, Jai explained, then rather than folding down the corner of the page she had been on, she picked up a rich, dark brown strap of thin leather and stood it in the center, where the binding would hold it in place. She then turned back to the beginning of the book. There was a brief discussion about what was in the book, then the dragoness offered to read it to her. Mia just grinned and nodded, already too enticed by the description of the story to stop now.

A few pages in, lunch arrived. It was set out on a table designed more for the purpose of eating than working, and Jai quickly moved over to it. She had requested a rice-based dish with carefully prepared fish artfully arranged across the surface of the starchy goodness underneath. It had come in a neat, orderly, and rather ornate box with several divisions for a number of offerings. It was somewhat modest in size, especially compared to the small feast Mia had ordered. There was a joke about needing to 'watch one's figure' the two laughed off and began eating.

It was impressive how much the red panda could put away. Her stomach did show a sizable swell as she ate, listening as Jai read through the romance novel she was so eager to share. When lunch was finished, the dragoness insisted they retire to a more comfortable place to sit and read. It happened to be near one of the large windows, atop a chaise lounge just big enough for two of their stature, perhaps a bit bigger. It took some time before the book got to anything terribly tawdry, but when it got there, it made the jump rather quickly.

Mia squirmed in her seat as she listened, biting her lower lip and playing with the silvery piercings found there, one just off center, the other further off to other side. It didn't take long for the dragoness to look up and notice something 'strange' was happening to her new friend. Jai had certainly enjoyed a certain warming sensation between her thighs, but Mia had gone through something a bit different. The head of a dark, and rather generous spire was poking up from the red panda's tight-fitting pants. But it wasn't just showing against her tummy, it had pushed higher. It had snuck its way up under the girl's shirt until it pushed up between her breasts, revealing just the head. The golden eastern dragon stopped reading and stared for a brief moment.

She wasn't offended or repulsed. She was impressed.

"Well... I'd say you're definitely enjoying the book!" Jai pointed towards the red panda's bust and the symbol of masculinity they had managed to ensnare.

Mia blinked, then looked down. When she saw she was peaking up through her cleavage, she blushed powerfully, giggled, and tried desperately to stuff herself back into her pants. It was a futile gesture, but it was a knee-jerk reaction.

"Oh gosh! I'm sorry! I'm usually better at keeping that hidden!" the flustered lady whimpered as she tried and failed to conceal her erection.

"Don't be sorry. You're enjoying the book. That's good. But how the hell did you manage to hide that monster? I didn't see any kind of bulge in your pants!" Jai laughed, dog-earing the book and putting it down for the moment, since her usual bookmark was otherwise occupied.

The red panda wrapped her arms over her chest, trying to hide her shame as best she could. It was an awkward pose, and it only served to tickle her shaft, making her wiggle further. And that wiggling only exacerbated the problem further.

"It's... um... oh lord. This isn't how I wanted this to go. I didn't want to just whip it out immediately. I'm really sorry for distracting." Mia huffed and whined.

Jai crawled her way over to the blushing girl and leaned in, bumping her nose with Mia's. It forced the dark-haired lady to open her eyes only to see those hazel pools peering back into hers and a huge grin on the yellow dragon's muzzle.

"Can I see it?" she asked quietly.

"Wh-what!?" Mia gasped and backed away, startled by how close the other lady had gotten.

"What? I've already seen part of it. Can I see the rest? It'll make you feel better, I promise." the dragoness leaned back to sit with her foot-paws pressing pad to pad, her hands on her ankles.

"Wh-why would you want to see my... my... my junk?" Mia's cheeks were so bright, they could have glowed.

"Sh?gu?, this is The Treetop Inn. Yours isn't the only one I've seen. And it's mighty impressive, especially for short girls like you and me. But trust me, I've seen bigger. I wanna see it." Jai explained, slipping a little of her native tongue in.

"I'm sorry... wh-what's that? Sha...gwah?" Mia tried to deflect by changing the subject.

"It's a term of endearment. I'm trying to get it popular around here, maybe drum up some interest in international linguistics. It's an affectionate diminutive. You know how some people might say 'you twerp' or things like that? Well, sh?gu? means 'silly melon', like dumb-head. Now lose the pants, you've got me all curious!" the dragoness was not to be deterred, even when diving into her beloved field of discussion.

"I... I kind of... don't want to. Most people... they don't like knowing how big I am." the red panda looked away.

"Here, how about this? I'll get undressed first. I'll show you mine, then you can show me yours. Unfortunately I don't have anything like that between my legs. I'm an 'unadorned' female if you'll excuse the wording." Jai immediately began stripping out of her simple clothing.

It looked like it would have fit Mia easily, and have been just as form fitting and curve-revealing on her as it was on Jai. The golden dragoness tugged her top over her head, revealing her chest, which was comparable to the red panda's, meaning it was large enough that she probably needed a specialty bra to help hold it in place when she wasn't going as casual as she was today. And today was a no bra day. Mia couldn't help but watch, appreciating the dragon lady's figure as she uncovered it.

Jai tossed the shirt away and ran her fingers through her hair. It was mostly pale gold, like her scales, but it had streaks of black running through it, likely dyed highlights. Her tummy and chest was a lovely creamy white, though that did not cover the whole of her bust. The gold wrapped around the outer sides of her bosom, giving it the illusion that it was bigger than it was. Her little antler-like horns offered her no trouble, but her whiskers, thin and long enough to just brush over the top of her breasts, were tugged a bit, making her snuffle as if she were about to sneeze for a moment. She showed no sign of being at all modest about her nudity, and continued on.

The dragoness unfastened her pants, then kicked them off, showing her thick, ample thighs and hips. Her pants had revealed a portion of those, hanging down low enough that a casual glance would have revealed the elastic of her panties, which were now completely visible. They were pink and white, showing a famous feline cartoon character that had been popularized in the far east. Without a second thought, Jai tugged those off and tossed them onto the small pile of clothes she had made. The act allowed Mia a view of her plump, softly glistening vulva. It was beautifully framed between her generous thighs, but she quickly changed posture and coiled her tail around her knees as she crouched on the lounge.

The white fluff that ran down from the base of her neck and along her spine continued down the back of her tail, ending in a slightly larger 'poof' of her mane, giving her a classically eastern dragon appearance. She smiled, then wrapped her arms around her chest just under her bust in an effort to hoist the two very weighty swells up a bit, hoping to entice the red panda.

"There, see? Naked. Now you don't have anything to be nervous about." Jai giggled.

She did actually like showing off a little, but only around those she felt comfortable with. That meant usually just specific members of staff. And other nerds like her. And Mia certainly qualified. The conversation they had shared in between selections from the romance novel had solidified the notion that they were indeed kindred spirits. The still flustered girl had felt a similar bond beginning to form. Right up until her dick decided to pop up and say hello. With a sigh, Mia decided to show Jai the same courtesy. She began undressing.

Her shirt came off first, exposing that she had not bothered to wear a bra either. It also exposed her still rigid member trapped between her breasts. She was generously endowed, much like Jai, and found the removal of the garment to be something of a relief. Now she could breathe a little easier since there wasn't as much compression keeping her uncooperative bust in place. The flash of silvery piercings running through her nipples caught the dragon's attention. She ran her fingers through her messy, shoulder-length hair. She was in possession of dark locks of black with a few highlights of blue. Her member remained trapped where it was, beginning to drool a little. And that member could be seen pressing against her soft, slightly pudgy tummy. It had been a good bit bigger immediately after lunch, but it had shrunk pretty quickly.

Mia unfastened the clasp on her trousers, then slipped the zipper down. As she pulled the garment free, she revealed a pair of dark blue underwear, showing a six letter acronym beginning with a T on the waistband. It made Jai giggle anew as she realized what it was supposed to mean. The Inn wasn't the only thing that was 'bigger on the inside', and that explained how the red panda had kept her secret so well. The visiting lady slipped the boxer briefs off, blushing furiously as she gave Jai a perfect view of her sac, just as equally impressive as the member that had been the cause of all of this. Now completely nude, Mia wrapped her long, red and black striped tail around herself in an effort to cover up a little.

"There, that's mine. Happy now?" her voice was more cutting than really she wanted it to be.

"Oh yes! Very happy! Come get cuddly and we can keep reading. And now you can stretch and spread out when we get to another naughty part. Taraji and Florie aren't done being lewd, trust me!" Jai smiled brightly, rubbing a palm over a spot on the lounge right next to her.

"Really? This doesn't bother you? At all?" Mia asked, genuinely surprised that the dragon was neither disgusted, nor immediately trying to fondle her.

Those were usually the two most common responses. And she did rather like the latter. This composed, restrained reaction wasn't unpleasant though.

"Sh?gu?," Jai dipped her head to peer at the other girl over her glasses, "What did I say earlier? This is The Treetop Inn. Didn't you hear about this place before coming? With something that big, I would guess you came looking for someone who can handle it!"

Mia slowly scooted her way over towards Jai, feeling a bit more comfortable with the dragoness. Her attitude was very disarming. Little did she know that the scaled lady didn't show such ease of mind around everyone, especially so quickly. It helped that they had so much in common.

"I've got a friend who comes here from time to time. She keeps talking about how she needs to come here more often. She's supposedly friends with the owner and his family. She was telling me all about this place," Mia blushed harder and looked away, staring at the floor, "Including how people like to eat one another."

"Oooh," Jai grinned, edging her way a bit closer until their sides bumped against one another, "So you were hoping you'd find someone here who'd like to eat you. Fair enough, that can be arranged if you're interested."

"N-no, n-not really that," Mia squeezed her eyes shut, trembling a little, "I was... actually... curious about what it's like... to eat someone else."

"Oh I do love seeing smaller predators. Especially when they're not a traditionally predatory species. They're so cute when they're stuffed and can't walk. Was there anyone who caught your interest? I can call for someone if you're still hungry," the golden dragon grinned and pressed in close, whispering softly to the adorably flustered girl, "In fact, I'd be happy to offer myself if you'd like."

"W-what!? No! I... I couldn't possibly! I mean... we've only just met!" Mia gasped, but didn't pull away.

She was enjoying the closeness. It was making her start to squirm all over again. She had made no delusions about how she was fond of this scaled girl, both her personality and her very lovely appearance. It was so rare she found someone her size, and not just height. They probably could have traded outfits and seen no real problem. Though Mia would probably have given those cartoon panties so much of a stretch they would likely end up ruined.

"I don't mind. I like you. And you seem to like me," Jai bumped her nose against the red panda's cheek, "But I won't push. If you haven't made the jump to actually wanting to do it yet, then I won't force you to make that jump. It needs to be something you want to do."

"Okay... th-thank you." Mia mumbled as she shivered, deeply enjoying the contact.

"Now, since Miss Saurez's novel has you already so worked up, maybe we should do something about that before we move on with the rest of the book." Jai began to stroke along the lady's exposed length, moving slowly to ease into the attention.

It brought a soft jerk from the girthy thing, too large for Jai to get her hand even halfway around. And it was long enough that Mia could easily have pressed the head into her lips and tended to the matter herself. It wasn't often that Jai allowed herself to indulge in her lecherous side, mainly because she had only begun discovering she had one in the last few years. Which coincided with when she decided to live at the Inn full time. Funny how this place had that effect on people.

"Ooo, that... might be... helpful. But, you'll probably... have to stick to just that, rubbing. Most can't... fit this in them." Mia closed her eyes and leaned in against the dragoness, finding her to be terribly comfortable to cuddle against.

"I'll bet you I can take every bit of it, and then some." Jai smirked, sounding almost proud of that fact.

"It would be one hell of a nice surprise if you could. If you want to try, go ahead, but don't be afraid to stop if it starts to hurt." Mia sighed.

She had gotten too worked up to care much more about protocol or appropriateness, or even that they were still technically in public. The library was open to anyone who wanted to visit. It just so happened that most guests wanted to go out and explore the Inn. Or go back to their rooms and do what the two girls were about to do. Mia had seen nothing about the Inn so far that had left her feeling too uncomfortable about sex to shy away from it. It just took her a little warming up to really get into the mood. And here she had a dragon that could have been her body double wanting to do something for her that most she encountered couldn't.

Why should Mia stop her?

Jai moved to gently lay Mia down on the chaise lounge, using the back for support so that she was still partially upright. A pair of hands rubbed down the full length of that tremendous mast. Lips kissed softly at the head as a curious tongue probed gently at the flesh within reach. It made the red panda twitch and writhe slowly. Jai liked the reaction she was getting from her new friend and climbed to her paws. With careful alignment, she guided the other lady's monster of a member to her groin, took a breath, then began to slowly push down on it.

A soft yelp came forth as the gold dragon's petals were forced to stretch around the wide thing. It wasn't the largest or furthest stretch she had been required to make, but it was certainly a significant one. Her warm, soaked folds glided down over Mia's pulsing rod little by little, taking a glacial pace, even twisting her hips one way, then the other, just to help wedge the girl in further. Coos and gasps passed between the two of them as Jai made progress. Even Mia had to voice her own noises of approval. It wasn't often she found a warm crevice to insert her beastly third leg into. And so far, this dragon was working out pretty well.

Jai crouched lower over the red panda's lap, reaching halfway down the intruding rod. She tilted her head back and made a conscious effort to breathe slow, deep, and even, knowing that it was only going to get more intense. A swell had formed in her softly pudgy abdomen, showing Mia's presence inside her. The grand length had already begun pushing on the far side of her womb, and still it kept going, pushing outward from the dragoness. With a soft thump, Jai dropped herself down to sit in Mia's lap, her shapely bottom resting atop her friend's thighs and knees.

The red panda was in awe, panting softly as she stared at the scaled lady. She had taken all of her, the whole of her magnificent shaft. This truly was a special occasion. It was not at all often she found someone who was not only able, but willing to accept it in its entirety. There was something to this dragon, and she resolved to make sure they stayed in contact at the very least after her vacation was over.

"God I love it when I get stretched like this." Jai moaned happily, just sitting there, adoring the presence of another parting her thighs.

"I... I can't... I can't believe it. You... you took all of it." Mia was breathless, staring up at the dragoness in her lap.

"I told you I could. Now show me what you can do with it." the scaled lady leaned forward, wrapping her arms around the red panda.

She wasn't about to let her new lover say anything else. Their lips met and the golden hued dragoness canted her head to one side, quickly working to lock them together in a deep, passionate, kiss. Her tongue slipped past her lips to seek out Mia's, wanting to further entice and embolden the shy girl to show off her strength. The gesture pulled the red panda from her pool of shyness, drawing a more aggressive side towards the surface. It was a slow build, seeing her hips begin to sway from side to side under the dragon. Then she began to rock towards Jai.

Before the first thrust forced the golden scaled lady to shudder and stiffen, then moan, Mia had already begun to melt out of her timid-ness. She growled quietly and tightened her arms around the lady set upon her. She pumped up into the dragon, making sure she stayed well spread in spite of needing to withdraw. There was enough of her that she could have retreated a great distance and kept Jai occupied, but she didn't want to pull too far away. She just wanted to make sure she had enough run out room to slam back home. Her aggression grew and she began to pump, even pound the lady atop her.

Jai took it all in stride, pressing forward against her lover so that the swell in her tummy would be pinned between them. She could feel every surface, every detail of that incredibly far reaching monster scour her insides, rubbing against every fold, ever nook, every cranny she had, even leaving a hearty film of salty ooze across her walls. It would only make their thrusting easier. And she did thrust back. The dragoness settled in to a pace that didn't quite match Mia's, making sure they were working at odds to one another.

Every time Mia tried to adjust her own tempo to match Jai's, the dragon changed hers, never letting the two of them synchronize. It was a tactic she had learned quite some time ago to prolong the coupling. It was difficult for Mia to make any real progress, frustrating her. But then that was Jai's plan. She wanted to keep the red panda having as hard a time as she could muster. It usually resulted in a stronger reaction when it finally came. And given how well endowed this cute, fuzzy girl was, she probably didn't need any help producing a big result.

Jai was a little greedy though.

Skin rubbed against skin, bringing forth heat and slick, sticky moisture. Mia's fur was quickly soaked, feeling the excess spread further and further across her. There came a copious contribution to the moisture between the two of them as the red panda's member throbbed and drooled, painting the inside of the gold dragon's tummy. It seeped its way down along the monster, working itself out of the scaled lady's petals each time they pulled away from each other. Paws stroked, caressed and fondled whatever was within reach, leaving no part unappreciated. Jai gave one of the luxuriant mounds belonging to the girl under her a firm squeeze. It brought a gasp of delight from her, encouraging the dragoness to continue.

Mia, not to be outdone, reached up with one of her own paws, curled her fingers around the gold and white lady's chest and offered a similar squeeze. Jai's lips parted in a smile and a coo, even going so far as to push herself into that palm so the girl under her could get a better grip. And there was quite a bit there to get a grip on. It was like a curious game of chess, figuring out where to move and how to strike before the other could. The question was who would claim victory?

The two lost track of time as they rolled and swayed against one another. Jai eventually gave up trying to keep their efforts separate, slowly settling into a pace that saw them gliding against one another in unison. She had held off as long as she could, feeling the powerful ache between her thighs demanding she just let it happen already. She wouldn't ignore the urge this time, bouncing her hips atop Mia's with gradually increasing speed.

The friction that came with their work to combine efforts made both ladies shudder powerfully. They could have lingered like that for ages, but their bodies simply wouldn't let them. Mia especially. She had been more worked up than the dragoness, having never before read the book that triggered their current state of play.

She had a shorter trip to the peak of the mountain. And Jai had realized that. She had been working so hard to delay arrival so they could enjoy one another's contact that much longer. It hadn't been meant as mischief, but as kindness.

"However much you've got to give... I want it all!" the dragoness cried out.

Mia, no longer strong enough to restrain herself, jabbed her hips forward, sinking as deep into the gold lady's body as she could. Jai squeezed herself down against the red panda, her breath leaving her in the process. And then it came, the deluge, the flood both had worked so hard to bring upon themselves. The first gush fired forth like a fire hose. The dragon's belly deformed to show its force, then swelled as the copious blast pooled inside her. The second followed only seconds later, adding to the short lady's girth. Her stomach expanded rapidly, forcing her to lean back as it pushed her away from Mia.

The red panda trembled and sent her voice echoing through the library as it began, but the instant Jai began to swell, the dragon's scream drowned her out. Petals clenched around intruder, sealing tight. Nectar soaked both pairs of thighs as the dragoness was quickly overcome by orgasm. And still her stomach grew. It bulged and swelled until her lovely, weighty bust was hoisted up by her expanding abdomen. Jai threw her arms back behind her for support, keeping her from tipping all the way down.

The steady pulsing of the beast jammed inside her continued, stealing away the breath of both ladies. And it lasted for several glorious moments. For the whole of the duration, neither could think of anything but their joyous climax. It pushed all other thought out. But slowly, inevitably, their more rational minds returned. Mia was the first to regain some sense of self. She had allowed so drastic a loss of thought into the moment that she had forgotten to say anything to Jai of what to expect.

"Oh... oh god! I'm... I'm sorry! I didn't warn you! Are you okay!?" Mia shouted as she gripped at the bloated, creamy-white belly in front of her.

The act brought a strong jerk from the dragoness and a happy noise that wasn't quite a groan.

"I'm glad you didn't! I love surprises!" Jai sighed, finally able to capture some of her breath again, "I'm better than okay! Good lord, it isn't often I get a good filling like that but when I get it, oh it's marvelous!"

"Are you sure? You look... like you're about to pop." Mia whimpered.

"Mmm, don't worry about me. It'll take a lot more than that to make me burst. But... ooo, I think I need to take a breather." the dragoness shivered as she felt the monster still inside her twitch strongly.

"Okay, I'll let your rest." the red panda began trying to drag herself back, to retreat from the gold and white lady's grasp.

Jai immediately locked her ankles behind the other girl's back, making it impossible to pull away or draw even a fraction of her still throbbing member out of the heated lake of seed in her belly.

"Uh-uh, no ma'am! You're not going anywhere! You're leaving that right where it is! I just... need a change in position." she grunted as she unlocked her ankles, then began trying to turn herself about.

The act made her gasp and shiver. The long, broad, dark intruder turned inside her as she moved, flesh dragging against flesh, sending all manner of ridiculously powerful sensations up her spine. But, eventually, the dragoness had managed to spin herself about. She straddled Mia like she had earlier, but now facing the other direction. Her task completed, Jai flopped back against the red panda and sighed happily. She even reached behind her to pull the flustered girl's arms around her.

"You really want to just leave it in there? You're not sore or anything?" the red panda was in awe of the lady's endurance, and willingness to continue to endure.

"Yeah, no better place for it. So long as you keep it in there, you can't make a big sticky mess all over my books." Jai snickered, bringing one of Mia's hands to her lips to kiss it tenderly.

This was a lady who should not have been physically able to handle what Mia kept hidden away in her space-bending boxer briefs. And yet she had. And she had ended up looking as though she were expecting a litter of a dozen, and had been for over a year. In spite of all of that, she wanted to continue feeling that mast trapped between her thighs, and was enjoying it. She was intelligent, nerdy, easily excited, and not afraid to engage in deeply intimate acts so quickly and easily. On top of that, Mia thought she was rather cute.

The red panda tightened her arms around her new friend, then reached out with one hand to massage the vast, sloshing belly that would no doubt reach Jai's knees if she were standing.

"Alright, just let me know if you want it out of you. But, what are we gonna do while we're stuck like this?" Mia tilted her head, then dropped her chin to rest on the dragon's shoulder.

"I say we keep reading. You're only about a third of the way through the book. And now, if you get the urge, you can just start humping. No need to worry about wardrobe malfunctions." Jai reached down to one side, groping blindly for a moment.

There came a soft rush of wind, surprising Mia, then the dragoness lifted her hand back up, holding the novel they had been enjoying. Had that wind brought the tome into her hands? It was something she might want to ask about later. For now, they had more trashy romance novel to read.

The rest of the day passed much as expected. The two girls kept reading their book. Each time one of them ended up well aroused by it, they used the other to tend to their need. Usually, it resulted in Jai getting swollen further. But she never once complained. If anything, she had wanted to see just how much Mia could pump into her. And she had been able to hold quite a lot. As they read, it became clear that they needed to change position again, so they rolled over onto their sides, letting the dragon's belly sag over the edge of the lounge.

When at last the book was finished, Jai clapped it shut and hugged it to her chest, then gave a dreamy little sigh. She adored the book. But then she had come to love any story that had a pair of ladies expressing their undying affection for one another amidst a host of tawdry happenings. The mystery adventure was just icing on the cake. Mia confessed that she had enjoyed it as well, cuddling strongly against the well swollen noodle lady. The two laid together as they watched the last few dying rays of the sun end up concealed behind the distant mountains.

Dinner was ordered, and while Mia blushed terribly when the wait staff brought their food, it was thoroughly enjoyed by both ladies, all without separating. Jai was not about to let the red panda escape. She knew she had only so much time she could get from her, and so she was going to soak it all up if she could manage it. Eventually, after a long, pop-culture heavy conversation, both fell victim to fatigue and decided to simply call it a night. Sleep claimed them both quickly, happily embracing one another.

They didn't even move from where they were curled up together.

When the morning finally came, Mia woke first, briefly forgetting she had ended up still impaled on the dragoness in her arms atop the surprisingly comfortable chaise lounge in Jai's library. What she struggled with came quickly as she sobered. Two things puzzled her. First, they had watched the sun set. Now she could see the sun rising. From the same window. That couldn't possibly be. The second mystery was what had happened to Jai's stomach. It had been so grand it hung down off the edge of the lounge, almost touching the ground. Now, it was as trim as it had been prior to their fun. Which meant it was a comfortable, soft pudge much like Mia's, with a large, long bulge pushing out of her.

"What the hell is going on?" the red panda yawned.

"Morning," Jai replied, sounding terribly groggy, "Everything alright? You sound confused."

"The sun's rising in the same place that it set. And what the hell did you do with everything I poured into you?" Mia mumbled, not entirely awake enough to keep from slurring her words.

"Oh, the sun. Right. The library moves. It stays on the side of the Inn that can see the sun. So, you watch the sunset in the evening, and you watch the sunrise in the morning. Natural light is the best light to read by." the dragoness wiggled her hips, enjoying the toe-curling rush that shot up her spine when the giant rod inside her dragged against the interior of her belly.

"Okay, not going to lie, that's pretty cool. But... what about your gut? Where did -it- move to?" the red panda ran one of her paws over the gold lady's middle, quietly adoring the feeling of still being inside her.

"Mmm, well... that's a more complicated answer. Let's just say it went away. If you decide to stick around longer, maybe I'll get into what that means. For now," Jai sat herself up, then turned herself around like she had the previous day, then laid down to face her lover, "I think I'd like to spend the morning getting to know you a little better."

Mia shuddered, letting out a quiet moan as she felt the dragon turn around on her member, then wrapped her arms back around her once again in a tight embrace. Oh she was deeply enjoying her stay at the Inn so far.

"Okay, what do you want to know about me?" the red panda asked, unable to keep from smiling as they pressed together, chest to chest.

"I'd like to know what the inside of your mouth tastes like." the dragoness said quite bluntly.

She had a habit of being extremely direct. Some appreciated it. Some did not. Mia was decidedly in the former group, because as soon as the question was answered, their lips were pressed against one another. Just as the scaled girl had expressed wanting to explore, she slipped her tongue through to lick about within her lover's maw. It was a quick jump, not even trying to build up slowly to it. Instead, Jai just dove headlong into what she wanted.

The pair clung to one another as they kissed, deeply pleased with how easy it was for them to feel comfortable around each other. Mia had been too shy to try and approach anyone. Jai usually kept to her own except with those she already knew. And yet, the two of them had already become lovers within hours of meeting. Maybe it could lead to something more. Surely it was to be a powerful friendship at the very least.

Jai lifted her paws, cupping them against the red panda's cheeks, holding the two of them in place so they couldn't pull away, even to surface for air. She wanted to stay there, learn this fuzzy lady's body as best she could. And then came a grumble, low, and rather obvious. The dragoness recognized it immediately. Someone was hungry, and it wasn't her. She grinned, remembering what had been lightly discussed just before they had taken to ruining each other. In the back of her mind, she began to fantasize about the hungry girl just opening her mouth and eating her right up.

Mia meanwhile was letting her conscious mind take a back seat. She was enjoying throwing herself into the moment with Jai, largely because she inexplicably felt so comfortable around her. The act of kissing so deep and passionate forced her higher reasoning below the surface, and her lust bubbled up to take its place. When her stomach growled, it took only a short jump to connect the two. And Jai got her wish.

The red panda tightened her grasp around the dragon's waist, absolutely delighted at the feeling of another girl her shape and size pressed against her. It brought a quiet gasp from the gold-scaled woman, forcing their kiss to break. That was when Mia made her move. Without opening her eyes, or even realizing what she was doing, she yawned her jaws wide and pushed forward over Jai's muzzle. There came a yelp of surprise, but that quickly faded to a happy crooning that was swiftly muffled by flesh. The first swallow came only moments later. It pulled the dragon's head completely in, giving the hungry lady an opportunity to properly savor her meal's flavor.

Jai had a curious, subtle taste about her, mildly sweet with a light salty note. It reminded the red panda of the simple rice and fish meal the dragon had enjoyed for lunch yesterday. And it prompted another gulp. This dragged Jai's shoulders into the first-time predator's jaws. Her neck bulged as her friend's head stretched her out quite a bit. All those times she had serviced others with similarly endowments had proven helpful. She wasn't feeling the need to gag in the slightest. Her stomach growled louder, demanding to be given its breakfast, and Mia complied.

The next swallow was a big one, dragging Jai's breasts into the warm, hot, moist grip of her mouth. Her tongue lashed greedily at the two orbs, each roughly the size of the girl's head--perhaps a bit bigger--making their owner wriggle about gleefully. A happy giggle sounded in Mia's throat, just behind her own impressive bust. Something about this felt so right to the red panda. She wasn't in her right mind so none of the usual thoughts were clouding her judgment. She just wanted to eat.

A labored 'gulck' sounded throughout the room and Jai's breasts were sunk into the waiting gullet beyond. By now, her head had reached the angry, empty stomach below. It rumbled again, dissatisfied with what little it had received so far. It wanted more. And more it would have. Unfortunately, with how far Mia had come, she was slipping out of the inviting grasp of the dragon's folds. Her shaft, glistening with the gold lady's moisture, slowly escaped, little by little. It was a necessary evil in order to enjoy such a scrumptious morsel.

Mia's figure, already well familiar with being stretched and filled due to her gluttony, was tested against a new variant of it now, bulging with the shapely form of a beautiful dragoness she had made love to the night before. She swallowed, bringing Jai's hips into her mouth just as her member slid free with a wet bounce against the lounge. Those petals slowly closed back up, but didn't remain closed for long. The inquisitive tongue delved between Jai's thighs and examined her thoroughly. What the red panda found delighted her. A loud, satisfied 'mmm' surrounded the dragoness as she lavished the folds she had been stretching until just seconds prior.

Jai began thrashing about, furiously trying to grind her hips down against that invading organ. She bit back a scream as she tried to free up her paws enough to fondle her own chest. As it had taken only a short walk for her to bring Mia to climax the day before their first time, so too did it take Mia only a short while to receive a splash of sweet, slightly sticky nectar from her dragon meal. The red panda tilted her head up and swallowed hard. The hips and rounded rump of her lover descended into her gullet, leaving only the lightly kicking legs and a long stretch of tail. Gravity would help finish the job.

Only a light swallow from time to time was necessary. The book-loving dragon spilled into her guest's stomach easily enough, feeling her knees wrapped up in the hot, humid world she was destined to remain in, at least for a while. Her feet passed, giving her cause to curl her toes again, and she was gone, all but a short length of her tail and the white fluff at the end. It was then that Mia began to emerge from her trance-like state. She huffed and groaned, holding her heavy, lumpy gut. She blinked seeing the tuft of white fur protruding from her mouth. Before she could try to take hold of it with her hands, it slipped in and disappeared down her throat.

A powerful belch shook the lounge and a few stacks of books nearby. Mia flopped onto her back against the supporting head of the couch. What had she just done? And why did she feel so bloated? So stuffed? Oh she could not stand how full she was, and how absolutely glorious it felt. When she finally felt the motion of the girl she had crammed down her throat, she blinked, realizing everything she had just done.

"Oh no! Jai! Jai I'm sorry! I... I don't know what came over me! I'll... I'll figure out a way to get you out! I promise!" she shouted at her gut, terrified that she had stepped over some sort of boundary.

But the sounds of rapt bliss that warbled up from her belly suggested that perhaps it wasn't as bad as it seemed.

"No! Don't! Own it! Mmm, I loved it! I want you to do that with your tongue again the next chance you get! God it was amazing!" the dragoness cried out happily.

She had shoved a paw down between her thighs, determined to enjoy at least one more orgasm before tiring herself out. The other fondled one of her breasts, all while she pushed and stretched out against the thick, gurgling chamber trying to squeeze and compress in against her. The red panda had a very greedy, possessive tummy it turned out.

Mia burped again, quieter this time, and groaned. She had come to the Inn to see if she might be able to sample being a predator, since Talash had made it sound so very appealing. And here she was, indulging in that very act with her new girlfriend. They could call each other girlfriends, even if there wasn't a serious commitment behind it. They had been so intimate with one another, they might as well be.

"Oh god... Jai... I've... I've never been so full! I feel like I'm gonna pop!" the girl huffed, still holding her writhing, churning gut.

"That's how it should feel! Enjoy it! I'll keep struggling as long as I can! Just enjoy your breakfast trying to fight to get out of your grasp, and enjoy knowing that she can't!" Jai shouted back, her voice rather heavily muffled, and joined by a loud gurgle from all around her.

"Ugh... fuck it. I can't stand it." Mia grunted, then moved her hands.

One slipped to her chest, fondling the weighty, wobbling swell of her breast. The other gripped at her still rigid shaft. It had tried to soften up for a moment, then stiffened right back up, almost painfully erect with so much motion in her tummy. She stroked herself hard and fast, not caring how much of a mess she made on herself. She had eaten someone for breakfast, and she was loving being pushed beyond what she thought her capacity was. There was discomfort, but it wasn't strong, and something about that gentle belly-ache only made it all the better. It was a reminder of what she had done.

Mia's stomach gurgled again, loud enough to be heard from outside the library, and she loosed another belch. Her member twitched about and showered her in sticky white. It hadn't taken much at all. That was how much she found herself enjoying having a belly full of Jai. And even though she had managed to peak, she couldn't stop pleasuring herself. It was going to be a very sticky, very messy morning. And she had no idea how long she was going to get to keep her girlfriend right where she was.

But she was eager to find out.

--I came to the Inn on the suggestion of a friend of mine. She explained to me that it was a great place to indulge in as much gluttony as you could handle. And she was right. I met this cute, nerdy lady who takes care of the Inn's library and we hit it off within seconds. That's Numberwang! And then she let me eat her for breakfast. It wasn't what I had planned on, it just sort of happened. Now I'm laying here, stuffed to the gills, hardly able to move, and I cannot believe how much I love it. I'll be coming back to snack on Jaiying again, that's for sure! Five stars!--