Forgiven. .:~ short story ~:.

Story by DB-T on SoFurry

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Walking down the highway, a husky drank from a plastic

bottle before stuffing it back into his pack. A heat

haze coated the road ahead and behind him. Panting, he

came to a halt at the end of town, standing next to

the bright orange TransWA bus-stop. Collapsing under

the shade of a sparsely foliaged gum-tree, he bit his

lip, fighting back tears. He sat there for several

minutes before he noticed someone running up the road

towards him, calling his name. Clenching his fists, he

turned his back on the figure. A paw grasped his

shoulder and spun him around to face a wolf from his

high-school. They stared at each other for several

seconds before the wolf sank to his knees in front of

the husky.

I'm sorry...... I'm so god damn sorry......

The wolf clutched at the huskies shirt as he began to

sob. Tears stinging his eyes, the husky cupped the

wolfs chin and drew him up. Looking into the wolf's

eyes, he gently pressed his lips against the others.

I forgive you.

Authors note. Just a quick short story. If people are genuinely interested in me developing a story, please comment.